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  1. Hello Line 6ers, I’m teaching a man called Graham and he owns a Line 6 unit. I followed the instructions in this post and managed to create a dual path preset in Helix. I selected the Input block on one path and set it to guitar, did the same for the mic, etc. I successfully setup a DAW called Cakewalk on Windows and made a template with 3 tracks: 1 gtr left channel, 1 gtr right channel, 1 mic track. Graham is happy with this but he wants to know if its possible for him to use a preset (or at least some effects) so he can get the guitar effects coming through on the gtr channels while he sings. Is this possible? If we can't use effects-laden presets, can we copy the effects from existing presets and add them in? I noticed that a lot of presets use ‘two paths’ for all of their effects. Does this mean that we will be limited in our range of effects (and routing options) given that one our ‘paths’ is being taken up by the mic input? If the guitars have to be recorded dry with no effects (or only some of the desired effects), what’s the easiest way of re-amping or getting the recorded audio to run through a plugin or the Line 6 unit itself? Thanks in advance!
  2. Today I walk through my guitar recording setup and my workflow. I've had a lot of questions so I figured we would go back to basics and see how it is we set stuff up. Here is the workflow: Line 6 Helix rack - UA Apollo Twin Duo - iMac - Presonus Studio One 4.0
  3. In trying to use my HD500x as an audio interface, the audio level is EXTREMELY low... barely audible. Anyone else experiencing this or have a fix for it?
  4. For some weird reason the audio from my Helix LT USB records as midi. I have tried Reaper, GarageBand, and Audacity. All of them record the guitar as a midi file, and playback is just individual tones. I have confirmed that I am using the USB out connection and cable. I have confirmed my track output is USB. I have confirmed that I am using the correct input/output for each DAW. I have searched all over and can't find out what setting I have wrong. Can anyone help me out? I'm currently running: 2018 Macbook pro with Helix LT (updated to 2.92) connected via USB.
  5. Hi, I've had the UX2 for a while and really like it. I've used it to stream and record guitar for some time, though always used a USB mic for commentary. I wanted to upgrade so have bought an XLR mic that I wish to use through the UX2 interface. However, I can have my streaming software (OBS) record the UX2 so that it captures both the guitar and mic, so that's no issue. The issue is that I cannot monitor just the guitar, while streaming/recording the mic audio. Is there a way to just mintor guitar, while capturing the mic audio also? Thanks
  6. I have dialled in a great sounding acoustic patch. Hearing with my headphones, it sounds GREAT! Then, I put everything to record in my audio interface (Focusrite Scarlet Solo), using Garageband as my DAW, and the sound was completely different! It was lifeless, dull, muddy. Do you guys know what could it be? Thank you!
  7. Good evening! Getting my HD500x tomorrow and I'm pretty stoked about it. I'm wrestling with the best way to hook it up, though. I'm wanting to get stereo guitar AND a dry signal for reamping in all in one fell swoop. I'm currently using a Scarlett Solo and it only has 1 XLR in and one 1/4" in so I'm pretty sure that's going to have to get upgraded. Other than that, what is the best way to achieve this? I know it's going to be cables all over the friggin place, but I'm only going to be using it in a studio environment (at first, at least) so it isn't an issue...I'll get it all hooked up and cable managed and be done with it. Any input is GREATLY appreciated!! Thank you!
  8. Hey everybody! I just got an HX stomp in my home studio for all my guitar and bass recording needs. I'm wondering if I can somehow setup a patch to have my wet signal go out the left output and to have a dry DI signal out the right output or vice versa? I know I can do that if I use the HX stomp as my interface but I'd rather not do that. I don't care if I'm wasting blocks because I tend to use very minimal patches. Thanks!
  9. Hi, this could be considered as a question more based towards the logic community but I'm sure someone here will know the answer! (I'm very much a logic noob) I've had my helix about 2 months now and have established a setup that I quite like. I currently use my helix with my Orange Tiny Terror using a basic setup. I've created a patch on my helix that sounds great, however, when I use this same patch plugged into my MacBook via USB into Logic, I get a very different sound. I have downloaded the relevant driver and the helix registers when plugged in to my laptop. When recording I can hear my guitar tone output from my amp which sounds great, however when playing back on logic the audio sounds really quite poor. Logic has added its own amp, pedalboard, compressor and EQ which I turned off as I only want to use the helix sound, but this seemed to make it worse. In general it sounds very fuzzy and like there is a heavy low pass filter in the mix. I've tried adjusting my tone while running logic but this makes no difference whatsoever, even when I turn the pre-amps channel volume all the way down etc. I don't have proper studio monitors, I'm using a set of bose companions. Thanks very much in advance!
