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  1. Français Deutsch Q: What is the cable tone on my Relay G55 and what does it do? A: The cable tone button simulates the slight change in tone that happens when using cables of varying length. The cable tone length that the Relay 55 uses is a 25 foot length guitar cable. At shorter lengths this change in tone is hard to recognize, but as length gets up to 100 feet and beyond, the extreme high end of your tone "rolls off" and loses volume. A cable length of 25 feet will not affect your audio below aproximately 15kHz. Q: Does USB 3.0 create interference in the 2.4GHz frequency range? A: USB 3.0 computer cables and peripherals, including hard drives, are known to emit radio frequency interference throughout the 2.4GHz band, which results in reduced range and/or performance for any 2.4GHz device in its proximity (including wireless keyboard or mouse, WiFi, etc.). We recommend placing any digital wireless receivers at least two meters away from the USB 3.0 device and its cabling. Below is a link to a study by Intel regarding this interference. Q: Can I use my Relay G55 transmitter or receiver with other Line 6 wireless? A: Yes, all Line 6 wireless devices are compatible to work with one another. So, if you have a Line 6 XDV receiver, any transmitter from a Relay system will work with it, and vice versa. However, it is important to realize that Line 6 wireless systems in RF2 mode will not work with coresponding units in RF1 mode - regardless of the system they are from. You cannot use RF2 mode in the presence of any older Line 6 2.4G wireless (including Relay) in the same venue. If you try you will likely get failures in both the old and new units. So it is important to know if you are using RF1 or RF2 mode. You must either flash older models to the newer V2.0 firmware (and you must have access to a V75 receiver and do this via Monkey) or you can shift the newer models (or any that have been flashed with V2.0) into RF 1 mode. If an XD-V75 unit is being added to a setup that already includes any devices running in RF1 mode, the XD-V75 can be used to update the older devices to run RF2 mode by using an internet-connected computer attached to the XD-V75’s USB port. See the Firmware Updating Procedure section for more information. Alternatively, the XD-V75 transmitters can be setup to operate in RF1 mode if it is necessary to use the transmitters with older Line 6 receivers. Q: How do I switch between RF2 mode and RF1 mode? A: Relay G55 systems can be used in RF1 or RF2 mode. To Set TBP12 Transmitters (Relay G50/55/90): Enter Setup mode by holding the select button, and you will know you are in setup mode when the current channel is displayed flashing. Continue holding the select button. Then press the value button. RF2 will display showing that you are now in RF2 mode. Press and hold select to exit setup mode. Repeat this process to switch between RF1 and RF2 mode. Note: It is IMPORTANT to note that once you shift (in either direction) the transmitters will only remember the change if you power cycle the transmitter. Just turn it off with the power switch and then back on. If you were to pop a battery before doing this then it will revert back to the last "saved" mode. Q: How can I avoid wi-fi interference? A: Page 11 of the Pilot's Guide provides more details, but here are suggested channels settings to avoid interfering with wi-fi: Relay G55 F.A.Q.: Qu'est-ce que le bouton Cable Tone sur mon Relay G55? Le bouton "Cable Tone" simule le change de tonalité si on utilise un câble de longueur variable. Le Relay 55 utilise une tonalité d'un câble guitare de 7,5m. Aux longueurs plus courtes, ce changement en tonalité est difficile à reconnaitre mais si la longueur devient jusqu'à 30 mètres, l'extrémité haute de votre ton perd volume. Une longueur du câble de 7,5m ou moins n'affectera pas votre son au-dessous d'environ 15kHz. Est-ce que USB 3.0 produit d'interférence dans la gamme de fréquences 2.4 GHz? Les câbles et périphériques USB 3.0 sont connus pour émettre des interférences de fréquence radio dans la bande 2,4 GHz, que cause une gamme et/ou performance des appareils 2.4 GHz réduite dans la proximité. (Y inclus sont les claviers ou souris sans fil, WiFi, etc.) Nous recommandons de placer le récepteur sans fil numérique au moins 2 mètres loin des appareils USB 3.0 et ses câbles. Voici un lien vers une étude réalisée par Intel au sujet de cette interférence: Est-ce que je peux utiliser mon émetteur ou récepteur Relay G55 avec autres appareils sans fil Line 6? Oui, tous les appareils sans fil Line 6 sont mutuellement compatibles. Donc, si vous avez un récepteur Line 6 XDV et n'importe quel transmetteur Relay travaillera et inversement. Mais attention, les appareils Line 6 sans fil en mode RF1 ne fonctionnent pas avec les appareils un mode RF2 indépendamment du système. Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser le mode RF2 en présence de Line 6 2.4GHz Wireless dans le même lieu. Si vous essayez, vous aurez probablement des échecs dans les anciens et les nouvelles unités. Donc, c'est important de savoir si vous utilisez RF1 ou RF2. Vous devez soit installer les anciens modèles sur le firmware V2.0 (ou plus récent) ou vous pouvez mettre les nouveaux modèles en mode RF 1. Si vous mettez l'unité XD-V75 dans un setup avec des appareils en RF1, vous pouvez utiliser le XD-V75 pour mettre à jour les appareils plus anciens d'être capable d'utiliser RF2 en utilisant un ordinateur avec internet connecté. Branchez le XD-V75 dans votre ordinateur via USB. Visitez la section de la mise à jour firmware pour plus d'informations. Alternativement, vous pouvez mettre les transmetteurs XD-V75 sur RF1 si c'est nécessaire de las connecter aux récepteurs Line 6 plus anciens. Comment est-ce que je peux commuter entre mode RF1 et RF2? Placez l’émetteur sous tension, et maintenez la touche "Select" enfoncée jusqu’à ce que le numéro du canal clignote. Maintenez la touche "On/Mute" (alimentation) enfoncée et appuyez rapidement sur "Select" et sur "Value"; appuyez dans la seconde qui suit — n’attendez pas plus, sinon l’émetteur se place hors tension. Notez que la ligne supérieure de l’écran LCD indique temporairement [RF-1] à la place de [CH], ce qui indique que l’émetteur est dans un mode de transmission compatible avec les récepteurs G90 et G30. Pour revenir au mode de transmission RF2, répétez les opérations précédentes en appuyant rapidement sur la touche de mise sous tension puis en appuyant rapidement sur "Select" dans l’écran [CH]. La ligne supérieure de l’écran LCD indique temporairement [RF-2], ce qui correspond au changement de mode. Notez que le mode de transmission est mémorisé ; même après la mise hors tension. Comment est-ce que je peux éviter des interférences WiFi? Ci-dessous sont réglages des canaux suggérés pour éviter les interférences avec WiFi: F.A.Q. zum Relay G55 Was ist der Cable Tone Knopf und was bewirkt er? Der die Cable Tone Einstellung simuliert die kleine Veränderung des Klangs bei Benutzung von Kabeln bestimmter Längen. Das Kabel, welches für diese Modifizierung benutzt wurde für das Relay 55 ist ein Gitarrenkabel der Lange 7,5m. Bei kürzeren Kabeln ist es schwer den Unterschied zu hören aber bei Längen über 30 Metern verliert das extrem hohe Ende des Klangs an Lautstärke. Ein Kabel von 7,5m beeinträchtigt den Klang unter ca. 15kHz nicht. Verursacht USB 3.0 Interferenzen im 2,4GHz Frequenzbereich? USB 3.0 Computerkabel und –geräte sind dafür bekannt Interferenzen bei Radio Frequenzen im 2,4GHz Bereich zu erzeugen was zu verringerter Reichweite und Performance für alle 2.4GHz Geräte (inklusive kabellose Tastatur oder Maus sowie WiFi und viele andere) in der Nähe führen kann. Wir empfehlen alle digitalen Kabellosempfänger mindestens 2m von den USB 3.0 Geräten und deren Verkablung weit weg zu plazieren. Nachstehend können Sie einen Link zur Untersuchung von Intel über Interferenzen mit USB 3.0 finden: Kann ich meinen Relay G55 Transmitter oder Empfänger mit anderen Line 6 Wireless Geräten verwenden? Ja, alle kabellosen Line 6 Geräte sind kompatibel mit miteinander zu kommunizieren. Wenn Sie also einen Line 6 XDV Empfänger und irgend einen Transmitter mit Relay System wird dies funktionieren, sowie umgekehrt. Achtung, Line 6 Geräte im RF2 Modus werden nicht mit Geräten im RF1 Modus funktionieren, egal welches System benutzt wird. Sie sollten keinen RF2 Modus in der nähe alter Line 6 