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Can somebody help me out with how the switching works?


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Please forgive my ignorance here...


As I understand it, I have set up an amp with effects in the Edit program on my PC - for example, Phase, Chorus, Wah on EXP1 and Vol on EXP2.

It is saved so that the Volume is on, Wah off and all other effects off but assigned to buttons.

If I use the patch live and turn the Wah on and the effects, do I need to then turn them off before going to another patch in order to make sure they aren't on when I go back to the original patch?

Or if I turn them on, then switch patches and go back will it be reset to the default I set up in the Edit program?

Is there a way to switch between these two methods of using the patches?

I hope this makes sense!



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1. You can set the patches up without the edit program using the screen, although the using the edit program is a lot easier to use to setup.

2. The FX setting on the patch are saved in whatever "on/off" state you save them in. They don't have to be off. For example I almost always use a reverb effect and leave it on all the time and don't even map it to a button. I want it on all the time, every time.

3. The patch returns to whatever state it was when saved. So you push some buttons turn stuff on/off etc... might even spin a knob for more bass etc... When you leave that patch and go to another with whatever settings. When I come back to that patch, it goes back to the state it was when saved, not where it was when changed it. Note, this is when using the device on stage. When using it in PC Edit, it will stay where you last left it as long as you don't close edit and don't shut down the device. You can tell in edit by seeing it in "italic" or * by it that it was changed and not saved yet.


The easy way to learn is just setup some basic patches with something like distortion effect on or off so it's obvious and then play with it bit using the Edit software, and using it unhooked from the PC. Also play around with changing to different patch banks etc... and back so you get a feel for what it does in all scenarios, then you find you answer and might be some situations I 'm not aware off that it holds the changes for bit. 

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You set your patches. Any on/off are considered changes/edits and will not be stored unless saved. 


*worth mentioning - if you make changes (on purpose or accident) you can reset the patch simply by clicking on the patch. no need to leave and come back. just click, as example, 8 and 8 will come back. 

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  • 2 months later...

  Yep, been doing that, but annoying when you start editing...then you have to choose a place to store it, not knowing if the patch you are about to over write is worth keeping too!

Wow, ok so no A/B ?

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I have a back up of my pod as bundles and individual presets (of my main patches). You never know if the pod will die or I might save summint in the wrong place... And then I can play with patches knowing I have a copy.


To be fair I have 2 banks for gigging, one direct and one dual path, and I don’t generally play with those. If I tweak anything I save it to one of the other banks.

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Cool, yeah looks like I’ll also only use about two banks.. 


the only bummer for for me is I don’t know if I can do back ups, since the USB won’t speak to my MacBook Pro through the  “Edit app”... strangely it will communicate some things through Monkey.... beats me.. I’ve tried everything...and it’s a brand new unit.  

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