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Posts posted by Kilrahi

  1. On 9/27/2021 at 4:27 AM, Vlad_o said:

    I have helix lt so it has only one volume knob. My issue was that all amps sounded very weak and i was unsatisfied with any of them. Suddenly i figured out that if i change headphones monitor setting from multi to 1/4 the sound became not only much louder but also fuller. Is this intended behavior? It was not very intuitive to figure out since i always had my volume knob turned up half way and i though that something is wrong either with my gear or the unit. But after changing this setting volume doubled. Thanks


    I believe this is just the way it works. Mine does the same. 


    I understood the reason to be because if you are outputting to multi, and listening to multi, then you're hearing over layed audio signals. 

    If you set within your Helix to output only to 1/4 and listen to multi, then the volume is quieter. If you output to multi but listen to only 1/4 it's likewise quieter. 


    It's not a big deal either way. Just something to be aware of. I tend to output multi but set my headphones ot only monitor the 1/4 out. 

  2. On 12/10/2022 at 11:08 AM, DJ5D said:

    Nothing is explained there.

    It's not that they are just "still limited to one instance per path"- that would imply that its the same as it always has been. Its not.


    We have always been able to use a legacy dual cab + IR on an A/B path, that's the way it was and still is,  but you cannot use a NEW dual cab + IR in this manner.


    Try making a simple patch with just an amp and a new dual on path A. Then try to put an IR on path B. It does not work.


    In Helix Native using Floor compatibility mode, it doesn't work there either, so this impacts everyone, Floor and Stomp users alike. 

    Does this make sense?

    I'm currently talking to support to see if this is an oversight of some kind to be fixed in a future update, or if the new duals simply use too much memory and it's never going to be possible.


    This has already been answered in other posts. They were able to update the cabs based upon some special ability of the SHARC processors inside. 


    However, a trade off of doing that was the loss of the functionality you describe. This is not an oversight - it's by design. 

    From what I understand, if you hate it you can go back to the legacy cabs and it will still work. 

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  3. On 12/11/2022 at 7:05 PM, Gillespie1983 said:

    With all those IRs associated with the new 3.50 cabs (1 IR per cab, per mic, distance from center,  distance from cabinet choice, 2 mic angles) the Helix must have some serious data storage capacity.  How much spare storage room is left on the Helix for more cabinets?


    If you follow the Facebook page, Igor (a L6 employee) has stated multiple times including this year that there is plenty of space for more models of all types. 


    While IRs are probably some of the more space intensive things they could put on there, I wouldn't be surprised if we see a few more. My guess is that when they finally quit updating Helix it will be for reasons not related to space. 


    Still, as @silverhead and @MusicLaw both pointed out, only Line 6 knows for sure. I'm just making my best educated guess. 

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  4. On 12/2/2022 at 8:27 AM, ocisx said:


    i love the MM4 with expression pedal, but since it's out of market and i'm old, i'd like to know if there are other solutions to modify modulation like i did with my MM4 and the expression pedal.

    I've also a pod 2.0 but it seems i can't add a pedal expression on the modulation (delay, tremolo, etc...). It's correct? And otherwise there're other solutions?


    I need a live reverb modulation by espression pedal.





    You're correct about the pod 2.0. 


    There are a lot of great solutions. I don't know your budget, but the absolute best IMO is an HX Effects unit combined with an expression pedal. It's even on sale right now. Check it out below. 



    Older technology, but still usable, and of course, cheaper, and combinable with an expression pedal, is the Line 6 M5 and M9. See below:



  5. On 12/4/2022 at 2:52 PM, rlyacht said:

    I know I can copy them to my computer and save them that way.  What I'm wondering it has a function like the Boss RC pedals that allow saving many loops at the same time, and to recall them by number.


    No, it does not. Primarily a delay pedal with extensive reverb and loop functions, nevertheless if you want the premo in loopers you should look elsewhere. 


    The looper allows you to have a three or one button looper (which, if using the one button or midi can be used in conjunction with existing delay and reverb), AND if you insert a micro SD card you can have an infinite loop, but you can't have multiple loops or recall them at will. 

  6. I've heard people say the Helix one is inferior. I couldn't hear a weakness and as soon as it came out I bailed on the physical pedal. Obviously the one blatant and objective weakness is if you are running out of DSP. As a full floor user who probably could survive on a stomp, for me, that's never an issue. Other people have different experiences. 


    I always encourage people to use what they like, so if it just isn't working for you, I guess you gotta do what you gotta do. Still, I'd strongly encourage anyone to hang with it because it's probably just a tweak somewhere you're not doing. The below videos matched my own experience. The first one is about bass which relates to your usage. 





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  7. On 11/28/2022 at 12:22 AM, SaschaFranck said:


    Nothing special. I just have a loop switcher controlled pedal board. Basically, it's 5 relevant loops.

    1) Pre-boost loop. Mainly serving for lead boosts. I can preselect whether I want this to be a slightly compressed clean boost or a light drive or both.

    2) Clean loop. Just a NUX Amp Academy and an RC Booster clone. I can obviously preselect whether I like it clean or with a little "hair" coming from the booster.