Geräte verwenden, wenn Sie dies versuchen werden es wahrscheinlich zu Fehlern auf beiden Geräten (alt und neu) führen. Also müssen Sie sich immer sicher sein welchen Modus Sie verwenden RF1 oder RF2. Sie müssen dann entwerden die alten Modelle auf die V2.0 Firmware aktualisieren (zusätzlich müssen Sie Zugriff auf einen V75 Empfänger und Monkey haben) oder auf den neuen Geräten (oder älteren auf Firmware Version 2.00) RF1 einstellen. Wenn ein XD-V75 in ein Setup; welches bereits Geräte beinhaltet, die auf RF1 laufen; kann das XD-V75 dazu verwendet werden, die älteren Geräte zu aktualisieren, damit diese RF2 benutzen können. Das XD-V75 muss an einen Computer via USB mit bestehender Internetverbindung angeschlossen sein. Schauen Sie sich dann die Firmware Update Sektion für weitere Informationen an. Alternativ können die XD-V75 Transmitter so eingestellt werden, dass diese im RF1 Modus laufen, wenn es nötig ist, dass die Transmitter mit alten Line 6 Empfängern kommunizieren können. Wie kann ich zwischen RF1 und RF2 wechseln? Schalten Sie den Sender ein und halten Sie seinen SELECT Knopf so lange gedrückt, bis die Kanalnummer blinkt. Halten Sie den ON/MUTE Knopf gedrückt, während Sie schnell SELECT und VALUE drücken. Sie müssen innerhalb einer Sekunde drücken. Wenn Sie nämlich länger warten, wird der Sender ausgeschaltet. In der oberen Display-Zeile wird [RF-1] (statt [CH]) angezeigt: Der Sender verwendet jetzt den für Relay G90 und Relay G30 Empfänger benötigten Modus. Um später wieder den RF2-Modus zu wählen, müssen Sie auf der “CH”-Seite zuerst den Netztaster und gleich danach SELECT drücken. In der oberen Display-Zeile wird kurz “RF-2” angezeigt, um die Moduswahl zu bestätigen. Der mit diesem Verfahren gewählte Modus bleibt auch nach dem Ausschalten erhalten. Wie kann ich WiFi Interferenzen vermeiden? Im Anschluss finden Sie verschiedene empfohlene Kanal-Einstellungen um Interferenzen zu vermeiden:
  2. Pilot's Handbook (all technical specifications listed on page 11 of 11). The XD-V35 Offers: A superb SM58 model with cardoid pattern in the handheld transmitter A High Pass Filter in the XD-V35L body pack transmitter for optimized vocal reproduction An improved radio front end offering even better isolation from RF interference outside of the 2.4GHz band Improved WiFi compatibility when used in the RF2 Mode The ability to switch between the new RF2 Mode and the RF1 Mode used by Line 6 Relay and XD-V70/30 products XD-V35 System Components: XD-V35 Receiver (with 9V/500mA DC-1g Power Supply), THH06 Handheld Microphone (with two AA Alkaline Batteries & Mic Stand Clip), User's Manual. XD-V35L System Components: XD-V35 Receiver (with 9V/500mA DC-1g Power Supply), TBP06 Bodypack Transmitter (with two AA Alkaline Batteries), Unidirectional Lavalier Mic (with Windscreen & Clip), User's Manual. TBP06 Beltpack 1/4" TRS Connector Pinout: Tip = Signal Ring = Bias Voltage (5VDC) Sleeve = Ground Setting Transmitter Compatibility Mode (RF2 to RF1) The XD-V35 System ships set to the new dual frequency RF2 Mode. To use an XD-V35 Transmitter with an earlier generation XD-V30 Receiver (which operates in RF1 Mode), you must change the transmitter from RF2 mode to RF1 Mode. Here's how to do this: THH06 Handheld Transmitter Turn the transmitter OFF. Press and hold the Channel Select button. With Channel Select held down, press and hold the Power ON button. The Blue LED over Channel 1 will flash three times. This indicates that the transmitter is operating in RF1 Mode now. To revert back to RF2 Mode, repeat Steps 1-4. The Blue LED over Channel 2 will flash three times. This indicates RF2 Mode on the transmitter. TBP06 Beltpack Transmitter Turn the transmitter OFF. Set the Channel Select slide switch to Channel 6. Turn ON the transmitter. NOTE: The next three steps (#4-6) must be completed within three seconds of turning on the transmitter! Wait for the Blue LED to flash, followed by a Green LED flash. Immediately slide the Channel Select switch to Channel 1 (completely left). Quickly slide the Channel Select switch completely right back to Channel 6. The Blue LED will flash once to indicate that the transmitter is now operating in RF1 Mode. To revert back to RF2 Mode, repeat steps #1-6. Does USB 3.0 create interference in the 2.4GHz frequency range? USB 3.0 computer cables and peripherals, including hard drives, are known to emit radio frequency interference throughout the 2.4GHz band, which results in reduced range and/or performance for any 2.4GHz device in its proximity (including wireless keyboard or mouse, WiFi, etc.). We recommend placing any digital wireless receivers at least two meters away from the USB 3.0 device and its cabling. Below is a link to a study by Intel regarding this interference.
  3. V2.0 Firmware provides improved performance as well as upgraded features and/or compatibility to existing Line 6 XD-V70 systems and separates: XD-V70 Transmitters RF2 mode in addition to the original RF1 mode 14 channel capability in RF2 mode or 12 channel in RF1 mode. XD-V70 Receivers Ability to lock to RF1 or RF2 mode transmitters 14 channel capability in RF2 mode A new RF Scan capability which identifies RF1, RF2 transmitters as well as possible interference sources on Line 6 channels. Switching between RF1 and RF2 Mode The XD-V70 V2.0 Firmware utilizes our latest digital wireless transmission method, and is fully channel compatible with the XD-V75 running RF2 mode. Multiple units of either of these models can be used together within the same location, as long as each unit is on a unique channel and no more than 14 units are used simultaneously. The XD-V70 receivers running V2.0 Firmware can automatically receive transmissions from previous generation of Line 6 wireless products, including the XD-V30, XD-V70, and Relayâ„¢ G30, Relayâ„¢ G50, and Relayâ„¢ G90 models with pre Version 2.0 Firmware, now referred to as RF1 mode. However, it is recommended to NOT mix usage of the RF1 and RF2 modes within the same location due to the channel frequencies in each system not being compatible. Depending on the situation, it may be desirable to switch transmitters from RF2 back to RF1 mode. To set THH12 or TBP12 transmitters running V2.0 firmware into RF1 mode, enter Setup mode to display the current channel, then while holding down the SELECT button, press and release the ON/MUTE button on the THH12 or VALUE button on the TBP12. The display will briefly show [XD-V7x RF1] or [XD-V7x RF2] to indicate whether it is operating in the old or new mode, respectively. This setting is retained when powering off, so as a reminder the display will also show this indication [RF1 or RF2] each time power is turned on. The XD-V7x receiver will display a [To] on the far right of the display to indicate while communicating with a RF1 software transmitter. RF Scan Mode Channel Scanning Procedure V2.0 firmware adds a sophisticated scanning capability that can determine the existence of interfering wireless devices that may compromise the performance range of operation on certain channels, and can also help assure selected wireless mic channels do not interfere with other wireless devices. Use the following procedure to minimize interference: if you are adding new wireless units to a previous installation with Line 6 systems, first turn on the existing transmitters so their frequencies can be detected. Press the SETUP button on the receiver. The [sELECT FUNCTION] screen will appear; scroll with the ROTARY ENCODER to [CHANNEL SCAN], and press the ROTARY ENCODER to begin the scanning process. After approximately 6 seconds, the display will show channel numbers 1 through 14 on the bottom line, with a status indicator above each channel. The indicators and their applications are: Note: No audio will function while the receiver is on this channel-scanning page; you must select a channel by pressing the ROTARY ENCODER or press the EXIT button and leave the page to resume audio. Turn the ROTARY ENCODER to scroll through the list of channels; a flashing underline will follow the channel number as you scroll. Once you have highlighted a blank, unused channel, press the ROTARY ENCODER to select it. The receiver display will return to the main page with the new channel number shown. Note: Any of the channels can be selected, regardless of the RF conditions displayed for the channel. Selecting a channel showing significant RF interference can result in lessened range for the associated transmitter.
