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  1. My Line 6 HD500X is not starting after I switch on the power. Line 6 Logo appears, stays for some seconds, the logo change to a big blue block and then fades away. Line 6 Logo appears again. This keeps happening in a loop. This happened while I was downloading tones from my laptop. How can I reset the HD500x?
  2. I have a problem with the POD HD 500X. I'm normally playing at home then I want to change from the EXP1 to EXP2 to use the Wah effect, but the POD shuts down and it begins to restart over and over again without starting. Waht could it possibly be? FX overuse? Wrong calibration?
  3. I tried to assign amp drive and amp volume to exp1 and exp2. Assigning goes ok but it does not work as it should. Sounds like amp is totally disabled, or at least sound is pretty similar as it would be without amp. And when turning bass-mid-treble knobs, display does not show any of the knob values. Is this normal behaviour with HD500X?
  4. I have just bought a used HD5000X on Ebay (first time using a Line-6 board), and am having trouble configuring the Pedal. The Pedal wasn't doing anything when I first switched on the HD500X, so I calibrated it according to the instructions in the advanced manual, and it is now functioning (I think) as a global volume control. I can't see anything in the manual about how to switch this off? I want to be able to assign Pedal control for individual FX in each patch, without the pedal also acting as a volume control. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious here, but I'm a newbie, so any advice would be much appreciated!
  5. Is there a way to set up / connect connect two powered monitor speakers (stereo & time based effects) and an amp ( std effects) to the HD500X? I've seen this done, Youtube, with the Helix but would like to set up my HD500X. Thanks
  6. Hello guys. I might need your help here. I own the POD HD500x. I love some things, some others don't. I've always been wondering what's better, if the HD500X or the BOSS GT-100. Maybe if you don't want to answer based on term "better" you might tell me what you think about their differences / resemblances. For example, I could say I have found less than 5 decent and comfortable distorted tones for solos in L6 Custom Tone, and I have practically downloaded all of them to see. I can say there are nice clean tones. That's me refering to "distorted tones for solos", for example. There's a lot of other aspects to look too. Thanks
  7. Links to Line 6 Product Specialist Joe Butterfield's videos of: Joe's tones are available here: Links to Line 6 Product Specialist Nick Bell's versions of: Nick's tones are available here: Nick Bell Line 6 Product Specialist Joe Cozzi's Spanish-language videos: (Spanish) Creating tones on the Line 6 POD HD500X Every Breath You Take
  8. Hi. Hoping someone may be able to guide me. I've been using HD500X for a few years (with DT25). Recently I decided to start using JTV over VDI. I had a couple of issues at 2 gigs in a row this weekend. 1: When I powered the unit up for the start of our set at Gig 1 it appeared normal, and then within a few minutes of starting up, twice in quick succession it appeared to go back to the "Line 6" logo start up screen and I momentarily lost signal. This was not the first time I'd gigged with the VDI, but was the 1st time I'd gigged with additional patches where the POD was controlling the tuning. it was strange and made me very nervous for the the duration of the gig, but ultimately the POD performed as normal thereafter. 2: Before the 2nd Gig I plugged the POD into Monkey to see if any updates might be required. Only some drivers needed updating - Flash was all up to date. So I saved my setlist, did the update and then reloaded my setlist onto the POD and headed to the gig. Things started well, but during the 1st set something weird happened: I stepped on preset 1B halfway through the set, only to find that the POD had copied preset 1A onto 1B. I now had 2 identical patches and had lost my original preset 1B which I had been using just fine in the previous song. Fortunately, I had taken my laptop with me to the gig "just in case" of any issues, so after the 1st set I reloaded a set list from a few gigs earlier (where the POD was not controlling the tuning - as this was the only real change I'd made before I started getting issues) and made some changes to the main patches I was using in order to try to reduce the DSP being used, just in case this was causing any of the issues. Never had this happen before and thought it was strange and worried me. Can anyone please help me: 1: Explain what may have caused this? 2: Anyone definitely had this exact thing happen to them before? 3: I'm thinking some sort of Reflash/Factory Reset would be sensible - has this been shown to be the solution to these symptoms? Everything I've seen re: DSP suggests that the system will flag issues when creating the patch rather than let me create and use something that won't work properly. Seems strange that if DSP is the reason, it would let me use it fine for half the gig and then make random unwelcome changes on my behalf... trying to figure out if my unit has developed a fault, or if this set up will simply be unreliable and I may need to either give up on the Dream Rig set up, or think about going to Helix (which although I'd love, does not yet have DT25 integration, and I struggle to justify the outlay given the limited number of sounds I actually need/use, and the POD - in theory - pretty much does all that I need). Any help welcome!! Many thanks in advance!
