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  1. when i try to re-install it, the installation button was disable, but it works last time env: macos catelina 10.15.7 , and the remote app version is 2.0.0, the 1.0.2 also doesn't work too. Or can i restore my device to factory setting without software?
  2. i just bought pod farm 2.5 im using mac osx 10.12.6 running fl studio 12 I have installed pod farm ran line 6 monkey and updated everything registered and authorized my ux2 authorized my mac I have no issues with it as a stand alone
  3. A quick note that I hope might be useful to others. I bought a Helix LT this week. The driver software loaded fine onto a couple of laptops but I couldn't get it to install on my main Windows 7 PC. The Helix showed up as a device in "Devices and Printers" but was reported by WIndows as unusable and that the driver had failed to load. It appears that my copy of Windows had loaded a generic USB device driver instead of the L6 software. Anyway, after several fruitless exchanges with L6 support, I found the fix myself. You need to go to the Helix device shown in Device Manager, click on Properties, click on Driver, tell it to "Update Driver" and install the driver manually from the folder: Programs (x86)/ Line6/ Tools/ Driver2 Archive/ Helix. Windows will identify the ".inf" file in that folder as the correct driver. Click on that and you should be good to go. I suspect it's an unusual problem inasmuch as one of my laptop installs was also Win 7 and went perfectly smoothly. Nevertheless, I hope this may help someone. Now I can get back to trying to get the Helix to play nicely with my DT25.......... Andy
  4. Dear Fellow Forum Members, I have just purchased my Helix LT (version 2.12.2), registered the product & now reviewing the downloads/installation of the updates on the site. Being completely new, my questions are: Do I need to install all of the updates, or just the most recent update, & if so, which ones? If I need to update them all (I suspect not), then do they need to be updated in the order they were released i.e. chronologically? Would I be OK to just install the most recent firmware update i.e. version 2.30 (again, I suspect not)? My apologies in advance for what may be obvious to others, but I am currently slightly overwhelmed with some of the instructions, but probably need to delve in deeper. I would appreciate any assistance/advice anyone can provide. Many thanks
  5. Dear Helix User Friends, I have recently purchased a Helix LT and have already successfully managed to upgrade the firmware to 2.21, however I am having issues installing the latest version of the Helix Editor software. I have downloaded the latest software (Helix 2.21) at the Line 6 website and installed on my computer (Windows 7), however when attempting to open the editor I receive an error message saying “Helix has stopped working). I have uninstalled and re-installed the software various times, I have re-booted the computer between installations, etc and nothing seems to work… Has anyone else faced the same problems? Any ideas on how to get over this issues and get the software up and running? Thank you and I look forward to some help!
  6. Lots of users have been disappointed about the death of GearBox with Yosemite... Me too, but after hours of messing around I managed to install and run it successfully! The problem that I and others experienced is that the installer package will not allow installation on the MAC HDD... I think it's a versioning issue (i.e. the version number for Yosemite is not recognized by the installer). Anyway I found a fairly simple workaround... The solution is a follows: Download and open Gearbox 3.72.dmg Right click the GearBox.mpkg icon Left click 'Show Package Contents' Double click 'Contents' folder Double click 'Packages' folder You should now see 10 individual packages... Install each one Note: If you previously installed other Line 6 software with a newer driver, it will not allow you to install the drivers in this package... You will need to uninstall the newer drivers first, then you should be good to go. Search the forum for details on how to uninstall the drivers using command prompt. Someone else posted instructions on how to do this... They also suggested another driver to use... I tried to install that one first and it wouldn't let me, so I ended up installing the drivers from the from the GearBox package above... Anyway, I am running Yosemite 10.10.1 on a MacBook Pro Retina, with a POD X3 Live, and so far it is working fine... No panic attacks... I was able to create and upload a tone to one of my user presets... By the way, before this, I did update the firmware on the X3 using a a separate version of Monkey that I had downloaded previously. I am not sure if this have any relevance with regard to MAC and the X3 playing nicely together once I reinstalled the old drivers.
  7. Right , so I got the Line 6 Po Studio GX and tried to install the thing . It was all good until I reached the point when it asked if I allow the program to use the speakers/microphone . When I pressed 'allow' The installation froze . I also tried 'don't allow' to see if it makes a differance , but nope the same thing happened again.... A reply would be very much appriciated.
