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A Catalyst may seem "dead" if a firmware update fails to complete itself. If the Catalyst fails to update: Power down the amp and close the Updater app. Open the Updater again, then power up the Catalyst while holding A and B to put the unit into bootloader mode. You will then need to manually select the correct Catalyst product from three choices presented by the Updater. Select the latest firmware version, then accept the Terms and Conditions. After the update is complete, power down your Catalyst amplifier, then “RESET” the amplifier by holding down the “B” and “MANUAL” channel buttons while turning the power switch back on.
The transmitter of my G10 seems to have spontaneously failed. No sign of life at all. The halo on the charger flashes red, but the jack-plug device shows no light, nothing. The unit's about two years old and has performed perfectly up to now. I raised a support ticket online with Line6 and they asked me to download the firmware update and apply it. I did. Not surprisingly it told me it couldn't see the transmitter. The support desk also said that if the firmware update failed, I should contact my local (UK) service company, who are in Milton Keynes. Once I'd got past the autoreply bots, a real person said that they could have a go at fixing it if it's still under warranty (which I'll have to check) or, as the transmitter is relatively cheap, just buy a new one - the transmitter only. All of which raises a few questions. 1) Has anyone else had this sudden-death issue? 2) Can I indeed buy just the jack-plug transmitter bit? 3) If I do, how will the charger/receiver pair with it? I asked the guy that last question, and he said "it'll just work. Any receiver will work with any transmitter". Which raises the question of what would happen if I had two of them, and only one of them needed a new transmitter. Does the transmitter speak to the receiver it most recently was plugged into, or something? Anyway - I feel a bit passed around. Neither Line 6 nor the servicing partner seem that keen on getting involved, so I thought I'd ask for advice here. Thank you for your time, M
I have posted on this subject before, but now it's to the point where it's intolerable. I normally use the L6 link to my HD500. I used to fire up the pod first, then the amp. After a while it started to hang up during it's startup routine, and when it did that I'd get no sound. I'd look at the lights, and sometimes they were all lit, sometimes none were lit, or sometimes I'd see the wrong combination of lights. And it does this to this day, only more often. After some experimentation and reading something Line 6 wrote, I changed my routine to starting both devices separately, then connecting the L6 link. If I got sound, I could then plug in the L6 link too and everything was rosy. For a while this worked. When the problem resurfaced, I resolved to employ a shut down routine where I'd go to standby, then unplug the L6 link, then wait, then power off, then unplug from the wall. (powering up still required keeping the L6 link unconnected at first) This worked flawlessly for a while, but now it too fails quite often, and any time I don't get the sequence EXACTLY right it seems to always fail. Once the thing fails to initialize correctly, I have no choice but to restart it, and it usually fails 5-15 times after that before eventually starting. I've done a factory reset so many times I could puke. I've flipped the power and standby switches with it unplugged ad nauseum. I have exceptionally clean and uniform power PLUS a power conditioner, so it's not that. When working correctly, I believe the lights and relays go like this when the power switch is thrown: 1) all on; 2) all off; 3) coinciding with the last amp setting (prior to connecting the L6 link). when having the issue, it usually makes it to step 1 or step 2 and hangs there--and I get no sound. A couple times it's even gone to step 3 and looked right but still no sound--but I think in those instances I was doing the multiple restarts in fairly rapid succession. I'm at wits' end, but I figure that were I to ship it to Line 6 they probably wouldn't witness the problem (remember, it's intermittent). Below is a similar thread I did earlier in the problem's evolution. Anybody out there encounter anything like this? Thanks for reading!!!
Hey everyone, I got my Shuriken last week -waited long, long time ... like everyone! This Guitar works 3 Days. Suddenly the electronic failed (at a gig ;-( ). Nothing, no LED on Knobs... Yes, the Akku was full and I used it with the VLAN-Cable with Helix! Now its send back to Yamaha/Germany and I am sure this will take several weeks :-( I am VERY disappointed. Sorry Line6, but I had same problems with JTV-Variax-Guitars, therefore I bought the Shuriken! Only my Standard works well. Does anyone have similar problems? Bernd
macOS 10.13/10.14/10.15/11.4 has implemented an additional security layer for kernel extension drivers, such as the Line 6 audio drivers. After the Line 6 device is connected, the customer must open the Security Control Pane and accept the Line 6 driver in order for the device to be recognized. Typically, but not always you'll see this message when your driver gets blocked, or is not available for use with your DAW: However, sometimes the driver gets blocked and the message won't appear. Your driver and hardware simply won't work. In either case, you'd need to approve the driver in System Preferences > Security & Privacy: Additional information about this change can be found at For some cases if the "Allow" button does not change anything, or the "Allow" button does NOT disappear after clicking. Please try these steps: Go into: System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Select 'All Controls'. Then: Go back to System Preferences > Privacy & Security > Press 'Tab' until 'Allow' is selected > Press 'Spacebar'. Note: the Privacy & Security page may need to be unlocked before 'Tab' will work.
