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  1. Ok, I hope this is just a tiny bug and not symptomatic of something a little bigger. I have noticed that when I adjust an amp's volume via the HD edit software (say loweing an AC-30 from 75% to 40%), it is reflected immediately in the unit (over all volume is lower). I then send the selected patch to the pod to save it. If I go to another patch and then back to the original - the pod has lost the new amp volume. HD edit says the level is the same as what was saved (40%), but it is much louder (sounds like 75%). If I adjust the volume on the pod and save it on the pod - all is good. I suspect there is nothing to do but hope it gets ironed out in the next update (which might be when??) Thanks -Paul
  2. I purchased a new HD500X and It's not sounding very good. I have hooked it up to my Laney GH50L head via 4 cable method, change the Pods output through power stack, direct, and combo stack with no all sounds extreamly fake. Strangly the best setting is the studio direct ( cant remember exact name). What do I set my FX loop volume knob on back of my amp? I tried adjusting FX loop levels on POD I have my switches set to line Thanks, Jeff
  3. Hi i need opinions of this PA Alto SXM112A, for the pod hd 500, is worth or not? i play in church trough mixers and line array systems so for monitoring i use a small acoustic amp, sounds good but not have the same tone of the line array. So i need opinions somebody?
  4. Hey guys, I thought I'd make this a separate post so that it's easier to find for anyone who might be having some issues. The patches for the HD500 do not import directly into the HD500X Edit software at this time. They use different file formats. There is a work-around that I posted earlier, and is being passed around now. All you have to do is change the extension on the patch files: For individual patches, change the extension from .h5e to .5xe For bundles, change the file extension from .h5b to .5xb For setlists, change the file extension from .h5s to .5xs I have found no inconsistencies among the patches from the HD500 Edit to the HD500X Edit using this method. I don't know if/when Line 6 will update the software to allow backwards compatibility, but in the mean time, you can use this method to get your 500 patches to your 500X. UPDATE: Someone else mentioned that you can drag-and-drop individual HD500 files into the tone slots in the 500X Edit software. I can confirm that this works. You will still need to change the file names for set-lists and bundles, though.
  5. On the POD HD500, you *must* reset the global setup options which includes resetting the Setlist names and pedal calibration by: 1. Disconnecting the USB cable connection between HD500 and host computer. 2. Power off the POD HD500. 3. Power on the POD HD500 while holding the LEFT ARROW (button while plugging in the power supply to the POD. If you do not do this, one of the tell-tale symptoms that may surface after a Monkey Flash Memory update is that the HD500 will be stuck in a continuous re-boot/power cycling state (you'll keep seeing the Logo and the unit keeps re-starting itself). Sometimes this may not occur, but a secondary telltale sign that a user has not performed a Global Settings reset is the USB communication between the HD500 and HD500 Edit software will be extremely slow/sluggish. ***PLEASE NOTE: Please also make sure to re-calibrate the onboard expression pedal of the HD500 after performing the Global Settings reset. Instructions: How to calibrate the POD HD500 Expression Pedal.
  6. Q: Can I connect my POD/2.0/XT/X3/Live to the front (instrument input) of my amplifier? A: Yes.You will want to create as clean a sound as possible on your amplifier. You will want to make the combo amplifier's EQ as "flat" as possible by turning the treble and bass controls to zero and maxing out the mid control. You should also set POD's output to 9 or 10 o'clock to avoid overdriving the instrument input of the amplifier and have no effects active. You will want to experiment with the output level on the POD to create a sound that works for your situation. Below is the routing for this set up: Guitar > POD unit > Amplifier instrument input. This works but you will be stacking two preamps in series (the POD unit acts as a preamp). Make sure you also adjust the OUTPUT Mode on the POD unit for optimal tone, many end users prefer "Combo/Stack FRONT" Q: Can I bypass the preamp section of my amp to avoid stacking two preamps? A: Yes, There are two ways this can be accomplished. 1) If your amplifier has a CD/MP3 input you can go directly in the this jack from the POD output (This is a common method with the Line 6 Spider Series amplifiers). Be aware you may need to "trick" your amplifier input by using a 1/4" "dummy" plug in the instrument input to allow signal to pass to the speaker (headphone adaptors often work well for this purpose). Guitar > POD unit > Amplifier CD/MP3 input with 1/4" "dummy" plug in the instrument input 2) If your amplifier has an effects loop (i.e. the Line 6 Spider Valve or Flextone) you can use your POD unit as the main Pre amp and distortion generator, using only the power amp section of your amplifier by plugging into the "effects return" or "power amp input". If the amplifier has a "power amp in", the POD output will most likely control the output volume. If the amplifier has "effect loop return" the amplifier master volume will most likely control the output volume. Below is the routing for this: Guitar-> POD In - POD Out -> Amp FX Return. Make sure you also adjust the OUTPUT Mode on the POD unit for optimal tone Combo or Stack PWRAMP when applicable. Q: Can I run my POD/X3/xt/Pro/Live/Floor in an effect loop of an amplifier to use just the effects rather than the amp modeling? A: Yes, it is possible to to run a POD as an effect unit in the effect loop of an amplifier. You may want to turn off the amp modeling or use as clean a sound as possible to avoid stacking preamps. You may also need to lower the "line level" signal of the amplifier's effect send output to "instrument level" to avoid potential damage to the input of your POD. Some POD units will have a pad switch that will accomplish this function. If your POD unit does not have an input pad switch, a device such as the Ebtech Line Level Shifter can be used to lower the line level if necessary. Below is the routing for this: Guitar > Amp In / Amp FX Send> POD IN - POD Out > Amp FX Return. With this routing, you would have to bypass the amp modeling on the POD unit and use it for FX only, using your amp's own preamp section. Q: Can I connect my POD to two amps for a stereo configuration? A: Yes. Connect the left output of the Pod to the input of one amp and the right output of the Pod to another amp. It would be best if you could connect your Pod to the amps using the effects loop of the amp if you have one since it will bypass the preamp of your amplifier. Q: What is the Four cable method? (POD X3 Live and Pro Only) A: The "Four Cable" method (4CM) can be used for any effect unit that has an effects loop when connecting to an amplifier that has an effects loop (i.e. the POD X3 Live). This cabling method allows the end-user to place filters and overdrive units before the preamp section of the amplifier, and modulation and delay effects after the effect loop in the effect unit. This way the amplifier will provide the tones and the Line 6 device will provide the effects (pre and post). Be sure to enable the effects loop, and experiment with Pre-post effect to decide which method works best for you. Instrument > X3Live guitar in X3Live effect loop send > instrument input of amplifier Amplifier effect loop send > X3Live effect loop return X3 line output > Amplifier effect loop return. Q: Can I run the two tones separately, such as one tone for "pre" amp sounds and the other for "post" (i.e. effect loop) sounds? A: An "alternate" method of the Four Cable method is to completely separate the front of the amp effects (i.e. filters and overdrives) into Tone 1, and the time based effects (chorus, delay, reverb) in Tone 2. The tones will need to be panned hard left (1) and hard right (2) in the outputs section (any blending of the tones may result in feedback). Be aware that you will need to have both tones active to get sound, and you need to set up the inputs as follows: Tone 1: Guitar, Tone 2: Aux. Feel free to experiment with the "amp settings" to determine which setting works best for your setup.The connection wiring is: Instrument > X3Live guitar in X3Live Live (left) output > amplifier input Amplifier FX loop send > X3Live Aux input X3Live (right) output > Amplifier FX loop return Video is listed alphabetically under "Multi-Effects".
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