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Problem With Fx100


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Hi, i own a Amplifi Fx100 pod, i started using it 5 days ago and last night while i was jaming with my band mates i switched from A preset (have a volume control on the the expression pedal from 80% to 100%) to C preset (have a delay mix control) on my board, and the volume goes to 0, everything was muted, even if i choose the D preset still Muted.

The only solution i found is to go to the A preset, press the expression pedal and then go back to the C preset.

What's going on? Is this a firmware bug?

I'ts hard to trust to the unit for using it in live performance if this things usually happends.

Hope anyone have any idea of what's going on.



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No the pedal is enabled on all effects.  It doesn't happend again since i calibrate the expression pedal, but it's al little confusing how it works when you change an effect, like the FX100 does not respect the current position of the expression pedal and the volume is set to whatever the pod wants.

Thank you for your answer.



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  • 8 months later...

Hi Maxi.


I hope you've found an answer to this, but just in case you haven't. Have you checked that you didn't have the expression pedal volume off i.e. pedal up not flat, when you

saved the pre-set. 


I did this by mistake once when swapping a sound to another patch with the volume pedal off and the panic was setting in when I didn't get any volume when

I returned to the sound later and it took me a while to figure out what was going on.


Only a small point but not obvious as most volume pedals I've used keep the volume tset to whatever the actual pedal is set to rather than a patch setting

irrespective of where the actual pedal is. Bit nuts, but you get used to it.




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