  9. Hello I am wondering how to figure out or if anyone knows the watts used from the HD500x by itself and with the JTV-59 being powered by it?
  10. After some Google and Line6 forum searching for key words, I was unable to find an answer... Just picked up a second hand HD500x, and now I'm addicted!! I don't always have my guitar or unit available , and am wondering if there is a way to start building patches with a "test tone" of some sort. I generally try to build tones based on the worship set I'm playing at church the upcoming weekend. I need just a simple "A" note, "G" note, etc... to get an overall feel in order to build a patch. I'm fully aware that I'll need to tweak the patch when I plug in my actual guitar. I'm just wanting a guitar note (or chord) I can use in order to start the builds. Thanks for any help someone can give.
  11. Hi all, As a total newbee I hope someone can/will help me out.... I bought a HD500x just yesterday.... playing in a ska/reggaeband I want some nice custom tones.... Searched the website; found several but none for the HD500x. (found: 'skankin' ska', 'reggae clean', 'papasote', 'punky ska', 'skankin' and more.....) Is there someone who can help me with the custom tones above but for HD500x ..... or someone who can tell me how to create these sounds on the HD500X ? Thnx ! Danny - Netherlands
  12. Hey All, I was watching this YT vid: At the beginning of the vid, the guy explains his signal chain and says that he's "...hooked the POD directly into the power amp section of the Blues Deluxe bypassing the whole tone stack. The Pre Amp is gone and he can't even control the volume using the amp's controls...". Can some of the more experienced folks tell me is this is the same as using an amp's F/X loop? And, if anyone has a BD, is this a typical "feature" of the amp or is it something that's most probably a post purchase mod? Thanks! Bill
  13. Hello, Just bought my HD500x a couple of hours ago. I don't know what I did, but the expression pedal doesn't work anymore. Can I reset the to factory settings or something ???
  14. I'm thinking of purchasing POD Farm 2.5. I'm using the limited version now to try out and it seems to work fine with my HD500X. My question is this: if I create a patch (preset, whatever) in POD Farm to use for recording, can I then save that patch to my HD500X so that my live playing has the same sound as my recorded work? Or can I save the patch as a file that I can then import into the HD500X? I can't seem to find a reference to this in the manual, nor in my (admittedly limited) search on this forum.
  15. kendiros

    Hd500x service

    Greetings! Happy new year! My sweet Hd500x has several problems: The 4th rotator (under the LCD screen), the tap, up and down and and the fs5 footswitches are almost dead. I live in Greece and Line6 lists only a shop 600km far.. 1. Any good diy guides to repair.. or 2. e-shop in Europe to find Heavy duty replacement buttons and knobs or maybe the footswitch pcb 3. Should I try using compressed air or liquid cleaner, above or below the surface? 3. any other suggestions would be welcome
  16. I would like to have all of the lights on for presets/footswitches that are not engaged. So I'd like the 3 other foot switches lit for the patches I am not currently using and the foot switches lit for switches that are not assigned, etc. I'm pretty sure I had done this in the past on my HD500 but I can't find any info on it and I don't see the setting anywhere on the POD.
  17. Having trouble saving Exp2 parameter changes. Trying to set exp2 to control Delay mix but the patches all revert to Time instead of mix. Anyone else have exp2 trouble?
  18. Hello all, I can't find it today, but I saw somewhere on here instructions for sending two outputs from the HD500X - one direct to the mixing console and another to my amp. IIRC: XLR Left Output to the mixing console and the 1/4" Left output to my amp. Does that sound correct? What output setting do you recommend I use? Thanks for helping out a noob.
