I just installed Helix Native and try to use it inside latest Cubase (11.0.41). My Windows 10 computer has two 4k Monitors connected.
When the VSt window opens I see the Helix UI only very small, so I activate the "Allow window to be resized" function on the window. Window closes for some seconds and comes back in resized fashion. But as soon as it reappears a loud hissing sound (volume bar of channel shows -19 dB) can be heard.
This happens every time I activate or de-activate the "allow window to be resized" function. To stop the hiss, I have to remove the HelixNative plugin from the channel's insert slot and have to re-select it there again.
Is anybody aware of this issue? Is there perhaps another way to resize the plugin window for HiDPI displays (AFAIK the Cubase function "allow window to be resized" is only meant for legacy VSTs that are not aware of HiDPI)?
best regards