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Posts posted by HonestOpinion

  1. On 11/17/2022 at 4:24 PM, llTheSystemll said:

    "you need to do another factory reset as the reset should follow the upgrade."


    Drained it!   


    I did a 2nd factory reset and the feature is now working.    Thanks so much.   Restoring my backup now.   Hopefully all is well after.






    Glad to hear it!

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  2. On 11/16/2022 at 10:17 PM, Marcal said:

    I have a Surface Pro 8 that came with Windows 11 so there's no rolling back updates. I am unable to turn OFF the core isolation despite being administrator, so I can't use Helix drivers in my DAW.


    Weird that you are not being allowed to turn off 'Memory Integrity'. I wonder if you are not actually in as admin or if it is some kind of group security policy on your Surface. Try booting Windows into safe mode to turn off 'Memory Integrity'. 


    Btw, are you going to 'Device Security' --> 'Core Isolation' and then clicking on the 'Core Isolation Details' link to turn off 'Memory Integrity'?

  3. On 11/16/2022 at 5:19 PM, llTheSystemll said:

    ... The first thing I did was to factory reset and upgrade to 3.50.    I finally got around to trying the capacitive switch feature.  ...


    Clutching at straws here as you were probably just indicating that you did both the factory reset and the upgrade, but... Did you do them in this order? Factory reset first and then the upgrade. If so, then you need to do another factory reset as the reset should follow the upgrade. Also, did you do a backup first and a restore following the factory reset? If not, then try doing a restore.


    I would also try unplugging everything while testing the capacitive touch. Unlikely but maybe you have a cable/grounding issue that is interfering with it. 


    If none of this works, I would do another backup, use the Line 6 Updater to reapply the 3.50 firmware, and then do the factory reset and restore.


  4. On 11/15/2022 at 2:23 PM, brue58ski said:


    I was thinking it could be for a show or a play.


    It always struck me as a bit absurd when these requests for additional "pages" of snapshots would pop up on the forum on occasion, but I think this is probably a good guess. Another possibility would be long medleys with quick changes requiring different guitar patches. Uncommon, but I have seen additional snapshots requested.

  5. On 11/15/2022 at 6:34 AM, datacommando said:

    If you want to check out free IRs, check out this thread that was started yet @HonestOpinion way back at the dawn of Helix.



    Hope this helps/makes sense.



    Thanks for the reminder this is out there! With luck it will spur some new contributions or be a source for some players looking to try out some IRs.

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  6. On 11/14/2022 at 11:55 AM, boynigel said:

    asking for a friend who uses windows (i use mac, so i couldn't help him)


    He has a Stomp.  over the weekend he did the 3.5 update.  said he updated HX edit first.


    After completing both updates he's saying that he sees the Vitriol model in his Stomp, but not in HX Edit when he has the Stomp connected.


    Not sure if it's worth mentioning but given that my personal LT took all of the 45 minutes L6 said it would, his Stomp updated in around 5 minutes.  not sure if that's because the Stomp has less going on than an LT, or if this is a red flag to his woes?   Suggestions?




    Have him look at the version info in HX Edit under 'Help' --> 'About HX Edit'.

  7. On 11/14/2022 at 4:01 AM, sh4rkbyt31 said:

    Where I'm at now:


    Reloaded 3.15 successfully. Tried to Update through HX Edit, failed immediately on Windows 7. Tried it again on Windows 10, created a Backup and then tried to Update. At 1% it also failed. 

    At this point I'm frustrated and tired @ 3:57am. Then there are the USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 issues. 


    Windows 11 computer, all USB 3.0., Windows 10 and Windows 7 laptop, USB 2.0 which is what I'm trying to use since I think 3.0 doesn't always work yet it worked when I initially installed 3.15 update in the beginning? 


    Heading to bed, I'll pick this up sometime tomorrow, maybe. ^%#@* me.




    Just for the sake of clarity UAC is not the same as the 'Core Integrity' setting. If you are doing the install from Windows 11, be sure to turn that off per my initial post.


    Also, don't load HX Edit "3.15". Instead download and install the latest HX Edit 3.50 version. Now update the firmware from HX Edit 3.50 if you can.