  10. The GearBox Plug-In License was only available as an Optional/Add-On purchase prior to 2009. After POD Farm Plug-In was launched, we stopped selling the GearBox Plug-In License altogether and it has since been discontinued and is no longer supported. If you purchased an older TonePort DI-Silver, TonePort DI-Gold, TonePort UX8 device then you will still have access to the GearBox Plug-In feature, since this was embedded into the aforementioned devices. POD Studio Devices will not have GearBox Plug-In capabilities, only POD Farm Plug-In. GearBox Plug-In Discontinuation FAQ NOTE: For an definition of what an audio Plug-In is, please visit the following articles: Windows (VST): Mac OSX (AU): Q: Can I run a single Plug-In on two different devices at the same time? A: No. You will need to either transfer the license from unit A to unit B, or purchase separate Gearbox plug-ins for each Line 6 device you want to use the plug-in with. Q: Why I am hearing a dry guitar signal when I use the plug-in? A: Your DAW or non-Line 6 hardware may have an "input mute" that will need to be enabled when using the plug-in to avoid hearing the dry input signal. Q: My Plug-Ins aren't showing up in the recording application? A: Please keep in mind that some recording applications including Logic and Sonar will have to run a Plug-In scan before you can use your plug-in. You will need to refer to your recording application's user manual to find out where your plug in scan resides in the application. Q: I am not seeing the tuner as an option when I am using the plug-in? A: There is no tuner function in gearbox when used as a plug-in. However; the tuner will function normally in a stand-alone application. Q: Where is the Gearbox Plug-In located? A: Depending on the host computer's operating system: Windows XP/Vista: C:\Program Files\Line6\PlugIns Mac OSX: MacIntosh HD/Library/Audio/PlugIns/Components Q: How do view the Gearbox Plugin in Garageband? A: Open Garage band Create a "new track" (the addition icon in the lower left hand corner) Select "basic track", and choose "gearbox" on the right side of the window under "effects". Open the track you have created (it will be titled "track info"). On the bottom left you will see "effects". The gearbox plug in will be found toward the bottom of the dropdown menu. Be sure to enable the effect with the check mark on the left of the menu. On the right side of "manual", select the "edit the effect" (which will have a pencil icon). You will now be able to edit your gearbox plug in. Q: How do I use Plug-Ins in Cubase 4.01? A: In Cubase 4.01 Steinberg has implemented version 3.0 VST plug-ins. Since most third party plug-ins (Gearbox included) are in a 2.4 version, the Gearbox plug-ins will be found in the "Earlier VST PlugIns" menu option. Q: I am operating a Steinberg product (i.e. Cubase, Nuendo) on a Mac, why am I not seeing my Gearbox plugins? A: Steinberg products only use VST format plug-ins for both Windows and Mac operating systems. Line 6 does not support the use of VST plug ins on the Mac OS at this time. Q: I am working in Sonar, how do the presets change when moved to FX Bins? A: In order for your Gearbox Plug-In to not change presets when dragging from one effects field to another, please "Control Drag" by holding down your control button and left clicking, and then holding your mouse and dragging. You'll see that when you do this your presets will no longer change. Q: My Application freezes or crashes when saving in VST menu? A: At this time, the Gearbox Plug-In does not support saved VST format "presets". Upon saving and loading a tone or preset, please use the Tone File Menu in the Gearbox plug-in located to the right of the tone "name" window. Q: How do I use the TonePort DI as dongle with USB Hubs? A: Line 6 does not support the use of powered USB hubs at this time. When using your TonePort DI as a dongle or input device for your Plug-ins, please connect directly to a USB port on your computer. This will ensure the plug-ins will run smoothly and effectively. Q: Plug-In hardware connected after saving DAW session? A: If your plug-ins default to the Clean Guitar Tone preset upon launching a saved DAW session then it is possible you do not have your activated Gearbox Plug-In hardware connected. Please close out of your saved DAW session, connect your activated Gearbox plug- in hardware, and relaunch your saved DAW session. You will now see that your saved Gearbox Plug-In tones will now appear correctly in your session. Q: If I use my PODxt family device as my "dongle" after