  4. The XD-V75 receiver firmware can be updated via the mini-USB port connection to a host computer (Windows XP or better, or Mac OSX 10.5 or better) using the Line 6 Monkey software application. In addition, the XD-V75 receiver can function as an "interface" to update the Relay G90 and XD-V70 receivers. Updating an XD-V75 Receiver: Remove any currently connected Antennas from the BNC jacks. Power Switch to "Off" on the receiver, then disconnect the power cable to the XD-V75 Receiver. Connect a mini-USB cable to the back of the receiver mini-USB port and your host computer. Reconnect the power cable to the XD-V75 Receiver. LCD Display on the XD-V75 receiver should read: "LOADER ENABLED" (regardless if you physically flip the Power Switch to "On" or not). Launch Line 6 Monkey 1.50 (or higher, depending on current release build as of this reading). Be certain to log on in Monkey. Click on "Connect To Device" on the left. Choose "Line 6 Wireless Device USB" and click OK. In the following window, select "XD-V75 Receiver" in the list of all the wireless devices that appear. Click on the "Flash Memory" in the Update window. Click "Update Selection" or "Reinstall Latest", whichever appears. Click "I ACCEPT" and then "Yes". Don't break the USB connection during the update process. When completed you should see a "XD-V75 Receiver update successful" message. Click "OK". To get the receiver out of Loader Mode, unplug the unit, remove the USB cable, plug in the power and turn the unit on. Updating the G90 or XD-V70 Receivers: Look at the pictures in the Device Positioning for Updating XD-V7x Transmitters and Receivers document for the visual reference on how the devices must be positioned/connected physically for a successful update. Once the device to be updated is positioned/connected, follow steps 3-5 above to put the XD-V75 Receiver into Loader Mode. Click the Change Device button in Line 6 Monkey. Choose "Line 6 Wireless Device USB" and click OK. On the next screen, choose the appropriate device to update. Once Monkey switches to the new target device to be updated, follow along in the update wizard instructions in the Line 6 Monkey software window. Monkey will program the XD-V75 receiver to "connect" to the device to be updated. If you do not power up the target device when prompted within about 30 seconds, the connection will time out and give you the error message "No pass thru receiver found". After you click OK, you'll get an error message saying "Error connecting to device". Hit OK and Monkey will reprogram the XD-V75 again, then ask you to power up the target device. After powering up the device, Monkey will be ready to update it. Follow steps 8-10 above. When the update is complete, you will get a message saying so. You will also get instructions for verifying the version on the unit. To get the receiver out of Loader Mode, unplug the unit, remove the USB cable, plug in the power and turn the unit on. Having problems? Some users that were reporting errors had success when using a different computer and repeating the process. Try re-booting your computer and starting from the top by first re-flashing your V75 receiver. Once this is done you can proceed to flashing other units. If you are still having problems, create a support ticket from Please complete the System Profile in your account and send us a "Monkey Log" in the ticket: 1) Run Monkey until the error is encountered 2) Choose "Diagnostics..." from the Line 6 Monkey main menu (at the top of the Mac Finder) 3) A finder window will open up - you will see one or more .log files with date-stamped filenames. 4) Send the most recent log file - or any of the log files whose date correspond to the date when the error occurred.
  5. The XD-V75 receiver firmware can be updated via the mini-USB port connection to a host computer (Windows XP/Vista/7 or Mac OSX 10.5/10.6/10.7) using the Line 6 Monkey software application. In addition, the XD-V75 receiver can function as an "interface" to update other Line 6 XD-V7x Digital Wireless devices. The actual instructions are provided via the Line 6 Monkey software's step-by-step wizard. This article was created to help clarify the actual physical positioning of devices, as this will have a direct bearing on the success rate of updating the other devices in question. 1. XD-V75 Update of an XD-V75 (or XD-V70) Microphone Transmitter: note that the microphone's update chip is near the middle-top portion of the microphone; the mic is positioned sitting on top of the XD-V75's attached antenna (folded to the left/downward at a 90-degree angle), which is connected to "B OUT": 2. XD-V75 Update of a TBP12 Transmitter (physically place the transmitter as such on top of the B Out single antenna): 3. XD-V75 Update of an XD-V30 Transmitter: 4. XD-V75 Update of an XD-V70 Receiver (Note: mandatory usage of Balanced, or 'stereo' TRS 1/4" cable inbetween the XD-V75 and XD-V70):
  6. Français. Deutsch. What instruments and pickups can I plug into my Relay transmitter? Relay digital wireless systems basically just replace your instrument cable so basically you can plug anything into the transmitter that you could have plugged into your amp (as long as you don't exceed an input level of 6V p-p at the input). Examples: Instrument with piezo pickup - If you are currently happy with the sound you get from plugging from your instrument into your amp, then your rig will work just fine substituting Relay for your cable. The input of the Relay transmitter has a very high input impedance (1.3 Mohm) so as not to load down your instrument. This is equal to or even higher than most preamps specifically intended for piezo pickups. Stereo pickups with Y-Cord - Could also be standard pickups combined with a bridge saddle pickup. Again, if you are happy with the sound you get using this configuration then Relay will not get in the way of your sound. Or you could run each pickup to it's own individual Relay system which could then be split into stereo. Active instruments w/ preamps - If your instrument has an active preamp and is powered with a single 9v battery you will have no problems using Relay. If you have a double 9v preamp it is theoritically possible to clip the input of the transmitter but unlikely in the real world. Should this actually happen you can remedy it by backing off a bit on the master volume control, adding a pad to the cable or removing one of the batteries. The extra headroom offered by these systems is only a benefit if it fits in with the system gain structure (unless you are using it to purposly clip the input of your amp). Remember, unused headroom is wasted. Where should I plug Relay into my chain? Relay replaces the cable from your instrument to wherever the other end of that cable was plugged into. Plug your instrument into the transmitter and plug the output from the receiver into wherever that cable was before. Generally speaking, you are un-tethering yourself from the first piece in your chain. You don't have to worry about gain or level matching as Relay is a "unity" device. That means you get the same level (voltage) at the output jack of the receiver as you are getting from the output of your instrument. Nothing changes ... Relay's output level is neither louder nor softer than the original. The output from the "tuner" out is exactly the same as the main output in level and impedance. Only difference is the pressing the "mute" button on a G50/90 transmitter shuts off the main out but leaves the tuner output active. The XLR and 1/4" outputs on the G90 are also identical and are provided to give the user more versitility in connecting to other gear. What IS different? Depending on how you've set the cable modeling, you could be sending a lot more "highs" into your system than ever before. This could result in more apparent noise or hiss. It would be the same as if you had connected your instrument into your system with a 1-foot cable (which is pretty difficult to do unless you are a contortionist guitarist!). Adjusting to the proper cable model should remedy this situation. On the other hand, if you are using an acoustic guitar leaving the model off will sound like the freshest set of strings you've ever played. Relay: Digital Wireless: Was schließe ich an und wie? Welche Instrumente und Pickups kann ich an den Relay Transmitter anschließen? Relay Digital Wireless ersetzt einfach nur das Instrumentkabel, Sie können also fast alles in Ihren Transmitter stecken, was Sie auch in Ihren Verstärker gestöpselt hätten. (Solange Sie die Eingangsspannung von 6V pp nicht überschreiten.) Beispiele: Instrumente mit Piezo Pickup: Wenn Sie zur Zeit schon froh sind mit dem Soun den Sie bekommen, wenn Sie Ihr Instrument normal in den Verstärker stecken, dann wird das auch mit Relay als Kabelersatz genau so gut funktionieren. Der Eingang des Relay Transmitters hat eine extrem hohe Impedanz (1,3 Mohm), damit Ihr Instrument nicht belastet wird. Diese Impedanz ist