I've just bought a JTV-59 and am just about to download Workbench HD for the first time. What I was surprised by was the absence of a 'Getting Started' / 'Start Here' booklet which would have given me the basics which I can guess at well enough but you never know what you might do wrong . . . . . . like pulling the VDI RJ45 connector out of the guitar without dropping the lot - what a weak design!
Anyway, I've seen that there is a forum/guide to Workbench and so I will download WB-HD in a moment but what I'm thinking is that I need to check for a firmware update and general advice on using the non-standard features of the guitar. I wouldn't be surprised if it's all here somewhere and that I will find it soon enough but let me list what I'm looking for and perhaps if you know that it's not on this forum and that I should browse elsewhere perhaps you could reply to this?
So, as a start, how about:
1 DON'T do this - it can cause damage! (or at least something I may regret eg a firmware upgrade)
2 DO do this - it's well worthwhile
(eg insert the jack-plug when connecting the VDI otherwise you think your new USB interface doesn't work and you can't connect to WB-HD as just happened to me)
3 Buy this as well - - ie things to make living with and using the 59 better or easier (eg an HD500X or whatever, free or paid for custom tones, etc)
I appreciate it's a case of what do I want to do but, for now, I just want to learn how to get the most out of the guitar and benefit from the wizardry it contains within
Thanks in advance - Andy (in Louth Lincolnshire, UK)