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Easy way to do this is to use the Spider Jam itself.  Jam files are very useful for editing on the Spider Jam.  Say you make several layers and you save them as a wav.  That's it then, no more editing is possible because the amp 'mixed' all of your tracks into a mono wave file.

However, as a jam file, if you change your mind about a layer, you can delete it and re-do it.  For me, instead of copying files onto my sd card (you have convert them to mono wavs anyhow), I just play the file while having the line out from pc into the cd input and just copy it and save it to either the sd card or internal memory. It auto saves it as a jam file, but the option is there to save as it as a wave file.

The Spider Jam is NOT a home studio's just a very good tool to capture ideas and save them cleanly.  I have used Cool Edit Pro (got a freebie from a buddy) and while it is older, it is very good for making home recordings......good enough for a demo cd even. 

I have not done anything on guitar/recording for a few years now, but am thinking again 'bout doing something.  I'll have to experiment, but for now, I don't see any real need for a jam2wave converter.  The amp itself does a good job for that purpose.  Just a bit more time consuming to play & copy files.

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