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  1. Hi, does Line 6 UX2 allows to record mic input and instrument input ( that is semi acoustic guitar recorded on 2 mics and a cable to get three tracks) in one single take? if yes how? any advice will be very helpful. thanks
  2. Hello, I have an issue with my first gen HD100. When plugged into my 2x12 Avatar cab, even with the master and channel volume all the way up, the amp is extremely quiet. It is still making noise and working but it isn't even as loud as a 5 watt amp. I have already tried changing the power tubes to a matched quad of JJ 6l6s and that did nothing. I am pretty sure it is an issue in the preamp stage since when I plug my guitar into the "poweramp in" I can get loud volumes out of the amp. Just not when running through the normal input... anyone have any ideas?
  3. i have a x3 live and a spider hd 100,,i wanna know ,can i use my x3 live as a footswich of my head? and if i can ,what kind of cabel or conection shuld use???? this pod x3 midi and usb ports this is back of hd 100 head... thanx for your concern.
  4. Does anyone know where you can get repairs done on a James Tyler Variax in the UK? preferably in Scotland? My pickup selector switch feels like its on its way out, feels like it doesnt quite latch securely in the down position even though it does stay, any help would be greatly appreciated
  5. hey i need some help in figuring out whats going on with my amp. i bought it recently from a pawn shop and i am determined in ressurecting it to full function. if oyu can shoot me a reply or email me @ here is a video of my problem:
  6. I just got my HD500x today, its pretty tricky to figure out, but im getting there. I cannot seem to figure out a couple of things so I joined this forum just to ask these 2 questions: 1: Is there a recommended way hook both my Boss RC-300 and my HD500x to my Vox AC-30? I have tried, and succeded, but I am sure whether or not I did it right. I want it so that I can get the best possible sound. There is a footswitch and speaker output on the back of the amp, and a input on the top (of course). 2: My looper on the HD500x is not working when I put it on POST(FS3 light on). I turn the looper on, and then I record a guitar part, but then when I finish and hit play, I cannot hear it, what is the problem? Thanks
  7. Hello all, I am in the process of building a new studio in the house and I am considering ordering the line 6 hd500x rack. I was actually convinced I was going to get it after checking it out but after the gear lust period died down I figured I would come ask a few questions. How does this processor compare to amplitube 3 and guitar rig 5? I have been using those and I am happy however they eat up a ton of cpu after awhile and the line 6 would free this up in theory. I just want to make sure the tone is as good or at least close. I threw together a quick recording using amplitube 3 for reference (excuse the vocals and production its early and not finished writing it). Can I get a similar sound quality with line 6?
  8. Saludos amigos , les comento que estoy teniendo problemas con el sonido de mi line 6 hd pro desde la actualización a la nueva versión de memory flah , paso a detallar lo que me esta sucediendo. 1- tengo que reiniciar el rack una vez encendido para que tenga todo la ganancia en los sonidos distorsionados una vez reiniciado suena medianamente bien creo. 2- despues de la actualizacion note que algunos preset tenian como latencia y sonaban despues de tocar , lo solucione ingresando al delay o reberd modificando un parametro cualquiera , ahi vuelve a quedar normal , eso fue solo con algunos preset. 3-tengo un problema con los sonidos de wha wha , suenan como si no tuvieran ganancia y con muchos medios ya molestando a mi oido , no es la distorsion sumado el wha wha , es como que se bajara el nivel de distorsion y se sumara mucho medio y suena muy mal , para mi gusto. Buscando informacion encontre que es posible solucionarlo reinstalando la memory flash , pero quiero saber a que version tengo que instalar , la de fabrica??? no se cual trae de fabrica , no lo recuerdo . Yo ahora tengo instalado la ultima version del memory flash . por favor si alguien me puede ayudar , espero no ser el unico que le haya pasado este problema . desde ya les agradezco la ayuda , me encuentro a la espera de una solucion. muchas gracias saludos Pablo
  9. I recently bought a Pod 2.0. I went to check some info on it and noticed that it disappeared from Musician's Friend's multi-effects, and on several other websites (zzounds, AMS, Best Buy) it is marked as no longer being available. Did it get discontinued? If so, I must have gotten one of the last ones.
