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Ok, I have a question.... Why do you need ideascale anyway? This forum is better and the folks here are great. You could just put a sticky up for new ideas. or we could start new threads with a title that started with some key word like "feature request".


I had used ideascale before and find that it was basically a waste of time and people on there are quite anal.... (in my experience) I was on there for the pro tools and avid 11 rack, well that being said the 11 rack has no support from avid anymore and we know that now because avid laid off the whole team of guys that developed the 11 rack and the guy that wrote the code for it. it just seems that it all was falling on deaf ears (and it was). Maybe it will be different for you guys on there, guess I am a bit jaded from the whole thing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I Agree!


I don't want or need yet 'another' account somewhere. Setup a FORUM on here dedicated for it and its enough. Who is Ideascale? Do I really want to open an account with them? Sure you can login easily with Facebook or twitter etc but what if we don't use all those time-wasters? Also its a bit frustrating that I spent a lot of time thinking of things and giving you what I think is good feedback, and then I'm told, oh by the way, you should post your ideas and suggestions at ideascale because, the managers/decision-makers/higherups will actually see them then. So basically that made it seem that whatever we've emailed you guys and suggested just evaporated into thin air and went nowhere, now sorry if that's not the case and I hope it isn't but I'm just saying that's kind of how it came across. So I second the suggestion by jamin that you would consider a forum thread over here for suggestions instead of using other services/ideascale etc.


Here's a couple suggestions that would have come in handy today, a couple of these suggestions I'm sure I already made by email quite some time ago.


1. Make it so that Recording could be triggered based on Audio 'level' detection on a particular input. So when say Input #4 hits certain volume/level, meaning someone started talking through the microphone, auto-start the recording. And/or even time based, start recording 15minutes from now and stop 1hr later. (Since m20d doesn't have a clock to know time, although as I've said you can sync date/timestamp from a connected iPAD and even use it to date-timestamp folders automatically to enable easy recording, just hit Record button and it records to date-timestamp folder) I've had times where I "forgot" to hit record and also later on forgot to hit stop record so have about 30-50minutes of trailing silence in the wavs to clean.


2. The FADERS view is a GREAT addition in v1.2firmware! THANK YOU!! Previously I had complained of the anxiety in trying to deal with those circular knobs on the iPAD. Now its MUCH MUCH Better! I would further appreciate some "Limits", at least on the iPAD side, where i can set locks so that I can't "Accidently" put the MASTER VOLUME way to low and silence everything by accident during a live event which I've done before! Same thing for the inputs, so would be nice if I can set some presets for the RANGE of level/volume on each input and the Master that i will let myself be able to move within by using the sliders. That way even if accidently swipe the screen some way, it will only change audio within specific limit/range. And you should be able to enable/disable these locks easily.

In fact I would love to have a GLOBAL LOCK mode on the ipad so that I can keep the iPAD on the PERFORM and SETUP view but basically not worry about making 'changes', in other words a VIEW ONLY mode on the iPAD that lets you muck around go to different views, be able to see what's going on without worrying about accidently pressing something and messing up the live event. What would be REALLY nice is being able to PREVIEW to headphones on iPAD EFFECTS/Equalizer etc changes and then apply them. This wouldn't have to run real 'realtime', could even just record a snippet of audio, let you preview that snippet and then you can "apply" those presets etc you played with if sounds good and let the changes go out to live speakers. Yea, I know you're gonna say that's what Sound-Check time "before"-hand is for, but unfortunately many times just doesn't happen, main person may show up late etc.


3. Perhaps have a software MUTE-ALL button, I realize the Hardware button on the m20d the mute on there is not connected to software, but what I'm talking about is similar to how we can mute /silence any indiviual input while on the PERFORM mode. This is not a big deal for me but I thought might be good if who knows what happens that triggers killer feedback then you zap that emergency button, gives you a popup, sure you want to Mute All? Yes or No. (Most buttons for potentially 'dangerous' settings should have recallable preference whether to ask for confirmation or not...)


