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  1. I've opened a ticket about this but want to hear from any other Windows 11 based DAW users who may have ran into the same issue. The latest Windows 11 Pro 64-bit OS update a couple of days ago caused a hole in security due to Line 6 driver incompatibility on my hardware DAW, a DELL XPS 8940, 11th Gen Intel i9-11900K processor (8-Core, 16M Cache, 3.5GHz to 5.3GHz), with 64GB RAM, running Windows 11 Pro 64-bit. Its a stripped down system optimized for audio production. The OS Memory Integrity switch cannot be toggled to on due to conflicts with these Line 6 drivers. (see screen caps attached) I6Helix_AvsFilter.sys I6HXStomp_AvsFilter.sys (for some reason has 2 instances) I6PodHd2_AvsFilter.sys I have related problem on a Surface Book 2 laptop that I previously used as a DAW and uninstalled all Line 6 software on but it did not successful remove all Line 6 drivers, specifically the I6HXStomp_AvsFilter.sys file which I cannot find to manually remove. I have parsed through Microsoft documents for deleting unruly drivers but the system still thinks the driver is installed.
  2. To rename your desired setlist within the HX Edit 3.0 or above, be sure to click on the setlist name with your LEFT mouse button and hold it for a second. When you use a longer mouse click you should see the cursor appear with a blue highlight. Then, you can rename your selection. This will not work within the drop-down menu. Only the selected setlist name.
  3. Hello Helix people, I've been thinking about getting HX Stomp, but saw local post selling Helix Floor on FB marketplace. It is about $800, the main caveat being that it has green line along the left side of the screen, which wouldn't bother me. And also it is quite beat up. I looked at Reverb and saw that $800 is a really good deal for one of this, so I am thinking about getting it instead of a Stomp, which in my area is priced at around $700. I will be able to meet up with a seller and check the unit, what should I look out for? What should be checked besides obvious inputs/outputs, all of the buttons/switches working? Thanks!
  4. Hello, I want to send the MIDI Clock from my selected song in OnSong to my Helix - wirelessly. After days of experimenting I finally found this page OnSong's website that says OnSong' s MIDI Clock should never be used wirelessly due to latency problems. Since I'm a bit stubborn I thought there might be a way around this, where I can somehow use OnSong to send a MIDI message to the Helix to just set the BPM of the selected Helix Preset without using MIDI Clock. Any ideas if this is possible? Many thanks in advance! Peter
  5. Hi There, I recently updated my Helix Lt software to the latest patch, this installed with no issues and my backup was downloaded onto the helix - no issues and I packed to go the my gig. I set up and turned on my Helix and it began rebuilding the database - I'm not sure why? When this had finished, I found it had managed to load all my presets correctly but the 'Cab block' was missing from each preset. Does anyone have any advice on this? Is the database rebuild standard after a software update? Thank you so much in advance and take care all
  6. I registered it on website, updater see it, HX Edit works well. But licence manager does not see unit. What should I do? Windows 7.
  7. Here are some recovery steps if the update fails when using HX Edit, or Line 6 Updater on your system. Make sure your laptop is connected to power, or be sure to check your USB cable connections. If you're on a desktop system, we recommend connecting to the rear USB ports near the power source. 1) Download and install the latest version of HX Edit BEFORE you run the update. This installation will also include the latest drivers. If you're on a Windows computer, it may be helpful to restart after the installation. 2) Put your Helix into update mode, by pressing and holding buttons 6 and 12 while you power on the Helix. For the HX Stomp, press and hold down the RIGHT page button while power on the device. (You may get a blank screen that is white, or black - this is normal for the HX Stomp) 3) Use Line 6 Central or the Line 6 Updater (NOT HX Edit) to run the latest firmware update again. Make sure only Line 6 Central or the Line 6 Updater is running during the update, close all other recording applications. (If the Helix is in update mode, it should show up on the screen when updater is open after you sign-in. If the Helix doesn’t appear, try re-booting the Helix normally, you should also try different USB ports on your Mac or PC).