  10. I have a line 6 spider valve 212 mk1 40w combo amp. Im looking to attatch an extention 4x12 cabinet to it for my bands live performances. I have 2 celestian 16 ohm speakers. What speaker specs for the cabinet as far as ohms can i use to work with the combo amp... i have multiple output jacks..... 8 ohm pair, 4 ohm single, 8 ohm out, preamp out and power amp in. along with a direct out. Which of these can u use with a compatible cabinet, and what would the specs of a compatible cabinet be?
  11. hope this means more support and firmware updates
  12. Hello, I'm a bit of a noob and quite new to amp modeling. Does anyone know what EQ this patch has? I'm curious because I recently became a Scott Pilgrim fan. I don't have the full version of POD Farm so I can't get the settings at all. Any help? Sex Bob-omb.L6T.l6t
  13. Hello there, I bought a POD studio UX1 a few years ago and as far as i can remember it used to work fine. I decided to start using it again yesterday but found that i cant because; The LED doesnt light up at all when it is plugged in the UX1 is not recognised and is listed as an 'unknown' device I feel i have tried everything, i have; uninstalled and re-downloaded/installed all relevant software multiple times, I have gone and bought a new USB cable which does exactly the same thing I have checked all USB ports in my laptop and they work perfectly with all other devices I have done the obvious such as restarting the laptop and waiting for a while.. The only other coclusion i can think of is that the UX1 is faulty, but i cant see why as its been looked after and barely ever used. I would also like to mension that when i plug the USB cable in, it does make a sound, not the 'da ding', a USB device should make, it makes a 'dung dung' sound, not the 'di dong' one when you unplug a device. thats the only way i can describe it, and that also means the cable should be working. I am also running on Windows 7. Somebody please have a solution to this because i was really looking forward to actually using my UX1 Thanks
  14. Here are some helpful settings for both Windows 7 and Windows 8 that you can use to increase your peformance: In Windows 7 : - Go to the computer's Control Panel from the Start button menu. - 'View By' in top right corner should be changed to large or small icons. - Select Power Options below - On the left side of the screen, select 'Create a Power Plan' - Select the 'High Performance' plan and hit 'Next' - On the next page just hit 'Create' - Next to your newly created Power Plan, click on Change Plan settings - Click on 'Change Advanced Power Settings' - In this new window, select your power plan, and go through the settings below it individually to manage your computer for best performance. - Under Hard Disk, set turn off hard disk after 'never.' - Under USB Settings, set USB selective suspend setting to 'Disabled.' - After making all these changes, click on 'Apply' and 'OK.' - Reboot the computer and test the performance of your USB audio and let us know if the problem persists. In Windows 8 : - Press the Windows Key on you keyboard to access the Start Windows screen. - Right Click an empty space and select 'All Apps' from the bottom right hand corner. - Scroll over to the far right of the App screen and under Windows System, select 'Control Panel' - 'View By' in top right corner should be changed to large or small icons. - Select Power Options below - On the left side of the screen, select 'Create a Power Plan' - Select the 'High Performance' plan and hit 'Next' - On the next page just hit 'Create' - Next to your newly created Power Plan, click on Change Plan settings - Click on 'Change Advanced Power Settings' - In this new window, select your power plan, and go through the settings below it individually to manage your computer for best performance. - Under Hard Disk, set turn off hard disk after 'never.' - Under USB Settings, set USB selective suspend setting to 'Disabled.' - After making all these changes, click on 'Apply' and 'OK.' - Reboot the computer and test the performance of your USB audio and let us know if the problem persists.
  15. I am currently using the 4 cable method with my M13 into a JVM 215C. I would like to introduce a external analog octo-fuzz pedal, an analog bit commander (synth thing) and a Jamman solo for sampling. I want to put the octo-fuzz and bit commander between the first and second bank, and the Jamman through the effects loop at the end of the chain. The reason I do not want to simply plug my guitar into the analog pedals and have them first in the chain is because I want to have the first bank for a wah, a compressor, and a pitch shift. (Pitch shift through front of amp or loop??) Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Loving the M13!!
