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Helix Bug Reports


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14 hours ago, Ilya-V said:

v2.91 will fix that, and boot time should remain as fast as v2.90.


Can't think why this huge bug wasn't caught in almost 9 months of beta testing.

What, for 9 months no beta tester turned the volume knob or used the footswitches immediately after turning on the unit?

 Where are you getting 9 months from?


Anyway, sometimes bugs pop up in new builds that weren't there before.

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Updated to 2.91 my Helix Lt but i still have lag issues with the meters, it seems to be a problem with the dynamics blocks, specially compressors.


When i load a preset all works good, but if turn the knobs and place it in a dynamics block all starts going slowly,  now when i play the meters needs much more time than before, like 8 seconds sometimes, and the if i activate the tuner it happens the same here. I dont know what to do.

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I updated to 2.91 seemingly without issue. The meters started acting erratically but I didn't see the pattern. I rebooted, they worked fine.


But after a while of playing and editing on a patch, the output meters were  a couple seconds behind synch with the sound. If I don't play for a few seconds, the meters will die to nothing. If I hit a chord, they don't move until a few seconds later. I can't say whether the lag is constant, but it's at least a couple seconds. The compression meters on the LA comp were acting similarly with a big lag.


Changing presets doesn't change the problem.


On further investigation, meters on the output of Path 1 are fworking fine. It's only the meters on the output at the end of the 2nd path that were delayed. The compressor was in the B path.


I deleted most of the blocks in the 2nd path, including the delay and compressor. The output block on 2 still showed delayed, the output on 1 was still fine.


I added a compressor into Path 1. It's meters registered fine.  The meters on the output of path 2 were still lagging real time.


I rebooted the unit.  No output meters would register at all. But the meters on the compressor on path 2 were working correctly without lag.


I changed from snapshot view to signal routing view. The meters suddenly displayed, but were lagging. The meters on the compressor on path 2 were now also lagging.


I rebooted. The meters on path 2 were lagging by only about 1/2 second, as were the compressor meters. But the meters on the output of Path 1 were fine.


If there is a specific test you want me to do, let me know.



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I'm on the Helix floor, I have the same issues I had with 2.90 and posted about now that I am on 2.91, I had sticking momentary midi footswitches on 2.82 but it was otherwise usable. 

I am getting total freeze/lockup after a few minutes of use with 2.90 and 2.91, not sure what's triggering it. I'll still get sound, but everything is locked up and unresponsive, footswitches, joystick, display etc... Basically requires a shutdown and reboot to act normal for a few minutes, and since I use it with a DAW as the interface all that needs to be shutdown and restarted as well, it's almost unusable for even just practicing with the constant rebooting. I am using a great deal or midi signals to and from controllers, and to and from the Helix to a laptop DAW, including having the laptop give the Helix a master bpm via midi. So not sure if all the midi is triggering it, but it looks like plenty of others are getting lock ups as well. This hotfix came fast, but should I be submitting a support ticket?


I'm new to Helix as of 2.82, so I don't know what to expect from updates and hotfixes, or how fast and complete hotfixes are

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About Dual Amp mixer polarity issue.

When I use dual amp set up in the signal chain, there is a polarity issue with ANGEL Meteor, Archetype Lead. 

In the firmware version 2.82, there was no problem using the dual amp chain by any combinations. (I usually combine ANGEL Meteor with Cali IV Lead or Solo Lead OD)


However, upon updating to 2.90 version, I found something really strange from the sound of my existing presets, which have dual amp signal chain with the amps above mentioned.

So I checked everything, and read again everything in the release note, and do every single procedure accroding to the release note.


But nothing has been chanaged. (Now I am 2.91, but the problem is still there)


Of course, If I just change the polarity normal to inverted, they sound fine as usual. However, this kind of unexpected change should be addressed as soon as possible.


