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Sending it back :(


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see if they will cross ship you one when its available. that way you can keep the current one in the mean time?


That's what I would do as well. Obviously, you don't want to keep one with a bad scribble strip long term, but it's not necessarily something that would prevent you from using it altogether.

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Taking it back isn't the problem. Both the dealer and Line6 are willing to take it back for replacement. If I go dealer, I have to wait for them to get more in stock. If I go Line6 I have to wait for them to pick up and receive my unit before they will ship. Then another few days to ship. I'm planning on going with Line6 although I'm not pleased about not being able to cross ship. That's $100 wasted on priority shipping. Why did I want to be an early adopter again?

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sad news... hope it is just an anomaly.  Mine is due in tomorrow and I already sold the HD500 so if it has to go back I am gonna have to get back to the roots with just an amp (DT25) with reverb...   might not be a bad thing but I REALLY hope it doesn't come to that...

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Yeah but how does it sound??


And if all other functions are ok, keep it for 29 days, return it as defective. And order a new one. By then you can have some presets saved to your computer and there willl probably be a lot of retailers with more stock....



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I agree with cruisinon, but the pic problem is minor, it could be worse. I'd bet something happened during the transportation. This kinda problem would be caught during QA testing.

maybe not since it didn't happen right away. I has to be powered on for a few minutes before it will start acting that way.

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I have to hand it to Line6...they did pull through for me and shipped me a new unit in advance! Also, the dealer was kind enough to refund my shipping. Cudo's to "Chuck Levins" for awesome customer service!


Now...let's see how this next unit performs :)

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I have to hand it to Line6...they did pull through for me and shipped me a new unit in advance! Also, the dealer was kind enough to refund my shipping. Cudo's to "Chuck Levins" for awesome customer service!


Now...let's see how this next unit performs :)

You in Maryland huh? went there a lot when I lived up there also "victor litz" both had great folks there

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a real hard-on to buy one when it was announced.  The more posts I see the more I'm glad I didn't.  My DT25 is outstanding, and since I got a Bogner Blue pedal I've never been happier.  The Helix has amazing potential, if it wasn't rushed out to make Q4 profits for Yamaha.

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I had a real hard-on to buy one when it was announced. The more posts I see the more I'm glad I didn't. My DT25 is outstanding, and since I got a Bogner Blue pedal I've never been happier. The Helix has amazing potential, if it wasn't rushed out to make Q4 profits for Yamaha.

I have to disagree wth the rushed out comment. A few weeks ago people(not you.. Nothing meant personal here) were griping that it wasn't out yet. Now some of the same day it was rushed. A lot of people's biggest complaints evolve around DT support and lack of effects/amps. Line 6 said from the start that DT amps are not supported and the amps and effects list was posted eerywhere. They did not state when it if any of that would change. My personal opinion is that all of those will change but there is no pronuse. Oh were smart to hold off if those are things important to you. The major issue I see is that the Helix rollout coincides with major OS released from Windows and IOS. This is the big issue I see.

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Yeah but windows 10 hasn't dropped out of although I understand things happen and resources can be limited...Line 6 and any other company that develops for windows etc was well aware windows 10 was on the horizon...the beta software has been available for a very long time. New PCs are shipping with windows is pretty obvious it needs to be supported regardless of the timing of the Helix release...


With that said,  I do trust line 6 will have a fix in the short term...but I also understand the frustration of many users too...

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It's not affecting all installations of Windows 10. I have it installed on my laptop, and the updater and Helix app both work fine. I always think that this aspect of these devices seems to be the most challenging to test. There's so many different systems out there with so many potential conflicts. I'm not sure why it's working on some and not others right now. I'm sure they'll get it ironed out.


As far as Helix being rushed, it makes me smile. I think I first heard about over two years ago. The Expert Users were constantly asking, "when is coming out?". I'm sure that it wasn't rushed.

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Mine arrived with a bad scribble strip (see pic). All the money I paid for priority shipping is wasted as customer support says the cannot pre-ship the replacement unit. This is very disappointing.


Any other defects out there?attachicon.gif2015-10-07 11.23.42.jpeg

Glad you got that sorted out.


Mine arrived (finally!) with a semi-defective button - the amplifier button (looks like an amp head) sort of works if you press it enough, but it has no spring action like all the other buttons.  It doesn't appear to be one of the critical buttons that needs to be used, but I'm afraid it will probably stop working at some point.  I'm going to keep the unit in pristine condition but use it until more come in before sending this back for a replacement.  It's pretty impressive so far, although I have not tried to do all the stuff where people are running into bugginess.  I had pretty low expectations and am pretty impressed thus far.

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