I'll be happy to move my suggestions to a dedicated forum on line6 when/if that becomes available. Thanks!

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Just to clarify. Even though several Line 6 employees frequent these pages, posting on this forum does not necessarily get reported inside Line 6.  This forum is intended for users to share and help each other and was never intended to officially communicate with the company.


If you need to officially communicate with Line 6 you should click on the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of every web page.


Ideascale is also a way to officially present product requests and suggestions to the company.  ALL ideas submitted are reviewed, cataloged and presented to the appropriate departments inside Line 6.  There is a scoreboard on that page that shows how many shared ideas have been implemented and many more will be incorporated into future products.

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Hi Arne, thanks for the affirmation on that, its reassuring. Appreciate all the time you've taken in reading my emails over quite some time. Many thanks!


Dboomer, I appreciate the explanation on ideascale, it does sound good that there's a voting method etc. I wish we could login with our Line6 username/password instead of make a new one. But if its the best way to get a request implemented I may have no choice but to join. I honestly always disliked such 'crowd-sourcing' companies though, having found them to be quite greedy and make easy money off the backs of others' hard work through hefty 'fees', many times even hidden fees.


So I would have preferred if Line6 had their own Forum where I'm sure many of us would have volunteered to take suggestions inside of a thread and break them up into a POLL of features that everyone could then VOTE on. This would accomplish exactly the SAME thing Ideascale does, wouldn't it?


Even on Ideascale I assume someone has to regurgitate our rambling/feature-requests into a more concise format that can be voted on more easily such that it would become evident which features are the most urgently requested. Who is doing that on Ideascale? (Yes I will go ahead and grudgingly register :D )


Also it would be good to know/differentiate between voting on something for a firmware update, versus something that may only be doable on StageScape II etc.

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I hope someone at Line6 has stock in Ideascale or something, otherwise I don't see why they decided on it versus setting something up yourselves. I'm not impressed with ideascale at all.


You could have easily installed open source Pligg


I just registered on Ideascale:

1. There was no place to choose a nickname, I think it takes the stuff before the @ in our email address we use and uses that as our nickname visible on the forum? They say they don't display your "email address" for privacy but when everyone uses gmail or one other, its kind of funny using everything before the @ as the nickname and then claiming protection of your email address. Good thing I used another junk email address of mine when I registered with them.


2. I didn't get prompted to choose a password and I didn't even get an email with a password, I had to use the 'forgot password' on their site and then I did get a link to 'reset' my password. I think they assumed everyone would sign in with their Facebook account or twitter and their regular registration system is iffy...

(ok so these are minor complaints.)


3. IT's just a JUNGLE out there! No moderation it seems! Duplicated or similar Ideas/Feature-requests which should be merged. Also its much more useful to let us vote in a way that shows our PRIORITIES, the way the setup is now is very disorganized and I can not show that although I voted for several features, I can not give MORE WEIGHT to particular feature compared to the others I voted on also. That's the benefit of a more customizable POLL where one can vote on a certain subset of features to be given priority over others. Anyway I will use the system for now since its there and people already started using it so would be too late to switch this late but I hope in the future Line6 would consider doing these kind of things in-house instead of outsourcing to other sites. Perhaps the marketers thought Ideascale must be something hip and happening that was going to bring them more 'buzz' just for having a presence on there, 'ala facebook.


I'll try and go over my past recommendations and vote on existing ones over there or make new entries.

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m20dev_API I have to agree. Ideascale is horrendous. I've visited it twice and given up. Hopelessly organised, hopelessly full of irrelevant similar ideas that are almost always single user ideas (ie they benefit just the one person posting the idea). As a result, the majority of good ideas just get "lost" in the noise. Users (and it's partly "our" fault) don't search for the ideas having been presented already, but to give them their dues, there's no way of adequately searching and coming up with sensible results anyway.


