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Metronome for Helix (Patch included)


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Hi everyone.


I was working through a few tough passages and didn't have a metronome handy so I made one for Helix and I thought I'd share in case any of you can benefit. The patch is really self explanatory.


"Metronome" turns the click on and off.

"8ths" subdivides the beat into 8th notes so you don't have to tap like mad men/women if you need a faster click. (It also slightly shifts the duty cycle to make the click slightly less unpleasant.)


"EXP 2" Controls click level, dial it in at will. For funsies, play along with the click, then kill it for a few bars and then swell it back in to see if you managed to stay on course!


Set the tempo via TAP, or as you probably already know, touching the tap button will allow you to enter the tempo window and use a rotary encoder for more precision.


Once you download the file, make sure to change the file extension to .hlx and import using your editor.



Do say thanks if you like it our use it or drop in with any comments!


Enjoy the weekend,



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Hi, great idea, i wonder how you managed this


But wich file to dowload? Perhaps i'm blind but i can't see one :(

Ah, good point. Not sure where the file went first time around. It's there now!


The patch is really simple, in short a tone generator into a tremolo set to a square wave.

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That seems to be a good idea!  But when I import the renamed file (metromone.hlx) it appears with the name "Paul Strat"  and has a clean sound and several effectblocks, but nothing to do with a metronome... very strange!  Any idea what went wrong ?


Regards, Ralph

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  • 4 years later...
On 8/13/2017 at 1:36 PM, rbum said:

That seems to be a good idea!  But when I import the renamed file (metromone.hlx) it appears with the name "Paul Strat"  and has a clean sound and several effectblocks, but nothing to do with a metronome... very strange!  Any idea what went wrong ?


Regards, Ralph

I have the same (

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