  8. Deutsch Français In order for your computer to recognize your device when you are connected via USB, you will first need to install the appropriate drivers. Here is what you will need to do to install drivers on a Windows computer: 1) Download and launch the latest version of Line 6 Monkey, which is your intelligent updater program for Line 6 gear. See the following link for more information on Line 6 Monkey: Line 6 Monkey Installation and F.A.Q. 2) Turn off all other programs and disconnect all non-essential USB and Firewire devices (printers, cameras, mp3 players, etc.) from the computer (USB mouse and keyboard can be an exception if you do not have an alternative). 3) Launch Line 6 Monkey. If your unit is not connected (or there are no previous drivers installed), Monkey will ask you to choose the Line 6 device you wish to configure. For this tutorial we will select a Line 6 Guitarport from the dropdown menu. 4) Once the Guitarport is selected in the configuration window, select "OK". 5) In the Updates tab, highlight Drivers and select "Update Selection" on the right hand side of Line 6 Monkey's user interface. 6) Monkey will connect to our server and download the appropriate drivers for your Line 6 device. 7) After the drivers are downloaded, Line 6 Monkey will exit so the Driver Install Wizard can launch. Select "OK". 8) Once the Line 6 Monkey prompts you to plug your device in, the Windows Found New Hardware Wizard should open. Please follow the steps of the hardware wizard, and select "Next" to move to the next section. 9) If you are on a Windows machine you may be asked if you want to continue the install. Select "Continue Anyway" if you see this. 10) Wait for the installation wizard to complete the installation 11) Once the hardware wizard has finished loading the drivers, your drivers should now be successfully installed. Select "finish" 12) Now when you run Line 6 Monkey, you will now see the drivers with a Green check mark next to them in the updates tab. For more information on Drivers and how they work please follow the link below. Device Driver Explanation Sometimes it takes one more step to get the driver associated with the Line 6 Device. First let's get to your Device Manager. Right-click the My Computer icon on your desktop. This will open the device manager. Now you will see a yellow question mark just like the one below: Right-click the question mark and select "Update Driver". Then follow the prompts for the driver installation. If your driver install was unsuccessful, please make sure your computer is optimized for use with Line 6 gear by using the following link: Computer System Audio Optimization Windows: USB Geräte: Treiberinstallation: Damit Ihr Computer Ihr Line 6 Gerät erkennt wenn Sie es per USB anschließen müssen Sie erst passende Treiber installieren. Um nun Treiber auf Ihrem Windows Computer zu installieren müssen sie folgende Schritte durchführen: 1. Laden Sie sich die neuste Version der Line 6 Monkey Software herunter und installieren Sie diese. Line 6 Monkey ist das Programm, welches Ihre Line 6 Produkte aktualisiert. Für weitere Informationen, klicken Sie folgenden Link: Installation und F.A.Q. zur Line 6 Monkey Software 2. Schließen Sie alle unnötigen Programme und trennen Sie nicht unbedingt nötige USB- und Firewire Geräte von Ihrem Computer. (Drucker, Kameras, MP3 Player,...) 3. Starten Sie Line 6 Monkey. Wenn Ihr Gerät nicht verbunden ist (oder noch keine Treiber installiert sind) wird Monkey Sie nach dem Gerät fragen, welches Sie konfigurieren wollen. Für diese Anleitung werden wir Line 6 Guitarport auswählen. 4. Wenn Sie Ihr Gerät nun ausgewählt haben, klicken Sie OK. 5. Im "Updates" Tab wählen Sie nun "Drivers" aus und klicken auf "Update Selection" auf der rechten Seite des Interfaces. 6. Monkey verbindet sich nun mit unserem Server und lädt die richtigen Treiber für Ihr Line 6 Gerät herunter. 7. Nachdem die Treiber heruntergeladen sind wird sich Monkey schließen und die Treiber Installationssoftware starten. Klicken Sie OK. 8. Sobald Line 6 Monkey Sie nun dazu auffordert Ihr Gerät einzustecken wird sich ein neues Fenster öffnen, das Fenster zur Installation neuer Geräte. Folgen Sie hier den Anweisungen. Klicken Sie auf "Weiter". 9. Vielleicht öffnet sich während der Installation das folgende Fenster, klicken Sie auf "Installation fortsetzen": 10. Warten Sie nun, bis die Installation fertiggestellt wurde. 11. Der Treiber sollte nun erfolgreich installiert sein. Klicken Sie auf "Fertig". 