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Posts posted by bjnette

  1. Who knows! They might eventually.

    To launch a hardware then a soft product takes alot of work.

    Eventually they might start offering Native on specials from time to time as

    it does go with the hardware and for Studios including home and project ones

    they will probably sell more hardware units because of Native so it stand to reason that

    a reward for the purchase might be seen as an upgrade and to include the Helix hardware with a rebate

    back on the software can only help. But it might not be cashback. Possibly a credit on products or a coupon.

  2. Am demoing Native atm with 10days left.

    I posted this on the Native forum

    and am putting it here as a testament to how good the HD is in sound quality;


    I have replicated as best I could a few of the Native factory patches

    (mostly cleans) back to my HD 500 and on a few, the HD holds up okay when comparing

    but mostly Native blows my HD out of the water with more amp and FX models,DSP,

    routing possibilities and it will be hard to pass up.

    To me it is like demoing the Helix and what it is capable of. Superb! I only got 10 days left!

    Imho buy the hardware unit as it will hold it's value far better than software alone plus

    you get discounts and can utilize the software into your hardware.


    To me Helix with Native puts Helix up there with Kemper in that;

    both are studio to live use tools.

  3. I have replicated as best I could a few of the Native factory patches (mostly cleans) back to my HD 500

    and on a few, the HD holds up okay when comparing but mostly Native blows my HD out of the water

    with more amp and FX models,DSP, routing possibilities and it will be hard to pass up.

    To me it is like demoing the Helix and what it is capable of. Superb! I only got 10 days left!


    Imho buy the hardware unit as it will hold it's value far better than software alone plus you get discounts and can

    utilize the software into your hardware.


    To me Helix with Native puts Helix up there with Kemper in that both are studio to live tools.

  4. I decided to turn off a patch in my HD and go in via s/pdif to Helix running Sonar.

    Something wasnt right with the sound so I used HD over USB as interface and still didn'r sound right.

    So I went back in via s/pdif. Sounded okay now.

    I noticed there were no factory presets listed and couldn't find them so just selected an Amp model and scrolled thru a few

    I was begining to think the amp models didn't sound any different to my HD ones but settled on Soldana crunch. I put a 63 spring reverb on it.

    I opened up

    another block befor Amp cabs and went thru a few, my lord they sounded good. Really lush. tried the Distortion pedals and these sounded great.

    Turned off the FXs and tweaked the amp without the reverb and it came to life.

    Put the FX back on and man o man just what I was afraid.

    This is going to be hard to pass up!

    It has a realism to it heaps better than any other Sim I have TH2 and Amplitude 4.

    Awesome Line 6!

  5. I heard that some ear treatments for ringing in the ear;tinnitus. Works well by getting the person to differentiate and really train the ear to listen to different frequencies then the constant ringing. What is found is that eventually the ring frequencies fall to the background and aren't so prominent.

    Sort of train the ear to listen to different frequencies. We have all heard, 'to use your own ears' and tone quality is a subjective thing; etc.

    There is more to phycho-acoustics. Ear fatigue is very real, listening at loud volumes or to mixes you mixed and then intend to master is advisable with fresh ears.

    It might be that after a good restful sleep the fizziness is less prominent.


    With fresh ears, start listening for the bass end of your tone and tweak it to perfection.

    What are you monitoring your sound on?

    When fatigue hits after an hour or so of precision listening or longer under quiet listening trying chaning your monitors if you have another pair or

    headphones for a while. Quality headphones are fine for reverb tails and stereo imaging.


    If you listen loud try a bit quieter.

    Using a reference track(s). It helps to know what your going for and what is succesful.

    While your ears are fresh record a track in your DAW and listen and compare the reference track.


    That is fine for recordings but if your problem is for live use. Try different monitors if possible

    and reference tracks that are recorded live with little post production.


    Fizz; My experience with fizz is the distorted resonance from a mic capsule.

    I am not saying that Line 6 mics aren't resonating their modeling capsules when the mic is right up

    against the grill like for live micing. (it is not uncommon for the mic to pick up grillcloth vibrations either)

    So the first fix is to try the mic at some distance from the cab, another is a different mic.


