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Posts posted by thestratmanblues

  1. Depending upon the equipment used to listen to these patches can make a huge difference in sound quality and appreciation.

    Would be nice to know what kind of equipment Line 6 used to create them.

    Here is all the tests that I've made so far:
    Audio Technica ATH-M50x (38 ohms imp): 
    Clean preset ok, overdrive/distortion preset sound is not good, some bad distortion introduced.
    Shure SE 535 In Ear Monitor  (36 ohms imp): 
    Sound is ok for EIM, not for create presets.
    Presonus Eris E5 studio monitor (5.25" Speaker), freq. response (53Hz - 22 kHz): 
    Sound good, missing some low end obviously
    Mackie SRM-450 Powered Speaker Monitor/PA, freq. response (42Hz - 23 kHz): 
    Here is where the big grin kicks in and start to play for hours...
    Sound is excellent compare to above items. 
    So now, the only option I have to create my presets are the SRM-450 monitors...
    Would be nice to have an FRFR speaker to check the difference, but don't want to 
    invest on this since we'll play straigh into PA, no amp on stage like we use to do with 
    POD HD500x.
    About the headphone issue, this might be related to this note from Helix manual:
    NOTE: Helix provides plenty of gain for high impedance headphones. With lower impedance headphones, you may notice a bit of distortion if the PHONES knob is turned all the way up. This is normal.
    The above headphones are consider low impedance compare to a pair of Sennheiser HD650 (300 ohms).
  2. Notepad++ can read JSON files and format them in "human-readable" form :)


    I just right-clicked on the file, selected "Edit with Notepad++" and then clicked on the left of the "1" (line number) to highlight the whole string. Click on "Plugins>JSON Viewer>Format JSON" and it reformatted.


    It goes without saying that you have to have Notepad++ installed for this to work.

    Is this tool can open Setlist (*.hls) and Bundle (*.hlb) which are compressed base64 encoded files, or just the Preset file (*.hlx) which is already in text format and readable?

  3. Hey guys!


    I think I found a bug in the Line6 Pod HD500X Edit software.


    Version number is "2.26.0".


    The bug can be reproduced pretty easily.

    1. Start the software with the HD500X disconnected. (I don't know, if it happens when the patches are synced to the device.)
    2. Choose an empty patch and create a dual-amp setup. The exact amp models do not matter, but it should be full amps, not preamps, as only the former have an "amp parameters" section.
    3. Move all the knobs in the "amp parameters" section off their zero ("all-the-way-to-the-left") position.
    4. Store the preset to a ".5xe" file via "File" --> "Save As ...". (You can also save to a ".5xs" setlist or even an entire ".5xb" bundle. It doesn't matter. The bug is always triggered.)
    5. Open the ".5xe" (or ".5xs" or ".5xb") file again via "File" --> "Open ...". (You can also close the application and open it again and then open the file, or even open the file via a double click from Windows Explorer. It doesn't matter. The bug is always triggered.)
    6. Note that all the knobs in the "amp parameters" section of "Amp B" returned to their zero ("all-the-way-to-the-left") positions.

    I hope that this "somehow" gets to the software developers at Line6 and gets fixed. Like I said, I don't know if it also happens when syncing patches from/to the device or if it's an issue with the file storage only. But of course it's pretty severe, as it basically means that at least any dual-amp patch that is shared online or used as a backup is "broken" (or incomplete to say at least).


    If these values get "lost" while syncing to the device as well, it basically means that any dual-amp setup created with the Edit software is broken, as the "amp parameters" of "Amp B" never arrive at the device.



    I think the best way to have this sorted out is to open up a support ticket.

    • Upvote 1

    Firmware: v1.03.0

    Global Settings: None relevant

    Bug: Preset doesn't save the "Variax Setting" within input block

    1. Go to a preset that has multi inputs set for path A
    2. Go to path A input, next page, set "Variax Settings" to "Preset"
    3. Save the preset
    4. Set "Variax Settings" to "Global" but do not save the preset!
    5. Go to any another preset
    6. Come back to the original preset
    7. Observe that "Variax Settings" is set to "Global" even though that's not what was saved!

    This is major pain, unless you set one preset to "Global" - for every factory preset the tone/volume are "reset" to 0 for the Variax!


    Looks like 'Global' is just a flag that will override any Variax settings that are stored in each preset. It's most probably saved within Helix internal memory like some of the params found under the Menu button.  It's not being saved within the Preset, nor Setlist or Bundle files.


