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Replace JTV 89 tuning knob with JTV 59

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on the jtv 89 tuning knob it has default tunings that I don't use written on the knob. I would rather the jtv 59 tunings. Can I buy a 59 knob and replace the 89 knob with it?

I have retuned the default ones to open g d and e

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I took a look through the only place I've found Line 6 replacement parts:


I did not find any alt tuning knobs in there at all. I have seen their selection change -- mostly with additional parts as time has gone by.


The 59 Alt tune and model knobs are a totally different look than your 89. I've bought numerous parts from there and they are not the speediest in the world in fulfilling orders, but the do come through.


I'm guessing the Standard will have an Alt tune knob more like your 89 (style-wise), except with a chrome top. The 69 has the "top-hat" alt tune wheel. Anyway, you could keep an eye out for those knobs and they may show up in the future.


I've bought replacement model knobs for both my 59 & 69S, a 3-way switch for my 59 that I just keep on hand for spares, just in case. I also bought a pearloid faceplate for my 69S that looks great -- that was just recently. It was nearly a month before they shipped it. It really dressed up the looks of my shoreline gold 69S... The parts they have are surprising. Worth a look....



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on the jtv 89 tuning knob it has default tunings that I don't use written on the knob. I would rather the jtv 59 tunings. Can I buy a 59 knob and replace the 89 knob with it?

I have retuned the default ones to open g d and e


I feel your pain. I don't think any of the other knobs fit the 89, and I sorta wish that Line 6 had made less of an effort to force this guitar into the hands of metallistas. The good news is that we can retune the guitar however we like. The bad knews is we have to remember what goes where. What works is to tuck the tunings and the model changes into a Pod floor or rack model and then hook it up with a VDI cable. That way we really don't have to dink with the knob at all.

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yeah the reason I bough the 89 was to have a guitar that could do everything. im not a shredder but les pauls , teles and strats are not my favourites. if anything an SG suits my playing better.


good guitar though and the Floyd rose works well

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