12. Wenn Sie nun Line 6 Monkey starten werden Sie eine grüne Markierung links neben "Drivers" sehen. Für weitere Informationen über Treiber und wie diese funktionieren folgen Sie diesem Link: Wikipedia: Gerätetreiber In manchen Fällen müssen Sie jedoch noch einen weiteren Schritt durchführen um den Treiber zu installieren. Zuerst müssen Sie jedoch dazu den Gerätemanager öffnen. Rechtsklicken Sie den Arbeitsplatz. Klicken Sie auf Eigenschaften dann auf den Tab Hardware und klicken Sie hier auf den Gerätemanager. Dies wird nun den Gerätemanager öffnen. Hier können Sie nun ein gelbes Fragezichen sehen. Rechtsklicken Sie das Fragezeichen und klicken Sie auf "Treiber aktualisieren". Folgen Sie nun den Anweisungen. Wenn Die Treiberinstallationen nicht erfolgreich war können Sie noch Ihren Computer anhand der folgenden Einstellungen für die Nutzung von Line 6 Geräten optimieren: Audio Optimierung für Computer Systeme Windows: Appareil USB: Installation des pilotes: Pour que votre ordinateur puisse reconnaître l'appareil Line 6 que vous voulez connecter, il a besoin des pilotes. Pour installer des pilotes, vous devez procéder comme-ça: 1. Téléchargez et installez la version la plus récente du logiciel Line 6 Monkey. Line 6 Monkey est le programme qui met vos produits Line 6 à jour. Pour recevoir des informations supplémentaires, utilisez ce lien: Installation et foire de questions Line 6 Monkey 2. Fermez tous les programmes inutiles et détachez les appareils USB et Firewire inutiles de votre ordinateur. (Imprimante, caméra, lecteur mp3,…) 3. Démarrez Line 6 Monkey. Si votre appareil n'est pas encore connecté (ou aucun pilote est installé) Line 6 Monkey vous demande l'appareil vous voulez configurer. Nous choisissons Line 6 Guitarport pour ce tutoriel. 4. Si vous avez choisissez votre appareil, cliquez OK. 5. Dans le tab "Updates" cliquez "Update Selection" à gauche de l'interface. 6. Maintenant, Line 6 Monkey se connecte à nos serveurs et télécharge les pilotes correctes pour votre appareil Line 6. 7. Après ce téléchargement a fini, Monkey se ferme et ouvre l'installation de pilotes. Cliquez OK. 8. Une fois Money veut que vous connectez votre appareil au ordinateur, une nouvelle fenêtre s'ouvre, l'installation des pilotes de Windows. Suivez les instructions. Cliquez "Suivant". 9. C'est possible que la fenêtre prochaine s'ouvre. Cliquez "Continuer". 10. Attendez jusqu'à la fin d'installation. 11. Le pilote devrait être installé. Cliquez "Terminer". 12. Si vous démarrez Line 6 Monkey, vous pouvez voir un marqueur vert à gauche de "Drivers". Pour des informations supplémentaires sur les pilotes te comment ils fonctionnent, cliquez ce lien: Wikipedia: Pilote informatique Dans certains cas, vous avez besoin d'une autre étape pour installer le pilote. Ouvrez le gestionnaire de périphériques. Faites un clic droit sur le poste de travail. Cliquez propriétés et choisissez le tab Hardware. Cliquez sur le gestionnaire de périphériques. Cet ouvre le gestionnaire de périphériques. Ici vous voyez un point d'interrogation jaune. Faites un clic droite sur ce point d'interrogation et cliquez "Mettre à jour le pilote". Suivez les instructions. Si l'installation du pilote n'a pas réussie, vous pouvez optimiser votre système pour l'utilisation des appareils Line 6. Optimisation audio pour l'ordinateur
  9. These step-by-step instructions show how to install the necessary software to your Macintosh computer and properly connect your Line 6 device. This document will provide a great deal of information in terms of compatibility with your computer/audio hardware & software. Click on the hyperlinks to provide more information if you have questions on how to complete a step. 1: Create a Line 6 user account: Creating a Line 6 Account 2: Register your Line 6 device(s): Product Registration F.A.Q. Registering and Activating Line 6 Devices 3: Complete a support profile to provide Line 6 with a snapshot of your computer and overall setup: Create a support file This document assumes you have a reliable internet connection. Please see the following link if you have dial-up or satellite internet service: Unsupported Internet Connections: Satellite and Dial-up 4: See the following links MIDI and USB connectivity BEFORE installating your software or connecting your device: USB Connectivity with Line 6 Devices MIDI: Functionality, Control, and Connectivity with Line 6 devices 5: Optimize your computer to work with Line 6 gear by using the following information: Computer System Audio Optimization