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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/2025 in all areas

  1. I'm running into more and more programs, like web browsers, that require macOS 11 (Big Sur) or higher. That was the first macOS to support ARM processors, so the implication is that if you're a Mac user and not running Apple Slicon, Apple wants you to buy a new computer. And since there's such a push to force encourage people to buy a new computer, there's not much incentive for companies to update older software for an ever-diminishing user base. Do I like that? No, nor do I like that Apple promised FireWire devices could always work with Thunderbolt adapters. But if the OS doesn't support FireWire, it doesn't matter if the hardware does. With music industry companies like Line 6, if Apple or Microsoft sneezes, Line 6 catches a cold. Remember all those emails from companies a few months back, urging users not to update yet to the latest macOS because the companies needed to test and patch their plugins? It happens a lot, and that's time not spent on developing new products, providing support, or giving their employees raises. Just sayin.' /rant
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. Update: Line6 Tech Support graciously added Toneport 2 Standard to my software addons. I'm able to access the standard tones now. Thanks for looking!
    1 point
  4. Good day! I hope someone can assist here... I have a used TonePort UX2 from a jamming buddy. I downloaded drivers and got it to work with the Pod Farm app, but only in demo mode... said it needs to be authorized. Support gave me links to download the Line6 Monkey and License Manager... Well, the good ol' Monkey doesn't seem to run due to being 32-bit and tho' the License Mgr allowed me to authorize the TonePort UX2, after multiple reboots the Pod Farm app still says it isn't authorized / licensed and is still stuck in demo mode. Any ideas? Thanks! A
    1 point
  5. This worked. Thanks so much. What a pain in the a$$ just to load a driver though.
    1 point
  6. PROBLEM SOLVED!! What you need to do is to enable kernel extensions on your mac! Just make sure that you have the latest drivers downloaded, then follow these steps: Go to system preferences - security & privacy - general. Then under "allow apps downloaded from" you should see a box where it says "enable system extensions". Click on the locker in the bottom left corner, then click "enable system extensions". Then follow the steps in this video: After this you Line6 licenser should be able to recognise your audio interface. Good luck!
    1 point
  7. Hello, I own both Hx Effects and the Cab M +. I really like it as a combination. To solve every problem, I connected the Cab M + in send / return2 so that we can position it at any point in the effects chain ... The send / return1 is available to be connected to my tube head (GrandMeister Deluxe 40). I use the Hx Effects output to go to stereo in the sound card or mixer.
    1 point
  8. Hi guys. I am having this exact issue with my UX2. A bandmate donated it to me to use recently. My interface does not seem to work with my Mac running Mojave. I have the two clip lights flashing on the UX2, although I have installed the latest driver to my Mac and have also tried downloading Line 6 Monkey to see if it could help. Monkey is telling me I do not have the latest update installed (7.6.8) even though I keep trying to reinstall it. It does recognise the device though... I am not sure what else to try at this point.
    1 point
  9. I repeatedly try to start PODFarm after all of the recent updates, and what was working fine just last week no longer works. All updates and reboots have been completed, but when starting PODFarm the logo disappears and never loads anything after that. Once out of 20+ times it will load PODFarm and show my normal amplifier setup, etc., the equalizer registers volume, etc. but nothing plays out of the speakers, or headphones. I literally JUST recorded a track last week! These software updates and startup problems have been ongoing for over the past 4-5 years, how has Line6 never resolved these issues!? I will never buy another Line6 product. This is not the first time this has happened, and their support is non-existent, just forcing customers to join a forum to complain to each other is not actual support, it's a complete cop-out!
    1 point
  10. The best I can tell you is DO NOT plan on getting a reply on this sir, particularly not from the powers that be at Line6. When it comes to PodFarm they ignore us Apple Silicon users like the plague because I'm sure they do not want to invest any resources into updating a 15+ year old plug so that it runs on our systems. They would have to make a 64-bit version of the plug and that would take some doing. But, I suppose we can have futile hopes!!
    0 points
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