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  1. Hey all - How do I wire up a Helix, a Mesa Mark VII and a Powercab 112+ to create a stereo rig, while properly using the effects loops? Is it actually possible, or do I need to get a cheapie amp with an effects loop to replace the Powercab? Clearly neither the 4 or 7 cable methods work; is this maybe a 5 or 6 cable setup? I'm a little stumped. Mods: cross posted to Powercab. If one or the other is inappropriate, please delete at your discretion.
  2. Of course I discovered this at a gig this past weekend... The Digital Level Out setting is at Global Settings -> Ins/Outs -> Page 3. Changing this value is doing nothing to affect the output into my Powercab 212plus. It used to work. I had it set to +15db for gigging and now I assume its giving me 0db. :( Is anyone else seeing this same behavior?
  3. I know, I know, I'm four years late to this party... my Powercab 112+ arrived three days ago, and although I haven't been able to spend anywhere near as much time with it as I would like, I'm really impressed so far. I bought it online from a retailer a couple of hundred miles away, so I'm trying to make sure as quickly as possible that everything is working as intended... this product seems to have collected more than its fair share of actual and perceived quality issues since launch. First impressions: Really loud. See separate thread Sounds like a real guitar amp! With loads of different speaker options! So in fact, loads of different guitar amps! (More) option overload. Added to the Helix, there's probably at least 3 years' of trying out different tone and effects options ahead of me, before I have to face reality and try to actually improve my playing. What I've tested: Most of the connections I may have invented this as a reported issue, but I thought I'd read that some people believe that the speaker models are over EQd, but the corresponding mic-modelled XLR out isn't - so if you have to 'correct' the modelling with EQ on the Helix, it will sound very different tonally through FOH I've tested to powered monitors and after a bit of user error, it sounded nigh on identical to me (the delta presumably being the mic modelling) As I say though, I may have imagined reading this What I haven't tested yet: AES cable and therefore parameter switching through the Helix - the cable arrives tomorrow IRs or any of the LF modes. I did listen very intently to some extremely clean sounding LF mode switching this afternoon - and realised too late that I didn't have a cab model in my chain. Argh Input 2 / USB input Reported issue that tweeter is on when it shouldn't be Is there anything else I should be checking / looking out for before the "cooling off period" is over? Many thanks in advance!
  4. If I record a signal from my helix rig straight into my DAW (no mics) and I want the benefit of the speaker cone modulations in the Powercab, do I have to take the signal from the XLR out on the Powercab or do I get an identical signal from the XLR out on the helix itself (or S/PDIF out, only digital)? I would like to try to avoid running a cable from the Powercab to the AI unless necessary.
  5. So the Litigator has been my favorite Helix amp sim for a looooong time. It may have been since last Helix update but I'm hearing a loud hum that I hadn't noticed before - specifically with this amp. I first thought it might be something to do with my Powercab Plus that I updated a few weeks ago but when I tried other amp sims it dissappears. AND I also tested it on Helix NATIVE which also has latest update (unless there's a pretty new one that I've overlooked) and yep - same thing. You certainly couldn't record with it. This has nothing to do with gain or boost pedals. Hums with nothing but amp and cab in signal chain. If I decrease gain/volume enough to make it go away it's unusable. Again, this is the case in both the Helix floor AND Native so it 'appears' to indicate an update issue rather than a hardware issue. I haven't checked every amp sim in the Helix but a lot of them including high gain amps - and it appears to be specifically the Litigator. Waaaaa ... I want my amp back. Anybody else experiencing this or know what's up?
  6. Hi, This is the situation: Guitar goes through Interface (Melo Audio midi commander) connected to Mac with USB Cable - Input. Powercab 112 Plus connected to Mac also with USB cable - Output. the problem that I have is that I don’t become a clear, clean sound… (using a Fender Super Reverb patches) it is like a buzzing sound. it is loud but I think not loud enough. That a problem too. Could the Interface be the Problem? I thank you in advance. ^.^
  7. Hi im a first time helix/powercab plus user. I really am just starting to use this kind of equipment, usually just a tube amp guy at home. Im starting to put my first couple of presets together and am finding my gain sounds have a unwanted distortion on top when i dig in to the strings. Im using a jtm and plexi amp and cab and both do the same. Ive also tried to use the clean fender amp with a minotaur and although its there its not as pronounced. I always reduce the gain quite a bit as im a low gain guy Im using the powercab in the flat mode. Im using an a mogami 3080 aes/ebu. Im guessing its some user error as im very much in my learning period .... Any ideas? By the way, expect more stupid question .....