gleich oder höher der meisten Vorverstärker speziell für Piezo Pickups. Stereo Pickups mit Y-Kabel: (oder standart Pickups kombiniert mit "bridge saddle" Pickup). Wenn Sie zur Zeit schon froh sind mit dem Soun den Sie bekommen, wenn Sie Ihr Instrument normal in den Verstärker stecken, dann wird das auch mit Relay als Kabelersatz genau so gut funktionieren. Sie könnten aber auch die einzelnen Pickups separat an verschiedene Relay Systeme anschließen um das Stereosignal aufzuspalten. Aktive Instrumente mit Vorverstärkern: Wenn Ihr Instrument einen aktiven Vorverstärker hat und durch eine einzelne 9V Batterie angetrieben wird, werden Sie keinerlei Probleme mit Relay haben. Wen nSie aber einen Vorverstärker mit doppelter 9V Batterie haben, ist es theoretisch möglich den Eingang des Transmitters zu übersteuern. Sollte dies passieren können Sie das Problem lösen indem Sie das Master Volume ein wenig herunterdrehen, dem Ausgang ein Padding geben oder eine der Batterien entfernen. Die zusätzliche Freiheit bei hohen Frequenzen bei solchen Systemen ist nur dann von Vorteil, wenn es mit dem Gain des Sytems zusammenpasst. (Außer natürlich, Sie verwenden es um absichtlich das Singal zu übersteuern.) Denken Sie daran, dass nicht benutze Freiheit bei hohen Frequenzen verschwendet ist. Wo soll ich mein Relay in die Kette schalten? Relay ersetzt einfach nur das Kabel vom Instrument zum Gerät, welches Sie mit dem Instrument verbinden wollen. Stecken Sie das Instrument in den Transmitter und dann den Ausgang des Empfängers worin auch immer das Instrument vorher steckte. Sie müssen sich nicht mehr um Gain- oder Levelabstimmung kümmern, da Relay ein "Unity" Gerät ist. Das bedeutet, dass Sie immer die gleiche Spannung im Ausgang des Empfängers haben, wie Sie aus dem Ausgang des Instrumentes bekommen. Nicht ändert... Der Ausgangspegel ist nicht höher odre tiefer als das Original. Der Ausgang des "Tuners" hat denselben Ausgangspegel und –impedanz, wie der Main-Ausgang. Der einzige Unterschied ist, dass durch drücken des "Mute" Knopfes auf dem G50/90 Transmitter nur die Main-Ausgänge und nicht der Tunerausgang abgeschaltet wird. Die XLR und 6.35mm Ausgänge des G90 sind identisch und sind vorhanden um dem Benutzer mehr Flexibilität für die Verbindung seiner Ausrüstung zu verleihen. Was ist anders? Jenachdem, wie Sie das Kabel-Modeling eingestellt haben kann es sein, dass Sie weit aus mehr "Höhen" in Ihr System senden, als vorher. Dies könnte zu deutlicherem Rauschen und Zischen führen. Das wäre dann dasselbe, als wenn Sie Ihr Instrument mit einem 30cm Kabel an das System angeschlossen hätten. (Was eventuell schwer zu machen ist.) Das Anpassen auf das korrekte Kabelmodell sollte dieses Problem lösen. Andererseits, wenn Sie eine akustische Gitarre benutzen können Sie das Modell abschalten und Wird das ganze sich anhören, wie der frischeste Satz Saiten, den Sie je gespielt haben. Relay: Signal sans fil digital: Qu'est-ce que je branche et comment? Quels instruments et micros est-ce que je peux brancher dans le transmetteur Relay? Les systèmes numériques sans fil Relay simplement remplacent les câbles instruments, donc vous pouvez brancher tous les instruments que vous pouvez brancher dans l'ampli. (Tant que vous ne dépassez pas un niveau d'entrée de 6V pp à l'entrée). Exemples: Instruments avec micro piezo: Si vous êtes actuellement satisfait du son que vous obtenez de brancher votre instrument à votre ampli, votre rig fonctionnera très bien avec Relay comme remplacement pour le câble. L'entrée du transmetteur Relay a une impédance très haute 1,3 (MOhm) pour ne pas surcharger votre instrument. C'est égal ou même supérieur à la plupart des préamplis spécifiquement destinés aux micros piezo. Micros stéréo avec câble Y: (ou micros standard combiné avec un micro bridge saddle). Vous êtes actuellement satisfait du son que vous obtenez de brancher votre instrument à votre ampli, votre rig fonctionnera très bien avec Relay comme remplacement pour le câble. Ou, vous pouvez connecter chanque micro avec un système Relay individuel pour le diviser en stéréo. Instruments actives avec préamplis: Si votre instrument a un préampli actif et est allumé avec une seule batterie 9V, vous n'aurez aucun problème avec Relay. Si vous avez un préampli double 9V, c'est théoriquement possible de brancher l'entrée du transmetteur mais c'est peu probable en réalité. Si cet événement se produit, vous pouvez reculer un peu sur le Master Volume, ajouter un pad sur le câble ou enlever une des deux batteries. La marge supplémentaire offerte par ces systèmes est seulement un avantage si elle s'inscrit dans la structure de gain du système (sauf si vous l'utilisez pour couper intentionnellement l'entrée de votre ampli). Rappelez-vous, marge non utilisée est perdue. Où est-ce que je dois brancher Relay dans la chaine? Relay remplace le câble de votre instrument à n'importe quel appareil vous voulez connecter votre instrument. Branchez votre instrument dans le transmetteur et la sortie du récepteur dans n'importe où ce câble était avant. Vous n'avez pas à vous soucier de gain ou de niveau correspondant parce que Relay est un appareil d '«unité». Ca veut dire que vous recevez le même niveau de tension au jack de sortie que vous recevez de la sortie de l'instrument. Rien ne change… Le niveau de sortie de relais n'est ni plus fort ni plus douce que l'original. La sortie du "Tuner" est exactement le même que la sortie Main (principale) en niveau et impédance. La seule différence est que pousser le bouton "Mute" sur un G50/G90 éteints la sortie Main mais laisse la sortie du tuner actif. Les orties XLR et 6.35mm sur le G90 sont identiques et sont fournis pour donner plus versatilité à l'utilisateur pour se connecter à autres appareils. Quelle est la différence? Selon la façon dont vous avez configuré la modélisation de câbles, vous pourriez envoyer beaucoup plus d'«hauts» dans votre système que jamais auparavant. Cela pourrait entraîner du bruit ou sifflement plus apparente. Ce serait le même que si vous aviez connecté votre appareil dans votre système avec un câble de 30cm. (ce qui est plutôt difficile à faire) Ajustement au modèle de câble approprié doit remédier à cette situation. D'autre part, si vous utilisez une guitare acoustique laissant le modèle off retentit comme l'ensemble le plus nouveau de cordes que vous n'avez jamais joué.
  7. Specifications and frequency response graphs can be found in the word document below: Line 6 Wireless Mic Specs.doc
  8. Elevation drawings for XD-V70 receiver (RX212). All dimensions are in millimeters RX212 - elevations.PDF
  9. Specifications for XD-V30 series digital wireless systems XD-V30_spec.pdf
  10. Specifications for XD-V70 series digital wireless systems XD-V70_spec.pdf
  11. Deutsch Français Q: Why is the battery meter higher when I restart than when I shut off the transmitter? A: Line 6 2.4G wireless transmitters have a circuit that measures the actual real-time voltage of the installed batteries and transmits that data to the battery meters in the receivers. The battery meters are very accurate when they have been running continuously since new batteries were installed in the transmitter and the transmitter power has not been cycled on and off. However due to the chemical nature of Alkaline batteries, when they have been shut off, the voltage begins to “rebound “ and the voltage actually increases compared to its value at shutoff. Unfortunately it does not last long and it reverts to true self over twenty minutes or so. For this reason when you first turn on a Transmitter that has been run but allowed to rest the meter will give a high reading that quickly falls over the first few minutes and continues to fall quickly for the first few minutes. This is normal behavior for Alkaline batteries. Q: Does USB 3.0 create interference in the 2.4GHz frequency range? A: USB 3.0 computer cables and peripherals, including hard drives, are known to emit radio frequency interference throughout the 2.4GHz band, which results in reduced range and/or performance for any 2.4GHz device in its proximity (including wireless keyboard or mouse, WiFi, etc.). We recommend placing any digital wireless receivers at least two meters away from the USB 3.0 device and its cabling. Below is a link to a study by Intel regarding this interference. Q: Why does my wi-fi slow down when I get my transmitter near my computer? A: Because wi-fi and Line 6 2.4G wireless products share the same bandwidth some users may experience a slowing down of their wi-fi capabilities when using microphone or instrument transmitters near computers. This is an example of a near/far interference problem and it is heightened because consumer grade wi-fi has very low power. If your Line 6 transmitter gets within 6 feet of your laptop you may witness this situation especially if your wi-fi access point is some distance away. Typically simply moving your Line 6 transmitter farther away from your computer will remedy