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Multiple Major Issues Since Installing 2.0


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I put this in as a help desk ticket, but figured I'd post here in case anyone had any ideas...

I got the 2.0 firmware 2 days ago and had practice today. All went well until a few hours in, when a few major issues came up. At one point, I switched to a Glenn DeLaune patch and while the Helix switched to the preset, it wouldn't switch off of it (all buttons just didn't respond at all). After a restart I tried it again, and the next time it was a different preset that caused the same issue. This required me to eventually reset all presets and load a saved bundle. This resulted in the same issue after I tried switching to either of the previously mentioned presets. So, I factory reset the unit again and individually dragged critical presets from the Helix editor window to my desktop (not including the preset that was causing the problem). Next, the issue was that I would set up the Exp 2 setting for controlling wah, and this would work, but after switching to a different preset and back to the patch I had saved the Exp 2 setting for, it still wasn't working. I have now used the L6Updater 1.09 to try to reinstall 2.0. This resulted in a boot failure message. I then tried V.1.12 as a rollback and this also wouldn't install. I now have no use of my Helix unit. Does anyone have any advice on how to continue?  

Thank you,


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Hi Joe, Sounds like you need to install the new Helix Editor 2.0 and to the Total reset.That is the instructions Line 6 has laid out on the downloads page.


Before you download and install the new editor 2.0 Make sure you save any patches you can't live without using your current Helix editor because this operation will basically wipe out the Helix and you will be starting fresh. After you have backed up your patches with your current editor, install the new Helix Editor 2.0

Then perform this operation EXACTLY!!!!!!:
7. Turn off Helix. Then While holding footswitches 9 and 10 (middle two switches on the bottom row), turn on Helix.
DO NOT LET THE BUTTONS GO UNTIL YOU SEE THE MESSAGE “Will reset Globals and restore stock Presets, Setlists and IRs…†to appear and then you can let go of the switches.



You'll then re-load your saved patches back into the fresh Helix.

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Thanks for the response, Glenn!  In the last few minutes I tried to revert to V 1.012, which also wasn't successful.  When I try to hold down the buttons you said, I get this:, followed by a screen that is blank and with jibberish in the middle line.  It doesn't change after that.

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Do me a favor, unplug your Helix from your computer. Then open up the Helix Editor (without your Helix connected) and at the very top left of the editor screen you see a Help tab. Click on that and then click on "About Helix". A screen will pop up. Can you send me a screen shot of that??

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Ah Ha!! That's the problem. You're Helix Editor is 1.12. Go to the Line 6 software site and download the latest Helix Editor 2.0.



Make damn sure before you install that bugger you use your CURRENT EDITOR and save all the patches you can't live without.


Then perform the reset procedure again.


Turn off Helix. Then While holding footswitches 9 and 10 (middle two switches on the bottom row), turn on Helix.
DO NOT LET THE BUTTONS GO UNTIL YOU SEE THE MESSAGE “Will reset Globals and restore stock Presets, Setlists and IRs…†to appear and then you can let go of the switches.

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Back up all your setlists, a bundle, and yes, even your individual presets before attempting any firmware update! Presets can be backed up individually all at one time by highlighting an entire Setlist and hitting "Export".  This is worth doing in case one preset in a setlist you have backed up turns out to be a showstopper. This way you never have to worry about an entire setlist not being able to be restored because of one bad preset.


After taking backups and before you do anything else, download and install the latest version of the "Helix Editor" installer app. This will install all the latest files you need for your firmware upgrade.