downloading the plug-in pack, will I get the Mic Preamp models? A: The Mic preamp models will be available from within the Gearbox Plug-In when using your PODxt device as a dongle. Q: Can I control the Gearbox Plug-In with my PODxt or FBV controller? A: At this time it is not possible to control the Gearbox Plug-In parameters with your PODxt or controller. Some end users have had success by assigning control of a specific effect (i.e. wah or bender) to their effects control in their recording application. Q: Can I control the GearBox Plug-in via MIDI? A: The GearBox plug-in does not support the use of MIDI to control its parameters directly at this time. Applications such as Ableton Live can control the plug-in with a MIDI controller, because it can map MIDI controller data to its plug-in parameters. There is no current work around for ProTools since it does not map MIDI controller data to plug-in parameters. We understand the value of this function and are looking forward to implementing it in the future. Q: How do I remove the Gearbox plug-in from my computer? A: Depending on the host computer's operating system: XP/Vista: Run the Line 6 Uninstaller & select "All Components": Start/All Programs/Line6/Tools/Line 6 Uninstaller Mac OSX: Please follow the following file path and delete the GearboxAU.component file: Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/Components/GearBoxAU.component
  11. I recently got the free trial of helix native to see if the helix was for me. I've been looking at it for a long time. Now that I have it, all my tones are muddy. When I record, the notes sound like one long jumbled and distorted mess. I record through a Scarlett 2i2 with the input gain super low because that helps. My question is, how would I fix this? Is it the Scarlett's gain that's the problem? Would the helix floor or rack have the same issues recording through that input as opposed to recording through a separate interface? Thanks
  12. Good evening, im not sure if this is in the right section but its better than nothing. I was wondering if there is a way that I can directly record from my amp to Logic pro X. This is the amp I have. I had plugged in a usb type b port from my amp to my macbook and i tried all options and i couldn't find anything on logic pro x. The closest i came to having the sound recorded was by having the mac microphone here the noise of my amp (surround noise, not direct input). Basically I guess im trying to record the sound that my amp makes to logic pro x. Is that possible or no? (also, my spider v remote mac app is not recognizing my amp which i find weird since ive attached them both). Thanks, Sev
  13. I just used my M20d with 2 L2t speakers for the very first time with my bluegrass band. It did great and I think it has a great future with us. We played two sets and I tried to record both directly to an SD card. The first set recorded fine because I pressed stop, but the second set I forgot to press the stop button before powering it off. I recorded main outs and every input. I can see large files on the SD card for the second set. The main out file is 783 MB in size, but every one of them appear to somehow be corrupted and won't open in any sound player/editor. Does anyone know of a way to recover them? Perhaps there's something that should have been written to the end of the .wav files that wasn't? Any ideas? Our second set was much better and I was really hoping to get some good recordings of us.
  14. I’ve been experimenting with recording trough the USB interface of the Firehawk. I record straight into GarageBand with no EQ settings on. I’ve set recording and playback in macOS to use the Firehawk and listen trough a BD 770 Pro headphones connected the the Firehawk When Iisten while recording it sou rd exactly how I want it. But when u playback the recording it sounds nothing like it. The ‘fatness’ of the tone is gone and so are many details. I’ve tried an open source recording program but the same thing happens. The monitoring sound is good but the playback of the recorded sound is bad. How is it that the Firehawk can send the sound to my Mac, send it back to my Firehawk and trough the headphones and it sounds good but when I record that same signal it lacks so much that’s not the same at all?
  15. Hello. I watched the line 6 video on how to record through a firehawk, but I need more help. Can you please tell he how to setup the recording on a windows 10 pc and which free recording software to download and use (UK). The guitar I'm using is a variax standard.