    '@variax_customtuning': True,
    '@variax_lockctrls': 0,
    '@variax_magmode': True,
    '@variax_model': 0,
    '@variax_str1tuning': 0,
    '@variax_str2tuning': 0,
    '@variax_str3tuning': 0,
    '@variax_str4tuning': 0,
    '@variax_str5tuning': 0,
    '@variax_str6tuning': 0,
    '@variax_toneknob': 0.0,
    '@variax_volumeknob': 0.0

    FYI, I did open up a ticket for the Variax Volume/Tone set to 0 instead of Don't force or even '10' like it used to be with firmware v1.2.  Out of 230 presets delivered with release v1.3, 197 has these parameters set to '0'... it's bit annoying if you don't use Variax Setting set to Global.

  5. Color switch value table

    See table below for color value of the "@ledcolor" parameter:

     "@fs3" : [
          "@dsp" : 0,
          "@enabled" : false,
          "@group" : "block4",
          "@label" : "Scream 808",
          "@ledcolor" : 525824,
          "@momentary" : false,
          "@type" : 1
     1037		Blue (dimmed)
     3334		Turquoise (dimmed)
     13055		Blue
     65408		Only for Volume Pedal, not sure if this being used
     67840		Green (dimmed)
     196619		Violet (dimmed)
     458496		Green
     462860		White (dimmed)
     525824		Light Orange (dimmed)
     527360		Yellow (dimmed)
     786434		Red (dimmed)
     1049600	Dark Orange (dimmed)
     3277055	Violet
     7077838	White (another dimmed) for multi FS assignment...
     8716032	Yellow
     13676288	Light Orange
     16723200	Dark Orange
     16711683	Red
    • Upvote 2
  6. Confirmed it's JSON.


    Also, Setlist file (*.hls) and Bundle file (*.hlb) are 'base 64' encoded compressed (zlib) of JSON data as well.

    I've made this little Python app to dump the content of a Bundle file called "Bundle_VERSION_1_03.hlb":

    I'll come up with another Python to dump in a more formatted fashion way.

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import json
    from pprint import pprint
    import base64
    import zlib
    data = None
    compress_data = None
    data_bundle = None
    with open('Bundle_VERSION_1_03.hlb') as file_bundle:
            data = json.load(file_bundle)
    if 'encoded_data' in data:
            compress_data = base64.b64decode(data['encoded_data'])
            bundle = zlib.decompress(compress_data)
            data_bundle = json.loads(bundle)

    I'm not able to attached the full dump that the above app created, it's about 58000 lines.
    But here is the first few lines of the Python structure:


    {u'setlists': [{u'meta': {u'name': u'FACTORY 1'},
                    u'presets': [{u'device': 2162689,
                                  u'device_version': 16973856,
                                  u'meta': {u'build_sha': u'3600857',
                                            u'name': u'US Double Nrm'},
                                  u'tone': {u'controllers': {u'@expPedal2': [{u'@dsp': 0,
                                                                              u'@group': u'block1',
                                                                              u'@max': 1.0,
                                                                              u'@min': 0.0,
                                                                              u'@param': u'Pedal'}]},
                                            u'dsp0': {u'block0': {u'@enabled': False,
                                                                  u'@model': u'HD2_Looper',
                                                                  u'@path': 0,
                                                                  u'@position': 7,
                                                                  u'@stereo': False,
                                                                  u'@type': 6,
                                                                  u'Overdub': 0.0,
                                                                  u'Playback': 0.0,
                                                                  u'highCut': 20000.0,
                                                                  u'lowCut': 20.0},
                                                      u'block1': {u'@enabled': True,
                                                                  u'@model': u'HD2_VolPanVol',
                                                                  u'@path': 0,
                                                                  u'@position': 0,
                                                                  u'@stereo': False,
                                                                  u'@type': 0,
                                                                  u'Pedal': 1.0,
                                                                  u'VolumeTaper': False},
                                                      u'block2': {u'@enabled': False,
                                                                  u'@model': u'HD2_CompressorRedSqueeze',
    • Upvote 1
  7. I had a similar issue yesterday, sound cut off, looks the Helix wasn't able to power up my JTV-59 through the VDI cable.  It happen twice since I got the Helix a week ago.

    Since the battery inside the JTV was fully charge, I plugged a 1/4 guitar cable to verify if the Helix was still able to make some sound, it did.  

    So to fix the issue, I unplugged both 1/4 and VDI from the JTV and plugged back only the VDI cable, JTV power and sound came back out of VDI, no need to power cycle Helix.  

    I double check the VDI cable with a cable tester, all good.  I'm using this cable with the HD500x since the last 2 years, never had any issue with it.  


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