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  1. Bye, fellows. Line 6 don't update the firmware anymore, deciduous SD, without FX loop, no chances to detune guitar, so I sold it. I'm migrating to POD Go connected by 4CM to a Marshall AVT100X. Also, nobody else talk anymore in this group, so I leave it. It was a loyal partner, I will remember it fondly, but I will not miss it. Bye.
  2. Good evening, I'm sorry if I'll make grammar mistakes, but I'm not english native. I'm an "old newbie" on the Spider Jam, meaning that I used to play it at the time it was released ten years ago.. then I quit playing but now I'm starting to work back on my guitar and I would love to use it again. I think I've read anywhere on the net but it seems I cannot find the right answer to these questions: 1. I'd like to plug my laptop directly into the Spider Jam, using it both to play music from the laptop as a backing track (it's a lot easier to control it from the laptop, rather than from the Jam's workspace), and to use it sometimes as a speaker when I want to listen to some music (and not playing guitar)... is it possible? Can I use the Aux input to plug my laptop in it? I mean, for example using the laptop output 3.5 jack (headphones) to > Jam input 6.3 Aux 2. I know the Jam has been released in 2008 and the last firmware (2.09) is from 2009 or 2010... I also assume that the emulation technology has changed quite a bit in these 12 years.. Will there be released a newer version of the Jam or a similar one in short term? If so, when will it happen? 3. (I think I found an aswer to this one but I need a confimation on it) Can I upload my personal backing tracks (.wav/.mp3) or popular songs to practice with via the SD card on the rear. 4. Can I plug my Pod HD 500 directly into the Jam? I mean, on the front I see there's the FBV pedal input, but I don't think it is meant to be used with the Pod (or am I wrong?)... and using the guitar input I presume it will use the clean channel affecting the sound with its amps, tones and fx, etc. Is there a way to use the Jam "bypassing everything", using the the amp and FX emulation coming from the Pod? I hope I have been clear with my questions. Thank you in advance and best regards to anyone, Guido
  3. Spider Jam cuts on and off, but only when a BFV Shortboard is connected. I have 3 FBV Shortboards it cuts off and on with all 3. The shortboards all work fine with no problems on my other amps.
  4. All I want to do is use my Fbv Express Mk II as a looper pedal. Whenever I record, it automatically starts a "jam track" in the background when I just want it to record my audio only. Any advice? This whole experience has been pretty horrible....I spent way to long trying to find "jam mode" just so I can use the looper tech on the pedal.
  5. Here are the controls for the FBV III when using it with a Spider Jam. FS1 - Turns on Recording Mode (see the manual for detailed info on recording) FS2 - Boost ON/OFF FS3 - FX1 (Chorus, Phaser, Tremolo) FS4 - FX2 (Delay, Tape Echo, Sweep Echo) FS5: Reverb ON/OFF When using the FBV3 with your Spider Jam, make sure you have the latest flash memory (v1.02) installed for your FBV controller. You'll find the Line 6 Updater located here: Download and install Line 6 Updater, then connect your controller to your Mac or PC with a standard USB cable. Line 6 Updater will ask you to login, and then run the latest update for the controller.
  6. I just realized that the Spider Jam's amp model volume when turned to zero equals no amp model coloring or so it seems to me. I plugged my HD500 L mono analog out into the guitar input, set up an amp model (HD500) and with the Spider Jam amp model volume at zero the HD500 comes through without being colored. Then while playing I slowly turned the SJ's amp model volume up and noticed the amp model started to mix with the HD500. I had the HD500's master volume maxed. So it seems that no matter what amp model on the Spider Jam I chose as long as I had the volume knob at zero I basically had a clean channel and when I slowly turned up the volume knob I could hear the amp model start to kick in. I'm going to toy around with this a little more as I recently got an iPhone 6, Garageband and am feeding the iPhone out into the HD500 CD/mp3 send the HD500's analog out to either the SJ's Aux in or guitar input. In this case I'm using the guitar input just for fun to hear what will happen. I just never realized that the SJ's amp modeling worked like this till now, lol. Always learning something I guess. I was wondering if anyone else realized this?
  7. Hi gang, I'm trying to dial in a tone for The Bends, Ok Computer etc, I can't quite get the crunch I want. Playing through a tele with humbuckers. Help would be great. Thank you.