the situation. Users of Line 6 twelve channel systems should switch their transmitters to the “low power” setting as this will mitigate the problem as well. Suggested channels settings to avoid interfering with wi-fi: Q: What does the Near/Far spec mean to me? A: The Near/Far interference problem is common to most radio systems and happens when a strong signal captures a receiver making it difficult or impossible for the receiver to decode the weaker signal. Imagine having a conversation in a quiet room with a person 20 feet away from you. It is likely that you can carry on a conversation with normal voice levels. Now if you move to a noisy environment, with lots of other voices right around your ears it may be very difficult for the conversation to continue with your long distance friend without the both of you shouting. A similar circumstance occurs with radios and since the long distance transmitter is incapable of increasing its power output it is very likely a very near transmitter may interrupt it. In the real world this is rarely an unmanageable problem. You should avoid being closer than 3 feet to a receiver that is not on your channel if the intended transmitter is more than 50 feet from this receiver. If this is a regular requirement you will need to remote your antennas (G50, G90 XD-V70). FAQ zu 2.4GHz Wireless Warum ist die Batterianzeige höher wenn ich den Transmitter neustarte als wenn ich ihn abschalte? Line 6 2.4G Wireless Transmitter haben eine Schaltung integriert, welche die Spannung der installierten Batterien in Echtzeit misst und diese Daten dann an die Batterieanzeige im Empfänger sendet. Die Batterieanzeige ist dadurch sehr genau wenn das Gerät durchgehend gelaufen ist nachdem neue Batterien eingesteckt wurden und der Transmitter nicht abgeschaltet und neugestartet wurde. Aufgrund der chemischen Natur von Alkaline Batterien nimmt die Spannung jedoch ab wenn das Gerät abgeschaltet wird und übersteigt dann den Wert den sie hatte vor dem Abschalten. Leider hält dies nicht lange und springt wider auf Normal zurück nach ca. 20 Minuten. Wenn Sie also zum ersten Mal einen Transmitter anschalten der vorher gelaufen ist, wird Ihnen die Batterieanzeige eine hohe Anzhl ausgeben, die dann aber schnell wieder fällt innerhalb der nächsten Minuten. Das ist ganz normal für Alkaline Batterien. Entstehen Interferenzen durch USB 3.0 im 2,4GHz Frequenzbereich? USB 3.0 Computerkabel und –geräte sind dafür bekannt Interferenzen bei Radio Frequenzen im 2,4GHz Bereich zu erzeugen was zu verringerter Reichweite und Performance für alle 2.4GHz Geräte (inklusive kabellose Tastatur oder Maus sowie WiFi und viele andere) in der Nähe führen kann. Wir empfehlen alle digitalen Kabellosempfänger mindestens 2m von den USB 3.0 Geräten und deren Verkablung weit weg zu plazieren. Nachstehend können Sie einen Link zur Untersuchung von Intel über Interferenzen mit USB 3.0 finden: Warum wird mein WiFi langsamer wenn ich meinen Transmitter in die Nähe des Computers bewege? Da sich WiFi, sowie Line 6 2.4G Wireless Produkte die selbe Bandbreite teilen kann es sein, dass das WiFi bei manchen Benutzern langsamer wird wenn Sie Mikrofone oder Instrument-Transmitter in der Nähe von Computer verwenden. Dies ist dann ein Beispiel für "Near/Far" (Nah/Weit) Interferenzen und wird noch bestärkt dadurch, dass WiFi Produkte für den Endverbraucher eine sehr schwache Signalstärke haben. Wenn Ihr Line 6 Gerät sich innerhalb der Reichweite von 2 Metern zu Ihrem Computer befindet, kann dieses Problem auftauchen, besonders dann, wenn der WiFi Zugriffspunkt ein wenig weiter entfernt steht. Normalerweise können Sie dann einfach den Line 6 Transmitter weiter weg platzieren, was Ihr Problem lösen sollte. Benutzer eines Line 6 Systems mit 12 Kanälen sollten Ihren transmitter auf "low power" stellen, was das Problem dann auch behebt. Empfohlene Kanaleinstellungen um Interferenzen zu vermeiden: Was genau heißt das Near/Far? Die Near/Far Interferenzen sind bei Funksignalen sehr verbreitet, da diese entstehen, sobald ein starkes Signal einen Empfänger sozusagen "einnimmt", was es sehr schwer macht für den Empfänger ein schwächeres Signal zu entschlüsseln. Stellen Sie sich einfach eine Konversation in einem ruhigen Raum vor. Sie sind 6 Meter von Ihrem Gesprächspartner entfernt und können sich eigentlich ohne die Lautstärke zu heben mit diesem unterhalten. Wenn Sie diese Konversation nun in eine laute Umgebung verlegen, in der viele Gespräche rund um Sie herum stattfinden, wird es sehr schwer sich zu unterhalten ohne anfangen zu müssen zu schreien. So ähnlich geschieht es mit dem Funksignel, da der Transmitter nicht die Möglichkeit hat seine Signalstärke zu erhöhen, kann es sehr gut sein, dass ein näherer transmitter dies unterbricht. In der Realität ist das Problem in den meisten Fällen schnell zu lösen. Sie sollten es vermeiden näher als 1 Meter zum Empfänger zu sein, der nicht auf Ihrem Kanal ist, wenn der Transmitter der eigentlich mit disem Empfänger verbunden sein soll sich weiter als 15 Meter von diesem befinden. Wenn das eine regelmäßige Anforderung für System sein sollten, müssen Sie wahrscheinlich Ihre Antennen verlängern. (G50, G90 XD-V70) 2,4GHz Wireless F.A.Q. Pourquoi est-ce que la jauge de batterie est plus haute si je redémarre que si j'éteins le transmetteur? Les transmetteurs sans fil 2,4GHz de Line 6 les émetteurs comportent un dispositif qui mesure la tension des piles en temps réel et transmet ces données aux jauges de batterie dans les récepteurs. Les jauges de batterie deviennent très précises si ils ont été en cours d'exécution sans interruption depuis nouvelles batteries ont été installées dans l'émetteur et si le transmetteur n'pas été éteints et allumé. Mais à cause de la naturel chimique des batteries Alcaline, si ils ont étés éteints, la tension commence à "rebondir" et la tension augmente en comparaison avec la valeur de tension pendant être éteint. Malheureusement, cela ne durera pas longtemps et il revient à la valeur vraie après plus ou moins vingt minutes. Pour cette raison, lorsque vous allumez un émetteur qui a été exécuté avant, l'appareil donnera une tension élevée qui tombe rapidement au cours des premières minutes et continue de diminuer rapidement au cours des prochaines minutes. Ce comportement est normal pour les batteries Alcalines. Est-ce que USB 3.0 crée des interférences dans la gamme de fréquences 2,4 GHz? Les câbles et périphériques USB 3.0 sont connus pour émettre des interférences de fréquence radio dans la bande 2,4 GHz, que cause une gamme et/ou performance des appareils 2.4 GHz réduite dans la proximité. (Y inclus sont les claviers ou souris sans fil, WiFi, etc.) Nous recommandons de placer le récepteur sans fil numérique au moins 2 mètres loin des appareils USB 3.0 et ses câbles. Voici un lien vers une étude réalisée par Intel au sujet de cette interférence: Pourquoi est-ce que mon WiFi ralentit si je place mon émetteur près de mon ordinateur? WiFi et les produits sans fils Line 6 partagent la même bande passante, certains utilisateurs peuvent rencontrer un ralentissement de du WiFi à cause du placement du microphone ou des émetteurs d'instruments près ordinateurs. Ceci est un exemple d'un problème d'interférence "Near/Far" (près/loin) et est renforcé parce que les appareils WiFi consommateurs ont une puissance très faible. Si le transmetteur Line 6 est très proche (moins que 2 mètres) de votre ordinateur sans fil, vous pouvez rencontrer de cette situation, surtout si votre point d'accès WiFi est un peu plus loin. Normalement, si vous déplacer le transmetteur Line 6 plus loin de votre ordinateur, sa résous le problème. Les utilisateurs des systèmes Line 6 avec 12 canaux doivent mettre les émetteurs sur la configuration "low power". Ca résous le problème également. Configurations suggérés de canaux pour éviter des interférences WiFi: Qu'est-ce que le "Near/Far"? Le problème d'interférence Near/Far est commun pour les systèmes radio et se produit, si un signal fort capture un récepteur, s'est très difficile pour le récepteur de décoder le signal plus faible. Imaginez une conversation dans une chambre tranquille avec une personne 6 mètres plus loin. Il est probable que vous pouvez avoir une conversation avec des niveaux de voix normale. Si vous passez à un environnement plus bruyant, avec beaucoup de voix autour de vous, vos oreilles il peut être très difficile pour la conversation de continuer avec votre ami de longue distance sans crier. Un cas très similaire se produit pour les radios et puisque l'émetteur de longue distance est incapable d'augmenter sa puissance, probablement émetteur un très proche interrompre. En réalité, c'est principalement un problème résoluble. Vous devez éviter d'être plus proche qu'un mètre du récepteur qui n'est pas sur votre canal si l'émetteur destiné est plus loin que 15 mètres de ce récepteur. S'il s'agit d'une condition régulière, vous aurez besoin d'éloigner vos antennes. (G50, G90 XD-V70).
