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  1. Hi, I got an M5 Stompbox Modeler for the pas 2 years and i really like it. Problem is, since the past few months, i have a problem. If the M5 is on and the effect (lets take heavy distortion for this example) is activated (which means the red light on the on/off is there) the sound is completely fine. BUT if i just press on the ON/OFF button, i'm supposed to hear my clean guitar settings that is coming out of my amp (its pretty much like that for every pedal in the world lol pedal effect off=amp's sound) The problem is that when the effect if OFF, i can't hear anything like if my guitar is no plugged. All my cables work fine (i tested every single one of them) and its only when the effect is OFF that it doesnt work. So i can't use it on stage now because if i just turn off my distortion, i dont have any sound coming from the amp :P If anyone can help me thatd be cool :) (btw i'm not an expert in electronic stuff so telling me codes and stuff will just confuse me xD just explain what you mean and that should be good :) )
  2. Hello Forum: I'm looking to get a used M13. I know they've been out for several years so is there something I should be looking for when comparing units? Or as long as it's in good shape and the firmware is updated it shouldn't matter if it's 1 or 5 years old? Thanks! Bob
  3. Purchased an m13 the other day. I want to use it mainly for delays and verbs for now. I would also like to keep bank 4 for fuzzes, screamer, and classic distortion for future consideration of dumping my external dirt boxes. Current Chain before the m13 was purchased Guitar>tu-2>ibanez ts9>Daredevil black yorba fuzz>line 6 m5>tc electronic spark mini>vox ac30 c2 Of course I'm ditching the m5 for the m13. I would like to take advantage of the ac30's fx loop and the m13's fx loop while also being able to continue using the ts9 and black yorba for now (the spark mini will probably not stay). I would like to do this using the 4cm. How would I set the fx loop settings on m13 and how would I chain it together? I would like to use the 4321 setting as this is how my brain sees signal flow. Lastly, I think I read somewhere that I could leave the ts9 and black yorba on all the time and utilize the m13 to control when they are fed through the signal, Is this true? If so, how would I do this?. Thanks in advance for your patience with me as I'm a complete noob when it comes to multi effects.
  4. Hey Guys, I just wondered if anyone could tell me how the global noise gate works in DSP bypass mode. I had read that the gate only works when effects are activated but on my M9 it seems like it's working all the time when I'm in DSP bypass mode even when no effects are engaged. Can anyone confirm or deny this? Thanks!
  5. i Have a Line 6 M13 a few years and I always used with external drive to achieve the best tone i could ever get, but it always was on the input of my amp. now I'm buying a new amp with an effects loops. my question is if I use the 4CM and use external drive do the overdrive signal will go to the effects loops of my amp? Because it's not been processed inside the M13. If the overdrive signal is going to the effects loop what should I do to not damage my amp and still use external drives with the M13?
  6. On the M13....It sure would be nice to find some "secret" documentation other than the Line 6 "advanced" manual with more MIDI CC#'s or better yet PC#'s that aren't in the book... Is there anything out there like this? example:: I want to be able to use 1 scene per song. I am using a voodoo lab pedal switching system running dirt boxes. Lets say each of my songs has 3 parts. An intro, verse, solo, etc. I would like to stay within that scene, switching to an entire section on each part change A, B or C. This way I could have my three parts per song and have a total of 48 songs at my disposal. (corporate coverband gigs) If this possibility doesn't exist, couldn't this feature be added in an update? I'm sure I'm not the first to think of this. Thanks.
