Hi, I have 2 problems:
I own the HX Stomp, and I am absolutely loving it, but I have a couples of issues with it.
Problem 1:
I have a Spider V 30 Watt amp and I would like to hear the sounds from the HX Stomp Box to go into my Spider V amp. I have everything hooked up, running a guitar cable from my guitar to the Stomp Box, and then I got another guitar cable going from the Stomp Box the Spider V. But when I start playing all I am hearing are the presets from the Spider V. I don’t have the Spider V software on, so is there a way I bypass the sounds of the Spider V and just hear the sounds from the Stomp? Any advice would help. Thank you.
Now Problem 2:
I have the stomp box on my desk, I don’t want to put it on the floor, so is there a way I can hook up some kind of a foot switch to it so that I switch between presets, or to switch to different snap shots? Say I was playing a song, where one part of song has a chorus drive on it, but then other part of the song I want to add overdrive and switch back and forth the Chorus and Drive? Is there a way to do this?
Thank you very much.
Regards, Angel Martinez