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Spider Jam vs Amplifi


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Hey guys. Im trying to decide between purchasing a Spider Jam (used) or an Amplifi 30. Both amps are awesome, & each have great features. The main differences are that the Amplifi has a bigger selection if tracks & tones/effects available, while the Jam has built in recording/looping & more power. (I don't jam out of the house currently (dang it!) & not playing gigs, I also have an RP355 and recording capability as well as so those differences are negligible). The Bluetooth function of the Amplifi is also really cool, as is the tone matching feature. (I presume that you can save matched tones as presets). Any thoughts? I'm going to duplicate this post on the Amplifi section as well.

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I would have both... but a technological improvement could be a good reason to decide for AMPLIFi. It's a really hard choice.

I'm a Spider Jam owner and I'm not pretty sure about buy an AMPLIFi to change my SJ. Drum tracks are really amazing. Good luck (buy both!)...

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Well I went with an Amplifi 75 (GC had a great price on 1). Lack of a looper is a bother, however it looks like I can feed direct into a DAW program via USB. GC also gives 45 days to return stuff. so I have some time to change my mind.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So after playing around with the Amplifi for a week, I traded it in for the jam. I have to say it was a dang good decision!!. The amplifi is cool, & has some neat tech behind it.  However I just like the jam better!  The quick recording, endless looping & built in backing/drum tracks make it perfect for what I'm doing right now.

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