  8. Is there any way for a Pod Go to control the speaker selection on the Powercab or Powercab+? Can the PowerCab speaker types be part of the IR? Or do you need to change speaker types manually?
  9. First, I'm venting... very sorry! I have a helix lt, with a PC 212+ and a PC 112+. I was going to use the 212 for bigger gigs and the 112 for smaller gigs and practice. I have had line 6 stuff since the pod 2.0 and have loved everything. played for years with a dt25 and HD500x. The Dt25 was flakey, but sounded great when it worked. I got a helix right before covid, so I have only used it out maybe 6 times. I just got the PC's a few months ago and have used them 3 or 4 times. I play a little bit of everything, but the really heavy stuff (that scares me :)) I will go back and forth between stacking the cabs, leaning both cabs back, or just using one of the two. I play (mainly fiddle with settings) for at least 2 to 3 hours everynight... really. I heard about the HF problem, so I saved a new patch on each PC called PTB Raw. I was using the LF Raw. I play a Les Paul, tele, and a yamaha ES 2??? (hollow body electric with soapboxes).... It was sounding great. I just got back from out of town, and it sounds like the speakers are blown, (I don't think they are)..... it sound horrible. I tried all 3 guitars, tried one or both of the PC's, tried using different speaker models on the PC, going back to LF Raw.... all sound very brittle and very harsh... especially with the cabs leaned back (I know I am getting a more direct hit from the speaker then) One other thing.... I have ALWAYS used the ampeg 1x15 cab..... even going into the LF Raw. That was sounding nice and smooth last week. This is probably a different discussion, but the 1x15 cab is the only way I could smooth out the helix. I tried all the cabs, and they all sounded too brittle. Ok, so some one tell which button to press to make it sound good again :) .... as I said, I'm venting :0 thanks for getting this far!
  10. Thinking of getting the Powercab 112 Plus .. anyone have any inkling if/ when Line 6 plans on updating the actual HARDWARE?
  11. Would like to know if anyone has done a comparison. For my setup at home I have the Helix Lt hooked to a DT25 using the l6link (this is my stage setup for monitoring my stage sound). I run XLR L an R cables to a berringer XR18 mixer which has two EV ZLX 12P's hooked to it (this simulates the FOH for shows). This gives me a beautiful full sound! I have the helix set so the big knob controls digital only. This sends a full signal out of the XLR's to the board and lets me control my stage volume (dt25) with the big knob. Again, this works great. I love the DT25 and have two of them. I have two of them because they are (at least in my case) very fragile. One DT25 died when I was trying to upgrade it to 2.0 to be able to use it with the Helix. Because the DT25 is fragile, I've been thinking about using powercabs (either two cab pluses or one 212) for gigs. Then today, I thought... hey, why not just use the EV ZLX's instead. If I am not mistaken, wouldn't that be the same as using the FRFR part of the powercabs? So my question (I know, finally:O) is has anyone done a comparison between the powercabs and using the EV ZLX's for live gigs. Mainly for on stage monitoring. I used to use the zlx sometimes with the HD500x for gigs when the DT25 was in the shop and that sounded pretty good. Did not quite cut through though. Thanks everyone, I look forward to seeing what you guys think!
  12. Due to limited space in my studio I was wondering if I can rotate the Powercab so that it’s standing on the side (vertically). I am afraid however that the heat sink might be designed to be in horizontal position. Has anyone tried this?