Far simpler would be a moderated board within this forum. Similar ideas "merged". Good ideas will generate more conversation, bad ideas will simply float off the back end.


I'd hazard a guess that almost everyone who owns this great piece of kit (the M20d) has something they would like to see as a new feature or something they feel could be improved. Ideascale just doesn't cut it for me.

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Yep that's why I strongly recommended, even many months ago over private emails with Line6 that they open up a "Developer API", I even offered to create the Android App. The other way to have done this was install a webserver inside the m20d and then anyone could access it from "ANY" device over HTML5 but this will require more work on their part for the changes.


My proposal that they release a "Developer API" is quite simple for them to do, and would allow anyone with some programming ability to create Apps on "Any" platform to communicate with the m20d/Stagescape. This way tons of the feature requests can be implemented by the community without Line6 having to lift a finger :) The reason this is simple is basically the iPAD app is simply 'talking' sending messages back and forth to the m20d/stagescape.


All you have to know is the "Alphabet" of that lingo/language that they talk with and you can talk with the StageScape m20d very easily from "any" platform, imagine making small monitor only apps for small devices/phones or even for ANDROID SMART-Watches, band member can swipe up or down to change their own volume by a little bit etc...or imagine controlling the StageScape from a Windows 7 PC or Windows 8 PC or MAC OS X or even LINUX or 'any' device.


Yes, the community can make all of this a reality, if only they had a simple "Developer Api" describing the communication protocol between the m20d and the iPAD. I've looked at 'all' of the requests posted on ideascale and the majority of them can be implemented by the community if we had a Developer Api.

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  • 1 month later...

Other companies are coming out with m20d like systems, I love my m20d there are a few things I would like to see, 1 be able to use it as an interface with more thenTwo channels at a time would be nice to record with all channels. We can do that with sd card why not computer, I think this would increase sale. 2. Newer videos on the m20d with the updates, 3 tell us exactly what foot peddles will work with this unit, I have brought m20d to the music store tried more then10 peddles and non work so hard to add effects when playing .

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As for pedals, just a simple on/off switch works fine. I had an old one around and it works perfectly for muting global FX.



Boss FS6 (set to momentary action)

Boss FS5U


Indeed ANY momentary type (unlatching) footswitch should work.


If there is a possibility that you have understood the footswitch to be an FX loop/insert, your understanding is incorrect. The footswitch jacks are for remote control of up to two functions (FX Mute, Scene, Media Player or Quick Capture) only. There is NO option for an external FX loop.



<edited to correct my own errors!>

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not sure if this is the correct place to offer idea's but here it goes! I'm a wireless fanatic! I have two of the top of the line Sennheisers for both guitar & my POD HD500X. I also happen to use a Variax for Banjo & Acoustic switching back & for to heavy distortion & the HD was the only thing to make that happen correctly! However, Line 6 has NOT yet made a wireless for the eithernet cable so the Variax guitar can be wireless as well. I've heard that one or two other people have submitted this idea as well so hopefully it'll get some attention very soon! Thanks, Bryan

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Ya know...I am very happy with my Line6 system. I still brag about it...and I USE to encourage others to purchase this system. The soul purpose of the product feedback page is for us "the users" to submit ideas that we would like to see in the next update/new products. What is the point? There have been no updates, news, products in the Stagescape system. Disappointed is an understatement. I see "under review." What does this mean to us..if nothing is implemented. The least I would expect is something from Line6 saying that...we're working on an update...give us all a little have our of the reasons I purchased the system was the fact that there would be new and exciting updates to the M20d. I've seen one..back in 2013!!! I have money to spend on LIne6 products..but the lack of updates is very discouraging to say the least. Come on Line6..or Yamaha..or whoever owns this company now...