  16. Hi. Recently my Spider II 75 amp head has not been making any sound when the guitar is plugged in. I have checked the cab with another head and the cab is working fine. I've also ruled out the possiblity of it being a problem with leads/guitars etc. The lights on the head work fine and it plays music when i plug an mp3 player into the mp3 input, however when i plug the guitar in it wont make any sound. I've taken the head part apart and there doesnt seem to be any obvious problems inside. Anyone have any ideas what this could be?
  17. Ok, so here's my dilemma. As of now I live in a tiny apartment with my Line 6 Spider 3, my guitar, and my laptop. Now, for the past year I've been playing through my amp through headphones, like through the headphone jack, because I cant play my amp slightly loud enough, before my neighbors come banging at my door. Anyways, I'm thinking about buying a Pod Pro HD X, but there's a few things I want to know about it before I pick it up. 1. Can I plug headphones and my guitar into it and play directly through it? 2. I'm pretty sure this is true, but can I plug my guitar and headphones into it, and plug it into my laptop via USB, for recording purposes? 3. Can I use a L6 FBV Express MKII on it? For like Wah effects and stuff? 4. Does the Pod Pro HD X sound better than the Line 6 Spider 4? Those are pretty much my only questions. I really want the HDX because I want to start recording, and I've tried with my Line 6 Spider 3 using a Aux audio to aux audio and plugging it into my mic port in my laptop, and it sounds like utter sh*t. I really don't want another actual amp either, because I hardly play live, or go out to play. So is the Pro HD X right for me?
  18. Get the New V75-40V Microphone with Earthworks Capsule for Your XD-V75 Digital Wireless System What is it? The V75-40V combines industry-leading Line 6® digital wireless technology with the renowned Earthworks® WL40V premium hyper-cardioid capsule, delivering stunning performance and unmatched sound quality. Premium Sound Quality The Line 6 XD-V system is the only wireless platform that can transmit the stunning sound of the celebrated Earthworks WL40V capsule. The result is the world's most inspiring vocal wireless microphone, providing exceptional clarity, precise response and unmatched sound quality. Earthworks WL40V Capsule Designed to deliver studio-quality performance to the wireless world, the premium hand-tuned and tested capsule from Earthworks deliver features lightning-fast impulse response, high SPL handling and a wide frequency range. The textbook-perfect hyper-cardioid polar pattern provides exceptional clarity and detail. Your vocals have never sounded this amazing. Does the V75-40V have microphone modeling like other Line 6 microphones? No, the V75-40V does not have any microphone modeling on it. When using a Line 6 handheld microphone with the Earthworks WL40V capsule attached, the mic modeling will display "OFF" on the modeling page of the microphone's user interface. Can I use a V75-40V Earthworks capsule on other Line 6 handheld microphones? Yes, the Earthworks WL40V capsule is interchangeable to use on other Line 6 handheld microphones, provided the handheld microphone being used has been updated to firmware version 2.10. Firmware version 2.10 is required for Line 6 handheld microphones to utilize the Earthworks WL40V capsule. Is the V75-40V part of a Line 6 wireless system? The V75-40V with Earthworks WL40V capsule is sold as a separate component from other Line 6 wireless systems. The V75-40V does NOT come with a receiver or power supply to power the receiver. Any customer without a Line 6 wireless system will need these components when purchasing a V75-40V. 24-bit Performance Featuring 24-bit precision, 10Hz–20kHz full frequency response, and wide dynamic range, our digital wireless system transmits the stunning sound of the WL40V with total transparency and accuracy. Clear Visual Status The clear LCD screen provides essential system info at a glance. Select channels and check your battery level—instantly. Tour-Tough Construction With a durable metal body and custom hard-shell touring case, V75-40V is ready for the rigors of the road. How do I get it? Visit your local Line 6 retailer today to check out V75-40V. V75-40V combines industry-leading Line 6® digital wireless technology with the renowned Earthworks® WL40V premium hyper-cardioid capsule—delivering performance previously found only in the highest quality wired studio mics. Features include: Premium Earthworks WL40V capsule Textbook-perfect hyper-cardioid polar pattern for exceptional clarity and detail Crystal-clear, compander-free, 24-bit precision The widest dynamic range of any digital wireless transmitter—118dB Rugged, tour-tough metal body Includes custom hard-shell touring case with soft inner padding Up to 14 channels for maximum flexibility 10Hz–20kHz frequency response Backlit LCD display for fast and easy operation 8 hours battery life with 2 AA batteries Lockout switch to prevent changes during performance Transmitter Naming for identifying transmitters in a multi-system application Compatible with XD-V75, XD-V55, and XD-V35 receivers running v2.0 firmware or later Part number: 98-033-0057