  8. Hi! I hope someone got some answer to my newest problem. I just got the FBV3 to go with my Spider Jam. The problem is that the FBV3 display only shows the name of the patch that was selected when i turned the amp off the last time. When I change patch the new patchnumber shows but the name doesn't change. Anyone got a clue our maybe have the same issue? Best regards //Olle
  9. Hi! I hope someone got some answer to my newest problem. I just got the FBV3 to go with my Spider Jam. The problem is that the FBV3 display only shows the name of the patch that was selected when i turned the amp off the last time. When I change patch the new patchnumber shows but the name doesn't change. Anyone got a clue our maybe have the same issue? Best regards //Olle
  10. I plugged the HD500 into the Spider Jam Aux and was practicing some clean and distortion riffs with the Solo-100 Clean amp model and a plate reverb and added the Line 6 Drive model before the amp and a volume pedal after the distortion model to adjust the volume of the distortion before the amp model. The distortion and volume pedal are toggled with FS2 and the reverb toggled with FS3. I didn't change any settings on any of the models except the max volume of the volume pedal model which ended up being 56%. Now I know it's a simple thing and probably common knowledge but the sound was just so good I had to say something, lol. I was using an Epiphone Special II (humbuckers) with the guitar volume at max and settings in and on the pod were as follows: Input sources were input 1=Guitar and input 2=Variax, Guitar IN switch set to normal, guitar in Z (Auto), "Line" setting for the 1/4" L out, Output mode=Studio Direct, global EQ off, the master volume I had set to 10-11 O'clock and it was pretty loud for practicing. Spider Jam settings were: Aux EQ Tone stack all at noon, Delay and reverb off, I forget what the compressor setting was but I'm sure it wasn't compressing much, the input setting was 0 Db and the master was maxed. Rock On! Patch >
  11. I can see the images that pop up when I click "view tone" But I dont know how to add my own settings to upload? Anyone?
  12. Ok so I can pull up the image and see the settings. But now I have one to share. How do I do this? Anyone?
  13. Hoping this might help someone else. I was just having some practice fun with this little amp and modeling. I made a dual path and set up a nice dirt amp to take the path to the Aux input on the Spider Jam. Then on the other path sent another cleaner amp to take the path to the guitar input on the Spider Jam and set the model to the "green" clean amp, without playing with the SJ's amp model tone stack. In order to get both paths on the SJ to work separately I had to make sure the record setting was set to 'Mic". I had the HD500 master at 50% and the SJ master set to 50% also. The HD500's output was set to Studio Direct and the Input 1 Guitar > Input 2 Variax. Since the SJ can only record either the guitar in or mic/aux at one time I can record micing the amp with another device such as my X3 Pro, which I still have to try micing it. Has anyone else done this sort of thing yet with the Spider Jam? Just trying something different and figured I would share it, carry on. Example patch >
  14. Can I connect my pod hd pro x to my spider jam amp? Would I even want to? I bought the pod pro because I was tired of the models in the spider jam. Is there a way to use the spider jam solely for amplification and still get all the effects and amp and cab models from the pod pro? Im thinking about just getting some studio monitors but if I can run the unit through the amp it would save me a lot of money, just not sure on how to go about it. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  15. Hello everyone. I need help. The problem is that Spider Jam 75W Always restarting, when i want do any thing with SD Card (Software updating, saving, formatting - everything). This is 2Gb brand (Smart Buy). Is this problem can be solved? Thanks.
  16. Guys I need to pitch the tune of the guitar as Jam Tracks or recordings, for example. In this way, we could avoid retune the guitar when we want to play some song of GN'R or Highway to hell, for example (these songs are tuned in Eâ™­). I guess button FUNCTION 2 in FBV Shortboard MkII has no function available in Spider Jam and could be assigned for this. I've created a suggest and a ticket with this issue. If you want to vote for this idea, this is the link: In the ticket, Jon Brunner (a support guy that answer me) tells me that is not possible, but I think is a basic function, also included in Spider Jam, but to others functions (upper mentioned). So, I guess we can push to get a new firmware release that includes this improvement. Thanks to all in advance.
  17. I have had this Spider Jam 75watt for 2 1/2 years and has worked perfectly until a month ago. I now get a buzzing sound on every amp model. sounds as if I have a bad speaker, however drums, recodings, etc. play clean so there is no speaker problem. I have tried lowering the drive to minimum and the channel volume to max. No change. I have tried two guitars and two cords. No change. Checked and re-soldered the input jack contacts. No change. All the caps appear normal. Need help. I work on Pc's, so I am not afraid to get in there. I just can't see throwing away a $400 amp.