    If the firmware update still doesn't work, that is when you go to the link I posted with @SaschaFranck's detailed instructions on how to use the Line6 Updater. Hang in there, you will succeed. Good luck!

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  8. On 11/14/2022 at 12:20 AM, sh4rkbyt31 said:

    When trying to update Helix, Windows 11 UAC is stopping it. Helix doesn't even show up on my computer as existing even though it was previously installed months ago. I have tried disabling UAC and even that doesn't prevent it? Stuck here on 3.15 without hope.


    Are you sure the UAC is stopping it or causing the problem? 'Memory Integrity on Win 11 has been causing issues. Try going to Windows 11 settings 'Device Security' --> 'Core Isolation' and turning off 'Memory Integrity'. 

    Disclaimer: Make sure you have security in place as turning 'Memory Integrity' off is at best a stopgap solution.


    Get a good backup. If you haven't already downloaded and installed HX Edit 3.50, do that first and try to upgrade the firmware to 3.50 from within HX Edit. If that doesn't work got to the link below and try using the Line 6 Updater instead.





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  9. On 11/13/2022 at 1:13 PM, Boccia said:

    If I understand the instructions, The “flash memory” is the firmware update. However, when i try to  download it it does allow me without an associated app.


    As @SaschaFranckindicated 'flash memory' must be used with the Line 6 Updater. I also assume you mean it wouldn't allow you to install it, it should be no problem to "download".


    Hopefully you tried updating normally from within HX Edit before resorting to the Updater though. You should only use the Updater if the update from within HX Edit fails. If you are on a really old version, download and install HX Edit 3.50 first, and then try to upgrade your firmware to 3.50 from within HX Edit. Don't forget to do a backup first, and a factory reset and backup restore afterwards.

  10. On 11/12/2022 at 10:22 PM, loughie said:

    I updated my line 6 helix to the latest version and saved my presets as a backup. I was then left with the new factory presets but none of my own custom presets. I then put my old presets back into the helix but upon doing that it added back on the older factory presets. How to I get the new Factory presets and keep my old custom presets?


    Just take a new backup. As long as you have an old backup with all your presets, go ahead and do the factory reset again for the Helix. The factory reset will load the new factory/templates setlists. Once that is done, do a restore of your backup containing your user presets. However, in the dialog box for the restore backup expand the setlists and uncheck the factory/templates lists. That way they won't get overwritten with the old ones from your backup.


    At about 5:15 into the video below this fellow demonstrates the process of restoring a backup without overwriting the new Factory or Template setlists/presets.



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  11. On 11/12/2022 at 7:59 PM, zappazapper said:


    I'd be interested to read what you think can be done with TPS and not Snapshots, because my assertion is that it's not required, it's just preferred by people who are still in the old multi-fx paradigm ...


    This is a tough ask as I am a snapshot user. Maybe some of the players who use TPS could answer this better. But here goes:


    • I have seen some users here claim that they don't have enough snapshots available to execute a complicated piece. Might seem crazy to us as eight is generally more than enough, but different strokes...This gives them a way to jump from preset to preset, cumulatively using as many snapshots as they need. Seems like just adding a second page of eight snaps would be a better solution for them though.
    • Players who prefer their switches be primarily used for stomps rather than snapshots and would rather jump to another preset with lots of stomps rather than allotting their switches to snapshots. Admittedly learning to better employ snapshots might be a better solution for some of these folks.
    • Wacky routing/output switches. I don't do 'em but maybe some do.
    • Some players have a go-to lead/solo sound they want on tap at all times. This gives them a way to jump over to it.
    • Some players simply have a simple signal chain and losing half their DSP/blocks is no big deal. Switching presets within a song suits their old school sensibilities. Who am I to judge.
    • It's worth it having the TPS option just to never again have to see anyone post how the Digitech GSP1101 has had gapless preset switching with spillover since the Neolithic era.
    • Ummm.... I don't know because I use snapshots. You are preaching to the choir. As long as gapless preset switching with spillover continues to cost half the DSP and blocks, and it is hard to imagine how they get around this, the benefits of TPS seem limited. I happen to agree with you that most of what can be done with presets can be done with snapshots with the benefit of having the full complement of DSP and all four paths at your disposal. I just think it is cool the option is there. Whether it is important to me or not. And if it helps sell more units, well that is just more available resources for R&D.