Downloading/Installing Software & Connecting Your Line 6 Device 6: See the following link for the hardware/sofware compatability chart to determine which software your device needs: Line 6 Software/Hardware Compatibility Chart Gearbox Installations: Please go the following link to download/install the Gearbox software installer, which also includes the Line 6 monkey intelligent updater and recent drivers for your Line 6 product. Gearbox installation Download GearBox 3.72 Release Notes & Known Issues POD Farm Installations: Please go the following link to download/install the POD Farm software installer, which also includes the Line 6 monkey intelligent updater and recent drivers for your Line 6 product. POD Farm 1.12 installation Download POD Farm 1.12: Release Notes and Known Issues POD Farm 2 Installations: Please go the following link to download/install the POD Farm 2.0 software installer, which also includes the Line 6 monkey intelligent updater and recent drivers for your Line 6 product. Please note that this is a paid upgrade that requires a license for many Line 6 products. POD Farm 2.5 installation Download POD Farm 2.5 Setup POD Farm 2.0 Upgrade Paths 7: See the following link for downloading and using Line 6 Monkey to install the drivers. The Line 6 Edit, Vyzex, Spider Edit, and Spider Valve Edit software programs require Line 6 Monkey to be downloaded separately and have the drivers manually installed. Line 6 Monkey Installation and F.A.Q. 8. Connect your Line 6 device and go through the driver installation described below: Mac: USB Device Driver Installation 9. If you unit has a USB port and you plan to use your Line 6 device as a sound card, see the following links for sound card configuration and connection: Mac: Setting External Sound Card Assigning your Line 6 Device as a Sound Card on your Mac Computer See the following links for more information on Line 6 Edit, Workbench, Vyzex, Spider Edit and Spider Valve Edit software. Please note that if you are using the Snow Leopard (10.6.x) operating system you will not be able to run Line 6 edit or Workbench, as these software programs depend on the Java 5 software that is unsupported by Snow Leopard. Line 6 Edit FAQs Video Tutorial: Downloading and Syncing Tones from Custom Tone with Line 6 Edit Java Errors with Line 6 Edit and Workbench Variax Workbench FAQs and v1.72 Release Notes/Known Issues Vyzex Editor Support Spider Edit FAQs Spider Valve Edit FAQs
  10. These step-by-step instructions show how to install the necessary software to your Windows 7 computer and properly connect your Line 6 device. This document will provide a great deal of information in terms of compatibility with your computer/audio hardware & software. Click on the hyperlinks to provide more information if you have questions on how to complete a step. 1: Create a Line 6 user account: Creating a Line 6 Account 2: Register your Line 6 device(s): Product Registration F.A.Q. Registering and Activating Line 6 Devices 3: Complete a support profile to provide Line 6 with a snapshot of your computer and overall setup: Create a support file This document assumes you have a reliable internet connection. Please see the following link if you have dial-up or satellite internet service: Unsupported Internet Connections: Satellite and Dial-up 4: See the following links MIDI and USB connectivity BEFORE installating your software or connecting your device: USB Connectivity with Line 6 Devices MIDI: Functionality, Control, and Connectivity with Line 6 devices 5: Optimize your computer to work with Line 6 gear by using the following information: Computer System Audio Optimization Microsoft Vista, 7, and 8 Tweaks and Optimizations: Video Downloading, Installing Software & Connecting Your Line 6 Device 6: See the following link for the hardware/sofware compatability chart to determine which software your device needs: Line 6 Software/Hardware Compatibility Chart Gearbox Installations: Please go the following link to download/install the Gearbox software installer, which also includes the Line 6 monkey intelligent updater and recent drivers for your Line 6 product. Gearbox installation Download GearBox 3.72 Release Notes & Known Issues POD Farm Installations: Please go the following link to download/install the POD Farm software installer, which also includes the Line 6 monkey intelligent updater and recent drivers for your Line 6 product. POD Farm 1.12 installation Download POD Farm 1.12: Release Notes and Known Issues POD Farm 