  12. Deutsch Français Q: Where do I get a Relay G30 Series Wireless System for use in the US? A: The Relay G30 is available at all authorized Line 6 dealers. To locate a dealer near you, please see our Dealer Finder. Q: Does USB 3.0 create interference in the 2.4GHz frequency range? A: USB 3.0 computer cables and peripherals, including hard drives, are known to emit radio frequency interference throughout the 2.4GHz band, which results in reduced range and/or performance for any 2.4GHz device in its proximity (including wireless keyboard or mouse, WiFi, etc.). We recommend placing any digital wireless receivers at least two meters away from the USB 3.0 device and its cabling. Below is a link to a study by Intel regarding this interference. Q: Where can I purchase replacement Relay G30 transmitters (TBP06) or receivers (RXS06)? A: You can order them from any authorized dealer. Q: What are the specs on the provided Relay G30 Series power supply (DC-1G)? A: 9.6V DC, 500mA, pin center negative.? See the following link for more power supply FAQs: Power Supply, Amp Power and Battery F.A.Q. Q: Can I use a Voodoo Lab Pedal Power Plus 2 to power the Relay G30 receiver? A: Yes, but you will need to use the Voodoo lab "doubler" cable and you will need to use any two outputs of the Pedal Power Plus set to the "normal" position. See the following link for more information on the "doubler" cable available from Voodoo Lab: Voodoo Lab cables Q: What type of cable do I need between my guitar & Relay G30 (TBP06) transmitter? A: Any mono (tip-sleeve) instrument cable will work for both the instrument to the transmitter and the receiver output. We do not recommend using TRS ("stereo") instrument cables. Q: If you leave the transmitter cable plugged but turn the power off on the transmitter, does the cable still use up battery life even if the transmitter is powered off? Similar to some analog stomp boxes? A: When the power is switched off, the audio input has no bearing on battery draw, cable in or out. Q: Is the Relay G30 (TBP06) transmitter compatible with the X2 receiver (or vice versa)? A: Both systems run in completely different frequency ranges so they are not compatible with each other, but X2 and Relay units can be used on the same stage (along with any other analog wireless systems) with no problems. Q: I'm a harmonica player and would like to use the G30 with a bullet microphone (high impedance and high output). Its output peaks at approximately 3V to 4V. Will there be clipping or distortion of the output? A: No problem with either impedance or input level. The Relay transmitters (TBP06 and TBP12) will handle 6V inputs. Q: What is the output impedance of the RXS06 Receiver ? A: The output impedance of the RXS06 Receiver is 200 ohms. Q: How do I register my Relay G30 System? A: You can register on your account: Gear Registration LED States: TBP06 BATT: Blue: On Red: Low battery Purple: On channel change AUDIO: Green: Signal at input Orange: On power / channel change. RXS06 POWER: Blue: On AUDIO: Green: Signal at receiver input Transmitter Status: Top: Signal Strength Bot: Tx Battery Life F.A.Q.: G30 Wireless: Où est-ce que je peux acheter un système sans fil Relay G30 en France/Belgique? Le Relay G30 est disponible à tous les revendeurs Line 6 autorisés. Utilisez ce lien pour trouver un distributeur près de chez vous: Dealer Finder Est-ce que USB 3.0 crée des interférences dans la gamme de fréquences 2,4 GHz? Les câbles et périphériques USB 3.0 sont connus pour émettre des interférences de fréquence radio dans la bande 2,4 GHz, que cause une gamme et/ou performance des appareils 2.4 GHz réduite dans la proximité. (Y inclus sont les claviers ou souris sans fil, WiFi, etc.) Nous recommandons de placer le récepteur sans fil numérique au moins 2 mètres loin des appareils USB 3.0 et ses câbles. Voici un lien vers une étude réalisée par Intel au sujet de cette interférence: Où est-ce que je peux acheter des Relay G30 émetteurs (TBP06) ou récepteurs (RXX06) de remplacement? Vous les pouvez commander de n'importe quel distributeur autorisé. Quels sont les spécifications d'alimentation fournie avec la série Relay G30 ? (DC-1G) 9,6V DC, 500mA avec broche centrale négative. Visitez ce site pour plus d'informations concernant les alimentations: Power Supply, Amp Power and Battery F.A.Q. Est-ce que je peux utiliser un Voodoo Lab Pedal Power Plus 2 pour allumer le récepteur Relay G30? Oui mais vous devez utiliser le câble Voodoo Lab "doubler" et deux sorties du Pedal Power Plus sur la position "normal". Visitez le lien suivant pour plus d'informations sur les câbles "doubler" disponibles de Voodoo Lab: Câbles Voodoo Lab Quel type de câble est-ce que j'ai besoin pour connecter ma guitare et mon transmetteur Relay G30 (TBP06)? N'importe quel câble instrument mono (TS) fonctionnera pour la connexion de l'instrument à l'émetteur et à la sortie du récepteur. Nous ne recommandons pas l'utilisation d'un câble instrument stéréo (TRS). Si vous laissez le câble instrument branché mais éteignez le transmetteur, est-ce que le câble toujours utilise la batterie même si l'émetteur est éteint? Comme pour quelques pédales d'effets analogues? Si le transmetteur est éteint, l'entrée audio n'a pas d'incidence sur la batterie, avec ou sans câble. Est-ce que le transmetteur Relay G30 (TBP06) est compatible avec le récepteur X2 ou inversement? Les deux systèmes utilisent des gammes de fréquences complètement différentes donc ils ne sont pas compatibles MAIS les deux peuvent être utilisés dans la même scène (avec autres systèmes sans fils analogues) sans problèmes. Je suis un harmoniciste et je voudrais bien utiliser le G30 avec un micro harmonica (impédance et sorite haute). Sortie d'environ 3V à 4V. Est qu'il y aura du clipping ou de la distorsion du signal de sortie? Pas de problème ni avec l'impédance ou niveau d'entrée. Les transmetteurs Relay (TBP06 et TBP12) peuvent traiter des entrées de 6V. Quel est l'impédance de sortie du récepteur RXS06? L'impédance de sortie du récepteurs RXS06 est 200 Ohms. Comment est-ce que je peux enregistrer mon système Relay G30? Vous le pouvez enregistrer ici: Enregistrement Line 6. États LED: TBP06: BATT: Bleu: Allumé. Rouge: Batterie faible. Violet: Changement de canal. AUDIO: Vert: Signal à l'entrée. Orange: Allumé et changement de canal. RXS06: POWER: Bleu: Allumé. AUDIO: Vert: Signal à la sortie. État du transmetteur: En haut: Puissance du signal. En bas: Vie de la pile. F.A.Q. zum Relay G30 Wireless: Wo bekomme ich ein Relay G30 Wireless System in Deutschland her? Das Relay G30 ist bei allen autorisierten Line 6 Händlern erhältlich. Um einen Händler is Ihrer Nähe zu finden klicken Sie auf diesen Link: Entstehen Interferenzen durch USB 3.0 im 2,4GHz Frequenzbereich? USB 3.0 Computerkabel und –geräte sind dafür bekannt Interferenzen bei Radio Frequenzen im 2,4GHz Bereich zu erzeugen was zu verringerter Reichweite und Performance für alle 2.4GHz Geräte (inklusive kabellose Tastatur oder Maus sowie WiFi und viele andere) in der Nähe führen kann. Wir empfehlen alle digitalen Kabellosempfänger mindestens 2m von den USB 3.0 Geräten und deren Verkablung weit weg zu plazieren. Nachstehend können Sie einen Link zur Untersuchung von Intel über Interferenzen mit USB 3.0 finden: Wo kann ich Ersatztransmitter (TBP06) oder –empfänger (RXS06) kaufen? Sie können diese bei autorisierten Händlern erwerben. Was sind die technischen Daten zum Netzteil der Relay G30 Serie (DC-1G)? 9,6V Gleichstrom (DC), 500mA, negativer Zentralpol. Klicken Sie auf den folgenden Link für weitere Informationen über Netzteile zu erhalten: Power Supply, Amp Power and Battery F.A.Q. Kann ich ein Voodoo Lab Pedal Power Plus 2 benutzten um den Relay G30 Empfänger zu betreiben? Ja, aber dazu brauchen Sie ein Voodoo Lab "doubler" Kabel und Sie müssen zwei der Ausgänge des Pedal Power Plus verwenden, die auf "normal" eingestellt sind. Klicken Sie auf den folgenden Link um mehr Informationen über "doubler" Kabbel von Voodoo Labs zu erhalten: Voodoo Lab Kabel Welche Art Kabel brauche ich zwischen meiner Gitarre und dem Relay G30 Transmitter (TBP06)? Irgend ein Mono (TS) Instrumentkabel wird funktionieren für die Verbindung von Instrument zu Transmitter und zu Empfänger-Ausgang. Wir raten davon ab ein Stereo (TRS) Instrument-Kabel zu benutzen. Wenn man das Transmitterkabel stecken lässt aber den Transmitter selbst abschaltet, verbraucht das Kabel dann weiterhin Batterielaufzeit obwohl der Transmitter aus ist? So wie bei manchen analogen Effektpedalen? Wenn das Gerät abgeschaltet ist, dann hat das Kabel keine Einfluss auf die Batterielaufzeit ob das Kabel steckt oder nicht. Ist der Relay G30 Transmitter (TBP06) kompatibel mit X2 Empfängern, bzw. umgekehrt? Beide Systeme laufen in vollkommen anderen Frequenzbereichen und sind somit nicht komaptibel, Sie können Sie jedoch ohne Probleme (mit anderen analogen kabellosen Systemen) auf der selben Bühne benutzen. Ich bin ein Harmonikaspieler und würde gerne das G30 mit einem Kugelmikrofon benutzen (hohe Impedanz und Ausgang). Der Ausgang befindet sich da höchstens bei ca. 3V oder 4V. Wird dies zu Übersteuerung oder Verzerrung am Asugang führen? Nein, weder Impadanz noch Eingangspegel sind hier ein Problem. Die Relay Transmitter (TBP06 und TBP12) kommen mit Eingängen von bis zu 6V klar. Was ist die Ausgangsimpedanz des RXS06 Empfängers? Die Ausgangsimpedanz des Empfängers beträgt 200 Ohm. Wie kann ich mein Relay G30 System registrieren? Line 6 Produkte können über das Benutzerkonto auf registriert werden. LED Zustand: TBP06: BATT: Blau: An. Rot: Niedriger Batteriestand. Violet: Auf Kanalwechsel. AUDIO: Grün: Signal am Eingang. Orange: An und auf Kanalwechsel. RXS06: POWER: Blau: An. AUDIO: Grün: Signal am Empfängereingang. Transmitter-Status: Oben: Signalstärke. Unten: Batterielaufzeit.