    3) Dirt loop. An Atomic Amplifirebox set pretty clean with several drive pedals in front (atm 4 drives and a boost) that I preselect.

    4) Modulation loop. Don't use that much, so I'm getting away with a Zoom MS-50G, usually I load 2-3 patches and cycle between them. So, just another preselect thing.

    5) A "spatial" loop with an HX Stomp serving for all kinds of delays/reverb. Yet another preselect thing.


    With that setup I can switch extremely quickly, it's extremely flexible and - most important, really - I can do global adjustments.


    With the Helix, it's totally impossible to even get close.


    Interesting paradigm. 


    When you say impossible to "even get close" what do you mean? My first reading is it's impossible to have boosts, cleans, dirt, modulation, and "spatial" at the push of a button but since I've read enough of your stuff to know that you're as aware as I am that that's not true at all with the Helix -


    Do you mean the global adjustments can't be close? What is it that remains out of reach for you? 

  8. On 11/27/2022 at 11:00 PM, SaschaFranck said:


    I'd argue it's cheaper. But it's not faster and easier. At least not when you want the kind of flexibility I want in the way I want it. Which might not be everybody's COT, but that's not exactly relevant. Overall, the Helix is vastly more flexible than my current pedalboard - but it simply can't even remotely get close to the way I operate that very pedalboard.


    I'd be very interested in seeing how you work.


    You keep making the same two fallacies over and over. That is, you keep claiming there is some objectivity to the subjective (i.e. guitar tone - and no - there's not an absolute objectivity to be found here), and you keep making an appeal to authority fallacy. 


    On the subject of guitar tone, regarding what I like - as in ME - and ME alone - the only "PRO" is myself. I'm more of a pro than Steve Vai is and it doesn't matter how many years he's played, how much gear he's bought, how many tickets he's sold - my opinion about what I like is more important than his damn opinion. Period. There is no escaping that and you keep trying to pole vault over it and it's just not possible because it's just not true. 


    Now, does that mean he knows nothing? Of course not. There are a number of objective things he can school me on among them being:


    1. How to play - dude kicks my lollipop. 

    2. He might be an expert on how to make X sound (i.e. I go, "I don't know how to sound like so and so can you help me?" Because of his many years of experience, he might be able to get there whereas I can't or I can't get there as accurately or efficiently. 

    3. He might know how to create sounds that MORE people are MORE likely to enjoy (i.e. the skill of the song writer, sound designer, who can pull in more than 10 people - some people can literally write songs that make the whole world sing). 


    The above is not an exhaustive list, but hopefully it gets the point across. We keep trying to subtly explain the flaws in your thinking and it feels like you don't see the connection. You seem to sit there thinking, "What do pizza flavors have to do with guitar tone?" It has EVERYTHING to do with guitar tone. The shocking thing is you don't seem to see it. 

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  10. On 11/21/2022 at 4:06 PM, Paulzx said:

    You cared enough to comment on it. Several times lol


    Hmmm. Let's parse this. 

    "I don't care" = I don't form my opinion about pineapple being on pizza based on their opinion. The obvious analogy is that the same holds true for which modeler is better. 


    It's not a position that the topic isn't interesting to me. it IS interesting. Human perceptions of reality are actually very intriguing to me. There's a very good chance you'll see me comment some more, and I am carefully reading what everyone says. 



  11. On 11/20/2022 at 12:39 AM, jimbosuson said:

    Then I found out that I need a VDI cable to connect the variax to the PC. I don't have them yet with me. But can I use the FH 1500 as a wat to connect my variax 300 to use workbench? Or do I even need that since I have the FH 1500? Please help. 


    No, you can't use the Firehawk 1500 to activate workbench. 

    Workbench is a computer program allowing you to tweak the default settings or "guts" of the Variax. It doesn't mean it's useless without it. In fact, you may find you rarely care. I don't tweak my core Variax settings very often. 


    However, the VDI cable is another story.  Without it, your Variax must run on battery. One of the coolest aspects of the Firehawk is it can control a Variax (so, for example, you can quickly choose funky unique tunings of the Variax on the fly). Without it, you have to use whatever the controls are on your Varaix. 


    I also worry you're mixing up devices a bit - the VDI cable isn't exactly what allows you to connect to your PC. There's a dongle that the VDI cable plugs into with a USB cord at the end - it's that combined with the VDI cable that lets you plug into your PC. At least, that's what the case was with the JT-59s and later models which is what I have. 


    One final tidbit - I have no idea the campatibiilty of the old 300 Variaxes with the Firehawk. For all I know, it's not good at all. Somebody else would have to speak to that. 


    Still, if they are compatible, I highly reccomend the VDI cable. 

  12. On 11/19/2022 at 2:37 AM, Paulzx said:

    You may not agree and that's fine but when you call it a load of crap you're inferring it is incorrect, so what you're saying is that everyone with the opinion that Fractal is an improvement on the Helix, is wrong. You can disagree but the tide of opinion is against you I'm afraid


    Lately the tide of public opinion seems to be that pineapple doesn't belong on pizza. 