  8. Hi community I really need your advice on this one, I downloaded a DarkThrone preset by Francie Fraser some time ago, I think back in 2019. I recently changed my PC, so I reinstalled everything, the DAW, Helix and other stuff, When I tried to import presets I get the following error; The issue is that I relly need this one and I can not afford to lose it that easily. I decided to review the components but I do not really know the best replacements for some of the "models" I used the to have a better understanding of what I do not have, for instance the "Heavy dist pedal" is not available Which pedal should I use to replace it? With regard to the Brit Trem Jump I think can be replaced by Brit Plexi Jump? Please find attached the Darkthrone.hlx file. Everything else seems to be reproduceable. Thank you very much! Flow 1 input Split Y Vermin Dist Heavy Dist Simple EQ { "version":6, "schema":"L6Preset", "meta":{ "premium":0, "pbn":0, "original":0 }, "data":{ "tone":{ "snapshot6":{ "@tempo":20, "@pedalstate":2, "@ledcolor":0, "@valid":false, "@name":"SNAPSHOT 7", "blocks":{ "dsp1":{ "block0":true, "block3":true, "block4":true, "block1":true, "block2":true }, "dsp0":{ "block0":true, "block3":true, "block5":true, "block4":true, "block1":true, "block2":true } } }, "snapshot5":{ "@tempo":20, "@ledcolor":0, "@pedalstate":2, "@valid":false, "@name":"SNAPSHOT 6", "blocks":{ "dsp0":{ "block2":true, "block1":true, "block3":true, "block4":true, "block5":true, "block0":true }, "dsp1":{ "block0":true, "block2":true, "block1":true, "block3":true, "block4":true } } }, "snapshot3":{ "@pedalstate":2, "@ledcolor":0, "@tempo":20, "@name":"SNAPSHOT 4", "blocks":{ "dsp0":{ "block0":true, "block3":true, "block4":true, "block5":true, "block2":true, "block1":true }, "dsp1":{ "block2":true, "block1":true, "block4":true, "block3":true, "block0":true } }, "@valid":false }, "snapshot7":{ "@valid":false, "blocks":{ "dsp0":{ "block1":true, "block2":true, "block3":true, "block5":true, "block4":true, "block0":true }, "dsp1":{ "block0":true, "block3":true, "block4":true, "block2":true, "block1":true } }, "@name":"SNAPSHOT 8", "@tempo":20, "@pedalstate":2, "@ledcolor":0 }, "snapshot1":{ "@pedalstate":2, "@ledcolor":0, "@tempo":20, "blocks":{ "dsp0":{ "block4":true, "block5":true, "block3":true, "block1":true, "block2":true, "block0":true }, "dsp1":{ "block3":true, "block4":true, "block2":true, "block1":true, "block0":true } }, "@name":"SNAPSHOT 2", "@valid":false }, "global":{ "@variax_str1tuning":0, "@tempo":20, "@model":"@global_params", "@guitarinputZ":0, "@topology1":"SABJ", "@variax_str6tuning":0, "@variax_model":0, "@variax_str4tuning":0, "@variax_customtuning":false, "@pedalstate":2, "@cursor_dsp":1, "@variax_magmode":true, "@cursor_group":"outputA", "@variax_str2tuning":0, "@variax_str5tuning":0, "@variax_toneknob":-0.1, "@variax_str3tuning":0, "@variax_lockctrls":0, "@current_snapshot":0, "@topology0":"A", "@variax_volumeknob":-0.1 }, "snapshot4":{ "@valid":false, "@name":"SNAPSHOT 5", "blocks":{ "dsp1":{ "block2":true, "block1":true, "block3":true, "block4":true, "block0":true }, "dsp0":{ "block2":true, "block1":true, "block4":true, "block5":true, "block3":true, "block0":true } }, "@tempo":20, "@ledcolor":0, "@pedalstate":2 }, "dsp1":{ "inputA":{ "noiseGate":false, "@model":"HD2_AppDSPFlow1Input", "threshold":-48, "decay":0.5, "@input":0 }, "outputA":{ "gain":0, "@model":"HD2_AppDSPFlowOutput", "pan":0.5, "@output":5 }, "outputB":{ "@output":0, "pan":0.5, "@model":"HD2_AppDSPFlowOutput", "gain":0 }, "block2":{ "@position":3, "@enabled":true, "500Hz":2, "125Hz":0, "2kHz":2, "@model":"HD2_EQGraphic10Band", "Level":0, "31p25Hz":0, "62p5Hz":0, "@stereo":false, "@type":0, "16kHz":0, "1kHz":3, "8kHz":0, "@path":0, "4kHz":0, "250Hz":0 }, "block1":{ "@enabled":true, "@stereo":false, "@model":"HD2_VolPanGain", "@type":0, "@position":0, "Gain":-0.5, "@path":1 }, "join":{ "@position":1, "@enabled":true, "B Polarity":false, "A Pan":0.5, "B Level":0, "@model":"HD2_AppDSPFlowJoin", "Level":0, "B Pan":0.5, "A Level":0 }, "block3":{ "Predelay":0.022, "Decay":0.35, "@path":0, "Mix":0.32, "@position":4, "@type":7, "HighCut":4300, "@enabled":true, "@trails":true, "@model":"HD2_ReverbHall", "Level":0, "LowCut":166 }, "block4":{ "Gain":0.55, "@model":"HD2_CompressorLAStudioComp", "Level":0, "PeakReduction":0.5, "@path":0, "Type":false, "Emphasis":0.2, "Mix":1, "@stereo":true, "@type":0, "@position":5, "@enabled":true }, "block0":{ "@enabled":true, "@model":"HD2_VolPanGain", "@stereo":false, "@position":0, "@type":0, "Gain":1.5, "@path":0 }, "inputB":{ "@input":0, "decay":0.5, "threshold":-48, "noiseGate":false, "@model":"HD2_AppDSPFlow2Input" }, "split":{ "Reverse":false, "@enabled":true, "@model":"HD2_AppDSPFlowSplitXOver", "@position":0, "Frequency":650, "bypass":false } }, "snapshot2":{ "@valid":false, "blocks":{ "dsp0":{ "block3":true, "block4":true, "block5":true, "block2":true, "block1":true, "block0":true }, "dsp1":{ "block3":true, "block4":true, "block2":true, "block1":true, "block0":true } }, "@name":"SNAPSHOT 3", "@tempo":20, "@pedalstate":2, "@ledcolor":0 }, "dsp0":{ "block3":{ "BrtDrive":0.5, "Master":1, "Mid":0.8, "BiasX":0.5, "Bass":0.5, "@type":1, "NrmDrive":0.5, "@path":0, "Sag":0.6, "Treble":0.5, "@model":"HD2_AmpBritTremJump", "Ripple":0.5, "ChVol":0.5, "@enabled":true, "Bias":0.5, "@position":3, "Hum":0.6, "Presence":0.35, "@bypassvolume":1 }, "block4":{ "Hi Pass":10, "Input":0.4, "@model":"HD2_PreampVintagePre", "@enabled":true, "MicLine":true, "Output":1, "@type":1, "@position":4, "Polarity":false, "@path":0, "Low Pass":20000, "@bypassvolume":1 }, "block1":{ "@enabled":true, "Output":1, "@position":1, "@type":0, "Bass":0.5, "@path":0, "Treble":0.5, "Drive":0.65, "@model":"HD2_DM4HeavyDistortion", "Mid":0.85 }, "block2":{ "@path":0, "LowGain":0, "@enabled":true, "@stereo":false, "@type":0, "@position":2, "MidFreq":1200, "MidGain":4, "HighGain":0, "@model":"HD2_EQSimple3Band", "Level":0 }, "join":{ "B Polarity":false, "B Level":0, "A Pan":0.5, "B Pan":0.5, "A Level":0, "@model":"HD2_AppDSPFlowJoin", "Level":0, "@enabled":false, "@position":8 }, "outputB":{ "gain":0, "@output":0, "pan":0.5, "@model":"HD2_AppDSPFlowOutput" }, "inputA":{ "decay":0.01, "@input":2, "noiseGate":true, "@model":"HD2_AppDSPFlow1Input", "threshold":-22.5 }, "outputA":{ "pan":0.5, "@output":2, "@model":"HD2_AppDSPFlowOutput", "gain":0 }, "block5":{ "HighCut":6500, "@enabled":true, "Distance":6, "@position":7, "@mic":6, "@type":2, "@path":0, "LowCut":90, "EarlyReflections":0, "@model":"HD2_Cab4x121960T75", "Level":0 }, "split":{ "bypass":false, "BalanceB":0.5, "BalanceA":0.5, "@enabled":true, "@position":0, "@model":"HD2_AppDSPFlowSplitY" }, "block0":{ "Level":0.85, "@model":"HD2_DistVerminDist", "Filter":0.7, "Gain":0.5, "@type":0, "@position":0, "@stereo":false, "@enabled":true, "@path":0 }, "inputB":{ "decay":0.5, "@input":0, "noiseGate":false, "@model":"HD2_AppDSPFlow2Input", "threshold":-48 } }, "snapshot0":{ "@tempo":20, "@pedalstate":2, "@ledcolor":0, "@valid":true, "@name":"SNAPSHOT 1", "blocks":{ "dsp0":{ "block3":true, "block4":true, "block5":true, "block2":true, "block1":true, "block0":true }, "dsp1":{ "block0":true, "block4":true, "block3":true, "block1":true, "block2":true, "split":true } } } }, "meta":{ "tnid":4328936, "band":"Darkthrone", "modifieddate":1552787657, "build_sha":"35792af", "appversion":40894464, "name":"Darkthrone", "author":"FrancieFraser", "application":"HX Edit", "song":"Earths last picture" }, "device_version":40894464, "device":2162692 } } Darkthrone.hlx
  9. ShaneKeller

    Poly Pitch

    Hello - the poly pitch block is storage intensive on the Helix and cannot be added to the block chain of most presets; creating a new preset and placing the poly pitch block first, and then adding a limited number of blocks (in my experience so far, only an amp and maybe one effect) works but obviously the sound of the preset is so limited that it's usually not any good. Can you create a preset with only the poly pitch block, set to whatever tuning you want, and then have any other preset access/use in parallel that preset? Such that both presets are being used at the same time, with the poly pitch preset first in the overall signal chain ... And I guess I should ask - assuming this is possible - would this eliminate the problem and accomplish what I'm wanting to accomplish? Or will storage/DSP space still be an issue? Thank you! Shane
  10. My Les Paul is perfect at A440, but my bass has to be tuned to A436 to = A440. Come on you guys! What a girl to do??
  11. Hello folks, They call me GEDD! I am fairly new to modeling. Got myself a helix floor unit a couple of months back. I have been expanding my knowledge in and around properly utilizing it. In this pursuit of creating my desired tones below are some questions i have for you. QUESTION 1: How do you choose a cab to compliment the tone that you have already achieved in the signal chain pre adding a CAB? QUESTION 2: Looking at the signal chain from every point of view (technical or otherwise) is a cab "mandatory" to be added in a signal chain if the you have already achieved the desired tone? I hope to get different takes on how each of you approach this part of the signal chain and what is the factual / feel reason that prompts you make the cab choices you make. I would also appreciate any tips or advise you have to offer. Thanks for taking the time in reading this post and contributing. Cheers - GEDD I have attached a custom tone file in which i have already achieved the tone i am looking for. Feel free to take a look. GRAM-GSG (EX).hlx
  12. Does anyone else experience lack of accuracy with the Helix on board tuner? I cant get a solid guitar tune with the Helix tuner at all. Below is a process of how I have checked them. On the helix, I have the tuner set to standard 440 pitch, and on my Boss TU-3 I have the same settings. The TU-3 accurately tunes my guitars, but the Helix is off by about -3cents on the some of the higher strings. There is no offsets, and the tuner is set to Guitar. Any ideas? Is this a known issue?
