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HD500-> L2T volume factor in constructing tones for playing live?


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Hey people!


I'm a die-hard tube amp guy that's finally taking the plunge. I bought my HD500 a couple of years ago, gave it a quick go and decided the learning curve was way too steep and put it in the closet. As age creeps in, I decided that it was time to pay my dues and figure this out, simply due to the fact that my half stack rig and pedalboard was just too heavy to haul around any more on a regular basis. I've spend the past few weeks combing the forums for info, trying to learn the ins and outs of my HD500 and have had decent luck creating new patches with headphones. I have an L2T ordered, so equipment-wise, I should be good to go. My question is, with this FRFR rig I'll soon have, how much is the volume I create my patches with a factor? I do realize the room makes a huge difference in the sound, but there's really no way I can get around that. With my old half stack, house volume couldn't come close to creating the actual sound I'd get with the volume cranked to performance level, so I'd have to do most of my tone tweaking at rehearsal, which doesn't set too well with the other band members when you're paying for the space by the hour. I'm a pedal addict, so this would happen on a regular basis. Is the HD500 ->L2T as sensitive to volume? I'll be able to get pretty loud at home, just not at performance levels. I'm just trying to figure out how many different things I'm going to have to compensate for when constructing my tones. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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I have an JTV-HD500-L3m rig. The L3 replaced my Marshall tube amp. When I first plugged in the L3 my old HD500 patches needed a bit of work to sound the same as through the Marshall but surprisingly little....a bit of EQ pretty much did it. You may need to do a bit more tweaking than I had to as I was only running the power amp of the Marshall. Volume wise the only thing to bear in mind is that at low volumes you won't get as much perceived bass as at gigging volumes (Fletcher-Munson effect) so you'll probably have to roll off some of the bottom end to compensate if you're creating your patches at home.


Apart from that it's all good!

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Everyone has a different opinion on this. It mostly depends on your tweaking ability and how finicky you are about your tone. What type of music you play will also influence it. Cleans tend to sound more similar at different volumes than overdriven/distorted tones. You should be able to dial in what you want fairly quickly, since the speakers are designed to work with the Pod. Throw $20 at your band mates to cover the rehearsal time you're "wasting"and tell them to stfu while you get your stuff dialed in. It's better for all of you in the long run.


Short answer: yes, tweak at gig levels.


Hey people!


I'm a die-hard tube amp guy that's finally taking the plunge. I bought my HD500 a couple of years ago, gave it a quick go and decided the learning curve was way too steep and put it in the closet. As age creeps in, I decided that it was time to pay my dues and figure this out, simply due to the fact that my half stack rig and pedalboard was just too heavy to haul around any more on a regular basis. I've spend the past few weeks combing the forums for info, trying to learn the ins and outs of my HD500 and have had decent luck creating new patches with headphones. I have an L2T ordered, so equipment-wise, I should be good to go. My question is, with this FRFR rig I'll soon have, how much is the volume I create my patches with a factor? I do realize the room makes a huge difference in the sound, but there's really no way I can get around that. With my old half stack, house volume couldn't come close to creating the actual sound I'd get with the volume cranked to performance level, so I'd have to do most of my tone tweaking at rehearsal, which doesn't set too well with the other band members when you're paying for the space by the hour. I'm a pedal addict, so this would happen on a regular basis. Is the HD500 ->L2T as sensitive to volume? I'll be able to get pretty loud at home, just not at performance levels. I'm just trying to figure out how many different things I'm going to have to compensate for when constructing my tones. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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A good bit of advice I found on some thread on TGP about working around FM (applicable for any modeller thru FRFR), was to tweak a full gig volume or even slightly louder, because the worst that happens when you turn down is that it will appear to lose a little bit of top (i.e. become warmer) and some of the low end power.  Tweaking at a lower volume and when you turn up the highs can become harsh and fatiguing and the low-end overpowering resulting in a rubbish sound that can disappear in the mix.

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Thanks to all three of you for your replies. It's appreciated. My L2T still hasn't come from Sweetwater yet :angry: , but once it comes, I think I'll get my tones good at house volume, then pay for an hour of studio time right before our rehearsal and tweek them at full volume there. That way, it's my dime and I won't hear anything about it from my band members. Thanks all for giving me a game plan.

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