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Posts posted by jaeger28

  1. Hiya all,


    I wanna run my JTV59P with my Helix in parallel with

    -the CAT5 cable connection for songs with custom tunings and modeling guitars

    -the standard jack cable for the magnetic pickups


    Is there a multicore cable that has both, the Cat5 and Audio Jack in one cable and both connectors at both ends?

    I could do one myself but it would be bulky.


    Reason why I wanna do this:

    This way I always use the (better) Helix A/D Converters instead of the ones in the Variax.


    If I only connect through CAT5 then the Magnetics will be converted to digital in the Variax, and it sounds less punchy and full to my ears than going with the guitar cable to the Helix and let that one do the A/D job.

    If I only go through Audio Jack, then I have no power supply, no remote control and an extra A/D-D/A from Variax to Helix, wich means more time lag and unnecessary tone loss.




  2. Using preamps on the Helix into the loop return of my Marshall. Bit of a pain. Some are really loud, like the Plexi, some really silent, like the Rectifier. Channel volume on full, a +12db gain module and +20db on the output to get it in the ballpark. Really?

    The lack of gain/level meters doesn't make things easier.

    • Upvote 1
  3. An in the room recording using a Randall RM100 with stock Plexi module, and boosting with the Tube Driver plus a few gimmicks.


    I "built" my own delay in a parallel path, using simple delay, then EQ then vibrato, this sounds like the "expensive" 80s/90s early digital delays tone I'm after.


    Hope you like it


    • Upvote 1
  4. The Helix is very transparent. It uses top of the line converters, and I don't notice any tone suck with mine in front of my amp or in the 4CM.

    I have to agree. And it's a first for me. Gazillion of pedals and amps behind me, incl. Bogner 100B and Friedman BE100 just to nsme a few. Running Helix with my Ampete One now and I can't even tell Helix is there. It sounds perfect, and I thought that was impossible for any digital effect.

  5. I am running a mono set up at the moment. But I want to program my presets stereo compatible in case I connect like that later on.


    If I use mono effects in a chain where stereo effects are placed before them, will they be summed to 2x mono after the mono block, or will the stereo information of the effects first in the chain be retained?

  6. I got the helix for exactly that reason, to replace my paddleboard. It does the job more than well, amazing actually. I too considered considered the fractal as an alternative. But I went for the helix, because it has impulse response, more inns and outs, and integrated expression pedal, and a more players approach, whereas the fractal is more scientific in my opinion. Plus the amp models are there as well.

    Sound wise I am very positively surprised, when I switch off all FX it's like it weren't there. Sounds like highend analog gear to me.

  7. Latest Firmware 1.03


    When using tap tempo on Ubiquitous Vibe, going on longer note values than 1/2 (depending on tap speed) will cause modulation to stop. The LFO minimum possible speed probably needs to be decreased further to allow for slow throbbing at 1/2 bar or 1/1 bar length.

  8. Everything is possible and different placements do different things. As it is so easy to swap around stuff in the Helix, I would just experiment. A Phaser before the dirt (pedal or amp) does very different things than after. Basically you could say whenever you place a pedal before an overdriven amp or an overdrive pedal, you not only shape the sound but also shape the behaviour of the overdrive section. If you place it after, you will shape the final sound of things.


    Best is not to read anything but experiment yourself and draw your own conclusions. Otherwise you might be missing out on a process that would get you your very own signature sound, instead of copying what xyz did a million times before.

  9. I also think that your real wah sounds better and warmer in your clip,..


    between the wah models you tried my prefence surely goes to the n.8 Fassel Dunlop CryBaby Super starting at 6:08 of your clip..


    however I believe it is possible to adjust the range of action of the expression pedal on the wah FXs by setting the min and max values limits, to make them respond in a warmer way..

    Yep I have adjusted the ones that had the parameters available. But I couldn't find a way to get that fat lower mid tone like the CAE. Still I am happy with the Wahs in there.

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