    Btw [chuckle], is anyone else reminded of the film "Office Space" whenever they hear "TPS".

    • Haha 1
  12. On 11/10/2022 at 12:31 PM, adauria said:

    Thank you. I just did the manual re-install of the firmware and I'm having the same problem still. I have contacted Line 6 support. I believe I am out of warranty, but hopefully they can help me. 


    I'm open for more suggestions while I wait for a response from Line 6. Thanks!


    On 11/10/2022 at 8:43 PM, cinchocaine said:


    i have exactly(!) the same problem. After the 3.5 Firmware update the 4th knob is not working anymore. It is like adauria described it.

    I also own the Helix LT.


    Help much appreciated.



    If you have indeed executed the factory reset and restore in addition to the upgrade, barring coincidence, you may have discovered a bug. I would contact Line 6 support.

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  13. On 11/12/2022 at 4:22 PM, zappazapper said:

    I disagree. Look, the option is there, and anybody who pays money for their unit is allowed to operate it however they like, and they don't owe me an explanation. Game set match there. 


    But that option was created to cater to people who refused to grow out of the "single sound per preset" paradigm that existed before L6 introduced Snapshots. There's no benefit to it other than it keeps certain users from having to take the time to learn how Snapshots work. There's nothing you can do sonically or control-wise with TPS that you couldn't do with Snapshots, and there's plenty you can do with Snapshots that you can't with TPS. 


    But the topic of this thread is gapless transitions, and so yes, TPS is one way that a user can work in a nearly gap-free environment. I'll concede that it's probably better to use it, than to work "single sound per preset" and not use it. But there's significant benefit to using Snapshots over TPS (more blocks, completely gapless), with the only cost being that you have to read the manual and figure out how it works, which is something you should do when you drop a couple grand on a piece of equipment anyway. No cost in terms of sonics or control, or even ease-of-use once you've done the work to know how to use it. 


    Not quite sure what you are disagreeing with? Are you asserting that the option to have either gapless scenes, which accommodate most scenarios, or an almost gapless preset switching with spillover for those who require it, is a bad thing? Options like this offer the best of both worlds. I agree most users find snapshots meet most or all of their switching requirements, but for some, likely a minority, they require presets. They are not all just being stubborn, stuck in their old ways, and "refusing to grow", though I suppose there are some, particularly before they try snapshots, who fit that description.


    I myself fall into the snapshot for pretty much everything camp and have advocated snapshots many times over the years to players who are unfamiliar with them and therefore convinced that they need gapless preset switching. Often it is a matter of being flexible and learning a new approach. But not always. Some players and songs require preset switching. Why not give them a "minimal" gap option? Seems like a win-win to me.


    I patently reject your statement "There's nothing you can do sonically or control-wise with TPS that you couldn't do with Snapshots". That sounds like a bit of an overstatement and verges on being equally as inflexible as those who insist gapless preset switching is the only acceptable option for a modeler. I will concede that providing TPS may have been a marketing move to some extent to mollify a vocal minority as well as a gift to players who believe the lack of this feature to be a dealbreaker. I do appreciate your enthusiasm for snapshots though and share it.

  14. On 11/12/2022 at 9:57 AM, zappazapper said:

    True Preset Spillover results in a MINIMAL gap, as even though dumping the blocks from the previous preset is independent of loading in the blocks for the next preset, there's no way to predict what the next preset is going to be until the user hits the switch to select it, so the Helix can't begin loading blocks until that happens, so that part of the gap remains. 


    True Preset Spillover is, as the name suggests, more about allowing delay and reverb trails from the previous preset than it is about removing the audible gap between presets. It's my understanding that it was provided for those who refuse to (or "prefer not to", if I wanna be nice) embrace the Snapshots philosophy, as those of us who have embraced it know that, with a bit of creative preset design, Snapshots will provide all the spillover that TPS will, AND completely remove audible gaps that occur between sounds within a preset. 


