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Found 6 results

  1. I have been struggling to get my saved SysEx scenes loaded back onto my M13. I've tried every method but so far, without success. My latest attempt was using a MIDI SysEx Transfer Utility (MSETU) from the Microsoft Store. It does a validation check and I received a message saying that it was invalid as F0 and F7 were mis-matched! MidiOx transfers the data, as I can see the data in the Monitor and the flashing screen 4. However, if this MSETU message is correct, then it won't update. Does anyone know what the SysEx is meant to be, v.v. F0/F7 messages matching? Also, are there SysEx files online that are downloadable, or can someone attach an example for me to try? Thanks in advance.
  2. M5 Backup Procedure: With a MIDI interface and a sysex application, you can back up all your M5 presets to your computer. This makes it easy to build a custom preset library, or exchange presets with others. To backup your presets, or to dump the current preset, follow these steps: 1. Turn bottom left PARAMETER KNOB to set your MIDI Channel (Ch. 1-16 or Omni - the default is Ch. 1). 2. Turn the Model Select knob to select DUMP ALL? (to back up all 24 presets) or DUMP PRE? (to back up your current preset). NOTE: There is an error in the M5 Pilot Guide.pdf regarding the following step in the SysEx dump procedures. Please refer to the information here for correct behavior: 3. With your computer set up to record sysex, press and hold ON/OFF while you press down on the MODEL SELECT knob. Repeat this to confirm or press TAP to exit out, if you choose. 4. The M5 will immediately transmit the sysex file to your computer, creating a backup of your Scenes that you can store and recall at any time. To load presets back into your M5, simply transmit the sysex file from your computer into the M5 via MIDI. This will immediately load the data into the M5's memory.
  3. I just received my M13 (my first pedal board ever) and tried to change the scene-folders. But to my surprise nothing changed when I selected scene-folder 2, 3 or 4. Is this a mal function or is it a handling issue? In my understanding if folder 2 - 4 are empty there should be at least 12 empty effects in the folders. Thanks for supporting a pedal newby
  4. I have a question about saving scenes inside a setup. My main point is does it save the individual channel EQ. I set an EQ and for a song saved the scene and did a second, however when I recalled the first song the EQ on the backing track channel was not what I'd saved but what I'd set for the current song. I thought it should be able to keep individual EQ and I just watched the setup and scene video again and Sean definately said it did. The reason I need it is backing tracks change from song to song and need different EQ settings. Anyone saving all settings with scenes
  5. Can someone tell me how to save a scene or copy a scene from folder 1 into one of the other folders on my M9? I know how to change folders by turning the model select knob while selecting a scene but when you go to save a scene nothing happens when you turn the model select knob. Thanks!
  6. M5/M9/M13 BACKUP INSTRUCTIONS *** This procedure is also explained in the M9 Advanced User's Guide and M13 Advanced User's Guide REQUIRED: A MIDI sequencer app such as Cubase or a sysex app -- if you don't have a sysex app installed, do a Google search for MIDI Ox (Windows) or Sysex Librarian (Mac) then download one or the other and install it. And ONE of the following: A MIDI interface that connects to your computer via USB (download the current Driver for it if you don't have it installed) & 2 MIDI cables OR A MIDI - USB interface such as the M-Audio Uno that comes with attached MIDI cables. You may need to download & install the latest driver from the manufacturer for this device. When your MIDI interface, Driver and sysex app are ready to go, follow PROCEDURE instructions below. Windows: Saving Scenes & Folders: 1. Run MIDI OX. You can do so from Start > Program Files > MIDI OX. 2. Set "Pass Sysex" & "Start Display" to On by clicking on the the 'REC' & 'SYX' boxes at the bottom right of the main window so it is highlighted blue. 3. Now go to View > Sysex. A Sysex View and Scratchpad window will open. 4. Go to the Sysex menu & select "Receive Manual Dump." When selected, you will see a window appear waiting on info from the M9/M13. 