  13. Q: I am making a replacement cable for my Line 6 wireless unit - How should I wire the cable? A: Here is the wiring from the 1/8" TRS jack to the 1/4" mono plug: Tip and Sleeve from the 1/8" jack go to the 1/4" Sleeve (ground), the Ring on the 1/8" TRS jack goes to the Tip (Hot) of the 1/4" jack. Q: Is there any way to make an external antenna for the XDS95 or is it even necessary? A: The antennae are built into the chassis of the XDS95 and perform quite well. Therefore there is no need for external antennae. Q: The belt clip seems to easily fall off my strap with the slightest jumping around. How can I avoid this? A: Thin straps are typically the culprit. Weaving your guitar strap through the clip will help to ensure a secure fit. Q: I would like to buy multiple transmitters. Where can I find them? A: Please see a list of our dealers on our authorized dealers page. Any of our dealers can order additional available accessories if they are out of stock. Q: Do you offer replacement and or extra cables? Do you also offer an angled plugged cable? A: See the following link for the replacement cable on the Line 6 webstore: Line 6 Store: X2 Replacement Cable X2 Digital Wireless Systems & componants System Comparison Chart XDS95: XDR1 + XDT1 XDS-PLUS: XDR2 + XDT4 XDR95x: XDR4 + XDT4 XDR952: Omni Lav Mic XDR953: Headset Mic XDR954: Cardiod Lav Mic XDR955: Handheld Mic XDR957: Horn Mic XDR vs XDS Mode -In XDR the Q-diversity Plus feature is active to minmize signal dropouts as well as to provide a better frequency response: 10 Hz - 20 kHz +/- .5 dB -In XDS mode the frequency response is 10hz - 12khz
  14. Q: If the Line 6 digital wireless systems can accommodate an active bass guitar, will I lose any low end? A: The Line 6 digital wireless system will work great with active and passive electronics. Line 6 digital wireless systems do not compand (compress then expand) the broadcast signal like analog systems do, so there is no loss of low end. Line 6 systems simply allow the instruments true signal (whether hot or mild) to pass through to the amp. The frequency range for Line 6 systems goes down to 10Hz, allowing for amazing lows when tuning down or using a bass with a low B string. Q: How do I connect to a “full frequency” output on my Line 6 digital wireless system? A: You can access full frequency output by connecting the receiver output cable to the first ring of the TRS output jack. Ideally, this would be done with a special cable (insert cables (a type of “Y” cable) are a great choice and have ¼ TRS on one end and two separate ¼ mono cables on the other end). This also allows you to split the signal by connecting your receiver to two different signal paths (a great way to get a “tuner out” feed or go to a separate amplifier, recording device or mixer). In a pinch, you can access the ring output by plugging a mono ¼” cable half way in though we don’t recommend this for performance applications due to the cable not being fully engaged into the jack socket. Q: Why isn’t “full frequency” the default output choice? A: A standard ¼” instrument cable gently rolls off the high frequencies around 8 KHz. This is due to the capacitance of the wire and is a scenario that most musicians have grown used to. As the criteria for Line 6 digital wireless is to simply replace the cable, we chose to mimic the performance of a direct wire connection. Since we eliminate several feet of cable (and its associated capacitance), the net result was a system that performed exactly as if a musician was plugged in with a three foot patch cord, resulting in a noticeably clearer and brighter high frequency response. In order to not turn off musicians with increased high frequency response, we added the capacitance back into the signal path so that the end result was “cable gone – sound identical”. However, we really loved the increased high frequency response. Why? 1. More clarity and articulation (the reason for new strings when we record or gig, right?) 2. Phase coherency: If you boost the highs on your amp (or FX devices) you are actually adding a complex phase shift to your signal. With the Line 6 digital wireless system, you get more clarity with complete phase coherency (no phase shifting) and this really makes a big difference. 3. No boost in hiss or noise floor: Again, when you increase the highs on your amp (or FX devices), you also get an increase in hiss and noise. With the Line 6 digital wireless system, you get all of the clarity for free, meaning that there is no increase in hiss and noise (and again, no phase shift). Full bandwidth is available full time on the XLR output (as it should). Q: Would this work with a lav or headset microphone for videographer applications? A: Technically, yes. However, the frequency response of the receiver is tailored to musical instruments (10Hz – 12 KHz in full-bandwidth mode) meaning that for microphone applications, there may not be enough high frequency content when using the portable XDR1 stompbox receiver. Additionally, to access the full-bandwidth, the operator will need to utilize an insert cable (TRS to dual ¼ mono) or custom wired cable that connects the first ring of a TRS cable to the input of the next component/camera. Q: Can my XDT1/XDT4 transmitter provide phantom power to my condenser mic? A: Only the XDT4 transmitter can provide phantom power to a condenser microphone. It provides ~9v bias voltage at the tip for use with lavaliere microphones. Q: Can I connect the XLR output of my XDR4 Receiver into a mixing board with global phantom power? A: Yes, there is a resistor to protect the XDR4 Receiver from being damaged by phantom power voltage, but it is not guaranteed. Some older mixing boards from the 70's could in theory overwhelm the device depending on just how much phantom power is supplied. Q: Can I use multiple receivers with the same transmitter? A: Yes, as long as the receivers are set to the same channel and mode that the transmitter is set to. Q: Can I use multiple transmitters with the same receiver? A: You cannot use multiple transmitters AT THE SAME TIME with the same receiver as that could cause interference with each other. You can use more than one transmitter with a receiver, but only one transmitter can be powered on at a time. - Do keep the antenna clear of obstructions as much as possible - Do keep line-of-sight for maximum range - Don’t place operating transmitters near the receivers (within 3 – 5 feet). This will potentially overload the internal RF amplifiers of the receiver units and cause limited range. Practical Operating Tips For multiple users, Do consider the best placement of receivers for optimal performance. Avoid having one performer with a bodypack transmitter “ON” stand in front of a rack of receivers. This will limit the overall operating range of the furthest performer(s). One example might be a rack of receivers at the monitor position and performers often stand right next to the rack of receivers. This can become an issue the more channels you are operating. Quite often, one of the artists is also the sound person. Rather, place the receivers at a location that allows the freedom of artist/engineer movement without having “ON” transmitters get within 3-5 feet. Operating Modes It is important to have the components operating in XDR mode for optimum performance. XDR mode is the proprietary “anti-jamming” RF mode that utilizes a dual digital broadcast. To confirm that the XDR4 rackmount receiver is in XDR mode, make certain that the “MODE” LED is glowing green. If it is not, power off the receiver and power it back on while holding the “CHANNEL DOWN” button. The XDT4 transmitter should also be in XDR mode. This can be confirmed by powering on the transmitter and watching the LED power on sequence. If all LEDs glow BLUE and then a single RED LED moves through in a LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT pattern settling into Battery/Channel mode then you are certain that this transmitter is in XDR mode. If the LEDs glow BLUE and then expand out from the center LED (BLUE then RED) before settling into Battery/Channel mode then this transmitter is in XDS mode. To change modes on the transmitter, power off the unit and power it on while holding the “CHANNEL” button. Monitor the LED sequence to confirm mode. Another simple way to confirm transmitter operating mode is to monitor the color of the LEDs when audio signal is present. If the LEDs display audio in BLUE you can be certain that the transmitter is in XDR mode. If however, the audio display is in RED then you will need to change to mode. XDR mode works incredibly well. If your systems are operating in XDS mode then you will enjoy a great enhancement of overall system performance by switching back to the XDR mode. Q: What is the maximum AC signal input voltage that the transmitter can handle? A: It will accommodate a very large signal (about 6V peak to peak) without any clipping. We have had users with active pickups using (2) 9V batteries with no problems. The dual 9V's usually allow the circuitry for the pickup to operate without degradation while the batteries discharge. It is not actually outputting 9V it is more like +-5V peak at most. Otherwise the unit would distort as the battery dies.
