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  1. Hi guys, I've got a problem with my PodFarm (I use it with UX2). When I've changed my GX to UX2 i was super happy beacause i had way more amps and effects there. After I've reinstalled my computer system (I'm working on Windows 8) I had some problems with installing PodFarm and with registration on Line 6. Now it's working but I have just two guitar and bass amps and few effects. What should I do to get more sounds? Please, help me.
  2. I've made two tutorials on controlling basic parameters of the SourceAudio Nemesis delay with the Helix. Controling Common Nemesis Delay Parameters With The Line 6 Helix Changing to specific Nemesis Delay preset numbers with the Line 6 Helix. Enjoy.
  3. Hey Everybody, I just spent a couple hours copying every model (effects, amps, cabs, etc.) from the Helix owner's manual into an Excel spreadsheet. The first tab (ALL MODELS) should be printable going down the whole list. I also took every model type and put it on its own tab: distortion models, dynamics, etc. Best part is, I even took a screenshot of the owner's manual pdf and exactly matched the color coding from the Line 6 Helix owner's manual. Here's hoping somebody enjoys my hard work! This should be a good way to see which "real world" models correspond to which model. Here it is: Helix Models.xlsx Enjoy!
  4. I recently bought a line 6 pod hd 500x .when i tried looper i was able to record a pattern and when i tried to change the tone to play some lead the tone of the recorded portion changes. please help me
  5. My ux2 won't connect to my laptop and I tried re installing the drivers but it keeps failing the update. The only thing I see when it's connected is the red clip lights blinking. I seriously need help
  6. I own a Variax 69s that I purchased from Sweetwater in 2013. After I worked out a few bugs with ghost sounds I was pretty happy with what the guitar could do. In those early heady days I spent a good amount of time on this forum. It was exciting to check out everybody's adventures with this line of guitars (and new patches made by forum members). What I have felt for quite some time though is that Line 6 has all but forgotten us as a community of users/customers. The last significant update to the Workbench was the HD update way back in 2013. There have been incremental bumps in 2014 & 2015, but they seem to be more bug fixes or compatibility updates. Have there been new features offered in either the Workbench or through firmware updates to the guitar? Is there still a group of R&D folks at Line 6 that still care about the Variax customers? I thought maybe Yamaha would infuse the company with some new passion and smart engineers to revitalize the Variax's capabilities. They did manage to come out with the "standard", but the only new feature that offered (that I know of) was a lower price. I may be way off here. Am I missing something. If you feel the same way, or conversely, can point out what I am missing - please chime in. I'd love to find out that the company still thinks about us, and our Variax guitars occasionally. The silver lining in this is at least I did not purchase a "Made in the USA" version!!
  7. Here is a throwback question for any die hard line 6 fans out there... Which would you rather have line 6's newer spider valve mkii whether it be a 112, 212 or the head OR would you rather have a little known or maybe just forgotten AX2 212 modeling amp from the 90's.. and Why? -hellspoolboy
  8. I am trying to connect my old Line 6 product which I believe is the Tone Direct UX2 model to my new laptop. So far I am unable to get my computer to recognize my MIDI device. I keep getting an error message when I try to update my software that I need to log into my account and when I do I get a message that reads: Log in failed. Make sure you are connected to the internet. Reason: (Code 800038C6) Unknown server error occured. If you have popup blockers, anti-spyware, or anti-virus programs running, try temporarily disabling then. I am connected to the internet and do not any any blockers turned on. I would at least like to connect my MIDI device to my Reason Adapted software (which is also pretty old) or Reaper which I have downloaded so I can record my guitars and vocals on my computer. Any help is appreciated!
  9. So I had it all set up to get a new rig and yesterday my car decided to lollipop out on me and I had to pay a huge bill to get it repaired. I now only have a 2x12 cab and my HD500 and I've been reading around and found I can get a power amp to get a good signal from my HD500 to my cab, but mostly I see XLS1000 or so which put out 1000w of power so how is it that people can use this without blowing there speakers? Do they just crank the HD500 master and just leave the power amp at maybe 2? And if we're having a loud practice or playing shows how could I turn it up without blowing anything? I'm really looking for as much info as possible on this because now my dream rig is out of my reach and this is the only other thing I can do with having a brand new 2x12 sitting around collecting dust. I've been looking at an XLS, QSC, and my buddy at GC was looking around at his used stuff and saw an Altec Lansing 1210 and said it maybe awesome to try and only cost $60. Thanks for looking!
  10. Hello. Is it possible to connect 2 guitars to the L3t and send only 1 output to the FOH? Here's the scenario: 1 guitarist is using a Kemper and has his own amp. He sends his signal to the FOH through the kemper. However since he is on the other side of the stage, I would like to hear his guitar on my L3t. (sort of a monitor for myself) Now, I'm running my guitar into a Pod Hd Pro X into the L3t and would like to send only my signal to the FOH. (sort of a reference speaker / monitor) The hiccup is that I use stereo patches. Is this possible?
  11. Hi, i was trying to upload my amplifi 150 and it didn't run well, now I cant use my amplifi because 4 lights are now flashing when i turn on my amplifi, I tried to reseted but Im not sure how to do it and i don't know how to run again my amplifi, please help me, I need to use my amplifi ASAP Thanks
  12. Hey, on pod farm 2 I can put a cab on the effect section but it doesn't change the sound.. Any idea ? Thank you by advance :)
  13. I iam using windows 10 and iam using the ux1 soundcard. When iam recording in reaper, podfarm 2 or whatever i use, my soundcard makes a amount of noise when iam not playing at all. Even on clean and without any effects! What to do? Please help me. The noise is even bigger when i am pluggin in electricity to my computer. Sorry for bad English. Please help guys. Thanks
  14. Hi! I picked up my POD 2.0 from the drawer after not being used for 1 year. I start it up with my 9V AC power supply but it only lights up a 0 and the I cant do anything more. Cant seem to get it to work anymore... Is there anything I can do or do i have to buy a new one? Thanks in advance guys! :)
  15. Please share your tones, or any tones you know of famous musicians please. I'm in desperate need. I can't find tone by ear.
