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  1. I have noticed that my JTV89 (original), particularly with the HD500x, has gotted very "honky" and piercing in the midrange, at around 1k. This hasn't always been the case. Also, the strat model has gotten more hollow and breathy sounding. I have to put an EQ pedal in front of the Pod and completely cut the 1k band to keep my ears from aching. I have had the JTV89 for about 8 years now. Any chance this might be a side effect of a degrading piezo?
  2. I wanted to use a microphone with my HD500X. Is it possible to have my guitar with effects setup on it and have a microphone that doesn't have any effects on it? I wanted to try to do this at church to make things easier. I have tried this before, but my mic was gainy and odd on my distorted effects. Thank you guys!
  3. Hello, fellows. I bought my POD HD500X like a week ago and as the normal procedures I downloaded line 6 monkey, and installed everything from it to the date also ASIO4ALL. I didn't have any trouble until I started to use DAWs. When I was using and recording with Adobe Audition I got blue screen of death(BSOD) several times and with different errors. Checked all the drivers, and they all were updated.I decided to format my computer and start from cero. So, once again installed everything (all drivers updated incluiding pod's). Decided to give Adobe Audition another chance (I thought the problem was in this DAW), guess what: BSOD again when recording using the POD as interface. Well, tired of that error, I downloaded FL Studio and when recording: BOOM, BSOD once again, at this point I was really tired of those problems, so I gave one more chance to FL. I was working fine with it, recorded several tracks and stuff but I got the BSOD again when I was switching presets with the footswitch of the pod. So im thinking: Is my POD broken by fabric or something?¿Is there any solution to this BSOD problem? I bought this for recording purposes only and having all these problems is making me want to give it back to the store. Also, my computer description: Windows 10, Intelcore i7,16gb ram, Nvidia gtx 950m.
  4. I have been using my Pod to record in Reaper, but I realized that until now I had been using WASAPI drivers instead of ASIO. My setup is as follows: Guitar into the Guitar In on the Pod, USB on the Pod into the USB on my computer, and headphones into the audio jack of my computer. I am essentially using the Pod as a DI box and reamping with VSTs in Reaper, as such, I don't want the sound of the Pod monitored, but the processed Reaper signal. When I attempt to use the Line 6 ASIO drivers, I cannot figure out how to send the output to my headphones. I have tried ASIO4All as well, and it shows the Pod as unavailable. Is there anything I can do with this setup, or would I need an additional piece of equipment in order to achieve this? Thanks in advance!
  5. Hello, my pod hd500x motherboard crashed and i’ll buy the hx effect, but can someone give me the complete preset of the « vocal synth » by pics, it would be easier i think? thx a lot
  6. Hey everyone. I currently use my HD500X in my studio for home use. I am going to jam with some friends and they have an extra Marshall Head and Cab there I can plug in so I was hoping I could use my HD500X so I can get the tones I want. I am not a Marshall fan and I don't feel like dragging my EVH, and Cabs over so I was wondering if I can use his Marshall head as a preamp and just run my settings which is amp and cab simulation to get the tone I like ? Is this possible ? What do I need to do in order to get this to work ?
  7. My 10 year old POD XT LIVE died ... I played a gig with it one day and it was dead the next. Here is a video I made when I discovered what was wrong with it..
  8. Hello everyone! I was looking to see if anyone can help me out hooking up my setup, I'm very new to midi. I have a Evh 5150iiii 100w-which doesn't have midi built in, and a 7pin din jack. A Nux Pms2 midi switcher, a bestronics 7pin din to (2)1/4" trs jacks and a line 6 hd500x. I can only get the hd500x to switch channels on the amp, but i am not getting any effects etc. Just straight amp sounds. Also when i switch the hd500x from left to right (clean to distortion) i cannot switch smoothly. Any advice would be extremely appreciated!!!
  9. Hello good people! I was considering getting the hd500x because it fits perfectly on my budget, but i couldn't find anywhere an answer to this question: Can you connect your pod to foh (with cab emulation) and to a poweramp and cab (without cab emulation) simultaneously? if not, that would be a deal breaker :/ I've downloaded the edit software and discovered that using a dual amp setup i could turn off the simulation on one, so theoretically if i pan them hard to the sides i could do what i want? Thanks in advance!