  15. Parts Q: My X2 cable is lost/damaged. Where can I purchase a replacement? Line 6 Store: X2 Replacement Cable Q: I lost/broke an antenna on my X2 wireless receiver. How can I get a replacement? A:The X2 series uses a 900 mhz, ½ wave-BNC antenna. These antenna can be purchased from numerous audio-video or musical instrument retailers. Q: Why is my signal occasionally cutting out? A: Please check to see that your locking cable connector is screwed in tightly to the input jack on the transmitter. If not, this can cause your unit to either not get audio at all or cause the signal to cut in and out. Please see our updated manual on this website for a detailed diagram of the proper connection process. Troubleshooting The XDR4 rackmount receiver has an “RF” LED indicator on the front panel. With all transmitters powered “OFF”, scroll through the 5 channels on the receiver while viewing the “RF” LED. If this LED remains dark, then you can conclude that there is no undesired RF at your current location. If it lights RED, then there is RF on that channel. This typically does not lead to the conclusion that you cannot operate on that channel. It does indicate that there is RF present and that the range might be limited on that channel. “Drop outs” are often the cause of a bad audio connection. This can happen when the input jack is not fastened securely or when the input cable has broken down at the connector. You can visually confirm a solid “digital link” even without an audio input by powering on only one transmitter and receiver and monitor the 4 green “RECEIVER” LEDs on the XDR4 rackmount receiver. As long as one single green LED stays lit, then you have a solid link. I would confidently say that the system is working well if all 4 LEDs stay lit no matter where you go out to at least 100’ with little or no “dancing”. When they start to consistently dance you are approaching the outer edge of the operating range. This test is best performed with two people. Q: Power is on but no signal or there is an intermittent signal with sound cutting out with the XDS95, XDR95 or XDSPlus transmitter A: How far away from each other are the transmitter and receiver? You may simply just need to return to operational range. If the issue persists, you will need to replace the XC1 cable. Q: Power is on but no signal is getting to XDR95, XDS95, or XDSPlus Receiver. A: Remember to set the receiver to the correct mode and to set both the transmitter and receiver to the same channel. If you continue to have issues, replace the XC1 cable. Q: My XDS95 receiver / transmitter shuts down shortly after powering up A: If you are using batteries, try using a new set of batteries. If you are using rechargeable batteries, try a fresh set of alkaline batteries. If these issues persist, the XDS95 needs to be serviced. Q: My transmitter suddenly started producing a distorted broken up signal A: Replacing the XC1 cable would be the first thing to try, but if that does not fix the issue, the transmitter must be serviced for repair. Q: I have a buzzing noise on all channels of my receiver. A: First, make sure that the receiver is getting the proper amount of power from a compatible power supply, especially if the power is being shared with other devices. If you have active electronics on your guitar, make sure that the batteries in the guitar are fresh and power the guitar. If not, replace the batteries. Check your guitar jack to see if it is loose or shorting out and fix the jack as needed. Lastly, please remove/turn off any sources of magnetism (such as a computer monitor) that is close to the transmitter as this could be producing the noise in the signal. Q: I can only go 25 to 30 ft with my XDS95 before it drops out? A: If there is another transmitter on and set to the same channel nearby, then you would need to change the channel on the second transmitter. If there is another source of RF between your transmitter and the receiver, then you would need to move the source of RF. As a last resort, you can open up the back of your receiver and you should see 2 thick black wires soldered onto the antennas. If these wires are not soldered properly, the receiver needs to be serviced for repair. The following is a list of symptoms in which your Digital Wireless device must be serviced for repair: Symptom: I hear a "click" every once in a while when my XDS95 system is on but I am not playing? Symptom: One of the green receiving section lights does not come on even when the XDR95 transmitter is right next to the receiver. Symptom: When I power up my unit, all the lights stay on (Red or Blue) and then I cannot turn the unit off. Symptom: My XDT1/XDT4 transmitter burns up a fresh battery in 1 hour. Symptom: My XDS95 receiver does not power up with a 9v battery but it will power up on a power cord adapter. Symptom: My X2 transmitter does not power up with a 9v battery.
  16. Q: How much battery life should I expect with my XDR95 transmitter? A: During our in-house testing of alkaline battery performance, Kirkland, Energizer and Ray-O-Vac brands showed the best results. There are various test results available online that confirm this information. You should also be aware that there are black-market knock-offs out there that look “real” but fall short of the original manufacturer’s specifications. Line 6 digital wireless products now include Energizer batteries as others have not been performing up to spec. That being said, you should expect the battery life in the XDT4 to be between 5.5 and 6.5 Hours. Digital wireless technology has its own set of power demands, but as we develop products, we keep in mind the need for power efficiency. There is a big difference between 10 hours and 5 hours, but please remember the sound quality and benefits of the Line 6 digital system when compared to analog wireless. Q: Is the battery used in the receiver of the XDS95 overridden when using the AC adaptor input? A: In the current design, the battery is not overridden. What this means, is that if you plug in a power adapter to the XDS95 while there are working batteries in the receiver, the battery life will be drained in that configuration. Just make sure to remove the batteries if you are using a power adapter with the receiver. Q: Can I use rechargeable batteries with my Line 6 digital wireless system? A: Yes, but the specs on rechargeable batteries is all over the map and changes every time a battery is charged and discharged. In order to create and offer consistency, we have designed Line 6 digital wireless products to be used with standard 9V alkaline batteries. This way, we can predict and report battery life remaining with accuracy and translate that data to the battery meters that are included on Line 6 digital wireless components. Our knowledge of how consistently rechargeable batteries will work with the Line 6 digital wireless systems is limited. The rule of thumb is: As the battery remains above 6.2 V, it will continue to function. You may want to contact the battery manufacturer for further details. Q: What power supply should I use for the XDS-95 system? A: The Line 6 DC-1/DC1-G power supply will correctly power the XDS-95 system. Q: What power supply should I use for the XDS-plus or XDR95 system? A: the Condor 500ma power supply (supplied with the unit) or Line 6 DC1-G will power either the XDR Plus or XDR95 systems. Q: Where can I find more information on the power supply requirements and purchase a replacement/spare power supply? Power Supply, Amp Power and Battery F.A.Q. Q: Will my XDR95, XDS95 and XDSPlus work with 230/240 volt power? A: Yes, as long as the power transformer converts to 9V 500mA (For XDR95 & XDSPlus) and 9V 100mA (for XDS95) it will work. Our non-U.S. distributors sell 230V to 9V 500mA transformers. Q: I have a pedal board that distributes power to all my pedals. Can my XDS95 receiver share power with devices? A: Yes. Your XDS95 receiver only requires 9V 100mA, but the device will draw only what it needs. On pedal boards that share power with multiple devices, a device may not always get all the power that it needs. If power is being shared with other devices and you start experiencing any issues, dedicate power to the XDS95 and see if the issue goes away.
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