  13. I have a Helix lT and a PowerCab+ . I recently got a AES/EBU cable to connect the Helix and Powercab. I thought that with that cable I could use the Helix to change speakers as I change amps on the Helix. I have read here that in order to do that I need to use MIDI cables then others have claimed that the Link cable can do it all. The main thing I'm looking for is to have speakers change to go with what I have selected on the Helix. I do concerts and sometimes the back up bands can be placed in tight quarters. I have to go back in forth with electric to acoustic guitars and I need the PowerCab+ to be able to go from a Celestion speaker to Flat response for the acoustic. Does the AES/EBU cable have that ability
  14. So I'm following Richie's settings: and already with only the amp and powercab active I noticed my tone isn't any where near his. His sounds great, mine thin and punchless. As with all my tones since I bought the damn thing.. I've checked the obvious stuff: getting the pc led in the yellow, volumes etc and hence my conclusion is that either the difference is because of: - different guitar - L6 link (I) vs xlr (he?) -both So I figured I could rule out the L6link if some one here has tried both L6 and xlr and noticed any differences. If so, I'm out buying a xlr cable, if not, I'm out to buying a better guitar (esp-ltd-ec300 with emg-hz currently)
  15. According to the manual one should use pre amps instead of amps when using a powercab and the Li6 link. I cant get the sound from sounding dull for some reason so I might try this although I havent seen any presets using pre amps..only the amps..which make me wonder.. Hence for the users with a similar setup: what are yr thoughts on this?
  16. Does any one have a similar setup and any luck with a fat blues tone? Whatever I try it still sounds "fat" or " fake". I even tried a follow along youtube guide and already I heard a big difference with only the amp in place (video had no pc btw). I'm lost..I'm starting to think my guitar is rubbish and can only play metal.. Tips any one?
  17. I have a modeler, and really like the look of the 212 plus for running stereo through digital I/O (no Line6 link for me unfortunately, meaning an additional MIDI cable). But I also would like to use it for a full range signal (either a console mix, or from a microphone pre for when I sing backing vocals). Anyone know if you run digital stereo out to the 212+, if you can still run a (mono) analog input to the Aux input in monitor mode? Or does this mean the digital signal will be summed to mono, because you can only have 2 channels total???
  18. I would love to be able to change speakers, mikes and mike distances per song using Midi CC's sent by my DAW. I'm using Logic connected to my Powercab via a USB cable. I can change the speakers via Program Changes but not via CC's. I have selected Midi Receive to PC+CC in the Global Settings. I've attached a screen shot of my attempt. Pressing Play chooses the Jarvis speaker. At bar 2 I should get an Essex speaker and at bar 3 a "12 Dyn" mike. After changing to Jarvis all that seems to happen on the Powercab display is a change from "< 004 > Jarvis" to "< 004 (edited) > Jarvis" at bar 2. I've also attached the Logic file. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Powercab speaker
  19. I've looked around, but I haven't seen any videos (or much of anything) where somebody directly compares a Helix w/ Powercab(s) against the HD series w/ DT Amps. I have seen the Helix direct compared to mic'd amps, but I'm really curious to hear the two "Dream Rigs" battle it out. Anybody else?
  20. Hi there! I got myself a Powercab 212 recently and I'm trying to build some patches from scratch. My setup is either ES335 or LP, both equipped with PAF ––> Helix ––L6-L––> PC212. Helix Volume is at 11, all output levels are set to 0dB and Line-Level where possible. Powercab speakers are also set to 0dB. When I do some heavy strumming with no blocks active, it is impossible to get the PC input yellow. When I raise the Helix output block to +20dB I can clip the PC to yellow. When I add the max. +6dB raise to the PC-input, I can clip it to red with very hard strumming only. My guitars have a very low output (335 is a tad below 7K), but nonetheless this seems not right to me. How is it with your Helix-PC-combos? Any advice how I should set my gains here? Dev
  21. Hi all, interested in thoughts. Context: I'm upgrading all my gear from Firehawk FX plus 2x10" FRFR powered speakers, to Helix plus ?? Must haves: Stereo output. I like guitar sounds that fill the room and sound like there is more than guitar playing. e.g. ping pong delays More thump. The 2x10" speaker i currently use are loud as anything, but have no thump whatsoever. I am not a "deep modeller", spending hours fine tuning exact patches and models, but I do want to control everything with my feet. I don't want to ever have to press a button on an amp or whatever to change a setting mid-track. The PC112 (x2) looks like it will do the trick nicely for thump and stereo, but have no foot control via Helix for the built in speaker modes. The PC112+ (x2) looks like it does everything including foot control, but more $s. The PC212+ seems to do everything with less cables, but worried that it doesn't have the required room-filling stereo effect because it's all coming from one cabinet. Also If I go this route, should I not just get the FH1500? Thoughts on the pros and cons?