2/2.5 Installations: Please go the following link to download/install the POD Farm 2.5 software installer, which also includes the Line 6 monkey intelligent updater and recent drivers for your Line 6 product. Please note that this is a paid upgrade that requires a license for many Line 6 products. POD Farm 2.5 installation Download POD Farm 2.5 Setup POD Farm 2.0 Upgrade Paths 7: See the following link for downloading and using Line 6 Monkey to install the drivers. The Line 6 Edit, Vyzex, Spider Edit, and Spider Valve Edit software programs require Line 6 Monkey to be downloaded separately and have the drivers manually installed. Line 6 Monkey Installation and F.A.Q. 8. Connect your Line 6 device and go through the driver installation described below: Windows USB Device Driver Installation Video Tutorial: Installing Line 6 Drivers & Monkey to a Windows Vista System 9. If you unit has a USB port and you plan to use your Line 6 device as a sound card, see the following links for sound card configuration and connection: Setting up your Line 6 device as the External Sound Card on Windows Vista: Video Tutorial Assigning your Line 6 Device as a Sound Card on your Windows Vista Computer: Screen Shot Tutorial See the following links for more information on Line 6 Edit, Workbench, Vyzex, Spider Edit and Spider Valve Edit software: Line 6 Edit FAQs Video Tutorial: Downloading and Syncing Tones from Custom Tone with Line 6 Edit Java Errors with Line 6 Edit and Workbench Variax Workbench FAQs and v1.72 Release Notes/Known Issues Vyzex Editor Support Spider Edit FAQs Spider Valve Edit FAQs
  11. These step-by-step instructions show how to install the necessary software to your Windows Vista computer and properly connect your Line 6 device. This document will also provide a great deal of information in terms of compatibility with your computer/audio hardware & software. Click on the hyperlinks to provide more information if you have questions on how to complete a step. 1: Create a Line 6 user account: Creating a Line 6 Account 2: Register your Line 6 device(s): Product Registration F.A.Q. Registering and Activating Line 6 Devices 3: Complete a support profile to provide Line 6 with a snapshot of your computer and overall setup: Create a support file This document assumes you have a reliable internet connection. Please see the following link if you have dial-up or satellite internet service: Unsupported Internet Connections: Satellite and Dial-up 4: See the following links MIDI and USB connectivity BEFORE installating your software or connecting your device: USB Connectivity with Line 6 Devices MIDI: Functionality, Control, and Connectivity with Line 6 devices 5: Optimize your computer to work with Line 6 gear by using the following information: Computer System Audio Optimization Microsoft Vista, 7, and 8 Tweaks and Optimizations: Video Downloading, Installing Software & Connecting Your Line 6 Device 6: See the following link for the hardware/sofware compatability chart to determine which software your device needs: Line 6 Software/Hardware Compatibility Chart Gearbox Installations: Please go the following link to download/install the Gearbox software installer, which also includes the Line 6 monkey intelligent updater and recent drivers for your Line 6 product. Gearbox installation Download GearBox 3.72 Release Notes & Known Issues POD Farm Installations: Please go the following link to download/install the POD Farm software installer, which also includes the Line 6 monkey intelligent updater and recent drivers for your Line 6 product. POD Farm 1.12 installation Download POD Farm 1.12: Release Notes and Known Issues POD Farm 2 Installations: Please go the following link to download/install the POD Farm 2.0 software installer, which also includes the Line 6 monkey intelligent updater and recent drivers for your Line 6 product. Please note that this is a paid upgrade that requires a license for many Line 6 products. POD Farm 2.5 installation Download POD Farm 2.5 Setup POD Farm 2.0 Upgrade Paths 7: See the following link for downloading and using Line 6 Monkey to install the drivers. The Line 6 Edit, Vyzex, Spider Edit, and Spider Valve Edit software programs require Line 6 Monkey to be downloaded separately and have the drivers manually installed. Line 6 Monkey Installation and F.A.Q. 8. Connect your Line 6 device and go through the driver installation described below: Windows USB Device Driver Installation Video Tutorial: Installing Line 6 Drivers & Monkey to