  13. (Preset + IR in attachment) Hi all (some older members may know me as VTM, when i created metal patches for the good'ol podXT). Today a title which was fully recorded with the HX Stomp (all guitars and bass). This one is special as it allows the guitarist to also play a bass line at the same time, using a signal split and a pitch shifter ! A quick taste of this tone here : StrongBBBAAAACK.wav DIR_Deasil_REC.hlx
  14. I'm writing a song that uses a square or saw tooth tremelo effect synced to the beat with a 100% intensity for the primary rhythm element. I've found that though you can sync the tempo to the track, you can't control the start of the tremelo cycle with the DAW to sync it up with other elements. This means that each time you start the track, the phase of the cycle may not be what you expect. That makes it very difficult to sync up properly... For example, I've set up a sine wave generator, then an instance of Helix Native with a single Modulation > Mono > Tremelo: I've then set up my DAW to enable the effect at a particular spot in the "song" so that the effect would theoretically start the cycle the same each time. Then, I rendered the same section of song 3 times and added them to the project. As you can see, the first bar is the solid block sine wave, and then the tremelo effect is kicked on. You'll notice that the phase of each cycle is quite different, even though they all are turned on at the exact same time. (Three may have been me accidentally leaving one unmuted before the next render) Next, I attempted to bypass the Helix plugin entirely, rather than just the tremelo effect block. The same behavior is exhibited. The start time of the cycle is entirely unpredictable, and appears to simply be running non-stop after you load the plugin into memory or something. As suspected, this is true for other Modulation effects as well. Here's the same test using a whole not with the Script Mod Phase effect: Helix Native needs to honor the Host Sync's start event (assuming that actually exists) to reset it's LFO for Modulation effects. Otherwise, results are unpredictable and potentially unusable during rendering. :( I haven't tested the Helix Floor pedal to see if the bypass/enable of a trem effect resets the LFO, but I wouldn't be surprised if it had the same basic problem...
  15. sorry if this is a noob question, but... i'm wondering which Helix/HX can do parallel amp + effects chains where the entire "Right" from in to out and entire "Left" signal from in to out are discrete? to be more specific, i'm hoping to process my electric guitar through two different signal chains: 1) clean guitar amp (amp + cab) w/ reverb 2) polyphonic octave down > dirty bass amp (amp + cab) [for simulated bass sounds i have an active splitter pedal that i can place before whichever Helix/HX to send my unprocessed guitar signal into the two inputs, if needed.
  16. Has the below issue been resolved with the Helix? Mine keeps disconnecting via usb on multiple computers. It's not noted in the known issues section of the latest update In rare cases, Helix/HX devices can become disconnected from HX Edit. If possible, always connect your Helix/HX device directly to the USB port closest to your computer’s power connector. Never use any sort of USB hub, which may include the front USB ports on the front of towers. I did do the usual troubleshooting, factory reset, etc.
  17. I’ve had both an hx stomp, and now a stomp xl, and my expression pedal is not working for swells. I plugged it into the expression 1/2 on the stomp, and then added a volume block to my patch. I tried putting my volume block at the beginning of my signal chain, after my amp, and at the very end. I also tried messing with the global settings. My issue is that it works for turning up and down my volume, but even though it’s before my reverb and delays, it shuts off the echoes and delays when I roll it back. I want the echoes and delay to continue decaying after I turn down my volume. Instead, it starts turning off my reverb and delay instantly as soon as I begin to roll back on my volume pedal. And this keeps happening regardless of where I put the volume block in my signal chain. I also turned up my decay time on my reverb block as far as it will go, and my volume block is still shutting off the decay. What do I need to do to get the volume block to work for swells?