  7. I have a Line6 M13 and I would like to hook up my external effects to get the best possible tone out of my gear. I don't know a lot about effect loops etc so anyone who could possibly advise me, it would be greatly appreciated. Please see my gear list below: Line6 M13 Vox AC15C1 Amp (No Effect Loop) Ibanez TS808 Boss BD-2 Vox Wah - V847 Is it possible to hook up my external effects into the effects loop in the pedal without using the 4 cable method since my amp does not have that? I love the tones I'm currently getting out of my M13 and the Vox amp but I would like to use my external pedals as I like those drives better than the tones internally. Anything you can do to help would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Hi I'm getting a Hughes Grandmeister and need some help to conect my M13 via Midi to the head to control the banks from hughes .. he has a Midi input/out and 128 banks of memory that are controlled by a footswich ... how can I use the M13 to control him? Help please
  9. Hi all, I recently purchased an M13 unit, but one of the effect channels is giving me this unusual jumps in parameter value please check the video... Has anyone experienced this before? any Idea about how this could be resolved?? Many thanks!!! Fred
  10. first off, hello everyone! apologies in advance for the wall of text. after many a struggle with this, i'm in need of assistance. perhaps there is something very simple that i'm doing wrong. i have an older three channel dual rec (which i have modded the parallel fx loop into a serial), and for the life of me i cannot get this hooked up right. currently signal chain is going guitar -> tu2 tuner -> isp decimator g string gtr in -> gtr out -> m13 input -> m13 output -> g string in -> g string out -> amp loop fx return m13 fx send -> ego comp -> oc2 -> octafuzz -> pharaoh fuzz -> syb 5 -> wah -> amp input amp fx loop send -> m13 fx return i should also mention that i have the m13 to 'post fx 1'... (i assume i am using this correctly) i run all the synthy stuff and other crazy effects on the first row. the last three rows are reserved for modulation, delays, verbs, etc etc. delays and verbs are generally around 50-80% mix level, depending. i'm getting tons of noise. i have to set the threshold on the decimator to the point where verbs/delays are completely cut off and useless. when playing at lower levels (with the threshold lower and playing through an attenuator), i'm still getting that ...hollow sounding just-about-to-feedback sound. i've tried running the m13 AFTER the decimator in the loop (just as an experiment, i read it on a different forum), but that causes serious feedback at even normal playing levels. what am i doing wrong? or is this just the nature of the beast? or, do i need to run another noise reduction pedal between the wah and the front of the amp? EDIT: also noticing that the looper is also affected by the decimator. it seems to consider it noise. also, if i turn any of the other effects on (for example the oc2, which is not in the loop), it puts the effect on the loop as well as my guitar. surely, this must be wrong?
  11. A couple of months ago I bought a M9, thought it was the perfect solution to pull a few pedals off my board, just to learn that the pedals I wanted to model are one that the M Series can't do! The M9 was meant to replace my: EHX Small Clone Boss TR-2 Fulltone Deja-Vibe The chorus model on the M9 sounds pretty bogus and doesn't even come close to the Small Clone. The Opto-Trem model gets in the ballpark of my TR-2 but sounds a little odd. The Uni-Vibe model sounds pretty awful. My question is- Does anyone know if Line 6 plans to update the models? If not I'm going to have to get rid of the M9 I just bought and put my Small Clone, TR-2, and Deja-Vibe back on my board... or look at a better modeling pedal. Thanks for the help!
  12. So I thought I was having a brain drain. The tap tempo / tuner button is going slightly off kilter. The tap tempo works fine. But the tuner will not activate. I did a complete dusting out of the guts and prior to realizing what I was seeing I replaced the tap tempo / tuner footswitch/spring/plunger assembly (yes I has a few new parts from previous spare parts purchase for my other M13 I traded for a Helix). Then it struck me, hmm ... the tap tempo is working so maybe not the button - Duh! Well then I accidentally switch off one of my time based echos and the darn tuner works, Hmm, try it again and same thing ... tuner works. Switch to another scene ... no tuner love. Move expression pedals up and down and I get tuner love back but after a second attempt to get the tuner to respond I have to turn off my echos FX on that scene again. So, anyone else have this happen and found the real solution? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Dennis
  13. Hi, I am with a company designing a custom midi controller that we wanted to have work with the M9. We are using Arduino to implement the controller. I have the looper doing play/stop and record via midi, all of which work great. When I tried to implement overdubbing, the M9 does not respond. I am sending a midi control change message with controller number 50 and a value of 0 on channel 1. I have tested this by sending the midi message to Abelton, which recieves it correctly and verifies this is what is being sent. I have also tried implementing it via Arduino's midi library and via their serial.write sending the message manually. I checked the midi input in setup as well, and have tried it both as channel 1 and omni. Another weird thing is that when the M9 is in record mode and receives this message it goes into playing while overdubbing, but once the M9 is playing the message does nothing. Really unsure what is wrong here unless our M9 is just defective, I have exhausted every other factor of error I can think of. I am going off the midi controls listed in the manual here: We are on a deadline to have this working so any help is very much appreciated. Thanks!
