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Posts posted by jaeger28

  1. 2048 samples are 42milliseconds at 48khz. 1024 is half of that. So basically if you have a 400ms IR then it will be truncated after 10% on the bigger setting.


    Think about capturing a cab with a real amp. Imagine hitting a very short chord ant then palm muting it. The cab will resonate beyond your palm stop. If you only get 42ms of that, it might be short to an exten that is a bit unrealistic or static. In the 1024 setting it is half of that.

  2. Hi sounds great maybe try rolling off your tone nob on your guitar sometimes the tone your looking for is found just using your guitar volume and tone nobs hope it helps but I like what you have done already check out Joe Bonnamassa on you tube explaining the guitars own effects unit and how that relates to tone control I now tweak my helix end tone with the guitar setting and it makes a huge difference have fun experimenting



    Unfortunately the Charvel I used here doesn' have a tone control :(

  3. I've got a Cicognani Brutus amplifier. I guess the ground loop is in the Helix's USB-connection and that is totally killing me. Because if I plug the USB in I get this awful noise and hiss everywhere and when I plug it off... well... Helix becomes just another stomp-box to my board and I lose the ability to record and reamp through it.


    Currently I plan to invest in a furman power conditioner and an 8-channel transformer isolator. My Presonus audio interface used to be the ONLY rack-unit I possessed but soon there will be 3 1Us stacked. If I only knew, I should have bought the helix as a rack-unit as well... I wish I was into running marathons or something and would only need to buy new shoes instead of audio-gear ;D

    The problem is your computer power supply then. This is not just 4CM like stated before. Run a Laptop on battery, this should fix it.

  4. I wish it was so but practice proved different.

    Not sure what you are practising. But this fixed my ground loop in 4 CM with an Ampete One, a DSL100 as well as a Randall RM100.

    Maybe your ground loop is from something else,bad cable, power outlet, or your iso box is broken?



    Sure, you can buy a transformer-isolator and run through that your unbalanced connections but this takes one more gadget to your chain and more cables. For 4CM it is four more cables... I've got an isolator but it has only 2 channels. I might have to buy a rack unit that has 8 channels because this hum/noise -issue is present with other gear too..


    Just to make it clear: you only need ONE isolator box if you have a ground loop in 4CM. It goes between the Helix and the Amp front input. One passive box for 30-100$, one extra cable, done. One isolator placed in that connection will break the ground loop and everything will sound perfect.


    Again this is IF you have a ground loop with 4CM - not every amp does.

  6. The lack of TRS does mean the use of semi balanced cables in 4cm has no effect though?

    I remember a post where someone asked about humbuster cables and was roundly shouted down

    It's not a massive deal but for the cost of putting them in it might have been smart to do it

    Humbuster cables work on the FX8 because it's designed for that. Helix has so many ins and outs, it would have been overkill to add a quality iso transformer at every in- and output. Keep in mind any cost in production multiplies by x as a result on end price.

    If you take care of the isolation yourself you just need one iso transformer, and you then can get a real good one (Lehle, Radial,...)

    I don't think it's an issue. Just spend 30-100 bucks on the iso box and it's fixed. A pair of humbuster cables might even cost you more.

  7. That would make sense to my noise-problems with 4CM and a tube-amp. I've got a dual-channel isolator box but would need to have that for every connection if the jacks truly are all TS :/

    Now, this is what we THINK,



    Does anyone know for sure?



    One some amps you can have a ground loop in 4CM. Symmetric or not doesn't make a difference.

    Simply isolate the connection from Helix to Amp front Instrument input. This will break the loop. I use a Lehle P Split, it fixed any issues I had with this.

  8. That's it, I'm pulling the car over! Since you guys can't play nice, Line 6 will NEVER release 1.05.0 for Helix. :angry:


    1.05.0 is for Rack only. Both will get 1.06.0 soonish.

    What are you doing in your car? You should be in the coding cave writing some new Phaser pedals!!



  9. Hi robbie61,


    How do you download the 1.05 Firmware update ? I don't find it from the line6 website.

    Don't try yet but perhaps you update it directly from Helix application ?



    Sorry if you got tricked.

    We're just making fun, there ain't no update just YET :)

  10. I wonder if the potential failure issue only occurs when you have the battery in the guitar. So that power comes from both, battery and Helix and then maybe overloads components?

    In that case, keeping the battery out while having both lines connected could offer an easy fix?


    I ran a test again today and the magnetics definitely are much more dynamic and punchy through the audio connection - 123db dynamics in the Helix A/D definitely makes a difference.

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