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  1. Hello All, Proud owner of way too many line 6 products. Specifically with my Variax, I am noticing some compatibility issues with certain softwares that prompted me to ensure I had both a Windows and Mac computer. I can't recall how long ago Monkey and Updater stopped being supported on Mac OS but it prompted me to go get a windows desktop (amongst other justifications for needing it). However, even the windows softwares didn't seem to allow me to do a factory reset on the Varian (a Shrunken, which has some eccentric tunings I wanted to try out). I tried referring to the manual for the tunings but seeing "BEEEEE" tuning doesn't help me know which octave each string is set to. Might just be me and this particular scenario but Stevics tunings sometime need to note which dang octave LoL. Sorry, tangent. I still think that some of these tools either need to be supported fully until there is a working replacement or compatibility needs to be addressed somehow, hence my browser suggestion. I'll just leave this note here for now. Curious if anyone else has similar experiences and very mild frustrations. Cheers, JScotty
  2. Tempurr

    Helix Trouble

    I own a Helix floor model and I am trying to hook it up in such a way that I can listen to spotify/yt on my headset (Bluetooth) and play along with my helix, I read the user manual and I believe I have the correct signal path. But I cant for the life of me get any audio to come from my pc. I am using USB audio so I just have that cable going into the pc and my guitar i tried going into "guitar in" and "mono/left" but heard nothing from either input. I plugged it into some monitors and everything was working fine where the Helix is concerned. I also noticed when I selected helix as my input I have signal but still no audio. I tried swapping my USB in 1/2 to 1/4 but still nothing. What am I missing? (I'm new to this so I apologize if the answer is obvious.) Thanks in advance for any help I appreciate it.
  3. Hi, this is Mauro from Argentina. After having some electrical issues on stage, Stomp's display turned white during the show. Turning off and on works but only for a random time that could go from 30s to 40m (after many tests at home and rehearsal room). The issue is only about the display, I had no sound problems at all. I also updated the Firmware after this issue just in case, but I can 100% affirm this is an electronical issue. Unfortunately, I don't have any trustable people who can look at it. Warranty has expired too (yes, one month after the 1-year). The seller reviewed and told there's nothing wrong in the unit because they weren't able to replicate. Here's a photo of the issue. I see this issue happening on many LED screens from TVs or computers, so I think it shouldn't be something too complex: Did anybody ran into this kind of issues? Any tips on which components should be taken in count for reviewing? any electronic plan? Thanks!
  4. After much consideration, Yamaha Guitar Group has decided that Line 6 Monkey is to no longer be developed to support newer OS releases, such as Windows 11, macOS Catalina and macOS Monterey. We understand that this decision negatively impacts some customers. However, there are workarounds that align with Monkey's two main features: application/driver retrieval and installation, and firmware installation. All software and drivers that Line 6 Monkey "fetched" can be manually downloaded from at no cost. For firmware installations, Monkey would have to be used on a computer running an older supported OS, or on a computer running multiple OS installations that include an older supported OS. This article supplies details on running discontinued software: .
  5. Hi Line6 community. I have some issues on my Amplifx100, I was doing a firmware update via my pc and accidentally the power supply was cut off and since then I can't able to use my effects. I was trying to connect it as well on the pc but somehow it can't detect my device, however I can't also connect to the Bluetooth device as well. Can somebody help me on this issue or either give me other support on what should I do next. Really appreciate your help Line6 community.
  6. So, I love my POD Go to death, but I can not lie when I say I am frustrated to see no firmware updates since August of 2020. While the package does feel complete on it's own, and I love mine to death as I said, I do feel kind of shorthanded by the fact Helix will probably be receiving updates, and new models for the next 3 to 5 years, while POD Go owners have not even seen more optimizations or patches in over 6 months. Its not something worth throwing a massive fit over, but I am irritated enough to up and just ask what the plan for future support is for the POD Go and exactly what we can expect to see further down the line if anything from it.