  16. Hi guys! I'd like to know if someone had some experience about this configuration with Helix: -----------------<----- DAW (via USB) for reamping + Backing track | ^ | | | | | Path 1 A in from Guitar ------> FX 1, 2, … ------------> (stereo) 1/4†and XLR output | | B in from Guitar ------- > FX 1, 2, ... ------------> (stereo) 1/4†and XLR output | | Path 2 A in from AUX ------ > FX 1,2, ... ------------> (stereo) 1/4†and XLR output | | B in from USB x/y (DAW) ------------------------> (stereo) 1/4†and XLR output | | |____________> | I read the the manual and It seems possible but I'd like to receive some comment or suggestions. Thank you Mark
  17. Hey. So I'm using a Spider IV 30 and I couldn't figure out anywhere, if every pedal is compatibility with it. I'm about to go out and buy a Polytuner and a sustain pedal of some sort, and it would just be a shame if it wasn't working with the pedal. *Not sure this is the correct place on the forum, if not, I'm sorry.
  18. I currently have a Toneport UX2 but I have a chance to get a good deal on a HD Pro X. Im just wondering will I get better tones out of the HD Pro or will it be the same tones just a different interface ?
  19. I own a combo amp and also a pair of hi-fi speakers After seeing a few people have trouble with the combo amp and multi fx boards, due to the separate settings on the amp, I was wondering if I should connect the firehawk to the speakers or even some new gear. I'd appreciate your opinion on what I should do and please provide links on how and what I need to wire it up with. Thanks -K
  20. Hey! I've been using my POD for quite a while now but i'd like to share one of my presets with you guys. Many of my subscribers ask me what settings/gear i use, and when i tell them; they're often surprised when they hear line 6. The majority of people think line 6 amps or models aren't able to produce a rich - realistic tone, but when recorded with optimal setting etc.. the result is epically awesome! I'll attach a link of a certain video where i used a backing track, so all the guitarwork you hear (except bass) is all produced by the POD UX1, same goes for my setting in Podfarm. Thanks to Line 6 for creating this awesome product for people who want to express their creativity and enjoy their hobby but live in an appartement with lousy neighbours! - Ben Video:
  21. The problem with Line 6 is the Amplifi 75 and 150 are suppose to work with Apple and Android products. Line 6 advertises using the app with these devices. I bought the Amplifi 150 about a year ago. It is registered with Line 6. I had 3 Android devices that would not connect with the Amplifi 150. So, I bought an Apple iPad 2.... I hate Apple products. My iPad is a dedicated device to the Amplifi 150. At the time I got the iPad, it was on IOS 4 or 6. It worked great. No problems with connectivity. When IOS 7.? close to IOS 8 came out, I started to have problems with connectivity. I called Line 6... I sent them a message about this as well. They said that they are working on it. This was a year ago. I was given a TAG number. A lot of good it was. Still no firmware up date from Line 6 and how many updated firmware came from Apple? So the gape between Line 6 and Apple widens. As Apple updates its IOS, Line 6 Amplifi starts having more and more problems till now, IOS 9 and the Amplifi app does not work at all. So, Line 6.... Your answer for this problem is the same answer you guys gave me a year ago. "We are aware of this problem and working on it." I say BS... Line 6 has had a year to fix this... Now IOS 9 is here and what? Its going to be another year before the firmware is updated? The last Amplifi update was 2014 2.10.... Line 6 products work good, when they work. Sooner or latter.... Line 6 customers will be buying other products because of the lack of support for the products they have now. Thank You.
  22. Hi, I play bass and use a Line 6 UX2 with Pod Farm 2 software. I have tried to download custom tones from the Line 6 website to my Pod Farm 2 software which shows in the drop down window for devices but it won't let me do it. I get an error message saying unsupported patch type. What is the the problem please!
  23. I have a Line 6 UX1 and use the associated POD Farm with it as my main source of amplification within my DAW and as standalone. However, my concern is the requirement of using the UX1 for POD Farm to work. Is this requirement based on using the UX1 drivers, having the UX1 plugged in, or a combination of both? I've been considering doing a jerry-rigged setup of a Steinberg UR22 (Or Scarlett 2i4) as my main interface while having the UX1 plugged in but not being used, but would like some clarification before I purchase a new interface. TL;DR: How is the device specific POD Farm attached to the device?
  24. Is there a good, reliable expression pedal made by a 3rd party that works well with the PODs? It's not critical that I get one before this weekend, but I would like to if possible, and none of the local places sell the Line 6 add-on pedal. I don't have time to order one from Amazon by then, either. What are some other brand external expression pedals I could look into at a Guitar Center or some place like that?
  25. I am using a Line 6 POD HD 400 Guitar Processor which I had purchased on 8th May, 2014. But from last few days I am getting a problem from my POD HD 400. The problem is that when I turn on the POD HD 400, everything is okay but suddenly after a few minutes there is no sound and the tuner does not work. I tried doing Factory Restore but it did not help me as the problem still remains. I checked my Guitar which is a "B.C. Rich Kerry King Wartribe" and it is completely working fine. I also checked my Amplifier which is a "Crate Flexwave 15R (15 Watt)" and it is also working completely fine. Please help.
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