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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/2023 in all areas

  1. Hi, When seeking a solution to something like this, it's a good idea to let us know what hardware device you have. Larger HX units have more blocks, and paths, to play around with than the Stomp models. As you said that by using the Tesselator you can get very close, but cannot achieve the fade out. O.K., have you tried pulling the Tesselator block down on to a second path and then add a volume block behind it which is controlled by an expression pedal? You can then mix that path back into the main signal chain for any additional processing - reverb, etc. It is then up to you to control the fade with the volume pedal. Hope this helps/makes sense.
    1 point
  2. Not exactly sure what sound you have in your mind... However, you can definitely change the delay tempo on the fly by assigning the BPM's to your expression pedal with a min/max values. that way you can slow your delay down as you are playing. (Make sure to have transparent Delay setting Global Settings -> Preferences -> Tap Tempo Pitch: set the option to “Transparent” )... otherwise it will make glitch y sounds when the tempo changes, unless you want that.... If you want some kind of a specific rhythm for delays, try Multitap 6. You can add 2 of them in parallel, so that you can have 12 delay notes with specific tempo/rhythm/panning.
    1 point
  3. Are there any current plans to introduce the ability to set the Helix floor processor as a word clock slave? I currently use only the SPDIF connections to attach to an audio interface (and would like to keep it that way), but have to set the interface clock as the slave when recording with the Helix else it won't stay in sync. This means I'm having to constantly change my audio interface's clock when I'm not using the Helix. I believe the rack unit has this capability already, but I far prefer the portability of the floor unit and would rather not switch, if possible.
    1 point
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