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  1. Hey guys. I'm having a bit of a volume issue that I'm looking to sort out. As we know, the Vox AC30 preamp on the POD is drastically more quiet that the full version. However, topology 3 on the DT (with no HD500 connected) can go very loud - as loud as all other topologies on the amp. My question is how/whether I can use the amp to model the AC30 preamp and simply use the HD500 for effects. It's just that the AC30 preamp on the POD is so damn quiet. By this logic, the Vox will be a lot louder, with my HD500 still connected and in use. Is it doable, or are we herding cats here? Thanks! Nick.
  2. Hey guys, this is my first post in the forum. Right now I'm using a Gibson Les Paul with my HD500, using headphones. The sound is OK, but I'm looking to buy an amplifier. I'm considering buying a DT25 combo, but before I do, I have a couple questions. 1. Firstly, I have ran out of DSP a lot on my HD500, mainly because I use dual amp configurations. What I am wondering is if I can still use two amp paths with two different (pre) amps modelled on my HD500, and have the DT25 combo output both amps (both paths) in only one speaker (I will be using the combo amp). Another thing that I'd like to know in relation to this is whether or not using the HD500 in conjuncton with the DT25 will free up DSP. I heard that (since the 2.0 update), the DT25 models the pre amp instead of the HD500. Is this true? Will it model both of my pre amps, allowing DSP usage to drop on the HD500? 2. Secondly, I am wondering which cable to purhase to use with L6 link. I understand that Line 6 reccomend an AES/EBU type cable over everything else. However I also see that they recommend a Classic Series Microphone Cable by Planet Waves, which as far as I'm aware doesn't appear to be an AES/EBU type cable. I live in New Zealand, so I cannot purchase brands such as Mogami, in fact the only AES/EBU cable that is stocked in my local store is a HOSA AES/EBU cable. Would you reccoment this as a good cable? Also, I assume that 3ft is too short.... Thanks so much in advance, and any other tips in realtion to the DT25, such as upkeep and tone tricks will be greatly appreciated! I will be entirely new to valve amps. Nick.
  3. Hi, Got my POD HD500 recently. (Still feeling disappointed they announced 500X a week after the purchase). So, I'm planning to expand my system with Variax Guitar and two DT amps, to get the dual amp setup. My nearest local store don't keep those stuff in stock, I need to pre-order, place some deposit, or buy from online store. Meaning that 'try-before-buy' is not an option for me. Trying to understand all the features, pros and cons, whether going to be a worth spending, is only by reading reviews, posting on forums and so on. Below is some items that I need to understand more, hopefully it will help me with the decision. 1. External pedal in the POD FX Loop. Thinking this will free up the DSP, and can use some of my favorite pedal Is it good to place pedal that known not a buffer-friendly, such fuzz and wah inside the loop? 2. DT Amp power section voicing/topology. From the manual, what I understand is, changing voicing and amp class, example Voicing I to IV, or Class A to A/B might not be instantaneous. It might give less issue from song to song, but how about changing it within one song? How you guys dealing with the power amp setup? Example, use Fender type Class A for clean, and goes to Rectifier type, class A/B for heavy part or lead. 3. Layering acoustic model and magnetic pickup sound from Variax guitar. This will not be an issue if using one DT Amp, with POD HD path A with the magnetic signal + AMP A, path B amp off, output to Main Output or Balance XLR output. But, if using dual amp, even if I turn off amp and path B, the L6 Link will still send the signal to AMP B, with AMP B automatically change to Channel B. What is the best way to process the acoustic signal? Use FX Loop? (another situation is layering magnetic and electric model from variax). Is there setting to temporarily turn off L6 Link between one of those DT amps? 4. DT Amp silent direct out. Is the direct out still functioning when the Master Volume not at low power mode? I know that in low power mode, the power amp section will turn off, and use modelling instead. So, lost the point why I want the DT amp at first place, and don't want to micing. If I need total silent, I can use attenuator (THD hot plate etc). The cabinet simulator for the direct out is using what you setup inside HD500, or is it from the DT amp itself? Anybody know what type of cabinet it is? 5. Wet/Dry/Wet setup. Not necessary, but thinking if I can do Wet/Dry/Dry/Wet, without additional DT amps easily. It will easy if I just thinking to use POD HD internal fx and main output to monitor, as a wet section. Both DT Amp feed setup as AMP A and AMP B, so only dry/pre signal feed to DT Amp. Post FX everything set as 100% wet, then use main output for the wet (can be monitor speaker or another power amp). *Take note that POD HD FX loop already occupied by above no 1. What I am thinking is little bit further, to tap the DT amp power section, perhaps use the Direct Out signal to feed separate fx unit or pedal for wet effects, such delay or reverb. (M9 unit will be good candidate). So, anybody with wet dry setup with DT Amp and POD HD? Thank you in advance. Nasir
  4. Is there a way to use a boost through L6 link (but not through the pod fx loop)? I have Pod HD500 and DT25 working with L6 link but I'm also using HD500 with standard amps half the time. I have also Xotic EP booster which I really like for the solo boost - after HD500 before the amp and it works great. So if I use L6 link to DT25 I lose the ability to use it before the amplifier as usual and that is where I find it sounds the best. Maybe there is some kind of connector or interface that I could buy or make that would allow me to do that and use EP booster in both configurations? Did someone find a way around this? Thank you!
