Firmware v2.09 Release Notes:
* Eliminated slight delay when entering Record mode.
* Fixed problem with extended-ascii characters in file names.
* Fixed Undo issue for recordings loaded directly from SD-Card, where the last two overdubs would be erased instead of only the most recent one.
JM4 Advanced Guide:
For in-depth info on features and functionality of the JM4 Looper not included in the Pilot's Handbook, check out:
The v2.09 update will erase all the internal recordings you have made. If you want to save them, use an SD card to create backups (via the TRANSFER ALL TO CARD command) then copy them from your SD card onto your PC for safe keeping (using an SD card reader). You can then reload your files using an SD card at any time after you have completed the update.
- The v2.09 update will erase all the custom guitar presets you have made. Here are the instructions on Saving and Loading the presets to and from the JM4:
Created a User Tone and Saved it to a user location.
In the SETTINGS/TONE menu, please make sure RECORDINGS SET TONE is set to ON.
Made a recording with that guitar tone and save the recording to the internal memory. Do this for every preset you would like to store.
In the SAVE menu, select the TRANSFER ALL TO CARD option. All of your recordings and their associated tone will be saved to the SD card.
To transfer them back into the amp, go to the SAVE menu and choose the TRANSFER ALL FROM CARD option. This will load the recordings and the associated presets back onto the JM4.
Now, when you load a recording that was transferred onto the JM4 from the SD Card, the preset that was stored with the recording will be loaded with the recording. It will show in the SETTINGS/TONE menu with an asterisk (*) next to the name.
To store this preset back into the JM4 User presets, go to the SAVE menu and select SAVE GUITAR TONE to store the preset in the User location you desire.
Instructions for updating (also attached):
1. If you haven't done so already, download the latest firmware to your computer desktop from the Line 6 website (log in with your Line 6 User Name), by going to the following link:
The downloaded file will be named "fw.bin", with no number. Please save this to your desktop to easily find the file once the file has been downloaded.
Note: You will need to delete any previous JM4 Looper updates from your desktop prior to saving the JM4 Looper 2.09 firmware, as the device will not recognize any firmware with an extension or name alterations.
2. Copy the downloaded fw.bin file to a blank SD card via an SD card reader. When the copy is complete, put the downloaded fw.bin file in a safe place on your PC for future reference -- for example, put it in a new folder labeled 'JM4 Looper Flash', noting the version #.
3. Insert your SD card into the JM4 Looper SD card slot.
4. Press the SAVE button to display the menu items in the LCD if they aren't already displayed.
5. Turn the wheel and navigate to FIRMWARE UPGRADE at the bottom of the menu list then press Right Arrow to display the upgrade screen.
6. Press Up Arrow for YES to proceed with the update -- the JM4 Looper will update itself from the SD Card. When the update is complete, the JM4 Looper will power cycle itself. *NOTE: Do not turn off power in the middle of the update.
7. Verify the update was successful by previewing a few Songs and Drum tracks (scroll thru the list – each track will play for a few seconds when you select it).
8.After verifying the update was successful, press the SAVE button again to display the menu list.
9. Turn the wheel and navigate to FORMAT CARD then press Right Arrow to display the format screen.
10. Press Up Arrow for YES and the JM4 Looper will format the SD Card, preparing it for normal operation.
11. When formatting is complete, you're all set. If you ever want to reinstall your firmware, go back to your computer and copy the 'fw.bin' file to your SD Card, then repeat the above steps from Step 2.
12. If you want to load your backed up .WAV files into your JM4 Looper again, simply copy them from your computer into the "LINE6" folder on your SD card using your SD card reader, then load them into your JM4 Looper using the IMPORT WAV FILE FROM CARD command. (consult the JM4 Looper Advanced Guide for info on the option of viewing and loading your files via the SD Recordings Browser). If there is no LINE6 folder on the SD Card root directory, please create one.
**FORMAT ALERT: If your SD Card is rejected by the JM4 Looper as not being FAT16, you should format your card and start over. See Format Instructions below. (Also attached)
1. Insert card into Mac via SD card reader
2. Name it UNTITLED (Double click on the icon on your desktop to open the drive>Right Click or CTRL Click on the Drive title and select the Rename option)
3. Open Terminal (via Applications/Utilities)
4. Copy and paste the following in the Terminal window exactly as written here and press Enter on your keyboard.
diskutil partitionDisk /Volumes/UNTITLED 1 MBRFormat "MS-DOS FAT16" "UNTITLED" 100%
5. The SD Card will be formatted to FAT16
6. To confirm, open Disk Utility app (via Applications/Utilities)
7. Select your SD card icon to the left in the Disk Utility window
8. Look at the text info in the lower part of the window; it should look like this (the information displayed below is for a 1GB SD Card so your capacity read out will look different if you are using a 2GB card):
Mount Point : /Volumes/UNTITLED Capacity : 952.4 MB (998,710,272 Bytes)
Format : MS-DOS (FAT16) Available : 951.4 MB (997,638,144 Bytes)
Owners Enabled : No Used : 784 KB (802,816 Bytes)
Number of Folders : 0
PC: (XP/Vista) Format SD Card to FAT16
1. Start Windows Explorer
2. Click on My Computer
3. Select/Highlight The SD-Card Reader/Drive that contains the SD-Card
4. Right Mouse Click and select Format from the pop-up menu
5. Make certain the File System displays: FAT (Default) and not FAT 32
6. File Allocation Unit Size = Default
7. Press Start to begin Format (follow on-screen instructions)
Note: On WinXP system there are only the options for formatting FAT and FAT 32 On Vista system there are the options for: FAT, FAT 32, NTFS, and exFAT