  10. Hello, I was trying to update my Pod HD500x from version 1.0 to the lastest 2.62 and it has been stuck on updating flash for more than two hours, and i'm really worried as i can't disconnect it (i'm afraid this might brick it as is suggested when trying to quit) but it seems to be stuck and i'm really unsure what to do. I just bought this so this is really worrying, and i can't afford to buy a new one. I'm doing this on a macbook 2016, and am using a usb-c to usb-A converter to connect the pod to my macbook. Any help is extremely appreciated.
  11. Hello, I've tried searching for an answer for this but haven't had any luck. I have an hd500x with a dual signal path setup. Currently, I'm using one of the regular switches to switch between the clean amp and the treadplate amp- there is a noticeable lag/cutoff when I do this and I don't want to use it with that present. I downloaded a preset not too long ago that uses the expression pedal to make this same transition in a more seamless manner, I just can't figure out how to do it in the edit program. Basically, I want to avoid this lag that I currently have. If there are other ways to do minimize this issue I'll take tips/advice too. Thanks!
  12. This works in the workbench software but not when it's unplugged from USB. I am trying to set up a patch with two amplifiers that fade out of Amp One and fades into Amp 2. So when the pedal is in max position on the toe, Amp 1 is at full volume amp two is minimum (off). When at heel position it is the opposite with amp one at 0 volume and amp two at max volume. To try this, I set the controller pedal to control the channel volume on amp 1 with a minimum set to 0 and maximum to my desired level (75). Then for channel volume on amp two, I set this in reverse with the minimum at 75 and maximum at zero. It works in the workbench, but when I disconnect it after saving and sending the patch to the POD, it works once, then seems that the negative settings are ignored and all I can do is fade out amp one, amp two is always coming through. Is this possible to accomplish?
  13. I recently purchased a POD HD500X. I already have a Vetta II amp and Spider Bogner amp. Has anyone run the HD500X into these amps? How did you set it up? David
  14. I am wondering what the best headphones are for the hd500x. I have a price range of about $225-$250. Can anyone help me out with some suggestions and reasonings behind them please? Im new to this and want to get the right set the first time
  15. I am wanting to upgrade my Pod XT Live and was initially looking at going for an HD500x, but the option of replacing the effects and Amp (Tech 21 Power Engine) with a Spider V 120 plus FBV 3 Shortboard came up. Will this give me the same functionality / range of amp and effects as an HD500x + amp ? I use this for gigging primarily so being both light and robust as well as sounding great are the key criteria. Also its really important to be able to easily select different stored patches (I really like the POD XT Live interface for this and am hoping the FBV would provide similar)
  16. Sorry if I’ve missed it but I can’t find anything on this topic. I just bought a Mesa Mark V35 and currently own a HD500X (&dt25) my amp is supposed to be here next week. I’ve never worked with 4CM as I’ve only used L6 link with my setup and I keep reading about tone suck with the HD but also read how overcome that. Has anyone here gone from the HD using 4CM to the Helix? Is there a negligible difference that justifies buying the Helix for this purpose? I’m more concerned about the integrity of tone from that amp first and then high quality fx. I’m more focused on being able to switch channels on the amp and keep volumes under control without destroying the amps natural tone. Thanks!
  17. I bought a hd500x and its stuck the tap/tuner light is blinking and wont turn off. What I wanna do is midi cable it through mt triaxis so my triaxis settings show up in the switching pedal and I can add mods. But I gotta get the thing to work, I havent heard it yet. I want to set it up setlist mode so I can program in certain songs and then customize the effects. Any help or tips would be appreciated...
  18. I'm having a bit of a problem dialing out excessive "sizzle" in my tones. I can't seem to get that smooth, creamy distortion. It seems that there's a bit too much treble that I can't dial out. The tone controls on the amp models don't seem to have as much effect on the tones that I would expect. I've tried direct connect, and have experimented with the combo/stack output options. Currently, I'm using it with an H&K Deluxe 20 via the 4-wire method. That helps a bit, but I can't get the sound that I'd like using the POD alone. Anyone else have this problem? If you have suggestions or if you could point me to some online information, I'd appreciate it very much. Thanks very much
  19. Hey all, I'm new to the HD500x and i feel like i'm missing something. I want to run one amp into two different cabs internally. For example: Guitar in to HD500x I Amp / \ [Cabinet One} {Cabinet Two] \ / Output of HD500x. I Front of house board. Is this possible and it's staring me in the face? What i've done so far is run two of the same amps into different cabs and mixed them accordingly however i feel there must be a better way without using that much DSP. Thanks!