  7. So I’m trying to update my helix and I downloaded the firmware on hx edit but for some reason , my helix isn’t updating. I’m stuck on “firmware downloaded successfully”. The display screen isn’t changing to the update stage. Does anyone know how to fix this issue ?
  8. Hello everyone, I just got my new Spider V 240HC MK II and I encountered a problem. While switching between presets I sometimes get a super high pitched and loud noise. Like someone scratching a nail over chalkboard. This happens at random, and I am now afraid to use headphones. I fear this noise through a headphone might damage my hearing. I thought maybe it is a software problem and updated it, but the problem persists, even after I installed the newest firmware. I used the head on its on with nothing else attached. Any idea or should I send it back to Thomann asap? Thank you for your help
  9. So randomly today, my Helix will not power on. I turned it on and the usual Helix splash screen came up, and then a few seconds later it looked all warped/glitchy, and then there was nothing but a blank screen (see pic attached). I just got this/registered it in February and opened a support ticket. Anyone else have the same issue or anything similar? I realllly don't want to have to buy another one, and hope Line6 can fix/replace this unit! -Andrew
  10. Hello, Whenever i start my Amplifi FX100, the "D" switch isn't working, neither the Red LED or the contact that turns On the effect in the "D" slot. Also, there are two White LEDs in the Master Volume(right above the "D" switch) when im tunning the guitar, which don't show up lit. I have performed a factory reset on the device, but it still didn't fix anything. When i try to calibrate the pedal after the factory reset, the Red LED on the "D" switch button lights up, but whenever i click the button, it doesn't register as a "click" to proceed with the process . The device has worked perfectly for two years without any problems, until this incident with the "D" switch button happened. Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this? Thanks in advance.
  11. Long story short, I've installed the drivers over and over, and I still get the "No Devices Detected". (Mac OS Mojave) I'm not sure if it's because the drivers aren't installing (yes, they're checked off on the system preferences) or what is going on. But this is just really infuriating. Please help?
  12. i have updated my line 6 UX1 to the latest driver from but when i go to "Line 6 audio-MIDI devices settings" i cannot change the bit depth or buffer size. when i select another size or bit rate, it just reverts back to default. the previous update did not do this. i have uninstalled all line 6 drivers and updated to the new one. i had no luck so i reverted back to the previous update. i would like to update this thing! please help!
  13. Hello Everyone, Firstly, before I begin I would like to preface this by saying that if such a resource exists that I am about to propose please by all means link it and have a moderator or admin shut this thread down I would rather be told I haven't looked hard enough than to waste both your own and my time. From my own experience as a Helix user I have realised I have barely scratched the surface of what this device can do and for me going through articles and forum posts can be a bit of a drag while also intimidating. As a result I have been sitting on the idea of creating video based content to help users learn more about how to get the most out of the Helix, but I wanted to ask the community as I am just one person and my opinion is subjective. I know of the likes of Jason Sadites who puts out some amazing content and Helix help that already do a lot to help the community learn so that may already defeat the purpose of what I am asking. To Flesh out the idea: - A video based resource that provides detailed information on a stock helix set up - Deep dives into individual effects, amps and cabs etc. so that option paralysis is reduced and people can understand best what to use in a certain situation e.g. If someone were to ask how do I create a smooth Blues tone for lead and rhythm then there would be a video available that details the blocks that you could use and how certain amps/cab combos will give a different flavour to the general sound and some effects that you can use to further your soundscape. - Making all of this content centralised so that it is readily available to everyone - A view to expanding the content beyond stock Helix e.g using Impulse Responses, which ones work well for what purpose and more I have seen there are quite a few videos out there for the Axe-Fx and when you search that exact term in the likes of Youtube you will get results on generating presets or information on different amps quickly. While searching "Line 6 Helix" will primarily bring up reviews, first impressions, opinion