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Found 6 results

  1. A jolly good day day to anyone who may read this. Been making demos with my UX1 and an electroacoustic guitar for quite some time using GearBox. Now that I happened to start using a Mac, I just cannot fathom an alternative that would have acoustic amps (can be something reaaaaally basic). YES, I tried googling and since this has to be quite a popular thing, I must be doing it in a wrong way, for the last two days yielded literally no results for me. Sincerely yours, Steve
  2. Hey , I recently bought a Pod HD 500 and dont know much about it. I want to know the basics of recording through the pod hd 500 on reaper. Do I use the conventional high gain presets for recording or should I make new presets for recording?If i have to make a new one then how to? How to record the completely dry signal of the guitar to the reaper DAW? And how to lessen the latency and buffers? I just need a guideline for the basics of recording through it :D PS:I dont own any audio interface I just want to Record the guitars through my pod via USB Thanks in advance ^_^
  3. I have owned a Pod XT since shortly after it first became available, It has served me very well, but I know that just like all digital based hardware, its days are limited. Either through hardware failure, or through obsolescence it will at some point be of no use to me. I have honed my tones stored on the XT to match my playing styles and compliment my modest collection of guitars.I am afraid that if I dont take preventative measures, all could be lost. My biggest obstacles are a severely limited budget, and limited space, and that's why the XT was such a good match for me. At first glance, the POD HD500X is the closest relative to the XT, but I do not have the floor space for it. I love how compact the XT is. I can use it on my Desktop through a DAW, take it out to the patio and jam through headphones on nice days, and it even sounds great when I play through a clean amp with the Amp's EQ dialed flat. My main question is, what is the current Tech available through line6 that is the closest to the XT? Anything that bypasses the hardware issue completely? what has changed since the rise of tablet PCs and smartphones that I could use to an advantage? Related Tech question: I play strictly for my own enjoyment. I like to record only when I am 'In the zone' or breaking new ground creatively. Can someone recommend the tools necessary that would provide the quickest/shortest/straightest line from the output jack on my guitar to to a hard disk or recording device? My current recording setup is a nightmare. The inspiration is often long gone by the time I get the cables connected, make sure the Sd cards have room etc.
  4. I have been having a myriad of problems with Pod Farm and UX2! As much as I love the products of Line 6, this is really starting to get to me, which is why I am posting here. This has been going on for quite some time, so let me explain some problems: The first time I starting noticing problems was when I (I know many people suggest not doing this, but it works anyway) was using my UX2 as a sound card, which ran fine for several months, but all of a sudden, the sound just goes out. Symptoms: Unplugging it from there and plugging back in makes the two red clipping lights begin to bounce back and forth with no response from the UX2​ // ​I am forced to restart my computer Attempts: I have tried reinstalling all the drivers, updated Windows 10, and nothing changes. The second problem I know have is when I am recording with Cubase 8 Elements. I have Pod Farm as a VST on the DAW, but occasionally, Pod Farm decides to stop working, with the error in the tuner section saying "Failed to connect to driver streaming engine." Symptoms: No tones come from Pod Farm, no input detected, or output // I am forced to either restart my computer, or reinstall Pod Farm and all the drivers. These are the main problems I want to tackle first, but I just wish that I could fully enjoy these quality products. Please take notice of my problems and address them so that I may finally find a fix. Thanks! Setup: MSI GE70 Apache Notebook - i7 processor - 12GB of RAM - 1 HDD - Nvidia GTX 960M If you need more details, please let me know.
  5. Hey there. I tried searching around for a topic that might help me resolve the issues I seem to be having,but everything I have tried seems to be failing. Im using Reaper with my UX2.I have a Seinheisse E825 S running in with an XLR using either Gearbox or PodFarm I was trying to run the channel in dry,as I want it sound as natural as possible as I have it mic'd up to my HD147,but when I record,the volume seems to be incredibly low on playback. Can anyone tell me if I might be doing something worng? I also seem to get latency issues through my headphones when playing. Im completely stumped,but if any other info is needed to help me get up and running (I'm kinda new to this,so I could even be wrong with some of the terminology Im using) I can provide it,and I'd be grateful for any help
  6. Which Line 6 Home Recording/Practice Set-Up is Best? (For recording metal/rock music) Hey everyone, I'm just wondering if anyone has an opinion on this... It's been a while having lost all my equipment 4 years ago right when my band was very active. But right now I'm looking to get a home setup where I can easily record and practice. Nothing crazy or fancy, but something I can setup fairly quickly or take with me, but also something that will allow me to produce and record demos for my metal/nu-metal band, Caidema ( I'm really interested in a direct recording But I also know that just mic'ing an amp can be much better. After a lot of research for my budget ($300) I've been looking at the Line 6 POD UX1 and the POD UX2. I'm Leaning more towards the Line 6 POD UX1 more than the other. What I'm not sure about is if if I should go with the UX1, or one of these: Line 6 POD 2.0, POD XT, or Pocket POD. All I need is to be able to plug my guitar and headphones into it (without an amplifier) and be able to practice whenever, wherever (and not lollipop off the neighbors.) I also need to be able to turn on my computer,set everything up, load up the PODfarm, audacity and record my guitar, vocals, etc. I have $300 to get what I need for the setup, required cables and wires, and microphone if possible. Down the line I'll buy more equipment, but for now I just need a simple "I live on my grandfather's couch" setup. Just not sure which one of those I should go with. OR would it be better to go with my other option: buy a 15-30w Line 6 spider amp, buy a microphone to mic the amp, and buy a different USB Audio Interface. (All for under $300 somehow) What do you guys think? Line 6 POD Studio UX1 or Line 6 POD 2.0, Line 6 PODxt, POD Pocket (Or if there is any other product I don't have listed please let me know) • Line 6 POD Studio UX1 (with Podfarm) • Line 6 POD 2.0 • Line 6 Pocket Pod (used)
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