5. In Setup Menu of M9 (Press the 1B and 2B buttons at once, then press the MODEL SELECT knob 3 times until the display shows MIDI in the top left) or the M13 (hold the 'Looper Controls' button), select 'Dump All' to backup all your scenes, 'Dump Folder' to backup the current folder, or 'Dump Edit' to backup the one scene you have currently selected. Press the TAP button and the 'MODEL SELECT' knob at the same time on the M9 or just press the 'MODEL SELECT' knob on the M13 to begin the dump. Click 'Done' in MIDI OX when complete. 6. Under the 'Display Window' of MIDI OX, click 'Save As' and save it as a Sysex file type. Loading Scenes & Folders: 1. Run MIDI OX 2. Go to View > Sysex. A Sysex View and Scratchpad window will open. 3. Under the 'Command Window' menu, select 'Load File' and select the Sysex scene or folder file that is saved on your computer. If you are attempting to load an individual scene, it will be recalled to your current scene location, so change to the scene location on the M9/M13 you would like to overwrite. 4. Again, go to the 'Command Window' menu & select 'Send/Rec Sysex.' The display on the M9 (FX Unit 4 on the M13) will flash 'Receiving MIDI - Standby.' Once complete, your scene(s)/folder are now loaded. You do not have to set anything on the M9/M13, it will simply load the individual scene to the current location or load all the scenes in one shot once it receives the file. If you are loading a folder, it will load to the same folder location that it originated from. So, if you saved Folder 3 from the M9/M13, it will load back into the Folder 3 location on the hardware regardless of which Folder you may be looking into. **Note - Using 'Send Sysex' does not work. MIDI OX screen will read 'Sysex Receive' although it is sending to the M9/M13. MAC USERS: Saving Scenes & Folders: 1. Open Sysex Librarian. 2. You should already see your MIDI interface (or 'USB Uno MIDI Interface') listed in the dropdown menu at the top. If not you will need to download & install the latest drivers available from the manufacturer. 3. Click the 'Record Many' button. Use this even when backing up an individual scene. A window will appear showing it is awaiting info from the M9/M13. 4. On the M9/M13 select either 'Dump All' (all scenes), 'Dump Folder' (current folder), or 'Dump Edit' (current scene). Press the TAP button and the 'MODEL SELECT' knob at the same time on the M9 or just press the 'MODEL SELECT' knob on the M13 to begin the dump. 5. Once complete, you can rename 'untitiled.syx' in Sysex Librarian by clicking the name once it is highlighted. Loading Scenes & Folders: 1. Select the Sysex file you wish to load. 2. Click 'Play'. You will see 'Receiving MIDI - Standby' in the display on the M9 (FX Unit 4 on the M13). Your scene(s)/folder is now loaded. Again, if you are loading an individual scene, it will load to the current location you are in, so select the scene you wish to overwrite BEFORE loading the backup file. If you are loading a folder, it will load to the same folder location that it originated from. So, if you saved Folder 3 from the M9/M13, it will load back into the Folder 3 location on the hardware regardless of which Folder you may be looking into. M5 Backup Procedure: With a MIDI interface and a sysex application, you can back up all your M5 presets to your computer. This makes it easy to build a custom preset library, or exchange presets with others. To backup your presets, or to dump the current preset, follow these steps: 1. Turn bottom left PARAMETER KNOB to set your MIDI Channel (Ch. 1-16 or Omni - the default is Ch. 1). 2. Turn the Model Select knob to select DUMP ALL? (to back up all 24 presets) or DUMP PRE? (to back up your current preset). NOTE: There is an error in the M5 Pilot Guide.pdf regarding the following step in the SysEx dump procedures. Please refer to the information here for correct behavior: 3. With your computer set up to record sysex, press and hold ON/OFF while you press down on the MODEL SELECT knob. Repeat this to confirm or press TAP to exit out, if you choose. 4. The M5 will immediately transmit the sysex file to your computer, creating a backup of your Scenes that you can store and recall at any time. To load presets back into your M5, simply transmit the sysex file from your computer into the M5 via MIDI. This will immediately load the data into the M5's memory.
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