  16. Please bear with me as I'm pretty novice with this; I'm having issues trying to record the processed sound from my helix. When I first got the unit it worked fine and it was plug and play. I was able to record exactly what I was hearing from my amp. At some point I've managed to change something and I'm not sure what but I no longer get any sound picked up from the helix when recording (it still makes sound through headphones/amp). I'm able to hear and record the dry signal on mono input 7 but every other input is silent on both mono and stereo. I'm using reaper as my DAW and the helix as my interface via USB. I've tried audacity, FL Studio and Pro Tools and they all have the same result. Here are the audio device settings I have in reaper: My helix IO settings are as follows: Guitar Pad: Off Mic In 48v Phantom: Off Mic In Gain: 0db Mic In Low Cut: Off USB in 1/2 Destination: Multi USB in 1/2 trim: 0db 1/4" outputs: Line XLR outputs: Line Send Return 1 - 4: Instrument (Have also tried setting these to line - no difference) Re-amp src USB 7: Guitar re-amp src USB 8: Mic Volume Control Knobs: Multi Headphone monitor: multi Digital output: S/PDIF Digital Out level: 0db Sample rate: 48khz I'm unsure if any other information is required.. Edit: Okay I believe there is something wrong with the patches I have set up. I just switched to a factory preset and it is working. Could somebody tell me what I need to do to this patch to make it record? Edit 2: I changed 1/4" to multi and it's now making noise. I'll leave this here in case anyone else is as dumb as I am.
  17. I'm experiencing terrible noises due to lack of clock sync between Reaper and Helix, used as an USB audio interface. I tried to set the same sample rate but the noises are still there in the recording. Can someone please help me fix this issue and explain me (like I'm a 5 y o kid) how to make the Helix the master and Reaper the slave? Thanks in advance!
  18. I'm new to Reaper, but is anyone else having issues with Reaper not recognizing their helix drivers? The Asio driver is recognized in the Cakewalk software I've been using, but Reaper doesn't seem to recognize it and keeps saying "unable to recognize" with Asio. However, it plays through "direct sound" but has major latency issues. Anyone have any recommendations?
  19. Don't worry, this isn't me asking if I can use it as an interface. I know I can and it's better than the 200$ focusrite or presonus I can afford (it was like 1300$ for helix and headrush frfr 108). I was wondering what else I need to use it as an interface. I have a razer laptop with an i7 and gtx 1070 and klipsch pro media 2.1 thx but I was wondering if I should invest in studio monitors and what else would be a good investment for my rig and studio.
  20. I'm a relative novice when it comes to recording guitar and amps. Up to this point I've been recording my guitar/amp with an SM57 & USB Interface direct to Garageband and am happy with the results. I've been messing around with recording the Helix and the tone is different compared to what I'm hearing out of my amp (DSL40C). It doesn't matter if I'm using my amp, or using a preamp in the Helix and going directly into the FX return, the recorded tone is always brighter and slightly fuzzier. I run the audio out from my mac into a Kenwood receiver and I have Bose speakers so it's not like I'm listening through the bullt-in computer speakers. Also, I don't have this problem when I record with the mic - so I'm pretty sure I can rule out the Mac and speakers. I'm less concerned about adjusting the settings on the Helix to get a good recorded tone as I would imagine I should be able to do that with some tweaking. I'm more concerned if I'm playing live using my amp onstage and also XLR to the FOH (If I'm mic'ing the amp, no worries). If I set my tones based on what I'm hearing from the amp, is it going to be bright and fuzzy through the PA? Or, if I adjust for the PA, am I going to have a more muted sound coming from the amp. I guess one solution is setup parallel paths - one for the amp and one for XLR - and put EQ's at the end to adjust each path separately. If I can I'd rather avoid that so that I'm not tweaking a bunch of patches/snapshots each time I play somewhere. I'm currently not playing out, however, I may have something in the works so I'd like to get all this ironed out before that starts. Is this common or is it something I'm doing, or not doing?
