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  1. Hi everyone! Hope you´re doing well! I play my guitar and sing in my band and therefore I have my effects pedals on the left side and switch them with my left foot. I want the HX Stomp to be on the left side of my other pedals, so I need to put the Tap/Tuner to FS1 in order to have the rest of the switches in a row (FS2, FS3, Wah, Fuzz etc...) Is there any way to customize the tap/tuner to be on FS1 instead of FS3? Thanks a lot in advance!
  2. Brand new user here. Got my HX Stomp wired up Guitar to Inst 1 In on front panel, L.Mono out to audio interface. Works great with the DIR presets. Tried running HX Stomp L/mono Out to my Blues Jr and its super noisy. Tried several FX and a New empty Preset with same results. How should I trouble shoot? Thanks! Steve
  3. Hi guys. Really need some help with my Simplifier deluxe direct rig routing. I’ve got a HX stomp thru the FX loop using a stereo 7CM set up. I was under the impression I could use the 1/4 inch outputs to by pass the Simplifier cab sim so I can use IRs & cabs frm my HX stomp. Currently I’ve got these outputs connected to the HX stomp left and right returns. Seems the preamp frm the Simplifier is no longer working, even tho it says on the manual that disabling cab sims leaves the preamp - effects loop & reverb all operating. I’ve got the XLR outs to the PA. Tried using the 1/4 jack outs direct instead but no signal at all. Any help at all would be so appreciated! Thanks in advance :)
  4. I have a question about using HX stomp with katana 50 MKII's power amp in. Is plugging the stomp to the power amp in ideal? Can I use the HX preamps, amps, cabs and IRs? Are preamps only option with that power amp? Katana's speaker isn't a FRFR speaker so is that a problem. Should I consider selling the katana and buying a FRFR?
  5. Hi all, I would like to know if is possible to use 4 Cable Method & FX Loop at same time on the HX Stomp. Anyone have tried this? What do I need to do this? I always have to change my cables when I'm playing in different places, so I want to let the connections ready and just plug the cables, more specifically, I'll use 100% of time my pedals on the FX Loop (cuz I use it after a comp), and when I need to use the 4 Cable Method, I just want to plug the cables to and from the amp. Kind regards Gabriel
  6. Well that, another geek test. Maybe someone is interested. Greetings. The Models: - Kinky Boost Based on: Xotic® EP Booster - Deranged Master Based on: Dallas Rangemaster Treble Booster - Minotaur Based on: Klon® Centaur - Teemah! Based on: Paul Cochrane Timmy® Overdrive - Heir Apparent Based on: Analogman Prince of Tone (basically half a King of Tone) - Tone Sovereign Based on: Analogman King of Tone V4 - Alpaca Rouge Based on: Way Huge® Red Llama (modded) - Compulsive Drive Based on: Fulltone® OCD - Dhyana Drive Based on: Hermida Zendrive - Horizon Drive Based on: Horizon Devices Precision Drive - Valve Driver Based on: Chandler Tube Driver - Top Secret OD Based on: DOD® OD-250 - Scream 808 Based on: Ibanez® TS808 Tube Screamer® - Hedgehog D9 Based on: MAXON® SD9 Sonic Distortion - Stupor OD Based on: BOSS® SD-1 Overdrive - Deez One Vintage Based on: BOSS© DS-1 distortion pedal (classic Made-in-Japan version) - Deez One Mod Based on: BOSS© DS-1 distortion pedal (Keeley mod version) - Ratatouille Dist Based on: 1984 Pro Co RAT - Vermin Dist Based on: Pro Co RAT - KWB Based on: Benadrian Kowloon Walled Bunny Distortion - Legendary Drive Based on: Carvin VLD1 Legacy Drive (high gain channel) - Swedish Chainsaw Based on: BOSS® HM-2 Heavy Metal Distortion (Made in Japan black label) - Arbitrator Fuzz Based on: Arbiter® FuzzFace® - Pocket Fuzz Based on: Inspired by the Jordan Boss Tone fuzz - Bighorn Fuzz Based on: 1973 Electro-Harmonix® Ram's Head Big Muff Pi - Triangle Fuzz Based on: Electro-Harmonix® Big Muff π® - Ballistic Fuzz Based on: Euthymia ICBM fuzz - Industrial Fuzz Based on: Z.Vex Fuzz Factory - Tycoctavia Fuzz Based on: Tycobrahe® Octavia - Wringer Fuzz Based on: Garbage's modded BOSS® FZ-2 - Thrifter Fuzz Based on: Line 6 Original - Xenomorph Fuzz Based on: Subdecay Harmonic Antagonizer - Megaphone Based on: Megaphone - Bitcrusher Based on: Line 6 Original The Gear: - Duesenberg Starplayer Tv Mike Campbell - Fender Telecaster '53 Relic - Deluxe Reverb Amp '65 Reissue - Beyerdynamic M88 - AKG 414 XLS - UAD Apollo Twin (Neve 1073 Preamps) - Logic Pro X
  7. Does anyone have thoughts on this ? I’m wiring up my new “hybrid” rig, but I’m stuck at the final stage. By looking at the attached digram can anyone tell me what source I should use to feed the 5050 power amp with? I’d like to send the DI outputs of the SYN-2 to FOH and have them contain the full signal chain. But that means the HX Stomp main outs have to get routed back to the SYN-2 somehow. Am I doing this backwards? Many thanks.