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Hi All, New to the forum. I have had my Amp setup for 3 years now. I bought a new (secondhand) guitar that has renewed my enthusiasm to pick up a guitar again. It seems though there are other plans afoot! I jumped online to see if there were any updates for the pedal and amp and sure enough there is! First thing I did was renew my password to login (as I forgot). Then I made sure I downloaded Line 6 sotware: Licence manager, Monkey, FBV controller & Spider Edit to my Macbook Pro. So I had everything powered off. I plugged in my Cat cable to the Amp & Pedal. I plugged in the USB between the Mac & Pedal. Turned amp on and powered laptop and logged into Monkey. Monkey found the devices and found the updates required so I downloaded those. Then right at the end of the update it came back with an error message about making sure cables are connected. (which they obviously were as everything was initially talking to each other) Then the amps display said 'Downloading'. So I thought it must have gone through. It said downloading for over an hour so I thought, these are only midi files, they ain't that big! So I tried to reinstall and then it said in the on screen software under Device Firmware, 'Unknown'. I restarted everything again but when I switched the amp back on it still came up with 'Downloading' It was at this point that I knew something had gone wrong for sure. I did a hard reset and cycled the pwr. Nothing. I searched the forums and found the factory reset. I have done that and now all the amp says is 'Ready to Install'. (which I tried but just get error messages about the firmware) If anyone knows a fix for this please please respond. Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, your my only hope!
Hello All, Helix Rack noob here. For whatever reason, the Helix rack will not connect to my PC via USB (Windows 7/Core i7/Cubase 8/32GB RAM) or be recognized by the Line Updater. I have tried plugging the USB cable into the rear USB port as has been suggested in previous posts. This was (and continues to be) met with extreme futility. Any wise suggestions that would remedy this most unfortunate situation would be enthusiastically read and eagerly anticipated. Closing salutations, MolchMon
I've gone ahead and opened up a ticket for a failing footswitch on by brand new Helix. Anyone else experience anything similar? Any solutions? My heart is broken!
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A failed firmware attempt can have a number of causes. Computer users may be having USB hardware or driver configuration issues, while mobile device users may experience Bluetooth range or interference issues. In any event, a failure in the update process will produce the following page: In our experience, in addition to using Update Mode as laid out on the above page, the best results come from using the USB updater, possibly on multiple computers in case a given computer is experiencing USB configuration issues. We have seen some users experience update issues with older Firehawk drivers still installed on Windows. Go to My Computer > Device Manager > Firehawk then right click "Uninstall Drivers" make sure you click the box saying "Remove Files" Then unplug your Firehawk, plug it back in and repeat these steps until Windows doesn't have any more drivers installed to assign to the Firehawk. Finally, reinstall the latest driver and let Windows assign it.
All 4 tone lights (or ABCD lights on the FX100) flashing is 'recovery mode'. It is the intended behavior after a failed update. If you come across this mode, you must attempt to update the AMPLIFi again. Power down your AMPLIFi. When updating via PC, please connect the USB cable and make sure to boot the unit while holding Tone+Tap (amp, TT) or A+C (FX100) to put your AMPLIFi into Update Mode. Run the Line 6 Updater program found at For a guide, please refer to If you still get failed updates from the Line 6 Updater, try another USB cable and port as well as another computer When updating via an iOS device, Bluetooth works in recovery mode, but the pairing from before the failed update is not maintained. You must press the Bluetooth button and pair again from the smart device's Bluetooth menu. You can then proceed with the update.
So I just bought this thing and I'm trying to create my own presets in the in the Edit application running in Windows 7. It works great, but for only a minute or two, and then the unit stops syncing and is locked on whatever sound I was currently at. After that nothing responds. If I turn pedals on or off, change pedals, change amps, the sound stays the same and I no longer see "syncing" on the device screen. If I try to Receive anything I get an error message: Operation timed out, Code 8000000000a When I unplug and plug the device back in it works again for only a minute then the same thing. This is unacceptable. Any ideas? Did I just waste a lot of money? Device is updated.
I recently purchased the POD Farm Platinum and run it as stand alone software. I'm using KB37 as my sound card as I connect my guitar to it. I switch between different amps and effects and none of them are working as if my guitar signal didn't pass through the devices. I went through the entire list of the amps, occasionally one or two amp option gives me a different tone, yet most of the amp selections, i'd say 90% sounds exactly the same as the clean sound. Same things happened to the effect pedals as well. Doesn't matter if I switch between delays or modulations, it always the clean sound. Basically, none of the amps or effects are working. I've tried both on PC and mac and I've aways end up in the same result. I've tried different versions, from the newest 2.57 to the 2.51 and it always ends up the same. I've go through the support troubleshooting by deleting all the files when i'm uninstall a version. Seems like none of these are working. Please help me with this issue. I really need to get this working. Thanks