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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2018 in all areas

  1. I never had any trouble with the old forum SW. I forget what reason they gave for switching, but I gotta wonder....there's dozens of brands of forum SW out there, how did L6 wind up with the absolute WORST forum SW I've ever seen? I'd insert a banging-my-head-on-the-wall emoji here, but......
    1 point
  2. Yep, it’s been going on for months. For a while I thought it was the fault of the “go to topic listing” link in the lower left, but it will also sometimes kick me out if I return to the Helix sub-forum via other paths and sometimes when I refresh. Once signed out, i can usually sign back in by clicking the “sign in” link; however, it often takes more than one click. I’ve done it up to nine times in a row before it responds. Thus defying the classic definition of insanity!
    1 point
  3. Tone, unwanted harmonics, sustain,... How you use it, please share your parametric EQ settings and eventual tricks I have a 5 ranges parametric EQ, any suggestion?
    1 point
  4. I agree you have my vote. Have been needing this for a while.
    1 point
  5. I see this is an older topic but It would be nice to at least be able to mimic a piano/organ/cello ect… with the helix. Some songs we do have some small parts that this would be great for. Has anyone seen any update info if this will ever happen. or a place I can cast a vote.
    1 point
  6. Throw the optical tremolo on the last block of all of your patches, just before the looper if you use one. Put the optical trems top two parameters (something like depth and speed, or maybe its rate and intensity) at setting level 1 and setting level 1 don't mess with the level (3rd parameter) This will make your audio output come to live like real tube amps with Real trem circuits do Try it out Thank me later
    1 point
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