    If you are not using cabs then one will need to record a track in your DAW and with some careful

    narrow band boosting locate the area and any harmonics intervals.Then cut. Now the other issue; you might suck all the

    life from tone so you will need to balance reduced fizz without sucking the life out of it. Another

    trick is to apply a broad Q slight boost over the area of cuts to bring back the life.


    Now in Helix reproduce the frequency cuts in the DAW with a Helix EQ or two.


    It should be noted that fizz exists in micing amps. It doesnt just exist in the digital domain.


    Don't forget to return with fresh ears and re tweak as needed rather quickly not adinfinitum.


    Concentrate on other aspects of your tone, mainly your playing.


    Good luck

  6. You might have to experiment with your input impedance as it sounds like you might be clipping the input while monitoring with direct with the round trip via the computer DAW and Native with too high a buffer.

    What ever works for any other Amp sim should be fine. Guitar Direct in on instrument impedance with the gain averaging (not peaking)-12db or -18db. Peaking well in the green not the red.

    Next is the output level is not clipping back into your interface for monitoring at all.

    What do you monitor on?

  7. Remember that some settings are for the hardware and not active in the plugin and most editable in Native.

    As for level when recording make sure your input into Apollo is not maxed out (just below clipping) leaving no headroom for plugin of choice.

  8. When you convert to Au dollars the cost is outrageously too expensive.

    I haven't started Native trial as am waiting for the weekend and am dreading if I 

    cannot live without it after 15 days. LOL

    Not owning any Helix, I do think LT owners should get a better deal in proportion and so too any

    owners already of Line 6 registered gear and software. Loyalty base. Perhaps that is another day after 

    recouping the enormity to bring Native to the market.

  9. Yes mate that is exactly what I am using it for. Thank you for posting. I am in a 3 piece and sometime without the guitarist who thinks we need to practice our parts more LOL to the record and he'll be back. He is good and knows his parts well. LOL I decided to make it more interesting  for him and  have been thickening up  the bass with synthy patches and getting used to playing with these. A whole new beast.

    I am on the HD and can get the octave but nevermind I watched the video and realized my up a fifth I was setting it to 8 cents LOL And reason I asked if Helix could do it better.

    Normally I consider the bass modulates enough as is, but to cover that hole when he takes a solo and make it more forfilling for the extended ones for all of us. LOL!

    On the Helix I can see you could have even more pseudo guitar in there with different paths. Thanks for the formant workaround.


  10. This coming soon and Spring release caused me to start demoing the latest in Amp sims and I decided to upgrade from Amplitude2 before HD500 to Amplitude 4. Am happy using it with my HD500. Can't imagine Native will be required now but willing to demo it out. No rush.

    There are plenty of good ones now.

    The question is will Native replace the popularity of PodFarm?

  11. The tube warmth whilst clean sound is one of the harder ones from the HD series to get but you can 

    get close especially if you are loading pedals FX in front. 


    I like tweaking the Variax head upping the res and thump and some cut, then cutting the decay exaggerates the warmth which needs some bass roll off. 


    Divided/13 can also be worked, so too the Purge model with the lowered gain;

    The Sol 100 Clean is another to try and the crunch can be cleaner with the gain down.


    With any of the amps lots of tonal warmth options are there with the mic and cab selection first.

    Let us know what you settle with

  12. With fine instruments like those, only the best will do unless it is late at night!

    There are so many Amps available now that are more reasonable in cost then ever and some are extraordinary good and usually of a hybrid design.

    Then there are the proliferation of pedals available; it seem there is a new pedal maker every other week and a new pedal every other day these days.

    I admire those that rarely stray from their rig but understand the quest for tone and it's inquisitional, nature. There are plenty of players who have regretted selling off, so many stories, there is a lesson in it! LOL I was told once to never sell anything in music you buy and I admire those too.

    But too many offload one bit of gear to get the next bit and in a constant dog chasing it's tale dilemma and it is understandable too; as tones evolve the need for different gear is required especially for the gigging pro. But now,too many times what you sell off you were just a bit tired of at the time. It is truly a great day when a new piece of kit surpasses an old piece of kit that does the same kind of thing. You might off load, if it has been years. For me I havent off loaded anything good and still use the HD500. I downsized to a unit and have a collection taking up space in a garage. What do you do?

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