Here is the detailed information about the issue


1) Dual amp chain with ANGEL Meteor, or Archetype Lead + any amps ; the ploarity in the mixer tab should be in 'inverted' position


2) Dual amp chain with ANGEL Meteor and Archetype Lead ;  the ploarity in the mixer tab should be in 'normal' position


** In the firmware 2.82, there was no such kind of issues. 


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10 hours ago, duncann said:


As far as I can tell, it's there.

On device:

Push preset knob

Push rename snapshot encoder

Turn switch LED encoder


HX Edit:

Right click the snapshot field.




Sorry for the possible confusion, "plain" snapshot coloring is possible, but not when you use them in stomp mode via Command Center (should've said that). The option is there but the LED rings always stay red.

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With 2.91 on the HX Stomp you can no longer use the "Simple Pitch" or "Whammy Pitch" to "downtune" your guitar, because the signal of the original guitar will be added to the mix, no matter the mix value is set to 100%. I think this is a bug, because I used this feature a lot to play along tracks with Eb-tuning, while leaving my guitar at standard tuning.

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2 hours ago, Batguano said:

I'm on the Helix floor, I have the same issues I had with 2.90 and posted about now that I am on 2.91, I had sticking momentary midi footswitches on 2.82 but it was otherwise usable.


I would defenitely open a support ticket - IMO this looks as if it is related to your unit (as it already happened with 2.82) rather than the firmware.

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On 4/23/2020 at 5:55 PM, 52dmk said:

Just to add to the Tap Tempo issue;

There's also an issue with the bpm display on tap button showing the correct bpm.


In the video below, i'm connected to a helix floor with usb and running HX edit.

I tap in the tempo in HX edit (which is registered correctly and changes the bpm for fx using bpm), however this is not displayed in the tap scribble bpm until i touch the footswitch (touch, not press).


Tap video


Not sure if it helps debugging at all, or if it's a separate issue.



Sorry to say this still happens in 2.91.

Could someone else try to replicate this, please?

Go to Global Settings > Displays > Set Tempo BPM Display to Persistent

Tapped tempo bpm (on floor unit, or in HX edit) does not update the displayed bpm until you touch the tap switch (not press, just touch).

It does update FX using bpm fine now, just not the display.


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5 hours ago, Batguano said:

I'm on the Helix floor, I have the same issues I had with 2.90 and posted about now that I am on 2.91, I had sticking momentary midi footswitches on 2.82 but it was otherwise usable. 

I am getting total freeze/lockup after a few minutes of use with 2.90 and 2.91, not sure what's triggering it. I'll still get sound, but everything is locked up and unresponsive, footswitches, joystick, display etc... Basically requires a shutdown and reboot to act normal for a few minutes, and since I use it with a DAW as the interface all that needs to be shutdown and restarted as well, it's almost unusable for even just practicing with the constant rebooting. I am using a great deal or midi signals to and from controllers, and to and from the Helix to a laptop DAW, including having the laptop give the Helix a master bpm via midi. So not sure if all the midi is triggering it, but it looks like plenty of others are getting lock ups as well. This hotfix came fast, but should I be submitting a support ticket?


I'm new to Helix as of 2.82, so I don't know what to expect from updates and hotfixes, or how fast and complete hotfixes are

Have you tried performing a factory reset and restoring from backup?

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2 hours ago, willjrock said:

Not an issue. Posting for awareness.  V 2.90 I couldnt even really tell you what it means, ive simply never seen a message from Helix like this. 


nteresting mssg.PNG

The way IRs are indexed was changed in 2.90. They’re now all indexed by waveform. Meaning, it doesn’t matter what order you have them in the list. The Helix searches for the wav file when associating them with the preset. It looks like this preset is looking for IRS that have been deleted from the unit.

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Im on the HX Stomp. Footswitches 4 & 5 no longer does anything, footswitch 3 seems to be working and I can select what I want it to do, but the others are totally not responding since 2.91.
I used to have the ability to select bank preset A-C with the footswitches but that is completely gone now.

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1 hour ago, phil_m said:

The way IRs are indexed was changed in 2.90. They’re now all indexed by name. Meaning, it doesn’t matter what order you have them in the list. The Helix searches for the name of the file when associating them with the preset. It looks like this preset is looking for IRS that have been deleted from the unit.