  8. Lpuckett

    HX Stomp Blocks

    This is my first time posting. Im sure I am asking a redundant question. I searched and didnt see the answer so Im asking here. I want to pick up a stomp as a second unit and want to know if there is enough DSP to run two amp blocks each with its own ML Sounlab IR a delay on one amp and a reverb on another. The photo is a preset from my Helix LT that I use a lot. Can I do this with the stomp?
  9. Is it possible for me to control the snapshots on the Hx stomp via midi from the Hx effects? For example, If im on preset 1a snapshot 1 for both the stomp and FX, if i were to switch to snapshot 2 on the FX is there a way to get the HX Stomp to go to snapshot 2 as well with just the one click of the FX?
  10. One of my geek tests ... Same pedal, 72 different amps.
  11. Hello everyone, I own a Pod Go and have been looking for presets to purchase and tweak to my liking. I've purchased many different presets, and really like them but I've also noticed that there are not many people selling presets for the Pod Go. Usually they are recreations of one of their Helix/HX patches adapted for the Pod Go. Lately, I've been watching YouTube videos of Helix and HX Stomp users making presets and giving their tips etc. On to my question... The Pod Go Edit software does NOT have the ability to open Helix/HX Stomp preset files, only Pod Go Edit files. Being that I don't have a Helix or HX Stomp is there a way I could purchase Helix/HX presets and view the amp/cab and other pedal settings? This way I can recreate them on the Pod Go. I'm not looking for freebies, but I just need to see the numbers to recreate them on my Pod Go. Is there software that might allow me to view the preset settings of the Helix/HX Stomp files? Thanks in advance for help with an odd request!
  12. Hi, I would really appreciate someone's help on this! The issue is that I am running in parallel mode and the EQ on the parallel channel is affecting the entire sound. Here are the specifics: On the parallel channel I am running both the "Simple Pitch" and then the EQ "Low and High Cut" . I need to EQ the "Simple Pitch" because it is too bright for my purposes so I want to reduce the high end frequencies of only the "Simple Pitch" sound, which is on the parallel channel. The problem is that the EQ "Low and High Cut" is definitely affecting the entire sound. It should only affect the sound of whatever is on the parallel channel. Please let me know what I am doing wrong. Thanks so much, ric
  13. In order to save my three footswitches for my three snapshots I am looking for a solution to access the stomp tuner. I want to avoid having to use additional foot switches. My "Forscore" App is able to send MIDI commands. Is there a way to access the HX Stomp tuner via MIDI? I could not find any clues in the manual.
  14. Hello. I've got a HX Stomp with a Mission Engineering EP1-L6 that I mainly use as Wah. When I record something I tend to want to save the raw guitar sound for reamping later. Is it possible to have the pedal transmitting midi CC when I use the wah so I can record the MIDI data in Logic Pro X? Is so I could then elect to edit the data, even change wah type when I reamp later. Thanks
  15. How about folks, I am very interested in getting an HX Stomp, I use the HX Effects and it is a blast. Currently I use a MOOER Preamp Live in a 4CM configuration in my amplifier, I use this configuration since I exchange the emulation of the mooer's amps with that of my real amplifier, it is an interesting function that is removed by the mooer since it allows me in some songs to use the effects of my real amplifier and in others use only the power stage of my amplifier and use the emulation of mooer amps changing preset, in their documentation they explain it as two FX Loop modes one called A / B and the other serial, when i use A / B mode emulation is disabled and real amp is on. Page 16 live_Manual_EN1552881468849.pdf I would like to know if there is a way or method that the helix stomp achieves this since I did not see something mentioned in your manual, I do not know if someone knows how to do it or it is not possible.
  16. Hello, this kind of a complex statement but trying to build a YouTube preset. I have the footswitches running basic Play/Pause, Rewind, Fullscreen on snapshot one as momentary presses. Is it possible on snapshot 2 to have the footswitch configuration change to Drive, Fuzz, Chorus as toggles. I have tried editing it in the command center but the foot switches seem to be only one setting in snap shots. I'm using a Boss-MS3 to send MIDI commands to switch between snapshots. Just not able to get the footswitches to have different functions between snapshots.