    Line 6's use of the word "minimal" in the manual's description of 'True Preset Spillover' was very intentional. The gap is definitely significantly reduced though, if not totally eliminated. Fantastic option for those who need it though and a major addition to the Helix's flexibility. Line6 pretty much established a best practice and a high bar for any modern modeler when they added this sort of hybrid ability. Scenes pretty much do everything I need for the most part though.

  15. On 11/12/2022 at 11:50 AM, jackzucker said:

    how do you clear this? I somehow have multiples assigned to various footswitches but when I scroll through the blocks in "assign block" mode, nothing else shows up as being assigned to the switch. If I clear all assignments and come back to that footswitch, the switch remembers it's assigned multiple.


    This topic was created in 2016 before snapshots existed on HX devices. My guess is that what you are looking at are "snapshots" rather than multiple stomp assignments. Multiple blocks, their parameters, and their bypass/active states can be assigned to snapshots. Take a peek at the manual or any of the many videos on how to build snapshots on an HX device.

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  16. On 11/11/2022 at 6:27 PM, Paulzx said:

    ... Nobody sells fractal gear to go Line 6 do they?


    Actually, yes, they do. No denying how great Fractal devices are. I had the Fractal Ultra before the Helix. Although I appreciate the depth of the Fractal's options and the effort and expertise poured into the amp/cab modeling, I ended up infinitely preferring the ease of use of the Helix. The Fractal ended up being strictly a studio tool and rarely even that. The UI and simplicity of use on Helix has absolutely drawn many users to it, even from Fractal. Not to speak of the lower price although that is probably going to be less of a factor since the release of the FM9 with a price competitive with the Helix. Some Fractal users defect due to option paralysis on the Fractal stuff. There are also many folks who have multiple modelers and appreciate each one for their respective strengths.


    The "ecosystem" has also been a big draw for Line 6.  Powercab+, Variax, and Native all provided additional incentives to invest in the Helix. Very cool when parts of a system can exchange data and share control elements.

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  17. On 11/11/2022 at 12:10 PM, fourchimney said:

    OP Here -


    I went back and reinstalled 3.15 to see if it fixed the problem with the Digital Level Out knob. It did not help, so maybe this feature has been "broken" for a while.


    Thanks for going back and confirming what I remembered about this "feature". Judging by the albeit vague wording in the manual, this is "working as designed". Whether that is because of a legitimate technical reason, bug, or because they simply didn't think it was worth modifying the L6 Link protocol to enable it. It would be a "nice to have" though if possible.

  18. On 11/11/2022 at 4:27 PM, coachz said:

    Yeah, I knew about that but was wondering about the thought process others use.  


    I just use mine on the automatic first enabled setting. It took years for that feature to arrive as it used to only work automatically on the first block and would set the impedance to it whether it was active or not. Auto first enabled just makes a lot of sense to me from a convenience standpoint. I don't want to have to, as I used to on some of my presets, particularly with fuzz pedals, research the impedance of the first block on my chain (e.g. fuzz), and then change the impedance manually via snapshots depending on whether it was active or not in that scene.

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  19. On 11/11/2022 at 5:54 AM, VEVEF32 said:

    Instant commands are not saved :

    - in .hlx preset export file (so are lost when reimporting)

    - when making a preset copy/paste from one preset slot to another.


    Configuration : Hx effects, firmware 3.50, from boot (without reloading previous backup).

    Creation of a new preset, with 2 snapshots

    Declaration of 2 instant commands :

    - IC#1 : Program change midi chanel = 1, prog = 2

    - IC#2 : Control change midi chanel = 3, CC = 4, value = 5

    Then IC#1 modified for snapshot 2 :

    - IC#1 : Program change midi chanel = 1, prog = 7


    In exported .hlx file (see below the whole file), only type of IC command is exported (19 = PC, 18=CC) : ...


    You can use the 'File' --> 'Extract Files From Backup' command in HX Edit on an older backup, prior to the 3.50 update to compare and contrast export files from different points of time in your update process. I imagine you will want to ensure the MIDI information is available in these prior backups before doing a factory reset.