videos, comparisons and you will have to make a more specific search such as "Line 6 Helix blues presets" to find more information on that side of things. I fully appreciate, if you are looking for a tutorial on Blues tone you are probably going to search the more specific version. The ultimate goal is to create a centralised platform/resource that will help people to master the Helix so that they will no longer worry about how to use any of it's features. If it is something people want I would be looking for help from the community to learn more(my selfish intent) and represent the information as best as possible so that it is effective in it's approach and purpose. From University I learned that there are different types of learners and am looking to appeal to the visual learners, those that find it difficult to run through a purely text based information. I merely ask for your feedback and opinions! Again to repeat myself I am happy to be proven wrong and linked to an article/website/forum that already does this! Thank you for your time, Phil
  14. I am on windows 10 and it seems every time I try to record something it ends up being choppy and very deep. I've tried everything with fixing this issue. These are my sample rate settings
  15. Dear Line 6, Is the FireHawk 1500 support or enhancements dead?????? You have such an awesome underdeveloped product here. The majority of the needs are in software and editability settings and with the FVB 3. I love the amp but it is a 63.14 lb. Living Room Brick. Because of the lack of editing for live performances. Please step up and enhancement the product. You have very skilled people on your team that are real players. They know what is needed. Guys isn't all about the Helix, Helix LT, Helix Stomp, Helix Effect. You won't get us to buy any of these or future products when you ignore our other stuff. PS I've had your stuff from the very beginning. You are bring in all these new product and your attention to the other products had slipped. There hasn't been an update or enhancement even on your Varaix other than the Suriken. Absolutely nothing for a very long time. People spend the money on your type of products because there is an expectation of enhancement. Both by design within software and electronic. FH1500, JTV-69, FVB3, X3Live, POD, POD farm
  16. I bought Pod Farm a few years ago. I've just upgraded computers and I'm trying to install it on my new one. I get a message that it cannot be installed, but no explanation why or what I can do. I have pro tools sessions that use pod farm and I will need for the plug in to load. I click on support and I'm instructed to open a "ticket". But there's no ticket. No tech support. No phone number or email address for paying customers. Just a lot of irrelevant FAQ links when I enter my questions.
  17. Hello, Friends My Helix screen stop working and only show sequence of funny colors and pattern changes every 1s. Everything work well but the screen. Anyone else having this problem? How can I fix it?
  18. I just rebuilt my Mac, and tried installing both HD500 driver versions 7.2.5 and 7.2.7 multiple times, and nothing is showing up as a driver. I've also use both Line 6 Monkey and the downloadable installers on the site. Does anyone have any tips on ho to fix this? This has never happened to me before. Thanks.
  19. I have found myself in the unfortunate situation where I have totally destroyed the laptop (including the hard drive) that I used to connect to and edit my Helix. Fortunately, the Helix itself survived, thanks to its rugged construction. But now I need to install the Editor, Updater, Native, and audio playback drivers on my new laptop. I did happen to save my Setlists and IRs to cloud storage; but have made many changes and added a few presets since the last save. I do not want to lose any changes since my last save. The Editor installation instructions are very clear that you have to reset globals and presets, and use your *existing* editor to backup your presets and IRs if you want to save them - well, of course, I don't *have* an existing editor on the new laptop. How can I transfer the current Setlists and IRs from my Helix to my new laptop?
  20. I have been using my AMPLIFi 150 for almost two years. It was working fine until a couple of days ago. My iPad Pro is connected to the AMPLIFi via Bluetooth, but it won’t sync. I can play music through AMPLIFi via Bluetooth but the app kept indicating that the device is not connected. Everything works fine if I use my iPhone6 instead. I am on iOS11 public beta 5 on both devices and I am using AMPLIFi Remote 2.60.2 for both devices. Issue is raised to Apple via feedback on public beta as well. By the way, please make a firmware upgrade to support the lights on FBV3. I don’t want to buy FBV3 if the lights don’t work properly. I don’t want to buy FBV2 either in case I buy the Firehawk 1500 later.