    I don't care. I ate one with them tonight. Loved it. 

    • Haha 4
  13. On 11/12/2022 at 8:08 PM, N-My said:

      Which  Firehawk parameters are you able to control via midi control change messages? 


       Do you assign CC numbers  to parameters somehow (as with "proper" midi equipment) or do Firehawk functions have a predefined connection to various given CC numbers and if so how can one find out what they are? The so called midi implementation chart in the manual doesn't really say much and actually looks like there's not much midi implementation going on..




    I mean . . .  there's NOT much midi implementation going on. How much do you want for this device? All there is is what's found below. You're not meant to create patches through midi or switch out effects. The function given to it is looper control and the ability to activate and deactivate effects in the patches that you've created, similar to what the floor board accessory would let you do. 

  1500 Pilots Guide - English ( Rev A ).pdf


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  14. On 11/16/2022 at 4:54 PM, rwinking said:

    I am thinking of getting the 212 powercab for some live aacoustic stuff. Currently I am using one of the old trace Elliot acoustic amps which has a great preamp that I go into a little EV tower style PA. I am qondering if anyone here has used the powercab in conjunction with a Helix for acoustic stuff. I have both the stomp and Helix. What are you using in the way of Helix preamps for an acoustic (two pickup system with the Dimarzio Black Angel piezo/mag combo) and how are you setting it up?




    It works amazing well for acoustic patches, but it has far more to do with what your Helix/Stomp is packing than what the Powercab has. It just amplifies it all nice and pretty. 


    For me, it's always a pretty simple chain. I generally follow the @PeterHamm school of thought and if you need ideas he has some great youtube videos and some patches you can buy. 


    The core of what I do is typically a mic pre-amp, some sprinklings of EQ, wet effects (whatever is desired) ending on reverb and finally an LA2A at the end of the chain. Often if I can find a good IR of an acoustic model I slap it in the chain. Again, I got some a long time ago from one of Peter's presets and I've never needed much after that. Here's a video from his channel if you want to dig in deeper. He knows how to make an acoustic patch sing. 



  15. On 11/14/2022 at 6:07 AM, Paulzx said:

    It's not a load of crap, it's the opinion of many people who have owned both and chosen to move because one sounded better than the other.

    The Helix does a lot of things better than most competitors, but it isn't the best thing out there when it comes to reproducing amp tones, it's pretty good

    but it's not the best.


    I called it a load of crap. You called it the "opinion."


    In our modern era, those are pretty much synonyms. 


    You enjoy your gear. I ain't stopping you. I just don't agree with you at all. 

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  16. On 11/16/2022 at 2:15 PM, SaschaFranck said:

    If you plan to use constant detunings a lot, don't do it inside the Helix. The algorithms aren't good enough for that and are introducing plenty of latency. If you only use it very ocassionally, you might be fine.


    I think they're pretty on par with a Whammy DT. 


    Not that either are THAT good. 

  17. On 11/13/2022 at 10:20 PM, sh4rkbyt31 said:

    When trying to update Helix, Windows 11 UAC is stopping it. Helix doesn't even show up on my computer as existing even though it was previously installed months ago. I have tried disabling UAC and even that doesn't prevent it? Stuck here on 3.15 without hope.


    Are you using HX Edit? That's how you're supposed to run the update.

  18. On 11/11/2022 at 4:27 PM, Paulzx said:

    What are you talking about? A lot of those Cork sniffing fools as you call them, used to be here using helix devices, some still do but they are well placed to make the comparison and its one way traffic. Nobody sells fractal gear to go Line 6 do they?


    It's pretty clear what I was talking about. I was calling those people victims of snake oil - idiots or fools. Take your pick. 


    To be more specific, I have no problem with anyone who tries all the devices and says, "I prefer THIS one." Whatever that may be. Fractal, Helix, Quad Core, Kemper, Headrush . . . Boss . . .


    However, to claim some sort of superior sonic superiority? 


    It's a load of crap. 

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  19. On 11/10/2022 at 8:08 PM, serronej said:

    Thank you that sounds good. But I dont have one yet…so I am hoping someone has some live experience with this?


    Tons do.  If you'll embrace snapshots and the Helix design there is next to nothing you can't do.  If you're rigid and inflexible to your own ideas about how it should be,  then you'll be disappointed. 

  20. On 11/10/2022 at 12:45 PM, Paulzx said:


    I've looked at this scenario myself but elected to stay with my Helix due to funds really but also in the meantime I've become better at dialling it in too.


    Anyway, if you really want the absolute best whatever the cost, it would have to be Fractal to be honest. The A-list artists using their stuff speaks for itself, plus if you go over to the Fractal forum, take a look at how many ex Helix owners there are there, that also tells a story because it doesn't really happen the other way around.


    Said it many times, Helix is still best bang for buck but the concensus is pretty clear over there with owners of both, which is better sounding, even if it is fairly close

    Yeah ... and then in a blind test those cork sniffing fools fail every time. 


    They can keep their Fractals. Their loss.

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