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Posts posted by jaeger28

  1. They were connected in the same power outlet. I think it's a quite common issue when using 4 CM. As said, if other people experience this, something like a P-Split to the amp front in, or mentioned Ebtech at Send/Return will fix it without much pain.

  2. It depends a lot on the gear involved, what kind of power you're getting, etc.


    A galvanic isolator box should always be around, unless you play guitar, tubescreamer, amp. As soon as power supplies, several routes to amps, mixers, etc. are used, some kind of ground noise will probably occur.

  3. Got my Helix in today. It sounds pretty amazing. But using my amp I had a ground loop. 4 CM can be a real downer when using all kinds of gear (you get these issues as well with some high end switcher loopers, no names mentioned).


    I found a solution: Used a Lehle P-Split to create a galvanic isolation on the connection between Send 1 on the Helix and the Amp input. Either the Amp input, or both send and return of the FX loop need to be galvanic isolated to avoid these issues with all amps and all power situations/venues. To be honest, the P-Split or similar products, as they work passive and suck no tone, is a little pain for a clean sound. If Line6 had wanted to avoid this, they'd needed to isolate all sends, returns, ins and outs. On a unit with so many possible routings probably overkill.


    Apart from that, I am pretty chuffed with my Helix, sounds rather damn well. I'm pretty sure it will replace my Gigrig/booteek FX board.


    Now wee need a longer list of FX, especially more phaser models, a proper, simple pitch modulator, and some other things I'm missing from my M5/9/13.

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  4. Hija,


    My Helix will arrive tomorrow.


    The FX loop on my amp is switchable Instr/Line level. Line with rack FX sounds better/stronger than Instr.


    Can I go


    Guitar => Helix Input (Instr)

    Helix Send1 => Amp In (Instr)

    Amp FX Send => Helix Return 2 (Line)

    Helix Out (Line) => Amp FX Return


    Can it be routed this way to get the best tone from my Amp?


    Also: Would there be any benefit in using a Symmetrical Out (XLR=>Mono Jack with ring connected to ground) on the Amp Return route?

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