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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2022 in all areas

  1. With that diagram.... set everything to instrument and call it a day. That's the easiest to remember and will work fine. You could also set everything to LINE.... but the INPUT of the Fractal still needs to be instrument level. I have no idea why there is a need for so much complexity, but that's not my business :)
    2 points
  2. pianoguyy, I think your reply is extremely rude and insensitive.
    2 points
  3. Just to keep you all posted, we picked up from Digital Igloo on 'The Gear Page' that Pod Go should be getting some things (but not the big DSP heavy stuff) from the new Helix 3.15 firmware. Obviously this won't be until after helix 3.15 has been launched, but it's good to know Pod Go will be getting a firmware upgrade. However, before anyone asks or posts a wish list, I think it's reasonable to say following discussions on TGP that Line 6 won't be adding to Pod Go DSP info, additional blocks, or the ability to remove the amp/cab blocks. "Still don't know exactly what'll fit (last I heard, only one model from 3.15 is too big), but when Helix/HX 3.15 drops, you should have a pretty good idea of what's in store for POD Go 1.4. Not much longer now (Edit: for Helix/HX 3.15). We have a release candidate. Fingers crossed." Do you want some extra blocks in Pod Go? If yes, and if you haven't yet done so, please go to Ideascale and vote for this (and please vote for each request as there are several): This is where Line 6 looks to see support for requested new features. Line 6 are anti this currently but recent discussions on TGP suggest that they might not be completely opposed to at least consider this if there is sufficient support on Ideascale that justifies its consideration here (no guarantees/promises of course). So, if you do want this to be added, please vote!
    1 point
  4. There are two places to assign footswitches... Controllers view.... this is where you assign stomps, controller values, etc... etc... Command Center... this is where you assign specialty functions such as midi control and more... Something assigned in one does not show in the other because they are very different functions that happen to overlap. What you can do in one area, you cannot do in the other - but it can use the same footswitch. It would be helpful if you could logically explain the problem the way a solution architect would. (eg: no personal emotion or frustration, just facts) Example.... step one step two step three This is what step three is doing This is what I expected step three to do
    1 point
  5. I agree, I think he was channelling his inner Jimmy Page, so you probably wouldn't be far off with a Les Paul, with decent (unpotted) pickups and a Zeppelin-esque patch.
    1 point
  6. Sorry to hear about your situation. I wish you the best. If you believe in God, I recommend praying about it.
    1 point
  7. The Ripple setting is what controls hum in the litigator. I turn that all the way down.
    1 point
  8. You don't have to use 4CM with your existing drive pedals. If you don't want any of the HX FX blocks in front of your amp you could just put the HX FX in your amp's FX Loop. However, if you want to have complete flexibility about the pedal/FX ordering in your overall signal flow then, yes, use 4CM as documented. You can place you existing pedals anywhere - before the HX FX device and/or anywhere else in any of the loop sections/cables. Just make sure all Send/Return points are set to Amp/Instrument (not Line) level. The HX FX device provides you with a series of FX blocks just like analog pedals, with its own FX loop that allows you to tap into your amp's preamp section at any point in the chain. You can add external pedals anywhere except, of course, 'within' the HX FX box.
    1 point
  9. You have a power problem...My suggestion is always to start by isolating power...That's how the big boys do it. I use a tripp lite LC1200 for my audio...Yes, it is a regulator...But it is also a transformer...That provides the isolation...Ground loops are not possible thru a transformer...So in the same way you protect your audio signal by using transformer based direct boxes, it is a good idea to go the rest of the course and isolate your power....the regulator will save your gear too. Power Conditioners and Automatic Voltage Regulators are not the same at all...However, an AVR will often have Power Conditioning...but most people don't care to protect their gear properly.
    1 point
  10. Check the Hum parameter in the Amp block. Perhaps it has somehow been adjusted?
    1 point
  11. LOL - Don't know nuthin' 'bout the bread, but for a moment there, I though it was going to turn into Led Zeppelin's "Heartbreaker". You could start right there.
    1 point
  12. Please release an M1 compatible driver for the UX2 I cant use it on my Mac Mini M1 until it has this driver...
    1 point
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