  21. Français Deutsch Q: How do I set up my computer to work with Line 6 gear? Make sure your Line 6 device is powered by the same power source as the computer (when applicable). Be sure that your system exceeds the minimum requirements listed on the product's box. Disable 'multiple users' on the system, automatic updates, as well as all themes/dashboards. Disable the internal sound card Turn off all other programs outside of the recording application(s), including anything that may be running in your system tray. Turn off all anti-virus software and malware, including products such as ZoneAlarm, Defender, Norton Anti-virus, Firewalls, and pop up blockers Be sure the date and time is set correctly on your computer Disable all power saving, sleep mode options, wireless devices, and screen savers (especially on laptop computers). Remove all Recording applications/playback programs that are not being used from your hard drive. Unplug all non-essential USB, Firewire, and PCI connections (i.e. Web cameras, cameras, printers, scanners, MP3 players). Disable disc compression options, system sounds, the indexing service, and your wireless Internet connection. XP Users Right click on "My Computer" and select "properties", select "advanced", select "performance settings", "visual effects", and select "adjust for best performance" Run your system cleanup and disc defragmenter found under Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools. Control Panel/Line 6 devices > In your Line 6/MIDI devices, select 16 bit audio 512 MB for buffer size Move the Buffer slider to the second tick mark from the left under "extra small" Be sure to select the same settings for bit rate and buffer size in your recording application as well Windows 7/8/Vista Users Go into your computer's control panel and click on the 'Sound' icon. Select your Line 6 device, then click on the 'Properties' button. Click on the 'Advanced' tab in the 'Properties' window. In the 'Default Format' box, try all the different bit and sample rate combinations to see if it fixes any issues you may be having. Windows 10 Go into your computer's control panel and change the view to "small or large icons" Select Line 6 Audio/MIDI Devices. In your Line 6/MIDI devices, select 16 bit audio 512 MB for buffer size Move the Buffer slider to the second tick mark from the left under "extra small" Be sure to select the same settings for bit rate and buffer size in your recording application as well You can also click on the 'Sound' icon. Select your Line 6 device, then click on the 'Properties' button. Click on the 'Advanced' tab in the 'Properties' window. In the 'Default Format' box, try all the different bit and sample rate combinations to see if it fixes any issues you may be having. Mac Users Disable any dual operating systems (dual boot, Parallels, etc.) Run "repair disc permissions" from hard drive Laptop computers: Try removing the power supply to see if there is better performance. If so, try a different power supply. Q: I am getting pops/clicks in my audio stream when I open other programs? A: There is no quick fix to solve this situation, but some end users have had success by installing a higher quality video card. Q: I am not able to get my computer to recognize the Line 6 device? - Plug your Line 6 device directly into the back of the computer. If you are on a laptop, try multiple USB inputs (as many laptops will route keyboard/mouse functions through a USB port, reducing the bandwidth). - Check out the following driver installation documents: USB Driver Installation: Mac USB Driver Installation: Windows Q: I am experiencing latency, how can I reduce it? A: The normal way of reducing latency is to reduce the buffer size. Buffer sizes of 512 will allow latency of about 10ms when using 44.1kHz. You usually set buffer sizes to a power of 2, so if you wanted to lower the latency, try 256, 128 or even 64. If you experience too many dropouts, you will need to increase the buffer size again. Follow these links for more tips and tricks for getting the most out of your computer recording experience. If you are having difficulty using your Line 6 gear with a computer after following these guidelines, please complete your support profile (log on to your Line 6 account and go to "My Account") and post a question in the Line 6 forums.