I would say your assertion is correct. I replaced one IR with another, and that is the result.

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20 minutes ago, Erik_Ekholm said:

Im on the HX Stomp. Footswitches 4 & 5 no longer does anything, footswitch 3 seems to be working and I can select what I want it to do, but the others are totally not responding since 2.91.
I used to have the ability to select bank preset A-C with the footswitches but that is completely gone now.

Some of your Global Settings have changed. The easiest thing to do is go to File>Restore from Backup in HX Edit. That will get everything back to the way you had it.

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9 hours ago, al_lighton said:

I updated to 2.91 seemingly without issue. The meters started acting erratically but I didn't see the pattern. I rebooted, they worked fine.


But after a while of playing and editing on a patch, the output meters were  a couple seconds behind synch with the sound. If I don't play for a few seconds, the meters will die to nothing. If I hit a chord, they don't move until a few seconds later. I can't say whether the lag is constant, but it's at least a couple seconds. The compression meters on the LA comp were acting similarly with a big lag.


Changing presets doesn't change the problem.


On further investigation, meters on the output of Path 1 are fworking fine. It's only the meters on the output at the end of the 2nd path that were delayed. The compressor was in the B path.


I deleted most of the blocks in the 2nd path, including the delay and compressor. The output block on 2 still showed delayed, the output on 1 was still fine.


I added a compressor into Path 1. It's meters registered fine.  The meters on the output of path 2 were still lagging real time.


I rebooted the unit.  No output meters would register at all. But the meters on the compressor on path 2 were working correctly without lag.


I changed from snapshot view to signal routing view. The meters suddenly displayed, but were lagging. The meters on the compressor on path 2 were now also lagging.


I rebooted. The meters on path 2 were lagging by only about 1/2 second, as were the compressor meters. But the meters on the output of Path 1 were fine.


If there is a specific test you want me to do, let me know.




Practically the same that happened to me.

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1 hour ago, phil_m said:

The way IRs are indexed was changed in 2.90. They’re now all indexed by name.


This isn't true, they're indexed by waveform.

You can check that for yourself (or ask through your Line 6 channels). Load and select an IR, save patch, remove IR, rename original IR, reload it, reload the patch -> the patch will now load the renamed IR.

I think it'd be better if both waveform and name were checked (I have several IRs for testing purposes that I only rename to something more meaningful once I decide that they're keepers).


And as far as exporting and reimporting patches requiring IRs goes, there's still plenty of room for improvement as you still have to keep track of things manually. For instance, the error message that is now showing up could as well tell you which IR is required and ask you to locate it on your computer (offering a search function in addition), just the way software samplers do it. A raw error message isn't of much help.

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To clarify, after updating the firmware to the latest version and the editor, 2 of the footswitches on my HX stomp NO LONGER WORK, they simply cannot have anything assigned to them. I have tried many different configs, only one FS work, the one designated FS3, the other two do not do anything anymore. A global settings factory reset did not fix it. I dont have the option to select patches A-C with the FS anymore. Please add this to bugs needed to be fixed.

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Updated my LT to 2.91 but now the tuner doesn't work properly. It responds to my guitar but is wildly inaccurate. Has anyone else found this or it it just me?

If I use the tuner  all strings are very sharp to some extent and they seem to get sharper as the strings get higher (Low E ends up as F, A ends up as a B, D as an F etc etc. 

Is this a bug or do I just need to re-update please?


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HX FX:  Snapshots assigned to switches work as advertised, however for some reason FS4's LED appears on the mode switch.  Another user on the HXFX Users Facebook page is having the same issue.  Is there a global setting causing this somewhere, or a bug?


In the pic, Snapshot 3 located on FS4 is coded blue for reference, this happens on all presets and the only command is for the snapshot on the footswitch.


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19 hours ago, Batguano said:

I'm on the Helix floor, I have the same issues I had with 2.90 and posted about now that I am on 2.91, I had sticking momentary midi footswitches on 2.82 but it was otherwise usable. 