a Windows Vista System 9. If you unit has a USB port and you plan to use your Line 6 device as a sound card, see the following links for sound card configuration and connection: Setting up your Line 6 device as the External Sound Card on Windows Vista: Video Tutorial Assigning your Line 6 Device as a Sound Card on your Windows Vista Computer: Screen Shot Tutorial See the following links for more information on Line 6 Edit, Workbench, Vyzex, Spider Edit and Spider Valve Edit software: Line 6 Edit FAQs Video Tutorial: Downloading and Syncing Tones from Custom Tone with Line 6 Edit Java Errors with Line 6 Edit and Workbench Variax Workbench FAQs and v1.72 Release Notes/Known Issues Vyzex Editor Support Spider Edit FAQs Spider Valve Edit FAQs
  12. These step-by-step instructions show how to install the necessary software to your Windows XP computer and properly connect your Line 6 device. This document will also provide you with a great deal of information in terms of compatibility with your computer/audio hardware & software. Click on the hyperlinks to provide more information if you have questions on how to complete a step. 1: Create a Line 6 user account: Creating a Line 6 Account 2: Register your Line 6 device(s): Product Registration F.A.Q. Registering and Activating Line 6 Devices 3: Complete a support profile to provide Line 6 with a snapshot of your computer and overall setup: Create a support file This document assumes you have a reliable internet connection. Please see the following link if you have dial-up or satellite internet service: Unsupported Internet Connections: Satellite and Dial-up 4: See the following links MIDI and USB connectivity BEFORE installating your software or connecting your device: USB Connectivity with Line 6 Devices MIDI: Functionality, Control, and Connectivity with Line 6 devices 5: Optimize your computer to work with Line 6 gear by using the following information: Computer System Audio Optimization Downloading, Installing Software & Connecting Your Line 6 Device 6: See the following link for the hardware/sofware compatability chart to determine which software your device needs: Line 6 Software/Hardware Compatibility Chart Gearbox Installations: Please go the following link to download/install the Gearbox software installer, which also includes the Line 6 monkey intelligent updater and recent drivers for your Line 6 product. Gearbox installation Download GearBox 3.72 Release Notes & Known Issues POD Farm Installations: Please go the following link to download/install the POD Farm software installer, which also includes the Line 6 monkey intelligent updater and recent drivers for your Line 6 product. POD Farm 1.12 installation Download POD Farm 1.12: Release Notes and Known Issues POD Farm 2 Installations: Please go the following link to download/install the POD Farm 2.0 software installer, which also includes the Line 6 monkey intelligent updater and recent drivers for your Line 6 product. Please note that this is a paid upgrade that requires a license for many Line 6 products. POD Farm 2.5 installation Download POD Farm 2.5 Setup POD Farm 2.0 Upgrade Paths 7: See the following link for downloading and using Line 6 Monkey to install the drivers. The Line 6 Edit, Vyzex, Spider Edit, and Spider Valve Edit software programs require Line 6 Monkey to be downloaded separately and have the drivers manually installed. Line 6 Monkey Installation and F.A.Q. 8. Manually install/update your drivers with the following links BEFORE connecting your Line 6 device: Windows USB Device Driver Installation Video Tutorial: Installing Line 6 Drivers & Monkey to a Windows XP System 9. Connect your Line 6 device and go through the driver installation described in the links above. If you unit has a USB port and you plan to use your Line 6 device as a sound card, see the following links for sound card configuration and connection: Setting up your Line 6 device as External Sound Card within Windows XP: Video Tutorial Assigning your Line 6 Device as a Sound Card on your Windows XP Computer: Screen Shot Tutorial See the following links for more information on Line 6 Edit, Workbench, Vyzex, Spider Edit and Spider Valve Edit software: Line 6 Edit FAQs Video Tutorial: Downloading and Syncing Tones from Custom Tone with Line 6 Edit Java Errors with Line 6 Edit and Workbench Variax Workbench FAQs and v1.72 Release Notes/Known Issues Vyzex Editor Support Spider Edit FAQs Spider Valve Edit FAQs
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