Perhaps the Updater already does this, but I am beginning to think that future Updater versions should check to make sure that the latest version of the driver, editor, and Updater are on the user's PC before allowing access to the latest firmware. It seems overall like there are a few major causes of issues people tend to have when they attempt to update, the primary ones I have observed are: 

  1. The PC or USB connections being used for the update either have driver conflicts or connectivity issues with the Helix.  Best solution in this case is often to use a different USB port, preferably the one on the back of the PC or use a different PC for the update entirely.
  2. The PC loses connectivity while attempting to download the firmware.  Best solution is to download the firmware file first and access it from your local machine through the Updater rather than having the Updater retrieve it from the net.
  3. People run the wrong version of the "Helix Editor" installer app before they try to update to the latest firmware version. Solution, Make sure you download the latest version of the "Helix Editor" and run it before you do anything else (currently this is the 2.0 version of the "Helix Editor", please check for the latest version as of your reading of this post). The "Helix Editor" will install all the latest drivers, latest version of the Updater and ensure you the most trouble-free path to a firmware upgrade. Again, it would be ideal if Line6 could force future versions of the Updater to check for the latest required files before allowing a firmware upgrade higher than the installed software.
  4. Failure to run the recommended global reset option after the firmware upgrade, for example, hold down footswitch 9&10 while rebooting. Make sure you do this before restoring your backed up presets. It is probably a good idea to restart the Helix after restoring your old presets as well before you start editing them. It will save you a lot of headaches.
  5. It seems sometimes there is a problem with some presets, usually user created or modified presets from a previous firmware version that can cause the Helix to lockup, with or without the USB attached to the Editor. If you are able to get into the preset for long enough to change any parameter even minimally and then save the preset again, often this will eliminate the lockup caused by the preset. Try to modify the preset without the USB or Editor connected. If you still can't get into the Helix before it locks up on that preset you can run the footswitches 11 & 12 reset procedure. This will delete the current preset the Helix is stuck on (make sure you have a backup of the preset first if you want to retain it).


Lastly, do not abandon hope if your Helix appears to brick or the firmware update fails in some way. Most people who have found their Helix "bricked" from a new firmware update have been able to roll back to an earlier version of the firmware, sometimes a very early version, rerun the global update procedure and eventually get themselves back to the latest firmware release.  There are several great posts from people who have found the right procedure to recover from a failed update and if you can't locate the correct procedure in the forum ask for help and someone can most likely get you up and running again.  There is also always Line6 customer support. Good luck with your next update and fear not, they are well worth the effort and usually run smoothly (or I have just gotten lucky).

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After taking backups and before you do anything else, download and install the latest version of the "Helix Editor" installer app. This will install all the latest files you need for your firmware upgrade.




I'll go a step further.  Before downloading the latest editor, uninstall your current Helix editor/installer.  

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Thanks for your help, guys. I really appreciate it. So, after continually trying to install different versions of the firmware, and older one worked eventually and then I was able to successfully install 2.0. however, when I import a bundle or even try to drag and drop presets in to the editor (I now have the latest version), it does nothing but change the patch name. The patch itself won't update. Any ideas on that one?

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I know for sure there's a justified RTFM response, but surely the most logical way to code updates that have prerequisites of very specific revisions of an updater and\or editor would be to not allow the process to proceed unless you have all requirements in place. So, try to do the 2.0 update with Editor 1.12 the process just stops immediately with an intutitive message about the version needed before proceeding. I'm just saying.   

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I had all of the same issues you are having.  I uninstalled the editor, installed the latest version, rebooted my computer, connected the Helix, updated to 2.0, disconnected the Helix, did the 9&10 button restart.  It seems to have solved the problem.  I think it was disconnecting the USB when restarting that solved the problem, for whatever reason.

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So glad I found this thread. I updated to 2.0 but then had presets that locked up Helix.

I was sure I had installed the 2.0 App. But when I checked my version, it was 1.2. Must have downloaded, but not installed

Thanks to Glenn for troubleshooting for all of us!

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So glad I found this thread. I updated to 2.0 but then had a presets that locked up Helix.

I was sure I had installed the 2.0 App. But when I checked my version, it was 1.2. Must have downloaded, but not installed

Thanks to Glenn for troubleshooting for all of us!

You're welcome. I've been sending that same message to lots of folks the last few days. Happy to report all it was is that the Helix editor needed to be updated. The Firmware update goes so deep that the current editor just doesn't have the same functions that the new one does. It's amazing how much stuff Line 6 added here.

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