I am getting total freeze/lockup after a few minutes of use with 2.90 and 2.91, not sure what's triggering it. I'll still get sound, but everything is locked up and unresponsive, footswitches, joystick, display etc... Basically requires a shutdown and reboot to act normal for a few minutes, and since I use it with a DAW as the interface all that needs to be shutdown and restarted as well, it's almost unusable for even just practicing with the constant rebooting. I am using a great deal or midi signals to and from controllers, and to and from the Helix to a laptop DAW, including having the laptop give the Helix a master bpm via midi. So not sure if all the midi is triggering it, but it looks like plenty of others are getting lock ups as well. This hotfix came fast, but should I be submitting a support ticket?


I'm new to Helix as of 2.82, so I don't know what to expect from updates and hotfixes, or how fast and complete hotfixes are

Same here on LT.  Was working in HX Edit for about an hour, and somewhere along the line everything locked.   Edit could not save the patch to the unit tand the unit was completely unresponsive despite producing tone and responding to edits from HX Effects the entire time.

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On 4/24/2020 at 1:39 PM, aen1ma said:

The rochester comp seems not work under or a lower ratio than 3:1. The gain reduction meter does not show anything either at lower ratios than 3:1


Just FYI, I submitted a ticket on this as it's definitely a bug. Appears to be present in Helix Native too.

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On 4/24/2020 at 4:39 PM, aen1ma said:

The rochester comp seems not work under or a lower ratio than 3:1. The gain reduction meter does not show anything either at lower ratios than 3:1


Good catch! I tested it and concur. Might just be the meters and the compressor is still working at low ratios. The meters don't detect any compression at even the most sensitive threshold once you go below 3:1.

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21 minutes ago, HonestOpinion said:


Good catch! I tested it and concur. Might just be the meters and the compressor is still working at low ratios. The meters don't detect any compression at even the most sensitive threshold once you go below 3:1.

I did some testing with really high input levels and low threshold, where even 3:1 was making an obvious difference. As soon as you drop below that, it stops compressing entirely. Definitely not just the meters.

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23 hours ago, cehape said:

With 2.91 on the HX Stomp you can no longer use the "Simple Pitch" or "Whammy Pitch" to "downtune" your guitar, because the signal of the original guitar will be added to the mix, no matter the mix value is set to 100%. I think this is a bug, because I used this feature a lot to play along tracks with Eb-tuning, while leaving my guitar at standard tuning.

Can anyone confirm that this is an issue?

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On 4/24/2020 at 10:37 PM, al_lighton said:

I updated to 2.91 seemingly without issue. The meters started acting erratically but I didn't see the pattern. I rebooted, they worked fine.


But after a while of playing and editing on a patch, the output meters were  a couple seconds behind synch with the sound. If I don't play for a few seconds, the meters will die to nothing. If I hit a chord, they don't move until a few seconds later. I can't say whether the lag is constant, but it's at least a couple seconds. The compression meters on the LA comp were acting similarly with a big lag.


Changing presets doesn't change the problem.


On further investigation, meters on the output of Path 1 are fworking fine. It's only the meters on the output at the end of the 2nd path that were delayed. The compressor was in the B path.


I deleted most of the blocks in the 2nd path, including the delay and compressor. The output block on 2 still showed delayed, the output on 1 was still fine.


I added a compressor into Path 1. It's meters registered fine.  The meters on the output of path 2 were still lagging real time.


I rebooted the unit.  No output meters would register at all. But the meters on the compressor on path 2 were working correctly without lag.


I changed from snapshot view to signal routing view. The meters suddenly displayed, but were lagging. The meters on the compressor on path 2 were now also lagging.


I rebooted. The meters on path 2 were lagging by only about 1/2 second, as were the compressor meters. But the meters on the output of Path 1 were fine.


If there is a specific test you want me to do, let me know.




Hi, I have submitted this to Line 6 support as a bug via support ticket.