  14. Hello, Last time I had a practice, for some reason the screen for Effect #1 on my M13 started flashing for no reason (I hadn't even touched any of the buttons). I tried to turn it off and back on, but when I did it was now in updating mode where it was waiting for a command (Can't remember exactly what it said). I had tried a couple of different combinations of buttons while power cycling it, but ended up getting it to come on. When I got home, I did a search online and I think the recommendation I found was to do a factory reset of it (through the Setup screen). I did it. Today I had a practice again (hadn't used the M13 since the factory reset) and soon after we started playing, the screen on Effect #1 started flashing again. Everything still seemed to be working, so I ignored it. Then all of a sudden, the Delay turned itself on (Effect #3). When I pressed the button to turn it off, the button for it actually changed from Green (what it was supposed to be) to Purple. Again, I tried to ignore it, but then the Tube Compressor (the selected effect from #1) started changing to a bunch of different effects. Needless to say, I had to stop playing. I tried to do another Factory Reset but it still kept doing weird stuff afterwards (I was too annoyed at this point to take note of what it was doing, but it was basically more of the same like wouldn't stay in tuner mode while I was trying to tune, etc. Any ideas of what the problem could be? Thanks, Anthony
  15. I've recently started playing Rocksmith 2014 on PC and was looking to see if I could play through my M13 and amp rather than use the sound & tones from my laptop. An article here says that you can definitely play through an amp by using a guitar splitter Do any of you know if I can output from my guitar into the Mono Input, then output to my amp (Blackstar 5) via the Mono output and output to my laptop from Output Right via the Realtone cable that comes with the game. I'm wary of trying in case I damage any of my equipment... Many thanks
  16. Today on a quite big gig, the tuner knob didn't work all of a sudden, no matter how long or hard I srtepped on it. Switching off and on the pedal doesn't change anything. I read in some other entries according this problem, saying that a factory reset will not help. I did a lot of work on two complete setups, therefore I'm hesitating to do this anyhow. What could cause this malfunction? Is there any 'dirty' trick to repair it, or must I send the unit back?
  17. I just received my M13 (my first pedal board ever) and tried to change the scene-folders. But to my surprise nothing changed when I selected scene-folder 2, 3 or 4. Is this a mal function or is it a handling issue? In my understanding if folder 2 - 4 are empty there should be at least 12 empty effects in the folders. Thanks for supporting a pedal newby
  18. It would be awesome if there were an adjustable frequency filter in the Smart Harmony effect that would allow the signal to pass un processed below the filter setting and processed above the setting. Is this possible?
  19. Overview: I use an M13 normally without any issue running into a Fender Blues Deluxe Reissue. Read about the 4CM method and wanted to test it since the Blues Deluxe has an effects loop, so I ordered a pedal snake. Got everything set up where it tested fine without adjusting where the send/return fell within the individual effects (FX) banks (i.e. Pre-all). So, then I went into the M13, set up a new scene for testing. For each FX bank, I dialed in the same effects: phaser, chorus and flanger at default settings so no matter what effect bank I chose, each effect would be at the same settings. I tested this and each bank played each effect properly. (in order, bank FX1/phaser, bank FX2/phaser, etc.) I then went into scene setup and set the effects loop for PostFX1, and went to test the difference between the effect in FX1 and FX2. Immediately I heard that FX2 was not applying the effect. The same occurred for FX3 & FX4. I then tested the chorus and flanger similarly - FX1 played the signal with the effect applied while FX2, 3 & 4 played the signal without the effect. I can't figure out why this is happening - I am guessing it is some simple setting but can't find it. Can anyone help?