* Audiooptimierung für das Computersystem: Wie konfiguriere ich meinen Computer, damit er mit Line 6 Geräten läuft? Ich Line 6 Gerät sollte an die selbe Stormquelle angeschlossen sein wie Ihr Computer3 Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Computer die minimalen Systemvoraussetzungen erfüllt, welche auf der Kiste des Gerätes angegeben sind. Schalten Sie "mehrere Benutzer", automatische Updates und Themen, sowie Dashboards auf Ihrem Computer aus. Schalten Sie die internet Soundkarte des computers ab. Schließen Sie alle unnötigen Programme sowie Software die in dre Taskleiste läuft. Schalten Sie Antiviren und Malware Software ab, wie ZoneAlarm, Defender, Norton Antiviurs, die Firewall oder auch Pop-Up Blocker. Überprüfen Sie Datum und Uhrzeit Ihres Systems. Schalten Sie Energiespramodus, Bildschirmschoner, kabellose Geräte sowie den Ruhemodus aus. (besonders auf Laptops) Entfernen Sie jegliche Aufnahme/Playback Programme, die nicht benutzt werden von Ihrem Computer. Schließen Sie alle nicht benötigten USB, Firewire und PCI Gerät/Kabel ab. (z.B.: Kameras, Drucker, Scanner oder MP3 Player) Schalten Sie Komprimierungsoptionen, System Töne, den Index Dienst und Ihre kabellose Internetverbindung aus. XP Benutzer: - Rechtsklicken Sie den Arbeitsplatz, klicken Sie auf "Eigenschaften", dann "Erweitert", "Leistungsoptionen", "Visuelle Effekte" und wählen Sie "Für optimale Leistung anpassen". - Lassen Sie die "Datenträgerbereinigung" und die "Defragmentierung" laufen. Start -> Alle Programme -> Zubehör -> Systemprogramme. - Systemsteuerung -> Line 6 Devices -> Line 6/MIDI Devices: Hier folgendes auswählen: 16bit Audio 512Mb "Buffer Size" Den Buffer Regler auf den zweiten Tick von links schieben unter "Extra Small" Wählen Sie dann die selben Bit Rate und Buffer Size Einstellungen in Ihrer Aufnahmesoftware aus. Windows 7/Vista Benutzer: - Gehen Sie in dei Systemsteuerung und klicken dort auf "Sound". Wählen Sie Ihr Line 6 Gerät aus und klicken Sie auf den Einstellungen Knopf. - Klicken Sie auf "Erweitert". In der Box für "Standartformat" probieren Sie alle verschiedenen Kombinationen aus, ob eine davon Ihr Problem löst. Mac Benutzer: - Schalten Sie Dual-Boot Betriebssyteme aus. - Starten Sie "Zugriffsrechte des Volumes reparieren". Laptop Computer: - Nehmen Sie das Netzteil ab, um zu sehen ob es dann besser funktioniert, wenn ja versuchen Sie es mit einem anderen Netzteil. Wenn ich ein Programm starte bekomme ich Klicks und Rauschen, was kan nich tun? Für dieses Problem gibt es keine schnelle Lösung, manche Benutzer konnten dieses Problem anhand einer neuen Grafikkarte jedoch lösen. Mein Computer erkennt mein Line 6 Gerät nicht. Was kann ich tun? - Stecken Sie Ihr Gerät hinten in einen der USB Ports Ihres Computers ein. Wenn Sie auf einem Laptop arbeiten versuchen Sie den USB Port zu wechseln. (Da viele Laptops Maus/Tastatur Funktionen über den USB Port leiten, was die Bandbreite des Ports verringert.) Schauen Sie sich folgendes Dokument zur Treiberinstallation an: Treiber Installation Ich habe Latenz, wie kann ich diese verringern? Generell können Sie die Latenz über die Buffer-Größe verringern. Eine Buffer-Größe von 512 wir Latenzen von 10ms erzeugen bei Benutzung von 44.1kHz. Meist wird die Stärke der Buffer-Größe auf 2 gesetzt. Wenn Sie also einen niedrigere Latenz haben wollen, versuchen Sie 256, 128 oder sogar 64. Wenn Sie dann jedoch Aussetzer im ton bekommen müssen Sie die Buffer-Größe wieder erhöhen. Bitte schauen Sie sich den folgenden Artikel zu Latenz an: Sound on Sound (Englisch) Und folgen Sie diesen Links für weitere Tipps und Tricks um Ihren Computer weiter zu optimieren: (Alles in Englisch) Wenn sie noch immer Probleme haben, Ihre Line 6 Geräte mit Ihrem Computer zu verbinden nachdem Sie diese Richtlinien befolgt haben sollten Sie Sich auf anmelden, Ihr Profil ausfüllen und ein Ticket öffnen. Optimisation audio pour le système d'ordinateur: Comment est-ce que je configure mon ordinateur pour fonctionner avec équipement Line 6? Connectez l'appareil Line 6 à la même source d'électricité que votre ordinateur. Assurez-vous que votre ordinateur satisfaire aux exigences minimales du système écrits sur la boîte du produit. Désactivez "multiples utilisateurs", mises à jour automatiques et thèmes/Dashboard. Désactivez la carte son interne. Fermez tous les programmes inutiles aussi que tous ce qui est en cours d'exécution dans la zone de