  18. You can make some cool Jams by just sitting in front of this thing and layering in some riffs while at the same time turning knobs and pushing buttons. The Spider Jam is a very interesting piece of equipment. I'm always learning something new with the Spider Jam. Check out this one, fresh off the SD Card, lol. I used a Schecter Omen 8, Schecter Devil Custom, and an EHX Crying Tone Pedal. Wahsumption Guitars Link
  19. Sorry for the question, but where are the Reggae, Soul and Jazz playalongs on the Spider Jam amp? I found exactly one Jazz tune, one Motown-Wanna-be-Soul and absolutely no Reggae, Latin or Cuban records? Oh dear, don't get me wrong, but from my point of view 80% of the recorded Playalongs are Punk, Heavy Metal and a kind of Rock sub-genre... I'm thankful for the Blues which encounters from time to time, but where is even Pop? Is there a chance to download other tracks from Line 6 or do I have to record everything on my own or download instrumentals to a 2 GB card? Cheers! Anton
  20. Dear, Support Team! Can you provide an update for the Spider Jam amp, please? This Update should contain another user mode for the Shortboard MKII, because nobody needs a half time function on the D stomp. Better make it possible to switch between "Guitar" and "Mic/Aux" as a looping source on the D-Stomp. Further on, it would be awesome if you could give "Function 2" a function. As an example: It should be usable as an extended looper function. Let's say, it should be possible to individually program all the stomps when using function 2 or at least make it possible to switch on/off single looping tracks or at least regulate the volume of recorded loops with the pedal. There are so many stomps there with functions assigned, nobody needs when working with the looper. I'd rather use the stomps for changing banks (on function 2-mode) for changing looping layers and give the other stomps a function when looping. I bought the amp together with the board in order not to use a computer for looping on stage. You do not mention in the shortboard's description that one cannot assign the stomps individually when connected to the Spider Jam. I don't know who designed the looping function on the shortboard when connected to the amp, but I'm sure, this person didn't experience it for too long -.- Best! Anton
  21. So I went to turn on the drums and nothing happened. Grabbed a SanDisk SD Card in hopes that reflashing would fix it. One of those 2 GB Micro SD Cards with the adapter, which I was using to capture recording with and worked fine for that but when it came to trying to format it with the Spider Jam it didn't work didn't hurt anythng just didn't work. So I fomatted the card to FAT via computer and loaded the bin file onto the balnk card and tried to relash but no success. So went digging for the card I used years ago which was a standard 1 GB SD Card SanDisk style (Blue). Formatted via the Spider Jam with success and then loaded the bin file to that blank card. After that the reflash took about 5 minutes and with succsess. Firmware must have gotten corrupt somehow since the last time reflashed was at least 4 years ago.
  22. Hey everyone I think the topic title says enough. How do I conect stompboxes such as the behringer echo machine (to give an example) or other simualar stompboxes to my spider jam amp? I like the sounds and fx on the amp it self, but I would like to explore more options by adding more pedals. I'm kinda new to these stompboxes, I don't own one and I never had before? And just before I buy one I want to be sure it's possible to connect them on this amp. If it is possible can someone explaine how to do that? Thank you Greetz
  23. Hi i've got a spider jam and i am a big satch fan. I was thinking about buying the vox satchurator or vox ice 9 overdrive pedals to give me the extra tone i want however i am weary about buying one, due to a common thought that distortion pedals sound rubbish in front of moddling amps. Would these pedals sound any good or if not any other sugestions Thanks, Danny
  24. Was playing around recording my Spider Jam by injecting the mic input on my laptop (Vaio VGN AR630E) with headphone out from the amp. With minimal tweaking I had the hottest signal I could stream into Ableton Live, there is a noise floor, keep in mind I'm using the insane (red) model. Sounded pretty good, but the amp itself sounds even waaaay better, lol. Also, I was monitoring with latency from the laptop speakers (according to Ableton Live 8.2.8 > 41.3 ms's worth) I was not using ASIO I was using MME/DirectX driver and Sigma Tel High Definition Audio CODEC input device. Suppose if I play with the amp settings I could get less noise floor.
  25. hi all, I recently bought a spider jam amp and fbv shortboard mkII. I'm looking at performing looping songs live creating a drum beat live also. I was wondering if it was possible to record and overdub a live vocal drum backing on bank a and the guitar parts on bank b with the notion of taking the guitar parts away while the vocal drums continue for the bridge then bringing them back again for the chorus? thanks
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