  21. Hello all! I recently downloaded the new Helix Native plugin through Sweetwater for the 14 day free-trial. I logged into my Line 6 account through the VST, but when I go to "Authorize This Computer", I get the message referenced in the title, along with the message "Your account has reached the limit of computer authorizations for Helix Native. Please sign into your Line 6 account to manage your computer authorizations.". So I went into my license manager, Helix native is not listed there. Only my computer, my UX2, and Pod Farm are shown. I went to my account on the line 6 website but it wasn't listed under Authorizations either. Restarted computer, etc, no luck. Anyone else having this problem or know how to help?
  22. I'd like to tell you all about a recent experience I had with Line 6 support, and Frank Richotte in particular. A little while ago I went to the first unofficial Boston area Helix meetup, and the left 1/4" output on my Helix showed up dead, where it had been working shortly before. Other folks there helped me out, since I hadn't brought gig-level spare everything, but I still had a problem. Frank was there, pretty cool of him we all thought, and afterwards, I got in touch with him about my situation. What happened from there was probably the single best customer support experience I've ever had. Here's what Frank and Line 6 did: Overnighted me a loaner Sent an overnight UPS label to send my Helix back Serviced it in roughly one day Overnighted it back to me Sent an overnight UPS label to return the loaner How's that, huh? Pretty remarkable. I don't think we should expect that level of service all the time for everything, but Frank did say it was OK to talk about how that all went down. Even if I didn't like my Helix, which I do, a lot, that experience alone would be a huge plus in its favor. Great stuff. Thanks again to Frank, and to Will in Support, I'm super grateful, and super impressed.
  23. Hola gente!, hace poco mi hermano compro la HD400 y paso lo siguiente: Ayer estuve tocando un rato y lo unico que hice fue cambiar de presets con los botones de arriba y abajo, al rato los presets no se escuchaban. De vez en cuando uno que otro preset se escuchaba pero era porque tenia el Wah activado. Entrando a otras preguntas me fije lo de la calibracion del pedal, y resulta que el pedal en si no esta funcionando. cuando lo calibro, apreto el foot switch y al siguiente paso que tengo que ponerlo en el minimo y despues en el maximo, no lo hace. Entonces cuando cambio de preset el volumen siempre esta al minimo, porque la pedalera no me esta tomando el funcionamiento del pedal :S Alguna solucion? ya actualize el firmware, despues la restableci de fabrica y luego la calibre. (Google translate) Hello people!, recently my brother bought the HD400 and this happened: Yesterday I was playing for a while and the only thing I did was change presets with the buttons up and down, later, the presets don't sound. Some of them was heard but it was because the Wah was activated. Entering other questions I fixed the calibration of the pedal, and it turns out that the pedal itself is not working. When I calibrate it, I press the foot switch and the next step I have to put it in the minimum and then at the maximum, it does not. Then when I change the preset the volume is always at a minimum, because the pedalboard is not taking the pedal operation :S Any solution? I Update the firmware, then restore the factory and then the caliber. Gracias, espero tener ayuda! Thanks!
  24. Apple’s iOS 10 and watchOS 3 are being released to the public today. Our testing with these new operating systems has shown that all of our software and hardware are working as expected with these systems. Two notes to be aware of: On the first run of Stagescape Remote or MIDI Memo Recorder, a dialog will be displayed stating that this application has not been optimized and may have slow performance. This is an Apple message which occurs because of the age of these apps. In our testing, these apps perform well in iOS 10. iOS 10 drops support for all 30-pin devices. So, MIDI Mobilizer, MIDI Mobilizer II and MobileIn are no longer supported. Here is a list of iOS devices which are no longer supported beginning with iOS 10: -iPhone 4s -iPad 2 -iPad 3 -iPad Mini 1 -iPod touch (5th Generation)
  25. Hi There, I have been Trying to reach a Bury Your Dead Guitar sound but unfortunately There is not succes! Does someone has a patch, Tip-Support that could help me? :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: \m/
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