    Another piece of troubleshooting I would probably do would be, restoring one of my pre 3.50 exported presets with MIDI commands, and seeing if the MIDI info comes with it. Also, goes without saying that I would confirm that the current preset that you showed in your .json sample actually saved on the device with the MIDI commands.


    Did you do the recommended factory reset? You indicated you have not reloaded the previous backup. If you have not done either of these steps (make a backup first), that would be my first order of business once I established that my MIDI settings would also be restored.


    Additionally, check in HX Edit under 'Help' --> 'About HX Edit' and make sure you have the 3.50 version of the editor. Not just the 3.50 firmware.

  20. On 11/10/2022 at 9:13 PM, SaschaFranck said:


    Well, that could be a can of worms we're opening here. DAW introduced latency through headphones is something pretty different from physical distance latency, at least usually - simply because the latter comes with further audible clues (if we'd really open that can of worms, we could as well introduce visible clues, but lets keep that out for now...), whereas electronically caused latency doesn't. Which is why a bit of a room ambience sometimes does a great job in masking that effect.



    Was not even entertaining the thought of headphone induced latency. Horrors! The primary area in which that is relevant is whether you are outputting to them from your audio interface, computer/sound card, or HX, output. Just referring to the fact that headphones get the sound source closer to your ear than monitors/speakers. And I definitely draw the line at the inter-headphone latency comparison video (although I hear the Beyerdynamic headphones are 7 nanoseconds faster than the Tascams, but don't quote me) :-) That is one video I don't think I will be earmarking for review. You do bring up an interesting point regarding "further audible clues" though.

  21. On 11/10/2022 at 9:53 PM, serronej said:

    I have unfortunately strayed from Line6 for a few years after my DT50 let down. So I am seriously considering a Helix now but hesitant to pull the trigger. I need someone to shoot me straight. (Apologies if this is a stupid question) Is lossless transition between amp models possible? If I had it my way, I’d be able to switch between multiple amps/effects during the same song with zero or unnoticeable latency. Is it possible with the Helix? If so how (if its not obvious)?



    You can use snapshots (scenes) for gapless switching between different, amps, or amp channels. You can also use the Helix's option to do "minimal" gap switching between presets but that will halve the processing power available in a single preset.  Take a look at the 'Global Settings' --> Preferences --> 'Preset Spillover' option.

    • Thanks 1
  22. On 11/10/2022 at 8:00 PM, rd2rk said:



    Seems pretty silly (but not surprising) that L6 would design the Powercabs that way, especially since L6 Link pre-dates the Powercabs. Maybe it was necessary to add the ability to send commands from Helix to Powercab?


    Unless they update the manuals at 4.0 to clarify we'll likely never know if it's a BUG or a DESIGN FEATURE (LMAO).

    More of that Top Secret need-to-know CIA National Security stuff!


    Yup, have to agree. I remember thinking that just turning up the 'Digital Level Out' was going to be my simple solution to getting some presets with lower output levels high enough on the PC+. Nope! That setting does not raise the level in 'L6 Link'.


    And the manual certainly could be more illustrative on this detail. Although it is implied via omission in the manual that the L6 Link's level is not affected by the 'Digital Level Out' setting, it is not explicitly stated. Despite the fact that the lack of control by this setting is counter intuitive as L6 Link is a digital output. I guess 'Digital Level Out Except For L6 Link' was too long for a setting name :-)

    • Haha 1
  23. On 11/9/2022 at 3:44 PM, Fos87 said:

    Hi everybody! I hope you’re we’ll.
    I am presenting humming problems with my Helix after last update.
    When I go to rehearsal we use a PA system when the Amp /cab is active makes this humming noise, then when I bypass it disappears. I’ve got another PA at home which is doesn’t happens.

    So I recon is the PA or the configuration of the Helix with that amp????


    Also curious regarding@rd2rk's question. Does this happen on only one PA and just one amp/cab block?


    Does this happen on any amp/cab that is cranked? One possibility is that the hum is there but not at a high enough level to detect until you make the amp/cab active. Look to your unshielded pickups, cables, ground loops, bad PA channel, etc...

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