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New Spider Iv 75 Owner, Somewhat Overwhelmed

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Plugged in and turned on for a short while before work this morning. Had a hard time figuring out the preset end of things. I'd like to just use the amp as an amp first before I get into all the pre-programmed stuff that's included. I play mostly clean jazz. Are there any pre-programmed clean jazz settings or artists and if so how do I find them? Baffled. Any help appreciated.

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When in manual mode, you may want to disable the effects that are assigned to the amp models. You can do that by pressing the 'preset' button and navigate with <-> arrows to 'setup'. When seeing 'setup' in the scree, use the up-down arrows to go to 'AutoFX'. Use the 'preset' button (by turning it) to change it to 'Disabled'. Now you can change the amps without the effects changing with it, ideal for exploring the amp models in a 'clean state'.

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