So I went to turn on the drums and nothing happened. Grabbed a SanDisk SD Card in hopes that reflashing would fix it. One of those 2 GB Micro SD Cards with the adapter, which I was using to capture recording with and worked fine for that but when it came to trying to format it with the Spider Jam it didn't work didn't hurt anythng just didn't work. So I fomatted the card to FAT via computer and loaded the bin file onto the balnk card and tried to relash but no success. So went digging for the card I used years ago which was a standard 1 GB SD Card SanDisk style (Blue). Formatted via the Spider Jam with success and then loaded the bin file to that blank card. After that the reflash took about 5 minutes and with succsess. Firmware must have gotten corrupt somehow since the last time reflashed was at least 4 years ago.