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Timeout Waiting for Response from Device - HELP


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So I thought I updated my device with no issues. 


1. I'm on 2.0 Firmware

1. I'm on 2.01 Editor


I'm getting either a "Timeout waiting for Response from Device" Error or a "Operation failed  edit buffer offline". 


Essentially it doesn't look like my device is communicating with the Editor although the device is fine until I open the editor and then ends up "locked" on the patch that its on last when I open the editor. 


I have re-installed firmware 3 times. The third time I connected USB directly to my mac instead of the hub thinking that was the issue but that has made no change. 


I'm on a mac with latest OS installed. 


Any ideas? 

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So I thought I updated my device with no issues. 


1. I'm on 2.0 Firmware

1. I'm on 2.01 Editor


I'm getting either a "Timeout waiting for Response from Device" Error or a "Operation failed  edit buffer offline". 


Essentially it doesn't look like my device is communicating with the Editor although the device is fine until I open the editor and then ends up "locked" on the patch that its on last when I open the editor. 


I have re-installed firmware 3 times. The third time I connected USB directly to my mac instead of the hub thinking that was the issue but that has made no change. 


I'm on a mac with latest OS installed. 


Any ideas? 

My exact issue plus if you skip the editor and just start changing patches on the unit only it locks up quickly.

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Glad I'm not alone!!

Yes, I've burned up half a day trying to get this done!

It is working now but only works if I DO NOT load my saved presets and have the USB disconnected.

If I load in presets and hit one that I haven't either created or adjusted and saved,(ie anything downloaded from customtone etc.unedited and saved by me) it locks up on that patch.

I re updated and have only factory presets and it is working now. Hopefully I can find a way to get my work only into my unit.

Anybody want to buy some "only used on Sunday by a little old lady" patches?

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So I tried one last time and I think that fixed it!


1. Plugged into same usb port I used when updating the firmware prior to 2.0

2. Reinstalled Firmware 2.0

3. Afterwards restarted holding down 9/10 switch. 


That seems to have fixed it? Gonna keep testing

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So I tried one last time and I think that fixed it!


1. Plugged into same usb port I used when updating the firmware prior to 2.0

2. Reinstalled Firmware 2.0

3. Afterwards restarted holding down 9/10 switch. 


That seems to have fixed it? Gonna keep testing


If you run into the same problem again I have generally found that changing any parameter slightly and resaving prevents the preset causing the problem from ever causing a lockup again. You must change something in the preset though. Mileage may differ but I have generally found this to work. 

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Yes, I've burned up half a day trying to get this done!

It is working now but only works if I DO NOT load my saved presets and have the USB disconnected.

If I load in presets and hit one that I haven't either created or adjusted and saved,(ie anything downloaded from customtone etc.unedited and saved by me) it locks up on that patch.

I re updated and have only factory presets and it is working now. Hopefully I can find a way to get my work only into my unit.

Anybody want to buy some "only used on Sunday by a little old lady" patches?

Have you tried importing the presets one at a time to find the problematic one as you rebuild the preset each time?  I know it seems a little OCD but I have done that in the past.  On the other hand did the little old lady only drive 10 miles an hour in her 1969 GTO while formulating the patches? :rolleyes:




[EDIT: You probably already verified you have the 2.00.1 Editor?]

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Have you tried importing the presets one at a time to find the problematic one as you rebuild the preset each time? I know it seems a little OCD but I have done that in the past. On the other hand did the little old lady only drive 10 miles an hour in her 1969 GTO while formulating the patches? :rolleyes:




[EDIT: You probably already verified you have the 2.00.1 Editor?]

Thanks. I didn't do this however I did find multiple patches that cause the issue. They are all patches I didn't alter and save from my backed up patches( any custom tone, Glen Delaune, or other patches I didn't either create or alter and save before this update). It's just an interesting fact I discovered. I am going to try the idea of opening one and changing a parameter and then saving it to see if it works. I'll have to be quick to beat the Helix freeze up.

It's fine. I didn't use any of them for my shows, they just give me different ideas on patch creation or FX settings. The ones you build yourself, at least in my case, always are the best patches. In all my years of dialing in Line 6 gear, I've always used others patches as learning material but have never used any other than mine live.


The slightly used patches were only played once, show no signs of wear, and are not from Pasadena.

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I didn't use any of them for my shows, they just give me different ideas on patch creation or FX settings. The ones you build yourself, at least in my case, always are the best patches. In all my years of dialing in Line 6 gear, I've always used others patches as learning material but have never used any other than mine live.


The slightly used patches were only played once, show no signs of wear, and are not from Pasadena.


Great reply.  I also use the patches I build.  I do like using the videos for learning and i got a couple of Glenn's patches just to see what I may be missing from the videos as more of a hands on approach; I'm so used to dialing in my old Mesa gear anyway;of course it wasn't old when I bought it ... did I say that out loud? :o


I really enjoy the way the Helix lets you use gear that would cost more then this guy could afford right now.  And I did post two pictures of the patch I am having issues with on the Facebook page.  If I can get the time to see how to upload my medai here I'll post those pictures in a spereate thread.


And I was so looking forward to some Pasadena sounds ... :rolleyes:



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 If I can get the time to see how to upload my medai here I'll post those pictures in a spereate thread.


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I have attached the pics of the preset and the FS switches (not the best but hopefully capable of showing)  The Route To is relabeled Switch Amp and Smash It is a combo of two pedals and a couple of parameter changes (as are two other FS.


This is the one I was worried about importing.  Thanks God I had the individual presets exported from my two personal customized setlists.  Not a big deal since I am rather geeky anyway.


I really can't wait to setup/customize snapshots for this one.





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