I'm seeing the same, except there's more to it:

  • I'm using a Helix Floor, firmware v2.91, HX Edit v2.90
  • The lag started after I'd been editing a patch on HX Edit and running USB in/out to Helix via my DAW. Helix had been powered on a couple hours. Not sure exactly when the lag began, or if it built up slowly or happened suddenly.
  • Once I noticed it, I tried closing HX Edit, disconnecting the USB, and changing presets. Lag was still present.
  • On DSP-heavy presets using both paths 1 and 2, the lag shows up on all the meters (input, output, compression). Lag is ~5-7 seconds between input signal and response on the meters. Lag is present on both paths.
  • If I open a blank preset, it starts out laggy, but the lag reduces to almost nothing after about 10 seconds. But as soon as you send the output of Path 1 to Path 2, then the input and output indicators on Path 2 show the same long lag. Weirdly, Path 1 still responds fairly quickly.
  • Audio isn't laggy. Sound doesn't appear to be affected; just the metering.
  • I don't know if the initiation of lag is related to the USB connection, but it definitely persisted after the USB was disconnected. Will have to test more without it connected to USB and see if it still happens.
  • After rebooting the Helix, the lag was gone.
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On 4/25/2020 at 1:10 AM, Batguano said:

I'm on the Helix floor, I have the same issues I had with 2.90 and posted about now that I am on 2.91, I had sticking momentary midi footswitches on 2.82 but it was otherwise usable. 

I am getting total freeze/lockup after a few minutes of use with 2.90 and 2.91, not sure what's triggering it. I'll still get sound, but everything is locked up and unresponsive, footswitches, joystick, display etc... Basically requires a shutdown and reboot to act normal for a few minutes, and since I use it with a DAW as the interface all that needs to be shutdown and restarted as well, it's almost unusable for even just practicing with the constant rebooting. I am using a great deal or midi signals to and from controllers, and to and from the Helix to a laptop DAW, including having the laptop give the Helix a master bpm via midi. So not sure if all the midi is triggering it, but it looks like plenty of others are getting lock ups as well. This hotfix came fast, but should I be submitting a support ticket?


I'm new to Helix as of 2.82, so I don't know what to expect from updates and hotfixes, or how fast and complete hotfixes are


I reported strange midi behavior when 2.80 first came out and sent Line 6 a Reaper project file and preset that reproduced the behavior, including crashing Helix by sending a clock signal from Repear. They acknowledged the problem, but apparently it is not fixed as of 2.91.


The problems I'm experiencing only occur when HX Edit is open and connected. So if you're using HX Edit, try without it to see if you still have problems.

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18 hours ago, boasisb said:

HX FX:  Snapshots assigned to switches work as advertised, however for some reason FS4's LED appears on the mode switch.  Another user on the HXFX Users Facebook page is having the same issue.  Is there a global setting causing this somewhere, or a bug?


In the pic, Snapshot 3 located on FS4 is coded blue for reference, this happens on all presets and the only command is for the snapshot on the footswitch.


I have the same issue on my HX FX. Also, with a snapshot assigned to FS5 it sometimes takes two taps to actually change snapshots. I assume it’s a bug. It seems to work correctly if I use FS1-FS3 for my snapshots instead of FS4-FS6.

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2.91 has not fixed the tempo-synced delay time versus tap light problem introduced with 2.90. The light and delay time bear no relation to each other in either 'Authentic', or 'Transparent' mode.


I realise that these are difficult times, so please just let me know that you're aware of it and a fix is envisaged. Thanks.

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25 minutes ago, The_Elf said:

2.91 has not fixed the tempo-synced delay time versus tap light problem introduced with 2.90. The light and delay time bear no relation to each other in either 'Authentic', or 'Transparent' mode.


I realise that these are difficult times, so please just let me know that you're aware of it and a fix is envisaged. Thanks.

This is just a thread for users to discuss and verify bugs. If you're sure they bugs and want them fixed, your best bet is to submit a support ticket to get them on Line6's radar. Also a good idea to comment or edit your post here when you do, so that people know it's been submitted and aren't flooding their support system with the same bug repeatedly.