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... and I suspect you've seen many, many threads already that debate whether or not this expectation is reasonable. Certainly there was nothing from Line 6 when you purchased the system that promised future updates. I don't know why you consider it a 'fact'; it's actually nothing more than an assumption. An arguably reasonable assumption based on Line 6 product history.... but still only an assumption. You now have an already improved product (the 2013 update) than the one you purchased.


So let the debate resume (again). My opinion is that you have already received more value than you paid for. Any disappointment you feel is of your own making.

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Silverhead..If you are going to quote so properly. I never said we were promised updates...This,as far as I am aware, is the soul purpose of a dedicated site for posting your ideas for upcoming releases. My question for Line6....not someone with the designation of Line 6 expert because you have posted nearly 12 000 times to this we get a little bit of hope that some of these ideas that are under review..will be implemented in an upcoming update...

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Like Silverhead, I also think consumers now unrealistically expect upgrades to the gear they've bought. When I buy a car, and a new variant comes out a year later, I don't expect the manufacturer to upgrade me for free! If I want the newer features, I've to pay to upgrade. So why is it that we've come to expect it for products which are essentially software driven?


I'd expect for free:

Patches, firmware updates and hardware updates which FIX something that is either dangerous or which is unreliable (manufacturing defects)


I'd be willing to pay for:

System software/firmware upgrades which extend the feature set I have at my disposal (if the upgrades are relevant to me!)


Certainly, other manufacturers have joined the fray and, their products look like they might address some of the things that aren't there on the M20 or which cause some users problems, but they've had the benefit of dissecting the M20 (no doubt), finding the shortcomings and developing matters a little further along the way. From what I've read and seen, for everything they've individually improved upon, they've cut corners elsewhere.


Whether or not updates were going to be made available and the frequency of those updates had no impact on my buying decision when I bought my system and the lack of updates will not affect my decision to stick with what I've bought for some time to come. At present, it fits my needs entirely and I've yet to experience anything negative that would change my perception. Sure, a software update would be nice if made available, particularly if it solves some of my user issues (my fat fingers!) but if and when it comes along, I'd not be averse to paying a nominal amount to get it.

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Silverhead..If you are going to quote so properly. I never said we were promised updates...This,as far as I am aware, is the soul purpose of a dedicated site for posting your ideas for upcoming releases. My question for Line6....not someone with the designation of Line 6 expert because you have posted nearly 12 000 times to this we get a little bit of hope that some of these ideas that are under review..will be implemented in an upcoming update...


dude that was uncalled for... Silverhead and the other Experts have earned that designation from Line 6 for their constant tireless support to their fellow users throughout the history of this forum.  I appreciate their help and input whether it always answers my question or not.  As far as your general statement, IdeaScale is where ideas are posted and you can clearly see when they are active or in review.  I recently had an idea I submitted moved from active to in review.  Does that mean its incorporation is imminent? Who knows but at least I know they are reading them.  We do get updates from time to time and the upcoming 2.6 incorporates ideas we have been asking for.  They are an active company exploring multiple lines of effort across a broad range of musical equipment.  Give them a break...


By the way this is a users forum, not a company forum.  We are lucky to have some factory input from a few knowledgeable folks but they are a publicly traded company and legal disclosure rules dictate how they communicate with us.  We as users however, have no restriction.  Just try to help one another with this gear instead of complaining about the company.  If you want their attention, write them a letter directly.

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I meant no offence to silverhead. Yes he is a great help on this forum..however...I was looking for a representative with Line6 to give us a little shimmer of hope. I'm not just looking for new presets..I'm looking for some issues that have been brought up with the system to be addressed. Many people have reported various glitches and I have experienced the same...freezing up..etc.


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So why is it that we've come to expect it for products which are essentially software driven?

Back when I used to write articles for Recording and Bass Player magazines (mid-late 90s), I wrote a column on just this point. I never submitted it for publication, but I'll see if I can dig it up.