  18. Hi, Does anyone know if stomp presets can be used on helix floor? I saw some old posts that suggested that this isn’t possible, but wondered if things have changed with firmware updates etc? I want to purchase some presets for bass that have been marketed as stomp presets, however I have helix floor. Thanks in anticipation of your help, Neil
  19. I have a helix floor and stomp xl. Been using Line 6 stuff since the first pod. Been reading this site for years and have enjoyed most of the conversations and have learned a ton. Thank you! For some of my patches I have a delay (or trem, or Chorus, etc.) and i have recently changed the timing to use the tap tempo. I would love to know how some of you are doing this. do you have it set to 1/4, 1/8??? which is easiest to change when playing live. I know this is a very open question, so let me explain why I'm asking. I have a hard time setting the time using the tap tempo live. For example, if I want it to get to 120, I can't really do that. I have not figured out the best way to make the adjustment by tapping. Let's take a slap back on the delay. I used to set it manually at 130 to 150. now I have it set to tap tempo 1/8. the thought being I could change it live depending on what I want. I know I need to just dig in and keep playing with it, and I will. I would like to hear how you guys have it set up. Is it easier to tap what you need when it is set to 1/4 instead of 1/8? Things like that is what I'm looking for. Thanks....
  20. Hi, I am developing an app to control my HX Stomp on my tablet (android) There's any documentation regarding the protocol used by hx edit to for example: download/restore a backup/setlist upload an ir file get the parameters and informations? Is any of this accessible via midi? (maybe with a syshex message?) In another thread a Line6 developer was talking about the fbv protocol... If anyone wants to help also... Cheers, Nick
  21. Hey all - How do I wire up a Helix, a Mesa Mark VII and a Powercab 112+ to create a stereo rig, while properly using the effects loops? Is it actually possible, or do I need to get a cheapie amp with an effects loop to replace the Powercab? Clearly neither the 4 or 7 cable methods work; is this maybe a 5 or 6 cable setup? I'm a little stumped. Mods: cross posted to Powercab. If one or the other is inappropriate, please delete at your discretion.
  22. Hi everyone, I really love the simple pitch and dual pitch blocks that are included in Helix. They really seem to have a very Low latency. On one of my pedalboards I'd like to include a pedal like that, but I can't justify including HX Effects/Hx Stomp on this specific board just for that single application. Is there any other pedal that will give a very similar sound while having a very low latency ( I don't care about polyphonic feature as I only use it for single note parts ). So far I wasn't able to find any kind of "Monophonic" pitch shifter pedal. Are there any pedals like that ?
  23. Hey all - How do I wire up a Helix, a Mesa Mark VII and a Powercab 112+ to create a stereo rig, while properly using the effects loops? Is it actually possible, or do I need to get a cheapie amp with an effects loop to replace the Powercab? Clearly neither the 4 or 7 cable methods work; is this maybe a 5 or 6 cable setup? I'm a little stumped. Mods: cross posted to Helix. If one or the other is inappropriate, please delete at your discretion.
  24. Hello, I am working on a MIDI controller with LED displays and I would like to use a backup file (format .hls) to retrieve the name and footswitch default status (i.e. what FS is on/off for each snapshot when I go to the preset or change snapshot etc). Since I don't change my setlist that frequently I am not trying to read directly from the unit but instead hard code the names and behaviors based on the .hls. I use a JSON parser to decode the .hls file and see there is a section called footswitch Here is an example (see full file in attachment) 'footswitch': {'dsp0': {'block0': {'@fs_enabled': True, '@fs_index': 5, '@fs_label': 'Volume ' 'Pedal', '@fs_ledcolor': 65408, '@fs_momentary': False, '@fs_primary': True}, 'block1': = etc.. Based on that, I originally assumed that each @fs_index would refer to a footswitch with @fs_enable for the status. However, that doesn't seem to be the case because I have a few setups with @fs_index > 5. To make things more confusing, I also see some presets without the 'footswitch' blocks though there are setup in the unit. Has anyone be able to understand how the hsl file work for the foot-switches assignment ? Any guidance on how to interpret the structure of this file ? Thank you. Pat. Test.txt
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