  20. Got a hd500x back in 2015. after many hours... i love it. I then got a dt25. I've had some problems with the amp ... from fuses blowing, to tubes going bad... probably put in 4 sets over the last few years. When it works it is great. My latest problem with the amp is the presence (or sometimes the mid) would shoot to about 75% without me doing anything. This happens when I use the AES cable or the XLR cable. I just bought another dt25, partly to see if they would change on a new amp, and to have a backup... (or to look cool on stage by having two amps :)). The first thing I noticed is the presence (or the mid) behaves as it should. It doesn't change by itself. The second thing I noticed is it sounds much better than my old amp with the same settings. I think I may have a tube going bad again in my old amp. Ok, hope you are still reading because here are my questions: 1. The new amp labels that light up (volume, bass, treble, etc.) are yellow, not white like my old amp. Is that the way it is supposed to be or do those lights eventually get dimmer and go out? The amp sounds great and seems to work fine so it really isn't a big deal. 2, I wanted to play through both amps so I hooked them together using the l6 link. On the HD500x I set the l6:Control to Amp1:=AmpA; Amp2=AmpA. It looks like I have to set this for each patch. Is there a way to globally set this, so I don't have to go do this to all my patches? I'd also love to hear if anyone else is using this setup and what variations you guys use. Thanks.
  21. Greetings, I downloaded a bunch of decent tones from the Tone Library that other users uploaded. My thoughts were to tweak those already made settings slightly to my preference and be done. The "EVH 5150 III" tones are actually pretty good. I have a Delay, Chorus, and Flanger effect going through the effects loop chain on the signal path, and assigned buttons to activate or de-activate either of these on the top row of the HD500x. When I hit the Chorus effect, I get a bump in volume. The same happens with the Flanger, but not as much as the Chorus. I tried to change the Mix level and Tone level, and anything else I could think of to get the volume to not be boosted but it still happens. How do you fix this? Thanks,
  22. Hey guys, I bought the HD500X a couple of weeks ago and I was wondering how you use it to record your stuff? When recording, do you just run the HD500 directly to your PC/Mac using the USB connection or do you connect it to an audio interface first and then take it to your PC? In other words, do you use the HD500X as the audio interface or do you use whatever other audio interface you have as the interface in your DAW?
  23. Hi Guys, there are some XT LIVE tones I really like, I've been using them for my live sound for a while, is there a way to import/transfer them to my new HD500X? Thanks!
  24. Hi I'm almost about to make the leap from a HD500X to a helix. I downloaded the demo Helix VST in order to start the task of moving over my patches. I had one on the HD500X which made good use of 2 filter pedals - Synth - o - matic & V-tron. On the Helix there are only 3 devices in the filter category vs 17 on the HD500x. Are there any plans to release new effects bundles? I have to admit I was a bit surprised at the disparity here. Also what would be a good way of emulating the Synth - o - matic & V-tron in the Helix world.
  25. My HD500x has been a true workhorse since I purchased it in January 2014. I love it to death, and get complements on my tone all the time (even from tube purists). Lately however, I have been experiencing some technical issues with my unit and was hoping someone may be able to offer some advice. This is my primary rig. I don't use any other amps or effects and run straight to the board. The issues have been as follows... Several months back I started experiencing issues with my unit automatically switching patches on the same bank. Or, it will automatically switch to the tuner. While this has been intermittent, this is my main rig and I can't have it switching random patches in a professional environment... I've noticed the unit has become increasingly susceptible to power issues. Whether it's wonky power at a gig or running through different power strips, I've noticed some buzzing and glitching issues. The glitching for example started at a gig this past weekend. Sound from the unit would basically cut out every once in a while for 10ms or so. Really strange. Plugged the unit directly into my bass player's power conditioner and the problem subsided for the rest of the gig. Don't know if problem 2 is related to problem 1.... Plugged the unit in tonight to rehearse for gigs this weekend and noticed several of the patches had a "washed out" sound. Like the unit was adding reverb to the patches. Re-sent my patches to the unit and problem persists. Hopefully some of you guys have had similar problems and might know a quick fix. Want to eventually upgrade to the Helix but, as I am a full-time musician, it's a little out of my price range for now. Any help would be greatly appreciated! P.S. Forgot to mention this earlier. I have replaced the original power supply with an official Line 6 DC-3g purchased from Sweetwater. The original had kinks and a light cut (primarily due to me coiling the cord around the brick).
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