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16 minutes ago, qwerty42 said:

This is just a thread for users to discuss and verify bugs. If you're sure they bugs and want them fixed, your best bet is to submit a support ticket to get them on Line6's radar. Also a good idea to comment or edit your post here when you do, so that people know it's been submitted and aren't flooding their support system with the same bug repeatedly.

Have done. Thanks.

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11 hours ago, The_Elf said:

2.91 has not fixed the tempo-synced delay time versus tap light problem introduced with 2.90. The light and delay time bear no relation to each other in either 'Authentic', or 'Transparent' mode.


I realise that these are difficult times, so please just let me know that you're aware of it and a fix is envisaged. Thanks.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think the led has always been out of sync with the tempo.

I believe someone said to me about a similar issue with the midi tempo receive that the led and the tempo itself work in different clocks in the Helix so they will always be desynced.

You have to trust your ears.

In my tests way before this tempo bug in 2.90 my delays and modulation were synced either with midi received tempo or tap tempo but the led never was.

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56 minutes ago, ppoceiro said:

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think the led has always been out of sync with the tempo.


Yeah, I have never seen it working in time at all (but I only bought a Helix at FW revision 2.8). That's why I simply switched it off in the global settings.

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17 minutes ago, SaschaFranck said:


Yeah, I have never seen it working in time at all (but I only bought a Helix at FW revision 2.8). That's why I simply switched it off in the global settings.


Hm, just out of interest, I crosschecked and it seemed to be fairly accurate. Thing is, for whatever (psychological?) reaons, I find it incredibly tough to play along with the flashing. Happened to me before when trying to use my smartphone metronome just in optical mode. Maybe that's also why one tends to think it's off time.

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On 4/25/2020 at 10:56 AM, cehape said:

With 2.91 on the HX Stomp you can no longer use the "Simple Pitch" or "Whammy Pitch" to "downtune" your guitar, because the signal of the original guitar will be added to the mix, no matter the mix value is set to 100%. I think this is a bug, because I used this feature a lot to play along tracks with Eb-tuning, while leaving my guitar at standard tuning.


FYI, resetting the unit with FS2+FS3 and then loading a backup of my stomp solved this problem.

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45 minutes ago, SaschaFranck said:


Hm, just out of interest, I crosschecked and it seemed to be fairly accurate. Thing is, for whatever (psychological?) reaons, I find it incredibly tough to play along with the flashing. Happened to me before when trying to use my smartphone metronome just in optical mode. Maybe that's also why one tends to think it's off time.

Don't follow the light.

For everybody that is reporting bugs with the tempo, don't base your argument on the tempo led.

As said in other posts the led and the actual tempo run on different hardware clocks and they're like a stopped clock that's right twice a day.

I don't believe this issue is something that can be fixed and I believe L6 are aware of this.

Use your ears and the reported tempo in the helix for reference and not the led for your tests.

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21 minutes ago, ppoceiro said:

Don't follow the light.

For everybody that is reporting bugs with the tempo, don't base your argument on the tempo led.

As said in other posts the led and the actual tempo run on different hardware clocks and they're like a stopped clock that's right twice a day.

I don't believe this issue is something that can be fixed and I believe L6 are aware of this.

Use your ears and the reported tempo in the helix for reference and not the led for your tests.


Well, I'm not saying it's accurate enough to use it as a metronome replacement (which won't work anyway for most people, regarless whether it's coming from a metronome app or the Helix), but it's defenitely accurate enough to give you a good start up tempo (should you need to count in based on the tempo programmed in the Helix) or information about delay taps.

I have measured things a bit and the LED is always flashing slower than the actual tempo, but at, say, 100BPM, the first 4 beats are sufficiently accurate. And as it doesn't serve any other than "informational" purposes, this is just fine in my book.

Ok, I never exactly needed it anyway, but I could imagine it to be helpful to check whether the Helix has registered my taps properly.

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