  19. Do you sell Line 6 decals for cars and replacement decals for certain pedals?
  20. Deutsch Français With the release of Apple's iOS 7, Apple added a new privacy feature that can disable audio input from our mobile interfaces. The problem occurs the first time you launch the app under iOS7 and above, if you do not allow iOS along with the particular app you are using to have access to the 'Microphone', than you will temporarily not be able to receive input from mobile interfaces. The solution is to make sure that you press 'OK' when you see this prompt, but this prompt only appears the first time you launch the app. If you did not press 'OK' on this prompt and are not able to receive input from your Line 6 Mobile Interface, than you will need to do the following steps: Tap your iOS settings button. Tap the tab for 'Privacy' located on the left hand side of the screen. Than tap the option for 'Microphone' on the right. You will than see a list of apps that have requested access to the 'Microphone'. Simply tap the switch next to each that you would like to use the Line 6 Mobile Interface with. Relaunch all of the apps that you would like to use your Line 6 Mobile Interface with. Avec la publication d’Apple iOS7, Apple a ajouté une nouvelle fonction de confidentialité qui peut désactiver tous l’audio qui vient des Sonic Port et Mobile In. Ce problème se produit la première fois que vous lancez l’application sous iOS7 et si vous ne permettez l’accès au Microphone, vous ne pouvez pas recevoir du audio avec nos interfaces portables. La solution est simple, appuyez le bouton OK si votre appareil vous donne le choix. Attention, cette invite apparaît une seule fois. Si vous n’avez pas appuyez OK et vous n’avez pas d’entrée avec l’application, suivez ces instructions : Tapez le bouton « Réglages » sur l’appareil iOS. Tapez sur Confidentialité à gauche. Tapez sur Micro à droite. Maintenant, vous pouvez voir une liste des applications qui ont demandés de l’accès au micro. Tapez le commutateur à droite de l’entrée de votre application. Relancez tous les applications que vous voulez utiliser avec l’interface Line6. Seit der Version 7 von iOS, hat Apple eine neue Datenschutzfunktion eingeführt, die den Audioeingang des Gerätes mit einem Mobile In oder auch Sonic Port blockieren kann. Das Problem taucht beim ersten Start der App auf, nach dem Update auf iOS Version 7. Sollten Sie der App hier nicht den Zugriff auf das Mikrofon gewähren, wird dieses für die App in Frage temporär abgeschaltet. Klicken Sie also auf OK wenn Sie die App zum ersten Mal starten, um das Mikrofon freizugeben. Sollten Sie nicht OK gedrückt haben können Sie das Mikrofon aber immernoch in den Einstellungen freigeben: Drücken Sie auf Einstellungen, Dann auf Datenschutz links und Dann auf Mikrofon rechts. Hier können Sie dann eine Liste aller Apps einsehen, die Zugriff auf das Mikrofon angefragt haben. Drücken Sie hier einfach den Schalter, der das Mikrofon für eine bestimmte App blockiert. Starten Sie dann alle Apps neu, die Sie mit der Line 6 Schnittstelle verwenden möchten.
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