  19. Hello, I have a DT50 112 and HD500X using L6 link. I am struggling with understanding the best way to use this setup. L6 Link, 4 cable method or just direct to the amp. Right now I am using the Plexi bright pre amp but I feel i'm not getting the same sound as I do direct into the Amp with the same model selected. ( USED the DT50 EdiT software to assign a Pexi brite to channel A and JCM to Channel B. signal chain - EP silverburst into G70 wireless > out to Tc helicon Correct XT into the HD500X. BAd Horsie II wah in the effects loop of the HD500X. Digital cable out of HD500X to L6 link on the Amp. Reading forums, it seems it might have something to do with routing and settings. Not sure what I am doing wrong but it just doesnt have the punch that the Amp has? Need help. AC DC.5xe Covers.5xe 80's Rock Covers.5xe
  20. Anyone have suggestions for a good bag to carry around my new HD500X? Nylon with pockets for cables? Thanks, Dennis (New DT-25 & HD500X owner)
  21. Awesomeslaw

    HD500 tones

    So I picked up a HD500 which seems amazing except for the fact that I only have an iPad and it isn't compatible with any software to download patches. Only a few of the factory ones really sound decent to me and I've played with building a few. So not sure if I should have gotten a firehawk instead so I could control it with my iPad? Let's face it once I get my main 8-12 tones I likely won't use a whole lot more. 1- is there a place I can get tones listed vs a patch? So I can just type them in. I'm not a country guy but I wouldn't mind building a paisley like tone. 2- did I mess up and should have gotten the firehawk since I don't own a computer...
  22. I've been watching people set up some high gain tones by putting a pedal before the amp with the drive turned almost all the way down and the volume/bright all the way up. I have mostly seen this done with tube amps. Not sure about solid state. Either way, has anyone tried setting something up like this on the HD500X? If so, what do you guys think? Does it work about the same?
  23. So, I am trying to register my board on the Line 6 website so I can add new tones to it and use the tone editing software, but I cannot register the serial number because it says there is an error. I tried connecting it to Line 6 Monkey and it says "The POD HD500X you are connecting to is not a valid Line 6 hardware. Please inform Line 6 Customer Support about this message to receive further instructions." I have called Line 6 support and they tried to register my HD500X on their end, but they could not do it either. The representative told me the ESN (serial number) cannot be recognized and I would have to send it in for troubleshooting or take it to a local service shop. I got the info for a local repair shop and gave them a call. I told them the scoop and they said they cannot do anything because they can only repair and fix broken components, not sync a serial number with a unit. The manager at the shop was almost irritated that Line 6 told me to call them and take care of this issue and he was like "call the company you bought it from and ask for a replacement, we only repair or replace broken components, we can't sync serial numbers to units." So I contacted where I bought it from ( to see what they can do. I have had this board since June 4th, 2017 and have used and created tones solely on the board. I am now wanting to download new tones and take advantage of the tone editing software. Since this problem has occurred I am left in a bind. I contacted Zzounds and let them know the situation and asked if they can send me a replacement and I'll send back this problematic unit back to them. I am still waiting to hear back. I use this board every weekend and cannot afford to be without it for up to 4 weeks, which is how long Line 6 support told me it would take to get it fixed. I have tried everything. I reinstalled drivers and all of the Line 6 apps and restarted my computer multiple times. I even used different USB cables and USB ports to make sure it wasn't a connection issue. I have checked the serial number probably about 20 different times and tried different combinations, I assure you I am not entering it in wrong. Anyone have any ideas? Screenshots of errors are attached.
  24. I have an HD500x and I have some presets I got from customtone and enjoy making some of my own. The problem is that when I get one I like, I switch to another and sometimes, the volume is quiet a bit different. Is there some way I can monitor the volume with some kind of meter so that I can have my tones be balanced?
  25. My intention is to use an HD500X as an interface into GarageBand on a MacBook Pro. My dilemma is how to record guitar using the POD amp simulations but bypass the GarageBand simulations. I have yet to discover how to record a guitar track without it being colored by the GB amp models. There doesn't seem to be an option for injecting a guitar signal straight in while bypassing GarageBand's amps. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
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