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HX Effects Corrupt Patch or RAM?


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Has anyone had problems with a random custom patch not working properly? I made a fairly simple patch that has a Split Y into two paths, and each path has a separate Send/Return loop. The paths are joined via a Mixer at the end. Both paths are mono in and out, with hard pans L and R. I've used this patch format numerous times successfully, but yesterday one of the patches stopped working: the Send/Return 2 was not sending (or returning?) audio. I had an identical backup patch that I could switch to that was working. I even tried copying and pasting the Split Y, Mixer, and Send/Return blocks from the good patch onto the bad, and it still didn't work. Finally, I created the patch from scratch in a new preset slot, and it worked just fine. So, the one patch is simply bad, while all parameters and settings appear normal and good.


So my question is, has anyone else run into an odd patch now and then on the HX Effects that didn't work properly? Or could there be a problem with bad/corrupt RAM for the presets? I ran into this once before right after I bought the unit and thought it was user error, but now I think there is some sort of corruption going on (and don't mean in the government).


Update 9/22: Was working on setlist for gig, and started running into erratic behavior on some other patches. I use HX Edit to edit my patches (Version 2.6, with 2.6 firmware). This seems relevant, because later, I started getting an error from HX Edit "Failed to load preset. Timeout waiting for a response from device". Now the error persists and HX Edit is not communicating properly, despite reboots of HX Edit, HX Effects unit, and computer. I've tried different cables, as well as simplifying anything connected to the HXFX. I also reinstalled HX Edit. Other USB devices are communication with my PC. The other patch problems could be explained by USB communication errors (?), especially when writing info to the unit via HX Effects.


I'll continue to troubleshoot and update, but at this point I'm not sure I'll be taking this to my gig tonight.

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It is obvious that you know how to troubleshoot! I love it when people know what they are doing and can explain things in great detail rather than "it doesn't work" :) 


Based on what you are saying, it sounds like something is failing in the HX Edit, or the patch that is causing grief is causing more grief than you think. 

  • Have you eliminated that patch altogether to see if HX Edit can load everything else? 
  • Do you have a recent backup of your patches? If so... I'd try full reset of the HX then reload your backups to see if that works. 

I'm following this thread... 

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It seems to be the unit. Aaargh! I reinstalled the firmware. All works good for awhile, but quickly the foot switches lock up and won't respond. Bummed because I have to get other stuff ready now for gig tonight. I'll open a ticket Monday. This unit seems FUBAR.


I experienced this right after I got the HXFX, but after a firmware reinstall the problem never reappeared but it's ba-a-a-a-a--ack!

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Sorry to hear that... yes, it does sound like the unit itself. 


I've got one of the "noisy" units but have been working around that while our Canadian distributor got a new shipment. I was just informed that I'll get my new HX next week... I hope I don't end up trading one problem of another "potentially worse" problem. Mine has been rock solid other than the known "noise" issue with the loops. 

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is identical to the problem I'm having. I've done the "reset" reboot and the buttons are working now. I'll load patches one by one, but running out of time. Three hours until gig and I have to pack, shower, eat, and feed the dog! Stress.


Update: made it to the gig and the dog was fed. I reloaded my last backup and, at the gig, only used older patches out of fear of the unit freezing up.


I've added my concerns to the thread linked above:

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