  22. Hey guys, I've been playing the helix for a couple years now and I'm considering getting the power cab. Everyone seems to agree it's a more enjoyable/inspiring experience than the floor board alone. I'm curious if the sound that you send to FOH is also better. I know it's got the same mic emulation as the Cab Blocks in the helix. Does it sound any different or better? Thanks!
  23. Greetings Thrill Seekers (with a tip of the hat to TE) My MusicMan guitar has a stereo output with one channel sending the mag pickups and the other sending the piezo pickup. Switching lets you send one or both signals. I have set up a preset so that the mags are coming into the Guitar input on 1A and the piezo is coming in the Aux input on 2A. Both chains go out as Digital using the L6 Link to my new PC 212+. It's great to be able to go from acoustic to searing lead tones with just a flip of a guitar toggle switch and nothing else. What I would like to do is send the mag tones to the PC's #1 amp and Vintage speaker, and the piezo tones to the #2 amp and FRFR speaker. Seems simple enough, however I can't get the Helix to accept two different PC settings at the same time. For instance, when I set the one first digital output block and speaker #1 to vintage, and then set then set the second output block to FRFR, the setting for the top block gets written over and I have two FRFR channels. This seems to be the case with both Helix Edit and the Helix device itself. Helix 2.80.0 PC 2.00.1 I feel like I must be doing something wrong since the 212+ is advertised as having a dual mode where you can split outputs like I want. I imagine there are MIDI-based workarounds but I don't want to go there yet. Is there something I need to set up on the PC? Any help would be appreciated! Mike
  24. Hey Guys, How do you power your Line 6 Helix modeler for Live use with a cabinet ? What is the best solution you've came across while doing your research ? Please share your experience and your perfect setup solution to make the Helix sound has legit as possible. (Amp feel and response, amp in the room feel etc.) So far I've tried many possibilities : - Tube amp Fx loop (power amp in) - Powered monitor such as EV ELX 112P - Line 6 Powercab + - Boss Waza tube expander to power a passive guitar cab with classic celestion speakers. Cheers,
  25. Found an intermittent possible bug in the PowerCab 212 when daisy chaining two together with a Helix. I was able to reproduce almost 100% for a bit while writing this up, but then sometimes I can’t. ———— Steps: Connect guitar to Helix Connect Helix Line 6 Link out to PowerCab 1 Line 6 Link in using an AES/EBU cable Connect Line 6 Link Out on PowerCab 1 to PowerCab 2 Line 6 Link in Power Helix On, then PowerCab 1, then PowerCab 2. Turn volume up in both PowerCabs to half, and turn up the volume on the Helix to whatever. Make sure both have sound. Turn the volume on PowerCab 1 down to zero and verify PowerCab 2 still has sound. Mute the guitar. Continuing to play appears to negate the issue. Turn the volume on PowerCab 2 down to zero and wait 5+ seconds. Turn the volume on PowerCab 2 back up and wait 5+ seconds. Now try to play guitar. Result? No audio. No signal indicators on the PowerCab 2. PowerCab 1 appears to stop sending signal. Green signal lights appear on PowerCab 1, and turning the volume up works. Restarting PowerCab 2 does not restore audio. You must restart PowerCab 1, and then audio on PowerCab 2 will work again. —————— I tried swapping the order of the PowerCabs in the signal chain and got the same result. Whichever amp is in the middle of the Helix and the other stops sending signal when the volume is set to zero, and nothing comes in to the amp for a bit, but only if the second cab is also set to zero briefly. ————— This is a minor issue, but may you have to restart your PowerCabs between sound check and your show. Or make sure you never set the volume to zero on the amps themselves. Ran into this the first few times I played with the amps live, and thought maybe I had to start them in a certain order. I was playing withy two amps today and investigating a new rattle, and I’ve figured out what’s actually going on for this problem.
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