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Hey Brian


Line 6 has a policy that prohibits us from commenting on unreleased products for obvious reasons. Sometimes thing get very close to happening and then they are never released.


As far as "glitches". There are no known factors. Sometimes some units develop hardware issues and those are repaired or replaced under the warranty. Sometimes problems are system problems and are cause by hookups with other gear or are caused by local power issues. I don't believe anyone has been left out in the cold. Anyone thinking they have a hardware issue should open a service ticket and get it checked out. That's the official way to get involved with Line 6. For anyone posting an issue here on the board they should expect that it will only be discussed by other users and not the factory.


As far as the difference between posting an idea here and on ideascale, when you post on ideascale every idea is catalogued and seen by the product development team. That might happen here or it may never be seen.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 months later...

Line6 support recommend I post here. I just received a SpiderJam amp and experienced difficulty with formatting the sd card using the wav,44100, mono set up. I am using a Fender g-dec3 30 amp that formats using MP3. Theirs seems to be more user friendly. Support said this jam format is somewhat old and there is no plan to change. On the forums this topic comes up and the cure seems to download a third party converter. Would it be possible by firmware update to include different formats? I do like the sound from the SJ bur simpler formatting would really improve this situation. I am probably over-simplifying this but it would seem to be a viable upgrade.

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  • 5 months later...
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  • 8 months later...

Hello Line 6 Expert Team,


Just one topic for new firmware - looping in Helix:

pls will be there possible in the future by new firmware put 2x or 3x "1 switch looper" in one patch? Helpfull for creating more track looping......

"Save" loops it´s not neccessary....:-)  ……….. Of course I understand. that there is for loop limited capacity 120 sec. (not sure, but doesn´t matter). There would be solution, that if you use second looper in patch, this capa could be only 1/2 and by third looper 1/3 etc….. Of course maximum possible loopers in one patch  - 3x or 4x ? Thats could be enough....

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  • 4 months later...

I'm still waiting to be approved by a moderator on IdeaScale. You would think that after spending $1500 on the Helix and Control, emailing support would get simple requests handled instead of having another account somewhere else. From what I see, it looks like the higher ups at Line 6 should read their own forums instead of going to some other website.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Posted an idea there, about bass pedals, please upvote there!!!


These would be amazing in the HX Stomp:


- MXR M80 Bass D.i

- Tech 21 Bass Driver Deluxe

- MXR M87 Bass compressor

- Darkglass Alpha-Omega/Alpha-Omicron

- Darkglass Duality Fuzz

- MXR Bass Envelope FIlter

- Moog Moogerfooger MF101 Lowpass FIlter

- EHX Bass Bif Muff Pi Deluxe

- DOD Meatbox or Mantic Density Hulk

- EHX BAss Microsynth

- Darkglass Supersimetry bass compressor

- DigiTech Bass Whammy

- Ashdown NM2

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
On 8/29/2020 at 2:01 PM, zelasa said:

Posted an idea there, about bass pedals, please upvote there!!!


These would be amazing in the HX Stomp:


- MXR M80 Bass D.i

- Tech 21 Bass Driver Deluxe

- MXR M87 Bass compressor

- Darkglass Alpha-Omega/Alpha-Omicron

- Darkglass Duality Fuzz

- MXR Bass Envelope FIlter

- Moog Moogerfooger MF101 Lowpass FIlter

- EHX Bass Bif Muff Pi Deluxe

- DOD Meatbox or Mantic Density Hulk

- EHX BAss Microsynth

- Darkglass Supersimetry bass compressor

- DigiTech Bass Whammy

- Ashdown NM2


On 6/24/2013 at 11:37 AM, ArneLine6 said:

Our new Product Feedback page is now active: This is where you can post ideas about our products and services, and other Line 6ers can vote on them. The ideas with the most votes rise to the top. We are really excited about this tool, so we hope you come by soon and give us some input.

Is still active?  I applied to there yesterday but am still waiting on approval from the "moderator."

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