  20. Hello all! Quick question in regards to the M13. Ive had it for almost 2 years now and Im in love with it! I recently bought an expression pedal (Moog EP-3) to control my delays and verbs but am having a little technical difficulties. When I hook up the EP-3 to the M13 and set the parameters for "heel down" (0%) and "toe down" (100%) it reads/registers what I want, the only problem is, when I start to use it both "heel" and "toe" down become my "heel down" (0%) setting and somewhere in the middle is my "toe down" or 100% setting. The EP-3 has a polarity switch on the bottom of it. When I switch it to "other" it accepts my settings, but only lets me use the pedal for one heel to toe shift. After that, I lose control of the parameter entirely. It also has some sort of pot on the side of it. When I turn this, it just affects the 0% after I set it. Meaning If I want I can change 50% to be the new 0%. But it still does the same thing as when its all the way up. except it only controls 50%-100%. I also contacted Moog on this issue. They said switch the polarity switch and tell them what happens. The have yet to get back to me on my reply. Im sorry if this is a little wordy or confusing. Please let me know if I need to re word anything! Any help is GREATLY appreciated! Thanks in advance! -Matt Smith
  21. I'm thinking of changing up and selling my M13 and getting a Pod HD500X. Though the M13 is an amazing piece of kit it seems to me that the Pod HD is just a couple of steps ahead in terms of tweekability. There seem to be loads more options with the Pod and Line 6 seem to be done with firmware upgrades for the M13 - which to my ears sounds like they have moved on from the M13, which is a shame cause I love it. So I'm wondering what are the cons (if any) for the Pod HD500X? chairs and tanks c P.S. I play regular gigs in various venues and the thought of having the flexibility of plugging straight into a PA if nees be sounds very handy.
  22. If you connect only the Left input, the signal is split to L+R stereo out (since L is the standard mono input). But shouldn't the Right in/out path be separate from the Left in/out path if both ins and both outs are connected? What I am trying to accomplish is this: a dual amp rig using an ABY to feed the M5 inputs, then the L & R outputs to 2 amps. GTR---->ABY---->M5----> 2 Amps [A --> Left in; B -->Right in / L out---> Amp 1, R out---> Amp 2] With both inputs connected, I expected the stereo outs to be 2 independent paths so I can toggle between amps, or blend both via the ABY. The Problem: I only see that behavior if the patch is turned off, defeating the purpose. It doesn't seem to matter if I send A, B, or A+B to the M5, both outputs active sending signal to both amps. Is this normal behavior, or a bug? Is there an update perhaps where this is possible? I am using the M5 primarily as a Tube Comp with the EX1 sweep set to playing level (heel) and lead boost (toe), so I could put the ABY after the M5 and run it in mono, but I'd really like to take advantage of the occasional Stereo FX when running dual Amps. If I can only get the L out to be independent of the R out...I'd be in Tone Heaven. Any Suggestions?
  23. One of the backlight colors on the 2nd screen stopped working. So, when that color is suppose to be lit, it makes the screen text very difficult to read. Does anyone know if this can be fixed? Any info would be appreciated! Thank you!
  24. I just picked up a Fender Hotrod amp and have my M13 hooked up using the 4 cable method. The Fender manual tells me to use TRS cables between my effects and the amp's FX loop. I know the advantages of balanced connections, but does the M13's FX send and return support a balanced connection or would I be throwing good money away on cables that won't perform any better than regular instrument cables? (I do have a bit of noise with the 4 cable method set up, but I'm pretty sure it's a ground loop issue).
  25. I am a fan of line 6 products and I am looking to add effects through the effects loop of my amp to set up "scenes". Which device would work best? Should I go with the FX100 floorboard or one of the m-series stopboxes? Thanks! By the way, I didn't know which category to put this under so I put it up a couple of times! Apologies for the redundancy!
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