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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2021 in all areas

  1. That's so great to hear it's working for you! This is really just a big hack, but for the time being one of the easiest user fixes. Fiddler manipulates the secured HTTPS connection and uses a new encryption certificate for its communications. But it's not trusted yet, or rather the certification authority (who created the certificate, in this case some internal Fiddler authority) is unknown/untrusted. After going to Options and selecting Decrypt HTTPS traffic we are able to create, install and trust these general Fiddler certificates. After that you can disable this option again. Thanks for taking the time to create a video. jinxjinxsen is fine, just tell them to create support tickets that link to this thread. :-) Be aware that, most likely, you need to delete the certificate first in order to show this step in your video. Click on start, type in "certmgr.msc" and run it with ENTER. After opening this administrative tool, navigate to "Trusted Root Certification Authorities / Certificates" and search for an entry called something like "DO_NOT_TRUST_FiddlerRoot" and delete it. Now you should be ready to go again.
    2 points
  2. Need a visible way to know if a preset has snapshots? The camera icon is there but hard to read for us older guys... so... I name presets that have snapshots with a +X after the end of the name --> +2, +3, +4 --> makes it easy to know whether a preset has snaps in use, and how many of course...
    1 point
  3. There is a kind of cool feature in the 'File' menu in HX Edit named 'Extract Files From Backup'. This command will allow you to go back to a previous backup and extract the individual presets from any of your setlists. That means if you just need a specific preset(s) from an old backup/setlist but never extracted the presets individually you can still go back and get to it easily. Ever wanted to go back to a previous firmware's backup and see all the Factory presets? Now you can. You can also use it to make additional backups of all your presets individually before every firmware upgrade. Something I always do out of an abundance of caution. This allows you to rescue a setlist that isn't loading from your previous backup by using it to extract all your presets from a setlist in that backup and load them individually until you figure out what is breaking when you try to load that setlist. If you just leave all your setlists checked the 'Extract Files From Backup' command will create multiple separate directories(on your hard drive, not on your device) under your backup directory. Each directory named for each setlist with all of your presets extracted there individually. It also extracts your IRs and Favorites if you leave those checkboxes selected. Btw, it is noninvasive in that it does not overwrite any presets/IRs you have loaded on your HX device(at least not so far in my testing) so feel free to experiment with it. It even prompts you when the process completes with the link to open the directory where your presets have been extracted. Nice! I did notice at least two bugs in this utility but they are not showstoppers. Don't know whether everyone will observe the same bugs that I did as my setlists are now almost six years old and have been through every firmware upgrade. Maybe this utility is more bug-free on setlists full of presets created only with newer firmware versions? One bug is that it does not seem to be working consistently if you just try to extract only one setlist. When you do that you may just get an empty directory with a file named "info.txt". Or, you may get a proper extraction but depending on which setlist you selected you may get additional setlist extractions that you did not select. The workaround is to just leave all the checkboxes checked and extract all the setlists. This seems to work properly. The second bug is quite minor. For some reason some of the empty presets named (by default) 'New Preset' don't seem to follow the naming convention properly and just end up as files named with only the preset number. I suspect this could be related to if the slots for those blank presets were previously populated and then had a blank "New Preset" copied back to them, but I am not sure. Again, not a showstopper but a consistency bug nonetheless. I will list the bugs over in the bugs topic so hopefully others can confirm them but overall this is a very handy capability in HX Edit that I had not used previously, nor did I find it documented in the 'HX Edit Pilot's Guide' or any firmware's release notes. If it proves reliable(Update: currently it is not, see bug two posts down) and I am assuming it will 'Extract Files From Backup' provides a much easier method of backing all your presets up individually into their own directories. That is something I have always done before a firmware upgrade by creating a directory for each of my setlists(I eventually set up a blank directory template on my hard drive for this) and then going through each setlist individually, highlighting all my presets at once and clicking 'Export'. A real PITA. This however turns backing up all your presets as individual files, sorted into directories named after their respective setlists, into a hassle-free single click affair. It also executes and completes shockingly fast. I like it, a lot!
    1 point
  4. Yeah, this also worked for me!I just put it to minimize to tray so I don't see it on my taskbar and it works flawlessly! Line6 needs to hire @jinxjinxsen for tech support!
    1 point
  5. Ahhhh. I've only had it about two weeks now, and hadn't even explored the stock presets completely. I thought there was more available in 2, but that is proof of how much I pay attention haha Nooooooooo, this thing does WAY more than I ever fathomed a pedal could do. I can't believe there are as many as there are as-is! It just seemed a little odd to stop at 23C vs 23D or 24D. But, like I mentioned to @phil_m, I'm still wet behind the ears. Thanks for the pointer to Malhavok's site. I love finding information like that, seeing how a piece of gear has evolved over time. I wish he'd kept going into the latest FWs though. Sweetwater shipped my Helix with 3.0, and I installed the 3.10 just the other day. I think the particular patch I'm looking for went with the update, Nine Inch Pills. It's fun to toy with after wearing myself out practicing. And DI's right, factory presets are fun to play with, but rarely any good to perform with. I got my first bass pedal a year ago, a B3n, and it's the same case there; all but two patches are useless live, and even those two needed some good tweaking to get the tone I wanted. I've already pulled a boatload of presets from the CustomTone area and have a couple that I'm settling into and polishing up for my setup. Thanks so much to both of you for the info!