notification. Fermez tous les logiciels antivirus et malware comme ZoneAlarm, Defender, Norton Antivirus, le pare-feu et des bloqueurs pop-up. Vérifiez la date et le temps de votre ordinateur. Désactivez tous les options de dormir ou économie d'énergie, les appareils Wifi et économiseurs d'écran (particulièrement sur les portables). Supprimez tous les logiciels d'enregistrement/lecture inutiles de votre ordinateur. Détachez tous les câbles/appareils USB, Firewire et PCI inutiles. (comme, caméras, imprimantes, scanneurs et lecteurs MP3) Désactivez les options de compression de disque, sons systèmes le service d'indexation et votre connexion Wifi. Utilisateurs XP: - Faites un clic droite sur "Poste de travail" et cliquez "Propriétés", sélectez "Avancé", "Options de performance", "Effets visuels" et sélectez "Ajuster afin d'obtenir les meilleures performances". - Lancez votre "Nettoyage de disque" et "Défragmenteur de disque" dans "démarrer" -> "Tous les programmes" -> "Accessoires" -> "Outils de système" - Panneau de configuration -> Line 6 Devices -> Line 6/MIDI Devices: 16 bit audio 512 Mo comme "Buffer Size" Déplacez le glisseur Buffer à la tique deuxième de gauche sous "extra small" Sélectez aussi le même débit binaire et taille de buffer dans votre programme d'enregistrement. Utilisateurs Windows 7/Vista: - Allez dans Panneau de configuration -> Son. Sélectez votre appareil Line 6, cliquez propriétés. Cliquez le bouton Avancé. Dans la boîte "Format par défaut" essayez tous les différents combinaisons de débit binaire ("Bit Rate") et taille de buffer ("Buffer Size") pour voir si ca résolu le problème. Utilisateurs Mac: - Désactivez les systèmes double boot. - Lancez "Réparer les autorisations du disque" de votre HD. Les portables: - Détachez l'alimentation, si ca fonctionne, essayez une autre alimentation. Je reçois des clics et bruits si j'ouvre d'autres programmes. Qu'est-ce que c'est? Il n'y en a pas une correction vite pour ce problème mais certains utilisateurs ont installés une carte graphique de haute qualité avec succès. L'ordinateur ne reconnait pas mon appareil Line 6. Qu'est-ce que c'est? Insérez votre appareil Line 6 directement à l'arrière de l'ordinateur. Si vous avez un portable, essayez différentes ports USB. (Beaucoup de portables font passer des fonctions clavier/souris via des ports USB, qui réduit la bande passante.) Utilisez ce document pur l'installation des pilotes: Installation des pilotes J'ai de la latence, qu'est-ce que je peux faire? Normalement, pour réduire la latence, vous devez réduire la taille buffer. Taille buffer de 512 permettra une latence de 10ms si vous utilisez 44.1kHz. Normalement, vous mettez la puissance de taille buffer sur 2 donc si vous voulez réduire la latence, essayez 256, 128 ou 64. Si vous rencontrez des drop-outs, vous devez augmenter la taille buffer. Veuillez consulter l'article suivant sur la latence à Sound on Sound (anglais) et utilisez ces liens pour améliorer votre ordinateur pour l'enregistrement: (tous en anglais) Si vous avez des problèmes avec l'équipement Line 6 après ces instructions, veuillez créer un compte sur et ouvrir un ticket ou poster dans les forums.
  22. Hi, What recording software works well with the Firehawk FX and Windows 10 PC? I'm looking for a simple one, to create some backing tracks. Rgds, Andre
  23. Olá, amigos! Recordings and playbacks are not obeing me. I can´t have looping the recordings and not the playbacks! They keep looping or stopping both at the same time. Allways we want Recordings keeping play all night long, correct? And the Playbacks stopping at the end of music for to have some talk with the audience. But that isn´t happening with me. When I stop the looping, it stops for both Recordings and Playbacks. That´s tremendous boring, man! Please, help me! Hugz! Spider_Jam_Advanced_Guide_-_English_(_Rev_B_).pdf
  24. It was hard for me to realize it or maybe it is, but there is a sound cut when I finish recording, that is, in the recording track some sound cuts and sound saturation are recorded as if the sound was burned, I do not know if it's a problem or so is the product, please answer me posdata, I do not speak English I am using a translator from Spanish to English Thank you
  25. Line 6 Helix 101: Controlling your computer recording software with the Helix.
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