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Laptop That Works With Hd500


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Can ayone reccomend a moderately priced laptop that works with HD500? I have a Dell Latatitude with Windows 7 and an Acer with Windows 7. Neither works with the HD500 and multiple discussions and supplying info to Line 6 could not resolve the issue. I think it may have to do with the multiple USB ports. Line 6 says not to use a USB hub and as these laptops have multiple USB inputs I am thinking an internal hub could be the issue.


So as I purchasing a new laptop, I'd like to avoid any issues.


Any reccomendations apprecciated.

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Hmmmm... I have an older HP with multiple USB ports and an older Dell Inspiron with 4 USB ports (I'm using it right now, as a matter of fact) and have't had any issues. Try using a different port. I've had issues in the past with other things and simply using a different port did the trick.

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Thnax tried all the ports, reinsatalled monkey multiple times. Multiple calls with support. Monkey or HD interface does not recognize HD500 or UX2 hardware, though Windows sees it as a device.

Both work fine on my 64 bit Vista Workstation and XP workstation but I want something portable.

Really wish Line 6 would develop a tablet interface.

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Tried a Latitude E6410 today just to see. No problem at all.

Be sure to remove and reinstall the driver, not monkey.

Its most likely a driver problem(what sometimes happen if you had plugged the pod in before installing the drivers from line6). Find the pod in device manager and change driver to the one in line6 folder in program files.



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