  5. Deutsch Français All L6 Link Connections require AES/EBU cables with a maximum 50 foot length. StageScape M20d Small PA : Connect the L6 LINK out from a StageScape M20d mixer to the rear panel L6 LINK In on any speaker in the network. Any L3t/L3m towers and L3s subs on an L6 LINK network are numbered independently. In the illustration above, the two L3s subs (labeled SUB 1 and 2) will, by default, play left and right, respectively. The two upright L3t/L3m towers (numbered 1 and 3) will, by default, play left and right, respectively. L3t/L3m number 2, because it?s laid on its side, will automatically play discrete monitor feed A. Any speaker on the network can have its channel assignment changed from the M20d's touch screen interface. StageScape M20d Large PA : In the illustration above, four L3s subs (labeled SUB 1-4) and seven L3t/L3m speakers (independently numbered 1-7) are daisy-chained from an M20d mixer. The subs and upright towers automatically configure themselves to be a powerful stereo mains system. L3t/L3m speakers on their side (numbers 3, 4, and 5) automatically configure themselves as stage monitors, and play monitor feed A, B, and C respectively. You can also reassign any speaker from the M20d touchscreen. Toutes les connexions L6 Link ont besoin d’un câble AES/EBU avec une longueur maximale de 15 mètres. StageScape M20d : Système de sonorisation petit : Branchez la sortie L6 LINK du M20d à l’entrée L6 LINK d’un haut-parleur. Tous les L3t, M3m et L3s ont des nombres différents. Pour l’illustration, les L3s (SUB 1 et 2) jouent gauche et droite respectivement. Les L3t/L3m (1 et 3) jouent gauche et droite respectivement automatiquement. Le L3t/L3m 2 est en mode Moniteur parce qu’il est mis sur sa côté. Vous pouvez assigner les canaux pour tous les haut-parleurs séparément sur le M20d. StageScape M20d : Système de sonorisation petit : Pour cette illustration, on a chaîné 4 L3s et 7 L3t/L3m avec un M20d. Les L3s et L3t/L3m verticaux se configurent automatiquement en mode Stereo Main System et les autres, qui sont sur la côté se configurent en mode Moniteur. Vous pouvez réassigner tous les haut-parleurs avec le M20d. Alle L6 LINK Verbindungen benötigen AES/EBU Kabel mit einem Maximum von 15 Metern. StageScape M20d: Kleine Beschallungsanlage: Verbinden Sie den StageScape L6 LINK Ausgang mit dem L6 LINK Eingang eines Lautsprechers im System. Jeder L3t, L3m und L3s hat eine bestimte Nummer. Für die obige Darstellung werden die 2 L3s automatisch jeweils rechts und einer links abspielen, die beiden augestellten L3t/L3m werden sauch automatisch rechts une einer links abspielen. L3t/L3m Nummer 2 wird sich als Monitor konfigurieren, da er auf der Seite liegt. Jeder Lautsprecher im System kann anhand des M20d einen neuen Kanal zugewiesen bekommen. StageScape M20d: Große Beschallungsanlage: Oben werden 4 L3s und 7 L3t/L3m dargestellt, die in Reihe geschaltet und an einen M20d angeschlossen sind. Die Subwoofer sowie aufrechten L3t/L3m werden sich selbst als Stereo Main System einstellen und die L3t und L3m die auf der Seite liegen als Monitore. Alle Laustsprecher können andere Kanäle zugewiesen bekommen, falls gewünscht.
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