  17. fbordes

    HX Stomp

    Hello, For a live use, in order to benefit from the amp in return, and at the same time from a direct connection to the sound system, is it possible to use the "4 cables" method with a direct connection to the sound system? The 4 cable method allows you to insert some effects in the amp loop (without the amp and cabinet simulations) The direct connection allowing to have the effects and the simulations of amp and speakers. Thank you for your feedback, I did not find any information on this "combined" connection. (it must be possible with the Helix or the Gt1000) Thank you for your help
  18. Can anyone recommend some small speakers for use with the HX Stomp in a living room? I have a PowerCab I use with a full Helix out of the way but this is too much for the living room. I am looking for some some suitable speakers that could be used with a line in or bluetooth for music as well as connection to the HX Stomp. Thanks.
  19. Hi. I have a Helix floor and Helix Native. I don't know if this has been asked before. But is there a way I can transfer all my Helix floor patches to Native and Hx stomp? Thanks
  20. HX STOMP Wireless MIDI Controller (Premium MIDI Layout for MIDI Designer PRO 2, IOS) Now available!! Version 1.5 Changes Log: 1 August, 2021: v 1.5 (Current) 10 January, 2021: v 1.4 21 March, 2019: v 1.3 17 March, 2019: Version 1.2 7 March, 2019: Version 1.1 6 March, 2019: Final version 1.0 3 March, 2019: Release Candidate 1 Free Updates for any costumer. 1 - Main View This covers all the HX Stomp MIDI implementation. An additional "Connections" button is included to quickly connect your MIDI over Bluetooth devices. 2 - Setlist View Select 8 presets in any order, and switch easily between them. Store automatically your setlists in 8 banks. 3 - Preset View Navigate over your entire preset catalog, while keeping the most relevant functionality at the same screen. 4 - Favs View Easy access to your favourite presets with 72 labeled, color coded blocks in ABC format. 5 - BlueBoard View Embedded support for the iRig BlueBoard (two of them simultaneously). Also compatible with any other configurable MIDI Device. Changes Log: Changes Log: 1 August 2021 - Updated to 1.5 Save and Mode buttons added (Requires Firmware 3.10 or later) Preset pickers on Setlist View now includes colorful highlights 10 January 2021 - Updated to 1.4 Improved design Reworked Favs screen BlueBoard screen added Extended visual Input: Now this Layout can receive CC69 (Snapshots), values [0,1,2] if you have configured your device to send such data in Command Center. The same is applied to CC1 and CC2 (EXP pedals). These changes must be saved per preset basis in your device. 21 March 2019 - Updated to v1.3 Reworked Favorites screen Blueboard Looper fixed Undo button changed to momentary Many minor graphic changes 17 March 2019 - Updated to v1.2 Bidirectional MIDI support Better overall design 7 March, 2019: Updated to 1.1 6 March, 2019: Final version 1.0 3 March, 2019: Release Candidate 1 V1.5 Cheat Sheets: 1- Main View 2 - Setlist View 3- Preset View 4- Favs View 5- BlueBoard View
  21. Hey ya'll, I searched the forums for this exact question and haven't had any luck yet. I'm still fairly new to the HX Stomp. I wish to move through the Presets (i.e. 35b, 35c, 36a, 37b, etc), while in stompbox mode, with my foot instead of bending down to turn the top wheel. Is that possible with an external pedal of some kind, or is there a way within the Stomp itself? Maybe I completely missed this in the manual. Thanks!
  22. Just got the HX Stomp today and there are no factory presets, how do I get the factory presets, is there a reset?
  23. Is it possible to switch between button modes via MIDI? For example, can I send a CC/PC message to my HX Stomp that switches it into Snapshot mode?
  24. No question. The HX Stomp is an amazing piece of hardware and the sounds are fantastic. Still, I struggle with using the pedal. Mainly I want to use the HX Stomp in a live situation. The stomp has its place on my pedalboard. But I am often unsure. Is the HAX Stomp now active or not? If I use several effects in a chain I still only have 2 switches. How can I be sure that effects in the chain which are not assigned to a switch are switched off? I thought ok, snapshots are a good idea. The problem is, I can unfortunately only switch between the snaphsots. I can't turn a snaphsot on and off. So I need snapshot1 for a signal with all effects switched off to be sure that I have a pure signal. Effects are then assigned to Snapshot 2 + 3. That seems like a waste to me. What experiences have you had? How do you solve these problems in a live situation? Have I overlooked something? Thank you for your help. Best regards Christoph
  25. I have come across an annoying problem here. Whenever I use the HX Stomp in the FX Loop of the H&K Grandmeister Deluxe 40, the amp becomes noisier and more prone to feedback on the high gain channels even with conservative gain settings and no boost. This constantly happens, no matter if I I do the 4CM or use the HX Stomp In/Out only in the GM40 FX Loop. I started checking the amp FX Loop with a straight patch cable, different pedals etc. and only when the Stomp is involved, the noise issue arises. So it´s not the amps loop that´s failing I´ve tried switching between Instr/Line levels, different impedances on the HX Stomp input, increasing/decreasing level gain on the In/Out of the Stomp but so far to no avail. Help anyone? Has someone maybe encountered the same problem with other amps?
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