    1 point
  6. And...... you told me you have the MG2 as well and never got it to use well, so here’s your chance ;-)
    1 point
  7. Sorry my post wasn’t clear enough: the .pdf/hlx file was from the midi guitar 2 forum (there it’s not possible to send .hlx files, over here I obviously didn’t need to do the .pdf conversion) And yes you’re right: it all makes it more confusing.... But for me it made all a bit more clearer (when using midi guitar 2, together with helix one day I’ll know how to choose the best way...... ;-)
    1 point
  8. Hi, I keep saying that I will stop doing this, but here we go again. Once more from the top! Firstly go to the "DOWNLOADS" menu at the top of this page and from "-ALL HARDWARE-" select HELIX then go to the "-ALL SOFTWARE-" menu item and select HX EDIT, now select your Windows system from under the "-ALL OS-" tab, the click “GO”. From the next page you can select HX Edit 3.10 for your HELIX. Then you will also need the Firmware 3.10 Flash Memory. On the page you will find the Line 6 Updater version 1.20 - you will need this too. Download all these items to your computer and note where they are. Then: Disconnect the USB cable connecting your Helix to the computer. Boot the unit into "Safe Boot" (Update Mode) - switch off the Helix, press and hold Footswitch FS6 and FS12 (MODE + TAP to the right) then power up your Helix. Reconnect the Helix to the computer, preferably trying a different port than before. Don’t use a USB hub - some ports on the front of a PC can function as a hub. Launch the latest Line 6 Updater, and ensure that HX Edit is not open and running - in fact try not to have any other applications running in the background as this may interfere with the update. If the unit connects, attempt to reinstall the firmware - Select "Offline Mode". Your Helix hardware unit and current firmware version should now show up in the window, click on the dark green coloured band and you should now have the option to select a local file - point it at the Flash Memory file you downloaded and let it get on with the update. If the unit does not connect, close Line 6 Updater, connect to a different USB port on the computer, preferably with a different USB cable as well, and relaunch Line 6 Updater. If the unit then connects, reinstall the firmware as above. If the unit does still not connect, please try a different computer. You can also try to reset your Helix, does it still show the resetting message? If so, switch off the Helix, press and hold Footswitch FS9 and FS1 then switch on your Helix again. No guarantees are given or implied, you do this at your own risk. If it doesn’t work, raise a ticket with Customer Support. Hope this helps/makes sense.
    1 point
  9. Here you go: In search bar at the top 'search ideas) type in Pod Go and i've already posted a number of ideas inc DSP info so please vote for anything you like (don't duplicate as it dilutes what Line 6 sees). Here's the link to DSP Info: Here's the link to DSP info: Here's the link to DSP info:
    1 point
  10. The unmatched request passthrough checkbox allows all other web request to leave your computer. Please test something: With Fiddler CLOSED (or the Enable rules checkbox unticked) open a browser and go to Please be careful to type it in as shown above. You should get something from Google: 404. That’s an error. The requested URL / was not found on this server. That’s all we know. We don't want to see this, so now OPEN Fiddler or check Enable Rules again. To make sure the new settings apply, please open another browser window and try to open again. You should now get a small text response, something like This is a simple Fiddler-returned <B>HTML</B> page. If this is the case, it is working as intended and Spider V Remote should work. However, if it is not the case, please go back to Fiddler, go to Options/Preferences on the top menu (I think it was somewhere under Tools). Now there should a new window with a tab called HTTPS. Open it and there ist the second (?) checkbox called something about Decrypt HTTPS traffic. Check it, accept any messages coming up regarding new certificates and close the window. Maybe i did that first to debug this issue and later on disabled it again, because it was not needed anymore, but it should work without it. (Some technical information regarding this: It will allow Fiddler to pretend to be any webserver you are accessing and decrypt data in order to inspect it. Afterwards, it will encrypt the data again and send it to the appropiate webserver. As this is "fiddling" with the encrypted connection and could lead to all sorts of warnings in the browser this is generally not expected to be done by normal users. Please avoid browsing to other webpages other than while this option is enabled. This is why it's just a very temporary workaround) Please go back to your browser, reload and check if you can see the small Fiddler HTML site. If you can see it, Spider V Remote should work. If not, there seems to be another issue on your system. PS: In your Test window you typed in This is not the correct URL to test for as we just change and only this site.
    1 point
  11. Sorry, I read that too fast. Is this how you're wired: Guitar>HXFX IN>HXFX SEND>JCM IN>JCM FX SEND>HXFX RETURN>HXFX OUT>JCM FX RETURN IF YES THEN Are you using the correct FX Loop Block for the jacks in use? IF YES THEN Check the JCM's FX Loop by connecting a cable directly from send to return. Check the HXFX Loop the same way. Check the cables you're using in the FX Loop. I know, sounds basic, of course you're sure of all that, but check anyway. There's only so many things that can go wrong with a 4cm rig.
    1 point
  12. Yes. The processing power of Pod Go is less than HX Stomp. If you look at the chart compiled by Benvesco, you can see how much DSP is used by each amp and fx. If you select an amp model with heavy DSP useage, eg a jumped amp, you'll have less DSP for fx and if you choose heavy DSP fx e.g. spring reverb you could run out of DSP after e.g. 3 fx. Zoom G11 and G6 show DSP percentages by each model. Line 6 doesn't think customers should see DSP used as they think customers should onky choose amps and fx by the tones they like. I think that's over simplistic because if you should run out of DSP you can often find very similar sounding alternatives. I personally think Line 6 is very wrong here but unless a lot of people vote for seeing DSP percentages on Ideas Scale, Line 6 won't change their mind.
    1 point
  13. ... or you could use Ideascale to submit a request for it to be included in a future firmware update...... And then wait and see!
    1 point
  14. You may want to read this if you are not familiar with S/PDIF: hope this helps / makes sense.
    1 point
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